"Mr. He, it's done!"

Yang Qi ignores the shocking eyes of others. After discarding Cao xiudang and others, he returns to He Feng and says respectfully.

"Well, hard work!"

He Feng just nodded, and then went to Cao xiudang, "you cao family, in order to deal with me he Feng, are really willing to sacrifice their capital. First came two dark strength peaks, and now even sent four dark strength peaks, plus four dark strength later and eight master gunners. Have I ever had a deep hatred with you cao family? "

However, at this time, Cao xiudang was still in shock and failed to recover.

When he was looking for He Feng in Jiangbin city in the future, he expected that he Feng would be surrounded by experts, such as Xi Zhenxing and nanjinshi military area command. Therefore, he not only sent out Cao's four top secret forces at one time, but also tried to get the MI family, Wei family and Huang family in nanjinshi city to send out experts and master gunners to help him deal with Xi Zhenxing.

But he never expected that he Feng did have experts around him, but he didn't expect only Xi Zhenxing and nanjinshi military region, but a person he had never met.

And, this person is a great master!

Their Cao family is very strong. There are more than a dozen strong people at the top of the dark power. They are all first-class among the middle-class guwu families.

But Cao xiudang knew very well that even if more than ten of them were on the top of the dark power, they would be defeated by a great master of Huajin, and then killed.

There is a natural gap between the peak of dark strength and Huajin.

"No wonder! No wonder you dare to go back to Jiangbin city and are not afraid of our Cao family. It turns out that you have a great master Huajin around you as a bodyguard. "

Cao xiudang looked at He Feng. He knew that he had been planted today, and that Dantian had been abandoned, so he had no fear in his heart. He pointed to He Feng and accused him directly: "you hurt Cao Xin of our Cao family, you abandoned Cao Rui of our Cao family, and you abandoned Wang Xuan. You said, these are not hatred. What is it? I know that you are powerful now, and we have offended you, so you can kill us directly. But I tell you, you don't want to deal with our whole Cao family. Although our Cao family is not your opponent, our Cao family also has a backer. "

"Do you think that if I really want to deal with the Cao family, I will care if there is a support behind the Cao family?"

He Feng sneered, "as for the hatred you said, don't you think it's funny? I abandoned Cao Xin and Wang Xuan because they deliberately made trouble for me and even wanted to kill me. I just abandoned them, but I didn't kill them. It's merciful. As for Cao Rui, he humiliated my woman. Shouldn't I abandon him? "

"Well, now that you are powerful, what you say is of course what you say."

Cao xiudang snorts. He doesn't want to argue with He Feng, but he secretly makes a decision. If he can get away alive today, he must kill the three bastards.

Because of the three of them, the Cao family lost six of their top dark strength.

This is more than one third of the peak combat power of the Cao family. It's a great loss of vitality.

"Why do you think I will kill you?"

He Feng saw Cao xiudang's attitude and chuckled, "in fact, I can give you eight people a chance to live."

"What? He Feng, are you willing to let us go? "

Jiang Kui of the Jiang family heard he Feng's words and quickly covered the wound and went forward, "Mr. He Feng, if you can let me live, I promise I will never trouble you again. Even, our Jiang family is willing to obey your orders! "

"Our Huang family is willing to do the same!"

"So is our Wei family!"

The masters of the Huang family and the Wei family all expressed their views one after another.

Although they don't know why a strong master obeys He Feng's orders, they can see from this that he Feng is definitely not simple.

If the family behind them is allowed to mix with He Feng in the future, it will be a bit shameless in a short time, but in the long run, it will be of great help to their family.

Maybe it won't be long before their family can develop into a medium-sized guwu family?

"You, you..."

Mikong copper frowned and was very upset.

Although he also wanted to live, he didn't want to recognize he Feng directly.

Because he thinks that their MI family is also gifted. For example, MI Dongyu, who is only about 60 years old, has reached the peak of dark strength and is expected to break through to Huajin within ten years.

At that time, the rice family will become a high ancient martial family. Why should he Feng's orders be obeyed?

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in you lower families."

He Feng disdained to shake his head, said: "but, if each of you are willing to give some money, I can also let you leave."

