Hearing song Shiqun's voice, Yang tie immediately reported: "Hello, Song Dong, song Shaogang has just been knocked unconscious and taken away in Yinlong shopping mall."

"Knocked out and taken away? Who is so bold? " Song Shiqun said angrily.

"I, I don't know the identity of that man, but he is very young, only twenty-six or twenty-seven years old. By the way, there are several very beautiful women around. I know a woman who should be one of the four beauties in Jiangbin city. Ji Xinyu, the boss of scorpion gang. " Yang Tiehui reports.

Others can't recognize Ji Xinyu's identity. Yang tie, who often comes into contact with some gangsters, has seen Ji Xinyu's photos, so naturally he can recognize Ji Xinyu's identity.

"A young man of 267, Ji Xinyu?"

When song Shiqun heard this, he was silent.

Obviously, he has already guessed the identity of the other party.

"Song Dong, there's another thing. He Feng doesn't know why. He is very familiar with Mr. Bryce, the boss of post restaurant. I'm going to chase him Feng. When song Shao was rescued, Bryce suddenly stopped me intentionally."

Yang tie continued: "you say, do I need to dispatch my brothers to find out each other's identity, and then save song Shao?"

"Well, leave it alone. I'll take care of it."

Song Shiqun said indifferently.

"Oh, yes!"

Yang tie didn't dare to talk any more.

At the moment, in a villa in Nanjin City, song Shiqun is eating at home with his mistress and a pair of children born to her.

At this moment, he stood on the terrace, holding the hung up mobile phone in his hand, frowning tightly, "this song Yan is really out of his mind. I have already warned him that I will not go to trouble He Feng again, and he is not allowed to provoke him. Hum, I didn't expect that just a few days later, I went to get on with He Feng again. Now, I see how you can survive. If you die, then everything in the song group has nothing to do with you. "


He Feng and others get on the business car prepared by Ji Xinyu smoothly. After Song Yan is thrown into the trunk, they drive away from Yinlong shopping mall.

In the car, Xi Xueqing slowly woke up.

As soon as consciousness returned, she screamed, "ah! Help... "

"Sister Xueqing, don't be afraid. It's OK. You're safe." Ji Xinyu quickly comforts way, Chu month and Ling Weiyu also follow to comfort.

"Sister Xinyu? Sister Yueyue? Sister feather? I... am I really OK? I'm not invaded by that villain, am I

Seeing Ji Xinyu and others, Xi Xueqing gradually relaxed, but she was still worried.

Ji Xinyu said: "don't worry, that man didn't invade you. He was stopped by He Feng just as he was going to take you away. His two subordinates were also abandoned by master Xi, and they were seriously injured. As for the villain who wants to bully you, he's in the trunk now. You can do whatever you want to do with him later. "


When Xi Xueqing heard the speech, she was relieved. She said to He Feng who was driving in the driver's seat, "thank you, he Feng!"

"There's nothing to thank for that. I should also say sorry to you. I'm a little embarrassed to let you be in danger on my site." He Feng said.

"I'm not in danger. Don't feel guilty." Xi Xueqing.

"Xueqing, just in the mall, what's the matter?" Asked Xi Zhenxing.

"At first I went to the bathroom, and then when I came out, I met some hooligans, who helped me drive them away. But then... "

Xi Xueqing recalled the previous thing and said it slowly.

In the process of saying that, she was still a little afraid, "that person is really too hateful and obscene. I have to teach him a good lesson for a while."

Thinking of song Yan's saying, "I'm going to kill myself tonight," Xi Xueqing feels disgusted and angry, and decides to teach each other a lesson for a while.

Although Xi Xueqing just said something about it, he Feng and others are so angry that they know the details of it, which is definitely more instructive.


He Feng found a secluded place to park the car and said directly: "Xueqing, there is a lake around here. There is no one at night. You can solve the problem of song Yan here. If you kill him, throw him directly into the river and let his body feed the fish. "

Said, he Feng has opened the door of the car, to the trunk will song Yan to get out.


Xi Xueqing opens her mouth. Although she is not weak in cultivation, she hasn't killed anyone yet.

