"Thank you. I'm not scared. By the way, my name is Xi Xueqing. What's your name, please? " Asked Xi Xueqing.

"Xi Xueqing? It's a nice name. My name is song Yan. " Song Yan said with a smile: "did you have dinner? If not, why don't you join us? "

At the same time, he looked up and down at Xi Xueqing's figure. He was very satisfied. "It's not bad. The beauty is not only good-looking, but also very sexy. It's not worse than Ziyan at all. If I can find such a beautiful woman to serve me, will Ziyan be very happy? "

"Sorry, I have friends with me. They are waiting for me."

Xi Xueqing said apologetically.

I do not know why, song Yan looked at her eyes, let her feel a little uncomfortable.

Originally, she was going to ask song Yan for a business card and invite him to dinner alone tomorrow. But now Song Yan's eyes let her cancel the idea.

"With friends? All right, go to your friends first

Xue Qing, a trainee of song Yan, doesn't even leave a contact information. She's very upset, but on the surface, she's still as light as a cloud. She doesn't seem to mind.

"OK, goodbye!"

Xi Xueqing nodded and went straight to the direction of the post restaurant, but the speed was not fast.

However, after walking for a short time, Xi Xueqing's steps stopped. Then she turned around and looked at Song Yan, who was not far behind her. "Sir, please follow me. Is there anything else you want to do?"

"It's OK. I just want to go to a restaurant in front of me. It's just the same way." Song Yan shrugged, a face of innocent way.

However, as a woman, Xi Xueqing is much more careful. In addition, she is an ancient warrior at the peak of Mingjin, and her perception is even stronger. It's easy to realize that song Yan has a bad intention to follow her.

"The same way? Go ahead, sir, and I'll make a call

Xi Xueqing took out her mobile phone and stood on the side pretending to make a phone call.

Seeing this, song Yan frowned.

He no longer hide, said with a smile: "beauty, in fact, I follow you, there is no other meaning, just want to invite you to have dinner together. I know you certainly don't have any friends with you. You don't have to lie to me any more. "

"I'm sorry, I don't want to eat with you, no matter whether I have friends with me or not. If you think that you have helped me, my thanks are not enough... "

When Xi Xueqing said this, she thought of He Feng, who usually likes choking. She said, "I can say thank you again."

"Beauty, are you kidding me? Or do you think I'm an idiot? "

Song Yan's face suddenly some gloomy come down.

"I didn't treat you as an idiot, just want to tell you, don't disturb me any more. Otherwise, you will regret it. " Xi Xueqing impatient way, she does not want to delay time.

"I regret it?"

Song Yan's face became more and more ugly. He squinted and said, "beauty, do you know what I hate most now is being threatened, but you still threaten me?! Regret? Oh, I'll see who will regret it tonight. "

Voice down, song Yan has strided forward, hand to grasp the Xi Xueqing.


However, his hand just stretched out to half empty, a clear slap sound, rang up, and then song Yan was pulled over on the ground, with a bright red slap on his face.


After smoking song Yan, Xi Xueqing, without saying a word, turns around and runs to the post restaurant.

More than 100 meters ahead, we will arrive at the post restaurant. As long as we return to her father Xi Zhenxing, we will be safe.

She is very clear, now her father Xi Zhenxing, has broken through to the level of strength, and become a real master. It's more than enough to deal with song Yan's two bodyguards.


However, she just ran out a few steps, a strong figure, flashed in front of her, like a mountain, blocking her way.

"Liu Ke, take her away for me!"

Song Yan stood up and half of his face was swollen. He pointed to Xi Xueqing angrily and yelled: "dare to smoke me, I'm going to kill her tonight."

There was a lot of movement here. Many people around looked at him, but song Yan didn't care. Anyway, if the security guard came to stop him, he would show his identity, and the security guard would help him.

"Come with us, miss."

The middle-aged man named Liu Ke grabs Xi Xueqing's arm. He is so fast that he doesn't give Xi Xueqing any chance to react.

Moreover, a strong force diffused from his body and locked Xi Xueqing's arm. No matter how hard Xi Xueqing tried, she couldn't break free.

Just when Xi Xueqing started, Liu Ke found that Xi Xueqing was not an ordinary person, but an ancient warrior with the peak of Mingjin, so naturally she would not underestimate Xi Xueqing.

"It turned out to be the later stage of dark strength!"

