"Eh, Miss Ling, do you even feel the danger?"

Xi Zhenxing takes a surprised look at Ling Weiyu. He is the great master of Huajin. He just realized that something is wrong.

But don't want to, Ling Weiyu unexpectedly also found out.

Isn't she just breaking through to the dark?

How can perception compare with master Huajin?

He Feng nodded and said: "well, little feather, you go to the house with Xueqing first. Brother Xi, please go to the house and protect them. I'll take care of things outside. "

Xi Zhenxing said: "brother he, can you solve it? You don't need my help? I'm afraid it's a bit difficult for me to deal with them. I already feel that there are several Gunners staring at us, and each of these Gunners can bring me a strong sense of crisis, which is definitely up to the master level. You may be able to cope with a master gunner, but can you cope with a little more people? "

He Feng laughed and said, "brother Xi, don't worry. I've arranged for people to deal with the shooters."

In fact, at the moment when he just returned to Liuyue club, he Feng noticed the crisis for the first time, but he didn't show it. However, he has already sent a message to Yang Qi, who has been practicing in the moon club, to let Yang Qi solve the problems of the shooters.

He planted spiritual seeds in Yang Qi's spirit, which can directly communicate with Yang Qi's spirit and let Yang Qi know his thoughts.

"Has someone been sent to deal with it?"

When Xi Zhenxing heard the speech, a look of surprise appeared on his face. Just now he was with He Feng all the way, but he Feng didn't contact the outside world.

It seems that brother he's means are far stronger than he imagined.

"Well, I'll leave things outside for the time being. I'll protect them in the house. I'll leave all these dangers to you alone."

Xi Zhenxing said, then walked toward the house, "everyone go in!"

"He Feng, be careful. If it's too dangerous, don't try to be brave. Let my father deal with it. He is the master of Huajin. He is much better than you. He can certainly solve the danger easily."

Xi Xueqing told he Feng, and then turned back to the room.

Ling Weiyu and others, however, are not worried at all. They are too lazy to give any advice. They go back to Liuyue Club hall with Xi Xueqing and pay attention to the situation outside.

"Eh, sister feather, why don't you worry about He Feng at all? Just now my father said, "there are master Gunners in the enemy." After Xi Xueqing entered the room, she found that on the faces of Ling Weiyu and others, she didn't have the slightest worry. Instead, she looked like a spectator.

"Well, I heard master Xi say it."

Ling Weiyu nodded, "however, only a master gunner, certainly can't hurt Xiaofeng brother."

"Ah? Master gunner, but can even dark strength master have to avoid the edge of ah, he Feng although he is fast, body method is flexible, may also be dangerous ah Xi Xueqing.

"Xueqing, don't worry, just watch patiently here. He Feng's real strength is much stronger than you think. "

Xi Zhenxing said with a bitter smile that Xueqing must not know he Feng's real strength at the moment, so she is so worried.

But Ling Weiyu and Ji Xinyu, both women who are close to He Feng, must know he Feng's depth, so they are not nervous at all.

"Is he really strong?"

Xi Xueqing was surprised and said, "isn't he refining four, but five?"

"Ha ha, be patient."

Xi Zhenxing smiles mysteriously without saying much.

I'm kidding. If he Feng is just refining his body, will Laozi push his baby daughter into his arms?


Xi Xueqing smell speech, immediately no longer say what, just a pair of beautiful eyes, tightly staring at the yard of He Feng.

She wants to see how strong He Feng is and how confident he is.

He Feng stood in the small yard outside the Liuyue club and looked around. "Now that you've come, please come out and see me. Don't hide any more. Otherwise, I'll go in and take a bath and sleep. "

Less than three seconds after his voice fell, there were bursts of footsteps outside the yard.

Then, a line of eight people, into the yard.

The first four were Cao xiudang, the second master of the Cao family, and the other three strong men of the Cao family.

And the four people behind them, decibel is from the rice family, Wei family, Huang family, Jiang family of the four dark strong late.