"Sister Xueqing, don't be soft on the enemy. Otherwise, it will be you who will suffer in the future. " Ji Xinyu teaches by example. As the boss of the scorpion Gang, she doesn't know how many people she has killed.

She is very clear that many times the means of dealing with the enemy must be simple and direct, that is, directly taking the other party's life.

"I'll... I'll go down first."

Xi Xueqing didn't know how to answer for a moment, so she had to pull the door open and get out of the car.

"Well, sister Xinyu, sister Xueqing should have never killed anyone. Zhang Ziyan's leaving him made him feel a little humiliated and didn't want to be known.

"Oh, I see."

He Feng suddenly said, "it seems that your song family is really rich enough. Then you can call your father and ask him to pay for your life. "

Now he Feng is short of money, and song Shiqun is the richest man in Jiangbin city. How could he Feng miss such an opportunity.

Anyway, after song Shiqun took the money, he would not let song Yan go easily.

"Call my dad?" Song Yan frowned, some reluctant.

"Of course, if you want to live, you can call him and I'll tell him." Hefeng road.

Wen Yan, although song Yan is full of humiliation and unwillingness, he eventually takes out his mobile phone, dials song Shiqun, and then hands it to He Feng.

Xi Zhenxing looked at the scene, quite speechless.

It seems that this is really a poor and crazy person. No matter when, he never forgets to make some money.


Before long, song Shiqun's voice came out on the phone.

"Mr. Song, I'm Hefeng. You should have heard of my name?" He Feng said with a smile, when chatting with the local tyrant, his mood will naturally get better. After all, the money in the local tyrant's pocket seems to fall into his pocket soon.

"It's Mr. He. Nice to meet you. Of course I've heard your name for a long time."

Song Shiqun laughs a way, a pair with He Feng very familiar appearance.

He Feng said: "Mr. Song, you should know what happened in Yinlong shopping mall just now?"

"What happened in Yinlong shopping mall? Well, I've heard from the following people. Mr. He, I'm really sorry. I have no way to teach my son. I have taught such a son. Mr. He, I don't think so. Since he is in your hands now, how about you help me educate him? " Song Shiqun said with a smile, as if talking about a small matter.

"I'll help you educate him?"

He Feng said with a smile: "are you not afraid that I'll kill him for a moment?"

But song Shiqun didn't care: "if song Yan really died, it can only be said that he wanted to die himself. No one can blame him. In a word, song Yan that boy, I handed over to Mr. He you to deal with, you happy good. Sorry, I have something else to deal with here. If you come to Nanjin city another day, you can say hello to me. I'll treat you to dinner. Let's meet. "

"Ha ha, OK. If I go to Nanjin City, I'll find you."

He Feng sneered, immediately hung up the phone, heart is full of speechless.

This song Shiqun is so wonderful that he doesn't care about his son's life. This is totally different from Xu Tianyin. That night he went out to have supper with Ling Weiyu, because Xu huangjie and Xu Tianyin were willing to give him 10 billion yuan.

But this song Shiqun, seeing him like this, not only didn't want to pay, but also wanted to kill his son himself.

He Feng looked at Song Yan and asked: "that... Song Yan, are you really the son of song Shiqun?"


Song Shiqun didn't hear what song Shiqun said just now, but from He Feng's words, he can probably guess song Shiqun's attitude towards this matter.

This is not going to save him at all!

Combined with He Feng's attitude, he has confirmed that song Shiqun is definitely not going to save him and give up his son.

"I'm his own, but now, I'd rather I'm not his own."

Song Yan took a deep breath and tried to calm down his inner emotion, but his eyes seemed to turn blood red and full of endless anger. "The reason why he wanted me to die was not because he had another woman. He thought I didn't know that he had already kept a mistress outside, and even had a couple of children with that fox spirit. Now my mother is running away. If I die again, no one will take charge of his new family. He has a good abacus. "

"Er... It turned out to be cheating!"

He Feng this just suddenly, no wonder song Shiqun wants to borrow his hand, get rid of song Yan.

This song Yan is really pitiful, but he Feng doesn't feel for him.

"Do you think I should kill you?" He Feng looks at Song Yan with a smile.

"Kill me? Ha ha, you can kill if you want. Anyway, I don't care now. But I can guarantee that if I do a ghost, I will not let you go. Then all of you will die. " Song Yan roared loudly, and his voice was full of madness.