"Money will let us go?"

Jiang Kui was overjoyed and asked: "He Feng, how much do you want? As long as I have enough, I will transfer the money to you immediately. "

"I don't want any more. Just give me this number."

He Feng thought about it, raised a hand and spread out his fingers.

"This is... 50 million?"

Jiang Kui originally wanted to say five million, but considering that five million is nothing to a dark strong man, he guessed a step up.

Micong copper and others now also put up their ears and listened carefully.

Although they have become useless people now, they don't have many years to live, but they are in high positions one by one. Even without cultivation, they can enjoy more than ten years.

So, even at a certain price, they want to survive.

"50 million? Hehe, do you think your life is so worthless? In that case, how about I take your life now? "

He Feng cold way, in the eye flashed an obliteration idea.

"No, I'm wrong, I'm wrong! 500 million, 500 million, right? Shall I transfer the money to you now? " Jiang Kui immediately begged for mercy, for fear that he Feng really directly killed himself.

Five hundred million is not a small number, but for Huang Kui, it is not a big one.

After all, Zhang Ziyan casually recruited two people from Song Yan's later period as bodyguards, which was only half a billion years ago,

Jiang Kui is not only a strong man in the later period of dark strength, but also a whole Jiang family is making money behind him, with more than 500 million yuan in hand.

Therefore, even if he Feng directly turns 500 million yuan, he will not be distressed.

"Sorry, I'm not talking about 500 million, but 5 billion."

He Feng looks at Huang Kui like an idiot. Is brother Feng short of 500 million people?

"What? Five billion? "

"Why don't you rob it?"

"I'll go. When is my life so valuable..."

As soon as he Feng said this, Jiang Kui and others exclaimed.

Even Cao xiudang, who came from a middle-class ancient martial family, frowned deeply.

Five billion, which is astronomical for ordinary people. Even for them, it is also a huge number.

"So you're not going to pay for your life, are you? If you don't want to live, please take a step forward. Brother Feng has taken his life. " He Feng sees the reaction of a few people, light mouth way.

"I..." Jiang Kui and others heard this, did not dare to move, for fear that he Feng mistook them for a step forward.

"If you want to live, transfer it to me as soon as possible. If you don't want to live, or if you don't make money for me in an hour, I will kill you directly. "

He Feng said calmly, not worried at all.

He now has more than 40 billion in hand, but he is still 40 billion short.

Now there are just eight people here. If one person is five billion, it's just 40 billion.

Therefore, he is reluctant to kill any of these eight people. He hopes that each of them can give him five billion yuan.

"He Feng, our Cao family is attached to the Chen family of the high ancient martial family. If you cheat our Cao family's money now, it's equivalent to cheating the Chen family's money. Do you really want to do this?"

Cao xiudang clenched his teeth and finally moved out their Cao family's backer.

"Chen family? What the hell is that? " He Feng turned his lips. He had no idea what the Chen family was. He only knew the four families.

"Cao xiudang, don't cheat people any more. People don't know, but I know very well that the relationship between the Cao family and the Chen family is not good, because the Cao family has separated from the Chen family and developed on their own. They haven't paid tribute to the Chen family for two consecutive years, and the Chen family's support for the Cao family has been interrupted for a long time. Now, don't say that the Cao family just suffered a little loss. Even if your Cao family is destroyed, I don't think the Chen family can help you cao family come out. "

Xi Zhenxing said with a sneer.

He had only heard about these things before, but he Feng asked him to help investigate the Cao family's information these days, so he knew in great detail.

"You, how do you know that?"

Cao xiudang looks at Xi Zhenxing in surprise. He really deliberately moves the Chen family out to scare He Feng, but he doesn't want to be exposed directly by Xi Zhenxing.

In fact, there is no way for the Cao family to break away from the Chen family. Two years ago, the Cao family discovered the great array of patriarchs in their ancestral land, and decided to concentrate the family's resources to cultivate the top dark power.

The annual tribute they give to the Chen family is worth tens of billions, so they decided to leave the Chen family and no longer pay tribute.

In any case, once Huajin master appeared in their Cao family, their Cao family would be able to directly become a higher ancient martial family. Why should Chen family protect them?