They have already arrived in Jiangbin city for a long time. After arriving in Jiangbin City, they soon found out that he Feng has been staying at the Liuyue club these days, but he went out in the evening. They ponder that he Feng should return to Liuyue club in the evening, so they wait outside.

Sure enough, just wait until 11 o'clock in the evening, he Feng and others will appear.

But what Cao xiudang didn't expect was that they had been hidden very secretly. Unexpectedly, they were discovered by He Feng.

But Cao xiudang didn't care. Anyway, there were a lot of people on their side, and there were eight master sharpshooters buried in the dark, so there was no need to be afraid of He Feng.

"Master Xi, you are here as expected!"

Cao xiudang didn't pay attention to He Feng. His eyes fell directly on Xi Zhenxing in the hall, "quick, are my third brother and Feng Tianrui arrested by you? Let them go, or don't blame me, Cao xiudang

When Cao xiudang saw Xi Zhenxing, he decided that his third brother and Feng Tianrui must have been trapped in the ambush of Xi Zhenxing and he Feng, so his whereabouts are unknown now, and he can't get in touch anyway.

Originally, when he Feng and others returned to the Liuyue club, Cao xiudang could directly order to shoot. He was afraid of his three younger brothers, Cao Xiucheng and Feng Tianrui, but he was imprisoned by them. If he Feng and others shot and killed them, they would not be easy to save.

"It's from the Cao family..."

He Feng immediately understood the identity of the other party.

Xi Zhenxing looked at Cao xiudang like an idiot, "Cao xiudang, I don't know what you're talking about at all. If there's something wrong, you can find he Feng to solve it. Don't bother me. "


"Are you cao Xiucheng's elder brother?" At this time, he Feng's voice rang out, light asked.

"Yes, I'm his second brother, and my third brother? Have you locked him up? " Cao xiudang asked.

Now he wants to confirm whether his third brothers Cao Xiucheng and Feng Tianrui are still alive.

This is related to an important plan of the Cao family. There should be no mistake.

"Detention? No, I didn't hold them. " He Feng shook his head.

"Not holding them? They came to Jiangbin city last Sunday. Didn't they come to you? "

Cao xiudang stares at He Feng and asks.

"Well, they did come to me."

"And you said you didn't lock them up?"

"Is there something in your head?"

He Feng rolled his eyes and said, "I just said I didn't imprison them. Did I say they didn't come to me?"

Cao xiudang had a bad feeling in his heart, "what do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple. They came to me, but I didn't detain them. Instead, I sent them to the palace of hell. If you want to find them, you can go directly to the hell hall. I can't find them here. " He Feng said with a smile.

"What did you say?"

Cao xiudang's face changed greatly, and his breath was boiling. "He Feng, what are you talking about? Say it again!"

Cao Xiucheng is not only his third brother, but also related to the fate of the Cao family for many years to come.

If Cao Xiucheng dies, it will seriously affect the Cao family's plan.

"Didn't you hear me? All right, I'll say it again. You'll give me a good ear. "

He Feng said with a smile: "your third brother Cao Xiucheng was killed by me last Sunday."

"You, you really killed my third brother?"

Cao xiudang's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

In his body, a vast force, surging operation up, a pair of eyes full of cold killing.

Not only him, but also Cao Tianping and others behind him are fierce. They want to kill He Feng immediately and avenge Cao Xiucheng.

"Yes, I killed him." He Feng nodded, "originally, if he simply came to Jiangbin city to kill me, I would not kill him. Maybe he just abandoned his elixir field and made him disabled. However, when he came to Jiangbin City, he set fire to the welfare home where I grew up. So, I can't let him go, but before I kill him, I still kill him first. After killing him, I didn't easily forgive him. I let people burn him to ashes and throw him into the cesspit! "

"Shoot, shoot him for me, shoot him like a beehive!"

Cao xiudang finally couldn't contain the majestic killing intention in his body and gave the order out loud.

However, in the silent night sky, except for his roar, there was no gunshot.