Feeling the strong fluctuation of the other party's inner strength, Xi Xueqing was quite shocked. She even gave up her resistance and screamed loudly, "help

Women's screams, decibels, are always quite shocking.

Even Liu Ke, who was a famous and powerful ancient warrior in the later period, was shocked and almost subconsciously mobilized his inner strength to fight back.

And this scream, almost instantly transmitted, reverberated in many parts of the mall.

For a moment, the eyes of hundreds of Tao gathered here.

"Damn it

Liu Ke's face suddenly changed. Without hesitation, he cut Xi Xueqing's neck with a knife and knocked him unconscious.

"Let's go. Don't be filmed and send news."

Song Yan frowned and was not happy, but he was not nervous or afraid at all.

Another bodyguard named Huang Fei immediately opened the way ahead and ran to the elevator entrance

Of course, it's not the elevator, but the stairs next to the elevator.

At the same time, post restaurant.


Women's screams resounded in many parts of the shopping mall, and also came into the post restaurant.

"Why, someone called for help?"

"No, why does it sound familiar?"

"It's Xueqing. It's Xueqing's voice. Something happened to Xueqing."

Xi Zhenxing's face has changed a little

"Forget it, let it go!"

Song Yan naturally took this into consideration, but now he didn't want to make more enemies, so he had to let people go.

Liu Ke nodded, went forward and handed Xi Xueqing over to Xi Zhenxing.

Xi Zhenxing carefully took over Xi Xueqing, carefully checked the situation of Xi Xueqing, found that the latter's pulse is stable, there is no sign of injury, just ordinary syncope in the past, this is completely relieved.

"Miss Ji, please take care of it for a while."

Xi Zhenxing looks at Ji Xinyu, who has already kept up.

"All right!"

Ji Xinyu and others quickly step forward and help Xi Xueqing.

At the moment, there are many people around to watch the excitement, and everyone's eyes are looking towards song Yan.

They can see that it must have something to do with song Yan.

"Eh, I almost didn't recognize that man. Isn't that song Yan, one of the four young masters in Jiangbin, the young master of the song group?"

"Song Yan, one of the four young masters? Damn it. That's true. What's the special situation? "

"Young master song Yan is not being stopped for robbing people's daughter? God, that's big news. "

"However, those people don't seem to be easy to get into trouble, and I don't know if they will trouble master song."

"Why bother with master song? Are you kidding? This is Yinlong shopping mall, the enterprise of song's group, which is the site of master song. Are they tired of living? "

Many people began to talk about it. Some people looked at Song Yan with disdain. They didn't expect that song Yan, one of the four great CHILDES in the hall, would do such shameful things.

It's a pity that no one dares to blame song Yan.

Even, no one is optimistic about the loss of Xi Xueqing and his family and friends, that they can not fight song Yan.

"Hum, a flock of flies!"

Song Yan's eyes swept around his eyes. A touch of boredom passed in his eyes. He turned around and walked towards the stairway, ready to leave directly.

"Did I let you go?"

However, as soon as he turned around, a cold voice rang in his ear, "bullying my daughter, just want to leave? Are you thinking too well? "

Song Yan heard words, and stopped.

Now there are so many people around watching the excitement, and many of them recognize his identity. If he really leaves like this, he will lose face.


"Who said I bullied your daughter? I said, "are you sick?"

Song Yan looked at Xi Zhenxing like an idiot and said, "I tell you, it was just your daughter who was bullied by some hooligans. She was so scared that she called for help. When I heard this, I said," no! Stop it

"Stop it! We are wrong! "

Liu Ke and Huang Fei cried out for mercy.

"It's late!"

Xi Zhenxing's face was cold, and his two palms were heavily patted out and fell on the two people's abdomen.

"Pooh! Poof

Two dull voices came out.

Then, Liu Ke and Huang Fei's inner strength fluctuated at the top of their dark strength and fell directly to the bottom.

"Bang bang!"

After the abolition of their Dantian, Xi Zhenxing was still a little uneasy. He clapped his hand on their chest and flew them out. A series of broken ribs started to ring.

"Plop! Plop... "

When they fell to the ground, they had already fainted. There were bloodstains on the corners of their mouths, and their faces were extremely pale. It was obvious that they were seriously injured. Even if they didn't die, they would never wake up in a short time.

Killing two people is not a big deal for Xi Zhenxing. With the energy of Guiyi medicine hall, it's easy to deal with it.

"Next, it's your turn."

