Several people sat down, Bryce is to go to the kitchen to prepare to go, by the manager of their store personally hosted He Feng and others.

"Sister Xueqing, you are a girl. Please order some food."

He Feng handed the menu to Xi Xueqing, "everything here is very delicious. Anyway, we have a lot of people. We can order more things and try more at that time. And the drinks, too. "

"Well, I won't be polite to you."

Xi Xueqing is not hypocritical. She keeps checking the menu. Even if she has a few thousand items, she doesn't blink.

He Feng doesn't care. Now what Feng brother lacks is big money, not small money. Even if he spends tens of millions on a meal, it's small money.

After placing the order, the manager quickly took the menu to print, and then sent it to the kitchen, while he was at the table to follow orders.

This scene, of course, attracted the attention of other customers around, staring at He Feng curiously.

"The business here is very good, and the flow of people is huge. It seems that the profit of Yinlong shopping mall is terrible every year. No wonder song's group can become a leading enterprise in Jiangbin city."

Xi Zhenxing sat opposite He Feng. He glanced around and exclaimed.

He Feng sneered, "the hidden dragon mall makes a lot of money every year, but it's not very terrible. Because the daily sales of such top restaurants as pust are invisible in Yinlong shopping mall, and they won't be given much money. "

Xi Zhenxing nodded, "it seems that in order to attract these brands to enter Yinlong shopping mall, song Shiqun also made a big concession."

He Feng sneered: "that's not true. After all, there is a rice family behind him, and his energy is limited. If the hidden dragon shopping mall falls to the cloud city group, the situation will certainly be different. "

"Ha ha, it seems that brother he is a little greedy for the hidden dragon mall."

Xi Zhenxing soon understood what he Feng meant.

He Feng said with a smile: "of course, who makes me so poor? Although song Shiqun of Yinlong shopping mall can't make much money, how can he have a few billion? But if it's run by me, it can at least double or even double. By then, my economic situation will certainly improve a lot. "

However, Xi Zhenxing shook his head with a smile. "Mr. He, you are wrong. Although Yinlong shopping mall makes money, the profits of the stores in this shopping mall are quite limited."

"What does elder brother Xi mean by that?" When he Feng heard Xi Zhenxing's words, he immediately became interested, "come on, tell brother Feng, do you have any quick way to make money? I'm going to be poor and crazy now. "

At this time, Bryce came over with two plates, put them down and said, "Mr. He, are you short of money now? It happens that I still have billions on my card. Shall I transfer them to you first? If it's not enough, I'll sell some more stocks, and I'll soon be able to raise 10 billion yuan. "


Seeing that Bryce is so ready to send money to He Feng, and the money is tens of billions, Xi Zhenxing and Xi Xueqing can't help but open their mouths.

Nima, it's 10 billion. It's not a hundred dollars. It's not a million dollars.

Just take it as a gift?

"Bryce, have you forgotten what I told you before? To keep a low profile, do you know what a low profile is? "

He Feng glared at Bryce and said, "besides, no matter how poor I am, I don't need to ask you to borrow it. Hurry to get your food. I'm starving."

"Well, I'll go and cook first."

Bryce was rather disappointed. "But Mr. He, if you take my 10 billion yuan, it's not for you. It's for you. You don't have to. It's my pleasure that you can use my money. "

With that, Bryce did not wait for Hefeng to reply, but turned and walked toward the kitchen.


He Feng opens his mouth and wants to stop Bryce.

Since the money was not to be paid back, he was ready to discuss with Bryce again and give him a chance to be gallant.

But I didn't expect this guy to leave so fast

"Hum, he said that he would take money to fenggehua, but he ran so fast on his feet. It's hypocritical!" He Feng looked at Bryce's back, full of deep disdain, no wonder his cooking skills can't surpass himself, personality problem.


Bryce just walked into the kitchen and sneezed hard, which made him wonder, "how could he sneeze suddenly for no reason? Is someone scolding me? Well, Mr. He must be scolding me for being too slow to cook. I have to speed up. "


Here, shortly after Bryce left, Xi Xueqing couldn't help asking, "He Feng, what's the relationship between Bryce and you? I'm willing to give you 10 billion yuan? "

"Ha ha, I met him by chance when I was in Bali, and then I gave him some advice on his cooking skills, and he began to worship me."

He Feng explained casually.

"You tell him how to cook?"

Xi Xueqing widened her eyes, "isn't it bragging again? Bryce is one of the top chefs in the world. How can you tell us how to cook? In terms of culinary skills, I'm afraid you don't even have the qualification to carry shoes for him? "

Obviously, she didn't believe he Feng's words at all, just like he Feng when he just said he was a mythical strong man.

Now the men in this society, as soon as they get home from work, lie down on the sofa and pick up their mobile phones to eat chicken, not to mention cooking and cooking. Even asking them to help wash the dishes is like calling ancestors. Don't even think about it. Almost all the men with cooking skills stay in restaurants.

How can he Feng, a man who has to practice all day long, go to work and spend time with so many wives, have time to practice cooking?

I don't believe it even if I kill her!

"Xueqing, brother Xiaofeng didn't boast this time. His cooking skill is really the top level in the world. I'm afraid even Bryce is not his rival in cooking."

After Ling Weiyu, song Yan immediately has two more bodyguards around him, two bodyguards who have the later cultivation of dark strength. Song Yan only needs to pay the two men a billion yuan a year. This business is quite cost-effective. After all, the bodyguards in the later period of dark strength can't be hired with money.

After several days of decadence, song Yan finally went out and planned to come to Yinlong shopping mall for a drink. After all, the food here is really the best in the world.

And it would be better if we could get another beauty.

But don't want to, just entered the hidden dragon shopping mall, met a pretty beauty, no worse than Zhang Ziyan, just a little worse than Wang Xiangyun, but also let song Yan very satisfied.


Xi Xueqing sees that song Yan wants to help herself, and immediately nods and agrees. After all, song Yan doesn't seem to be an ordinary person. Maybe she can really help herself to get rid of the three people as soon as possible.

Song Yan's eyes, this just looked at Jiang Tong, "you a few, is oneself roll, or I help you roll?"

Jiang Tong suddenly became angry, "boy, what do you say?"


His response was a heavy slap.

"Paralyzed, dare to hit our brother, you..." the other two people see this, will attack song Yan.

"Want to die?"

A middle-aged man behind song Yan came out and stood in front of him. His voice was cold, but the terrible power from his body made the two people feel stunned and speechless.

At this moment, they have a feeling of facing fierce tigers in the mountains, and their hearts are full of inexplicable fear.

"Well? This man is an ancient warrior? What's more, his strength seems to be much stronger than mine. It's estimated that even in the dark, he can be regarded as the best. "

Xi Xueqing looks at the middle-aged man in surprise, and then her eyes fall on Song Yan.

When song Yan shot just now, she didn't feel any fluctuation of inner strength, so song Yan should not be an ancient warrior.

I'm not an ancient warrior, but I have two dark power masters as my subordinates. This identity is definitely not simple.

"Go away!"

Song Yan stares at Jiang Tong and other humanitarians.


Jiang Tong didn't dare to say a word of nonsense any more. He ran away with his two partners and even didn't dare to find Xi Xueqing's trouble.

"Beauty, didn't they scare you just now?"

Song Yan looks at Xi Xueqing and asks, with a concerned look on his face.


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