"How can I know? I don't need to explain to you. You'd better think about how to live now. Brother he is powerful and has a great master around him. Don't say you have left the Chen family. Even if you haven't left the Chen family, he won't pay attention to the Chen family. "

Xi Zhenxing stretched a little, too lazy to continue to watch the excitement, and went directly to the house, "brother he, there's nothing for me here. I'll take a bath and have a rest first."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'll come back in an hour. Want to live and money is not enough, in this one hour time, hurry to find a way to raise money. In addition, you are not allowed to divulge our strength, otherwise money will not save your lives. "

He Feng glanced at Cao xiudang and others one by one, and then looked at Yang Qi, "Yang Qi, you stare at them here. If anyone dares to reveal that we have a master here, kill them directly, and then let's go back and destroy the family behind them."


Yang Qi nodded.

Smell speech, Cao xiudang etc. facial expression all became ugliness.

He Feng is ignore them, he went straight to Xi Xueqing, "Xueqing sister, you don't want to break through to dark strength? Come on, let's go to the practice room! "


"Well, let's go!"

For He Feng's proposal, Xi Xueqing naturally won't have any opinions. Anyway, there's nothing to see here.

Moreover, after seeing that Yang Qi and others showed the powerful and unpredictable strength, she is also eager to let herself improve her cultivation as soon as possible.

Immediately, he Feng and others returned to Liuyue club, leaving only eight people in Cao xiudang's party and Yang Qi in the yard.

Now Cao xiudang and others have been abandoned. Yang Qi, the great master of Huajin, looks at them. They don't want to play any tricks.

"Five billion, my God, he Feng is just a lion. He asked us for five billion directly. How can we get together?"

Watching He Feng and others leave, Jiang Kui roars loudly.

"Hey, what else can I do but call the family and ask them to find a way to get together?"

"Well, let's get in touch with the family. At this time, as long as you want to survive, you have to rely on the family. "

"Today, it's really a failure!"

Mi Kong copper and others are helpless with a bitter smile.

Then, they took out their mobile phones one after another and went to make a phone call.

Cao xiudang and other four members of the Cao family were gloomy and didn't know what to do.

The Cao family is a middle-class family of ancient martial arts. Yes, two years ago, the Cao family was also quite rich. But in these two years, the Cao family has taken all their wealth and resources out to accumulate the ancient martial arts with the highest strength. There is not much money left.

"Tianping, Caohe, caoshang, how much private money do you have in your hands? Let's get to the bottom of it. At this point, don't hide it."

Cao xiudang glanced at Cao Tianping and said, "I'll talk about mine first. I still have 3.8 billion yuan on my card. It's 1.2 billion yuan away from 5 billion yuan."

"Second master, I still have 2.5 billion." Cao Tianping said.

"I have 2.2 billion on my card." Cao River.

"I want two billion!" Cao Shangdao.

Smell speech, Cao xiudang brow not from wrinkle, "here also 10.5 billion, still short of a full 9.5 billion."

"Second master, why don't I talk to He Feng again and ask him to give us less? If we give him 10 billion yuan, we should be able to eliminate the grudge between him and our Cao family? "

Cao Tianping said.

"Hey, do you have the guts to talk to him?"

Cao xiudang grinned.

"I..." Cao Tianping was speechless.

"Let me call my elder brother. He can help us to make up the remaining 9.5 billion."

Cao xiudang shook his head, took out his cell phone and called.

When they called, Yang Qi did not deliberately stare at them.

Rao is so. Cao xiudang and others can also detect a crisis of death, which is shrouded above their heads. It seems that as long as they say the wrong word, the crisis will come immediately and kill them.

Therefore, when they make a phone call, they are cautious and raise money for various reasons, rather than saying that they will take money to buy their lives.

In a word, save your life first. When you survive, go back and tell the family about He Feng's toughness.

At the same time, he Feng and Xi Xueqing come to a training room in Liuyue club.

"Xueqing sister, your father asked you to use pojingdan. Do you have any opinion?"

He Feng looks at Xi Xueqing and asks.