Xi Zhenxing's eyes fall on Song Yan.

Song Yan is the culprit.

"Brother Xi, let's get out of here first, so that no one can take videos and send them to friends."

He Feng glanced around, he has seen a few people out of the mobile phone, is ready to take a video.

But as he Feng's eyes swept away, those people nervously put away their mobile phones for fear of causing trouble.

"Leave first? What about him? " Xi Zhenxing reluctantly looks at Song Yan.

"Hey... Take it back, of course, and play with him slowly." He Feng grins, then goes forward, claps his hand on Song Yan's neck.

Song Yangen couldn't make any response before he was knocked unconscious.

"Brother Xi, let's go first."

He Feng as if carrying chicken like carrying song Yan, stride into the stairs.

Ji Xinyu holding Xi Xueqing, a group of people quickly followed after he Feng.

Watching them leave, the onlookers around them immediately began to boil.

"My God, what just happened? Did they fight? Why is the speed so fast? I can't see clearly at all! "

"It's so powerful, just like the martial arts experts in martial arts movies."

"No wonder you dare to move master song. It turns out that you have something to rely on."

"Tut Tut, at the beginning, I thought they didn't dare to trouble song Shao. I didn't expect that these people were really brave, especially the young man who looked like a loser. He just knocked song Shao unconscious and took him away... Such courage is really frightening."

While they were talking, a group of security guards finally arrived late.

"Damn it, song Shao was knocked unconscious and taken away. It's a big trouble. If Song Dong knows, I can't do it." Yang tie, the leader of the security team, hears the public's comments and guesses what's going on here. His face suddenly changes. He wants to take someone to rush into the stairs to chase He Feng. At the same time, he picks up his walkie talkie and is ready to contact the people downstairs to intercept him.


But at this time, a figure flashed out and stopped in front of Yang tie, "if you don't want to die, just those people, you will be chased."

"Well? Are you Mr. Bryce

When Yang tie saw the visitor, his face changed slightly, and he quickly began to smile, "Mr. Bryce, why do you say that?"

No one who works in the post restaurant doesn't know Bryce, and everyone respects him very much.

Because we all know that even if song Shiqun, the owner of the mall, comes here, he should be polite in front of Bryce and dare not make the latter a little unhappy.

"Because they are my friends. If song Shiqun wants to be held accountable, he can come to me directly."

"What's your opinion?" Bryce said indifferently in poor Mandarin

"No... no problem!" Seeing that Bryce was so overbearing and arrogant, Yang tie was trembling.

"Why don't you go away?"

"Yes, I'll go now."

Yang tie quickly runs away with people, and does not dare to pursue or even let other people intercept him. He'd better contact Song Dong first.

As he watched Yang tie leave, Bryce's face became gloomy, and a real purple light flashed in his eyes. "Hum, Mr. He seldom comes to my restaurant to have a meal. Unexpectedly, he is disturbed by his son. Later, I will consult Mr. He. As long as he nods, I will help him wipe song Shiqun and song group out of the world. "

If people outside know his idea, they will think that he is a lunatic. After all, Soong's group is a super group with a market value of over 100 billion yuan, and the market value of Brewster's Restaurant kingdom is just like this. How can we say that Soong's group will be wiped out of the world?

Moreover, it seems that as long as he puts it into practice, it will certainly be done.

However, Bryce really didn't pay attention to song Shiqun and song's group. He didn't pay much attention to the MI family behind song Shiqun.

The reason is very simple, Bryce is not only the top chef of the country, he is also a gold medal knight who has cultivated purple fighting spirit.

His fighting power is comparable to that of the great masters of Huajin in the eastern countries.

However, compared with cultivation, he preferred to be a cook, which made the royal family feel helpless, because if Bryce devoted himself to cultivation, he might even become a legend in the future.

After leaving Bryce, Yang tie immediately went to a place where there was no one, took out his mobile phone and made a call.


A middle-aged man's voice was soon heard on the phone.

Yang tie quickly said: "Secretary Lei, Hello, I'm Yang tie, the security team leader of Yinlong shopping mall. Song Shao has an accident here. I'm in a hurry to find Song Dong. Can you ask Song Dong to answer the phone?"

Secretary Lei said, "what happened to song Shao? OK, just a moment. I'll go to report to Mr. Song immediately. "

Soon, song Shiqun's voice rang out on the phone, "what happened to song Yan in Yinlong shopping mall?"


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