Cao xiudang gradually calmed down.

What happened?

How come there's no gunshot?

I have eight master sharpshooters!

He subconsciously looked at the rice family, Jiang family and other aristocratic families, "why don't your shooters shoot? Do they have to let you give orders before they shoot?"

"Well, it shouldn't be. Just now it was clearly said that they should obey your orders."

Mi Kong Tong, a strong man in Mi's family, was puzzled. Then he yelled to a tall building in the rear: "Mi Jun, what are you doing? Shoot!"

The late strong men of the three families of Jiang, Huang and Wei gave orders one after another.

However, there was still no gunshot, and no one responded to them.

"What's the matter?"

Several faces have changed.

They know that something must have happened.

"Well, in the middle of the night, I don't know what you're doing with the shooters. Do you know that there are people living around? What if you shoot here and disturb the residents? The police of Jiangbin city are going to award me a good citizen award. If I don't even have a good citizen award because of your gunshot, will you compensate me? "

He Feng is very displeased looking at Cao xiudang, light way: "want to kill me, directly move hands and feet on the line, move what gun?"


For He Feng these messy words, Cao xiudang and others did not go to pick up.

Now they all frowned and looked at Cao xiudang.

"Second master, do you think that the people of Nanjin military region have sent out to solve the problem of the shooters under our ambush?" Cao Tianping asked anxiously, "if our shooters are solved and their shooters are ambushed in the dark, then we may be in danger."

"Nanjinshi Military Region..."

Wen Yan, Cao xiudang's heart sank slightly.

He thought the strength of the Dragon guards was average, but now it seems

I seem to underestimate the Dragon guards!


At this time, the courtyard door was suddenly pushed open, an old man came in, respectfully went to He Feng, said: "Mr. He, the other party has hidden a total of eight master gunners, have been solved by me, did not disturb any residents."

"Well, good job, good job."

He Feng nodded and praised.

"You solved my shooter, not Nanjin military district?"

Cao xiudang looks at Yang Qidao in shock.

"Well, your Gunners are too weak. The strongest one is just in the middle of dark strength, so they don't even have a chance to shoot in front of me. If you come to deal with Mr. He in the future, don't invite such rubbish shooters any more. "

Yang Qi light way: "however, you should have no chance to deal with Mr. He in the future."

"Well, what kind of thing are you qualified to comment on me? Micong copper, you guys, go and kill him for me first. "

Cao xiudang snorted.

Although he lost several master gunners, Cao xiudang was not sad at all. Anyway, these Gunners were not members of their Cao family, and their sacrifice made him understand that the people of nanjinshi military region did not come to Jiangbin.

That's enough!

However, instead of directly dealing with Yang Qi, he ordered micong copper and others to do it. His eyes were fixed on He Feng and Xi Zhenxing to prevent him from escaping. Xi Zhenxing stopped him again. Maybe he Feng had a chance to escape.

"Hum, I'll let you pay for killing my gunner today."

Rice air copper cold hum a, the inside strength of the body burst out, all element rushed to Yang Qi.

In addition to him, the Jiang family, the Huang family, and the Wei family also attacked Yang Qi at the same time.

Together, the four of them, even the top dark power, can fight head-on and win the upper hand. Therefore, they don't pay much attention to Yang Qi, because they can't feel any threat in Yang Qi.

Think about it, the strength of the other side should be similar to them, at most the appearance of the later dark strength.

They have to work together to deal with such accomplishments. They can solve the battle in half a minute at most.


Four people's eyes are full of cold killing intention, there is a trace of disdain.


Suddenly, in Yang Qi's hand, there is a big sword. The light of the sword is flowing, like the nine sky galaxy, hanging upside down. The terrible meaning of the sword immediately envelops mikong copper and others.

At that time, all four of them felt a shudder coming from their soul in their mind, and their body shape also followed.

"Pooh! Poof! Poof! Poof

The light of the sword fell and swept past them.

Blood splash!