Xi Xueqing said with a smile: "I don't know much about the way of cultivation. Most of the time I follow my father's instructions. I will practice as she asks me. I won't have any opinions. However, I'm a little curious. You are no more than a few years older than me. Why is your cultivation so much better than me? How can you become a strong master? There are few masters in your twenties in China. How do you practice? "


He Feng thought about it and casually made up a reason, "did Xinyu tell you that when I was a teenager, I was abducted and sold abroad?"

"Well, she said, does it have anything to do with your cultivation talent?"

"Of course it does. The reason why I practice so fast is because I have an adventure abroad."


"Yes, otherwise how could I practice so fast?"

He Feng solemnly said: "so, you must help me keep a secret, no one can tell. Including your father, you can't let him know, OK? "

See he Feng so cautious, Xi Xueqing repeatedly nodded, "you don't worry, you have adventure things, I won't tell anyone."

He Feng nodded, "well, I'll teach you a set of gas refining methods when I help you refine the breakthrough pill. This set of gas refining method is the essence of my adventure. You must not let your father know. "

"I swear, I won't leak a word!"

Xi Xueqing swears.

"I don't have to swear. I can trust you, or I won't teach you this set of gas refining methods."

"He Feng, I'm a little curious. A set of gas refining methods is so powerful?"

"Yes, you will know its effect in a moment. Its value is comparable to a set of advanced martial arts of the earth level!"

"Earth level senior..."

Xi Xueqing takes a breath. The earth level is advanced, which at least needs to be cultivated by a master above Huajin's later stage. Even her father Xi Zhenxing is not qualified to practice.

"He Feng, thank you for your trust in me!"

Xi Xueqing looks at He Feng's eyes, showing a trace of tenderness.

He Feng was willing to teach it to her. How much he trusted and valued her.

"Ha ha, you cross your knees and sit down. Take this broken border pill."

He Feng naturally noticed Xi Xueqing's strange, he touched his nose, some speechless, he just casually told a few words, she is about to make a promise to himself?

When did Fengge's charm become so great?


Xi Xueqing took the pill, sat down, closed her eyes and swallowed it into her stomach.

In the next hour or so, he Feng helps Xi Xueqing to refine the pill. He turns the energy into the purest dark energy and hides it in the meridians all over his body. He also teaches Xi Xueqing the method of refining Qi.

After staying for nearly an hour, he Feng pondered that Cao xiudang and others should have collected almost all the money, so he went out of the training room and came to the yard.

"Everybody, have you got all the money? If you get it together, you can transfer it to me immediately. It's impossible to transfer money... "

He Feng's eyes fell on Yang Qi, light vomited a word, "kill!"

"Yes The dagger in Yang Qi's hand immediately sent out a real meaning of the dagger, which was Soul-catching.

"Mr. He, I've got five billion yuan."

Jiang Kui quickly waved his mobile phone, "Mr. He, please tell me your bank card account number."

"Well, I'll report it and you'll remember." He Feng said, when about to his bank card number to report out.

Although Jiang Kui and others are very distressed about the 5 billion yuan, they have long considered it clearly. If they have no money, they can earn more, but they have only one life.

Therefore, Jiang Kui took out his mobile phone and transferred the 5 billion yuan to He Feng.

"Mr. He, I have transferred the money to you. You should keep your word and let me go safely." Jiang kuidao.

At this time, he Feng's mobile phone also vibrated, came a short message, prompted to account 5 billion.

"Well, here it is. You can go out." He Feng faces Jiang Kui.

"Thank you, Mr. He!"

Jiang Kui's face brightened, and he said to the rice empty copper: "brother empty copper, please transfer money quickly, I'll wait for you."

"All right!"

Rice empty copper sighed a, take out the mobile phone, also to He Feng turned five billion in the past.

The Wei and Huang families also transferred money one after another.

"The Cao family is not going to transfer money to me?" He Feng is in a good mood and looks at Cao xiudang, Cao Tianping and others.

It's just that the eyes seem to be shining, as if they are not looking at four people, but 20 billion.

"Here! I'll give it to you now! "

Cao xiudang's face is oppressive. He takes out his mobile phone and transfers the money on his card to He Feng.

20 billion!