"Want to be a ghost? Forget it. I won't kill you. "

He Feng shook his head.

"Don't you kill me? Will you be kind enough to let me go? " Song Yan looks at He Feng in surprise.

"Brother he, this man can't just let go. Today Xueqing is in his hands, but he almost suffered a big loss." Xi Zhenxing is also in a hurry.

"Brother Xi, don't worry. I won't kill him, but I won't let him go."

He Feng smiles and immediately comes to song Yan. He raises his foot and kicks it heavily.


The sound of something breaking up.


Song Yan two hands cover body some place, scream unceasingly, "He Feng, you, you dare to abandon me here, you, you have to die."


He Feng snorts, kicks out again, kicks on Song Yan's chest, kicks the latter to the ground and faints directly.

"Brother Xi, let's go." He Feng greets Xi Zhenxing, and then turns to get on the car.

Xi Zhenxing looked at Song Yan lying on the ground, the corners of his mouth smoked, subconsciously clamped his legs.

Nima, that guy is too cruel. This punishment is more cruel than killing him directly.

After he Feng got on the bus, he looked at Ji Xinyu and Xi Xueqing standing by the lake not far away, and asked, "moon, feather, Xinyu, what's wrong with that?"

"I don't know. Just when we talked about whether we would be afraid of killing for the first time, her mood suddenly went down, as if she thought of some sad past." Chu Yue said.

"Are you afraid to kill for the first time?"

He Feng frowned and didn't know what was going on, but he felt that Ji Xinyu might have thought about her father.

He is not in a hurry to urge Ji Xinyu, then quietly waiting in the car, Chu Yue and others are also quietly waiting.

Ji Xinyu didn't make everyone wait for a long time, and soon went back to the car with Xi Xueqing.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting!"

After getting on the bus, Ji Xinyu said apologetically.

"It's all right. I haven't been waiting long." He Feng said, looking back at Ji Xinyu, "is it OK?"

"Of course, it's OK. It's just a little sad all of a sudden."

Ji Xinyu casually explained that she didn't want others to see her jokes, so she changed the topic and said, "by the way, what did you do with that song Yan?"

"Yes, yes, you didn't kill him directly, did you?" Xi Xueqing also asked.

"Xueqing, he wants to do that to you. Shouldn't I kill him?" He Feng turned his eyes.

"Ah? Did you really kill him? It's, it's not good, is it? At least it's a human life. " Xi Xueqing said.

"Well, you are too kind. It's not a good thing. Only the real strong are qualified to be kind. Otherwise, if the weak are kind, they will easily suffer losses. "

He Feng sighed helplessly, "don't worry, that song Yan I didn't kill him, just abandoned him, let him ah, later can't harm a good woman."

"Waste? Oh, that's OK. Just kill him. "

Xi Xueqing was relieved.

But after thinking about it, she asked curiously, "by the way, why can't he harm a good woman if he abandons him?"


He Feng mouth corner mercilessly smoked.

Nima, how can brother Feng answer this?

Xi Zhenxing's old face is also flushed. Her daughter is usually very smart. How can she become so stupid today?


"Sister Xueqing, are you too funny?"

Chu Yue, Ling Weiyu and others are amused by Xi Xueqing's question. Even Ji Xinyu's face is full of a smile.

"Well, why do you all laugh like this? Am I asking the wrong question? " Xi Xueqing has a blank face.

"Cluck..." Ling Weiyu and others continued to laugh.

"Sister Yueyue, sister feather, you are too bad..."

Xi Xueqing pulls Ji Xinyu, "sister Xinyu, can you tell me what's going on?"

Ji Xinyu put her mouth close to Xi Xueqing's ear and whispered a few words.

Suddenly, Xi Xueqing's face turned red with shame, and her head was deeply buried, "Oh, you are so bad. Drive, drive, he Feng, drive for me. "

"Ha ha ha, it's not me who asked you to ask this question."

He Feng laughed loudly, then stepped on the accelerator, "by the way, where are we going next? Would you like to go back to the Liuyue club or take a boat to see the night scene? "

"Brother Xiaofeng, it's still early now. Let's go and have a look at the night scene." Ling Weiyu said directly.