"Ah, ah, ah

One by one, micong copper and others screamed and flew back, looking at the flesh and blood wound on their chest, their faces were full of fear.

With only one knife, Yang Qi seriously injured them, and the knife Qi directly poured into their bodies, damaging their physical functions, even including

"Dantian! My elixir field was destroyed by his sword Qi! "

"Mine too, he destroyed my elixir field with one knife!"

"How can he be so strong?"

"His cultivation, at least, has reached the peak of dark strength, and he has also cultivated a powerful Sabre technique. The ordinary ancient martial arts who are at the peak of dark strength are not his opponents."

All of them were shocked and regretted. If they had known each other was so powerful, they would not have been so careless just now. They should have used the strongest moves directly, so that they would not have given each other such a chance of fatal attack.

Especially the three masters of the Jiang family, Wei family and Huang family, their regretful faces turned white.

They are not like the MI family. They have a big family and a big career. In their family, the strongest are only in the later stage of the dark energy, and there are no more than two of them.

Now that they are abandoned, it will be fatal for the family behind them.

"Well? This man's cultivation has even reached the peak of dark strength? What's more, the moves are so fierce. "

Cao xiudang and others also feel Yang Qi's terror. "No wonder Lao San and Feng Tianrui are both killed by He Feng. It turns out that he Feng is not only surrounded by Xi Zhenxing, but also by someone who is no weaker than Xi Zhenxing."

"Second master, what should we do now?"

Cao Tianping asked in a low voice, and his face was not very pretty.

This time, they brought people from the MI family and other aristocratic families here just to help them. But now they haven't started with He Feng, and Xi Zhenxing hasn't done anything. The masters of the MI family and other aristocratic families are dead and useless. In the end, they still have to rely on the four members of the Cao family to solve the problem.

"What else can we do? We have to deal with him ourselves."

Cao xiudang's eyes fell on He Feng's body and said coldly: "Tianping, you and Cao he will deal with the man with the knife first and kill him with all their strength. Cao Shang, you and I are staring at He Feng and Xi Zhenxing. "

"All right!"

Cao Tianping and another man named Cao he strode to Yang Qi, and an intermediate soldier appeared in their hands.


The long stick in Cao Tianping's hand waved quickly, as if it turned into a series of terrorist storms, sweeping away towards Yang Qi.


Cao he's long sword, on the other hand, wields a series of fierce sword Qi and stabs Yang Qi.

As soon as they made a move, they not only directly used the soldiers, but also their strongest attack, a set of ground level primary martial arts that were cultivated to the perfect realm.

Once this martial art is used, even the strong of the same level will have to avoid the edge.


Sure enough, with the development of their martial arts, Yang Qi's body immediately ran away, as if he was avoiding.

However, Young's speed is much faster than they think.

Not only easily avoided their attack, but also came to them in the blink of an eye.


The icy light of the sword flashed, and then a touch of blood burst out. Cao Tianping and Cao he's bodies suddenly flew out.

And their powerful momentum also fell down in an instant.



Seeing this, Cao xiudang's face changed greatly, and Cao Shang around him also exclaimed.

Cao Tianping and Cao he, like them, are the top leaders of the Cao family. They are one of the 18 members of the National Congress of the Communist Party of China who are used to run the grand array of ancestral masters. None of them can be lost.

When Cao Xiucheng and Feng Tianrui were killed, Cao xiudang knew that the plan would be delayed for a long time. Now that Cao Tianping and Cao he have been abandoned, how long will the plan be implemented?


At this time, a figure quickly shuttled from Cao Tianping and Cao he and rushed to them.

"Asshole, he's coming at us. It's endless, isn't it? Cao Shang, you and I should join hands. Be careful. Don't be greedy and rash for the time being. We should focus on defense first. " Cao xiudang reminded, and then took out a big knife in his hand, ready to resist Yang Qi's big knife.


Yang Qi's speed was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he came to Cao xiudang. The blade was flashing and there was no fancy. He crossed Cao xiudang and Cao Shang.