"Hoo! 80 billion, finally together! I was going to pay on credit for a week, but I didn't expect to get the money in a day or two. I'll transfer it to elder brother Xi in a moment. "

He Feng in the heart long out a breath.

Originally, he didn't have to worry so much. He just killed the Cao family.

After all, the people of the Cao family dare to set fire to the welfare home. When he Feng sees the people of the Cao family, he wants to kill them immediately. How can he tell them so much nonsense.


The poor will make such a compromise in the end for the sake of money.

What's more, he Feng managed to save face and let the other party give him credit. There were still people in Guiyi medicine Hall who raised objections. He Feng was very upset. He immediately seized any opportunity to earn enough of the 80 billion yuan.

"He Feng, the money has been transferred to you. Our Cao family won't fight against you any more. Can we go now?" Cao xiudang asked.

"Well, let's go!" He Feng waved, and then turned into the club.

"Come on, go back!"

Cao xiudang led Cao Tianping and others to go out together.

They arrived at the Liuyue club by car, and now they are ready to go to those cars together.

"Second master Cao, would you like me to send you back to Wang's first?" Rice Kong copper asked politely.

"Well, let's go back to Wang's first."

Cao xiudang narrowed his eyes and said that when he thought of Cao Zhiyan and them, Cao xiudang's heart was filled with a strong desire to kill Cao Zhiyan and Cao Rui.

However, his cultivation is now abandoned. For a while, he can only contact the Cao family to help them get rid of Cao Zhiyan and others.

"Second master Cao, excuse me for asking, this He Feng, do you cao family want to deal with him?" Jiang Kui asked curiously.

"He Feng..."

Cao xiudang murmured and shook his head: "He Feng's strength is too strong, and he is surrounded by a strong master. How can our Cao family deal with him? It's good that he doesn't come to deal with our Cao family in the future. "

"Alas, our rice family can't provoke him any more, otherwise we don't know how to destroy our rice family," he sighed

"Yes, no matter what, we can't deal with He Feng any more." Jiang Kui was relieved. He was still a little worried that the Cao family would take them to deal with He Feng. That would be a bit of trouble.

The people of the Huang family and the Wei family all agreed.

Cao xiudang glanced at them without saying anything.

Don't deal with He Feng?

How is that possible?

But now he Feng is surrounded by strong masters, and they have to give up for a while. Later, the Cao family will gather 18 strong masters to run the grand array of masters in ancestral land, cultivate several strong masters, and then kill He Feng.

At that time, even Xi Zhenxing and the Nanjin military region will not be able to keep he Feng.

"By the way, have you figured out how to explain to the family about us buying lives with 5 billion yuan?" Jiang Kui asked suddenly.


"It's a bit hard to say!"

The people of the Huang and Wei families frowned.

The money for their lives is not a little, but five billion yuan. The Wei family and the Huang family are not as rich as the MI family. Five billion yuan is the total expenditure of a year for their family.

And the life they bought back, no longer has the later cultivation of dark strength, but is just a useless person who has been abandoned.

Once this matter is told to the family, they will definitely be regarded as the family sinners, subject to spit and abuse, and the dignity of the past will no longer exist.

"Well, I'd better tell my family that he Feng asked us to buy our lives and then abolish our accomplishments, or even add that if we don't give him money, he will destroy our family. As long as we have the same reason, nothing will happen. In the next ten years, let's enjoy our old age. " Mikong copper suddenly said.

"Well, that's a good reason. Let's all say so."

"Yes, it's time to have a good time."

"Go, go back!"

Jiang Kui and others nodded, agreed, and went on.

Cao xiudang's four men looked at each other and nodded. Obviously, they felt that they could use this reason to explain to Cao's family when they returned home.

Otherwise, they will be rejected in the family.

At this time, they are walking into a path, passing this road, and there is a parking lot in front of them.

But their steps stopped at this time.

Because, in front of them, there were three people in black.

Three people are women, pretty, but the breath is very cold, looking at their eyes, with a touch of killing.

"Ladies, what can I do for you?" Walking in front of the meter empty copper subconsciously asked a, heart cautious up.

"Let's do it, and work it out quickly."

One of the leading women said, and then they rushed to micong copper and others, and the other two women followed one after another.

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