She didn't want to see the scenery, but she was not in a good mood to see Ji Xinyu, so she wanted to take Ji Xinyu out to relax.

"That's OK. I'll go directly to moonlight wharf. Later, we'll charter a cruise ship and have a good look." He Feng grinned: "when I was a child, I lived in this city for more than ten years, but I never saw the scenery of this city well."

"He Feng, I heard from sister Xinyu that you have been an orphan since childhood? Do you want to go to your parents? " Xi Xueqing asks curiously.

"Of course! But sometimes, even if you want to, you have to hold back. "

He Feng shook his head, "now what I want is to improve my strength first. Because I know that only with enough strength can we find them

Smell speech, sit on the side of He Feng Xi Zhenxing can't help but frown.

He Feng is an orphan, he is the investigation, at the same time, he also confirmed that he Feng in the he family, must also have a good identity.

But he didn't expect that he Feng was still thinking about finding his parents. Can't he directly mobilize the power of he family?

And he Feng also said, only have enough strength to find them, he family's strength is weak?

However, these are He Feng's private affairs, he is not easy to intervene.

"Brother he, I want to ask you something."

At this time, Xi Zhenxing said: "after going back in the evening, I hope you can help yixueqing, let her take a pill to break through the dark strength."

"Ah? Dad, why did you suddenly let me take pojingdan? Don't you always object to my use of pojingdan? " Xi Xueqing asked in shock.

"Brother Xi, are you sure you have thought it over?"

He Feng asked with a smile: "if you really want Xueqing sister to take pojingdan, I can guarantee her to break through to the dark force successfully. But I can't guarantee you whether we can break through to Huajin and achieve higher achievements in the future. "

He Feng can teach the gas refining method in the Ming Jin and the dark Jin stages to some familiar people, such as the three brothers and sisters of the Jiang family.

However, he Feng will not easily teach the method of refining Qi in Huajin stage, except for Chu Yue, Ling Weiyu and other people who can be trusted.

Even his two apprentices Zou Xun and Chen Jian, he Feng, have to audit them. After passing his audit, he Feng will teach them the gas refining method.

"Well, I think it over!"

Xi Zhenxing nodded and said, "Xueqing is too kind. Kind people don't have enough strength. They are too easy to be bullied outside. So, I hope she can reach the peak of dark strength as soon as possible. At that time, those who can deal with her will have to be more energetic at least. And master tanghuajin, even in the whole country, is a person with a head and a face. When Xueqing is in danger, she will directly report the name of Guiyi medicine hall. I think the other party will not make trouble for Xueqing any more. "

"Well, now that you have considered it clearly, I will help Xueqing to break through the dark force after going back."

He Feng nodded and agreed.

"Thank you!" Xi Zhenxing takes the road seriously.

"What are you doing with me? However, I use the breakthrough pill to help people directly break through to the dark force. Brother Xi, you have to keep it a little secret for me. Don't let it out. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Ha ha, don't worry about that. Even if outsiders know, come to me to ask, I will also say that your friend took two or three pills to break through the dark force. " Xi Zhenxing laughs.

"Hey hey, brother Xi is really smart."

He Feng grinned.

Before long, the group came to moonlight wharf, rented a yacht, enjoyed the night scenery around the lake, and had a good time playing with the surrounding entertainment facilities.

They didn't drive back to Liuyue club until 11 pm.

"Brother he, I'll give it to you first. I won't bother to see it."

Out of the car, Xi Zhenxing said with a smile.

"Don't worry. Although it's night, I won't bully her." He Feng laughs.

Xi Zhenxing approached He Feng and said in a low voice, "it's OK. As long as Xueqing is willing, even if you bully her, it doesn't matter."

"Dad, what are you talking about? How can you say that about your daughter! " Xi Xueqing stares at Xi Zhenxing, and her face turns red.

"Ha ha, I'm not kidding! OK, you follow He Feng. I'll go to bed and take a bath. "

Xi Zhenxing laughs and prepares to enter the Liuyue club.

But at this time, he seemed to feel something, the pace suddenly stopped.

"Brother Xiaofeng, is there an enemy coming? I feel the danger! "

At this time, Ling Weiyu came over and said.

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