"Well, it's just faster. I thought you had a lot of skills? Cao Shang, I'll stop him, you kill him quickly

Cao xiudang yelled angrily, and the big knife in his hand was already across his chest, resisting Yang Qi's knife.


The sound of the crisp metal impact sounded, and the blades collided with each other.

Speed is one ton.

"It's in the way!"

A touch of joy appeared on Cao xiudang's face.


But at this time, Yang Qi's momentum suddenly changed, and a strong breath of terror rose from him like a sea.

Then, the powerful force, like a flood, poured into the sword and ran into Cao xiudang's body.

"This, this strength..."

Feeling the strong breath of this strength, Cao xiudang's face suddenly changed, and became extremely scared and shocked.

"Master, this is the power of master. You, you are the master! Ah... No! "


Cao xiudang's body seemed to have something suddenly broken, and his breath fell down immediately.


Yang Qi didn't even look at Cao xiudang. He waved a big knife across Cao xiudang's big knife. The rest of his power didn't decrease. He flashed across Cao Shang's belly, who was preparing to launch an attack.


The blood burst out, Cao Shang's whole body flew back and forth, and his breath plummeted.

Cao family's last two dark strength peak strongmen were also abandoned by him.

No way, he Feng's order is very clear, let him expose the master's strength can, but can't kill a person, can only waste their Dantian.

"Master! This Mr. Yang Qi is really a great master! My previous reaction is not wrong! "

In the living room not far away, Xi Zhenxing has come out and looks at Yang Qi in shock.

In the afternoon, he Feng went out of the pass. When he saw Yang Qi for the first time, he felt that he was a little familiar with Yang Qi. At that time, he doubted that Yang Qi might be a strong master.

But Yang Qi's name, which he has never seen in the list of the great masters of the state of China, is true.

Moreover, in the afternoon, Yang Qi treated He Feng with too much respect, as if he were a servant to his master, so he no longer doubted that Yang Qi was a strong master.

After all, the master is different from the dark force. Once he becomes a master, even the head of a province will treat him respectfully. His status is far from the top of dark force. Even if he wants to enter the four royal families, he will be treated as a sacrifice by the four royal families. He will never be disrespectful.

How can such a strong man be willing to serve others?

But now, Yang Qi's fighting power can be destroyed by one move. What is the master?

"Xiaofeng brother's side, unexpectedly more than a strong master? It seems that he is still worried about our safety! "

Ling Weiyu and others also came out. She felt the strong breath of Yang Qi and sighed, "although it has broken through to the dark strength now, it must be too weak in the eyes of brother Xiaofeng. In the future, we still have to work hard to cultivate, and strive to step into the level of Hua Jin as soon as possible. "

"What's going on? This... This old gentleman, like his father, is a master of Huajin? "

Xi Xueqing was shocked. She took Xi Zhenxing's hand and said, "Dad, is he really Huajin?"

"Well, it's really Huajin!" Xi Zhenxing nodded.


Xi Xueqing took a breath, "how can he Feng have a master of Huajin around him? What's more, master Hua Jin is so polite to him. Even I feel like his... His subordinates. "

Even Xi Xueqing felt this, let alone Xi Zhenxing.

But he just laughed bitterly, "I'm wondering, too!"

"However, he Feng just refined his body four times and five times. How could master Hua Jin become his subordinate?" Xi Xueqing is puzzled.

"Who said that he was a man of four or five weights?" Xi Zhenxing.

"Isn't it?"

Xi Xueqing quickly shook Xi Zhenxing's arm and said, "Dad, don't make mysteries with me any more. You'd better tell me what his accomplishments are."

"Well, well, I'll tell you!"

Xi Zhenxing was helpless and said, "can master Huajin be his subordinate? Do you think he Feng's strength is weaker than that master Huajin?"

"You mean..."

"Well, he Feng, he is a master of horizontal training!"

Xi Zhenxing whispered.


Xi Xueqing's eyes widened, as if in hell.

Although she has heard of such a young master, she has never seen him.


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