"No! They're killers, coming for us. "

"What's more, all of them are the killers of dark power. Damn, where do these people come from?"

"He Feng! It's he Feng. He has no faith in his words. He promised not to kill us, but he sent a killer to kill us. "

Mikong copper and others screamed in horror, then turned around and ran without hesitation.

If their elixir fields are not abandoned, they will not be afraid of these killers. But now Dantian is abandoned. They are no different from ordinary people. How can they deal with these killers?


These killers who kill them are not ordinary killers, but the top killers in the dark. How can they escape?

"Pooh! Poof! Poof

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Jiang Kui and the three members of the Huang family of the Wei family, who were running at the back, were stabbed into the heart with a sword and fell into a pool of blood with a scream.

"Damn it, he Feng, you are shameless!"

Aware of the fast approaching of the figure behind, the breath of death rose in the heart of mikong copper, which made him roar loudly.


As soon as the sound started, a sharp blade penetrated his back and pierced his heart.

Then, without looking at him, the beautiful and cool figure continued to rush to the front.

"Forget it, I can't escape. Stop it!"

At this time, Cao xiudang suddenly stopped and looked back.

Of the eight, six are dead now, leaving only him and Cao Tianping.

The three female killers have come to them. They have no chance to escape. The speed of the other side is too fast.

"Miss, are you sent by He Feng?"

Cao xiudang looked at the female killer and said: "can you help me ask he Feng, I can give him some more money, just ask him to let me die. I really promise that from now on, our Cao family will never trouble him again. "

Cao Tianping then said, "yes, yes, miss, just ask for us. In fact, I still have more than two billion yuan in my card. As long as he is willing to spare my life, I can transfer the two billion yuan to him immediately."

"I don't think you need to ask. Mr. He is not short of money."

The leading female killer is indifferent and walks towards them.

"Not short of money?"

Cao xiudang and Cao Tianping look a little ugly. NIMA, if we are not short of money, why do we want five billion?

However, seeing that the female assassin had gone to them, Cao xiudang gritted his teeth and said, "can you tell he Feng that there is one in the ancestral land of our Cao family..."


Who knows, Cao xiudang just opened his mouth, the female killer suddenly accelerated, immediately came to Cao xiudang, a sword across Cao xiudang's throat.

The sword turned sharply, and then pierced Cao Tianping's throat, who was preparing to beg for mercy.

Two people stare big eye bead son, open wide mouth, eyes full of fear and unwilling, toward the back fell down.

"There's a lot of nonsense. If I listen to you, my ears will grow cocoon." The female killer frowned.

"Indeed, these people are really stupid. If Mr. He is short of money, he can't let them go. Only by killing them, Mr. He's strength will not be exposed, and the forces behind them will be able to avenge them. In this way, Mr. He can make more money. " Another female killer said.

"Yes, it's just that I don't understand. Mr. He is the master of Huajin. It's reasonable to say that he won't be short of the tens of billions. Why should he make money in this way?"

"Well, we can't figure out what happened to Mr. He, but his way of making money is really a bit of a hole."

"We won't discuss Mr. He's business. The truck he prepared for us is in front of us. Let's carry the body first." Another female killer said.

"Well, let's finish what Mr. He told us as soon as possible."

The third sister nodded.


"He Feng, thank you

In the hall of Liuyue club, Xi Zhenxing is grateful to He Feng.

Because Xi Xueqing had finished her cultivation and came out, and her body was full of dark energy.

She just broke through, the breath has not yet converged perfectly.

"Brother Xi, why are you polite to me? It's not a big deal. " He Feng smile, "by the way, you give me a card number, I now put the 80 billion to you."

"You'll make up 80 billion?" Xi Zhenxing asked in surprise.

"Yes, there was a difference of 40 billion. They just sent 40 billion, so now it's enough." Hefeng road.

"Well, I'll give you the card number first."

Xi Zhenxing took out a bank card and gave it to He Feng, who soon completed the transfer.

After a one-time transfer of 80 billion yuan, only 3.3 billion yuan was left on He Feng's card.

When the money arrived, Xi Zhenxing asked, "brother he, you have bought so many pills this time. You should not need any more pills later?"

"This... I don't know now. I'll look at it later and buy it if necessary."

He Feng touched his nose, a little bitter in his heart.

The more than 80 billion elixir is just the elixir needed in the budget. It's no problem for Chu Yue and Ling Weiyu to reach the peak of dark strength. But whether they can support Wang Xiangyun to break through to the peak of dark strength is uncertain now.

After all, the amount of pills Wang Xiangyun needed during Mingjin period was ten times more than that of Chu Yue.

When it comes to dark strength, will this multiple continue to be maintained or will it continue to be improved

He Feng didn't dare to think about it.

It's like thinking about how much more money you need to make

How much pressure!

"OK, if you need pills, just say hello to me."

Xi Zhenxing said with a smile, "but it's hard for you to make money in this way. The Cao family and some ancient martial forces in Nanjin city are afraid to trouble you again when they learn that you have a strong master around you. "

"Hey, they don't know." He Feng grinned, showing his white teeth.

"I don't know?"

When Xi Zhenxing heard the speech, he quickly responded, "it's hard to do it. You can make Cao xiudang them..."

"If their Cao family didn't burn down the welfare home, I might consider sparing their lives. But they even dare to burn my home. Let alone these people, I will not let go of the whole Cao family. As for the MI family, I can only say that they are unlucky. Why do they have to come to me with the Cao family? "

He Feng said with a squint.


Xi Zhenxing took a breath, looking at He Feng's eyes suddenly changed.

He felt that he knew too little about the young man.

His determination and ruthlessness to the enemy far exceeded his imagination.

At this moment, in Xi Zhenxing's heart, he came up with an idea. When he went back to Guiyi medicine hall this time, he must say hello to the people in the medicine hall. He should not conflict with He Feng, let alone offend the people around him.

He Feng may not care too much about the enemies who offend him, but if he touches the people around him

The consequences are not generally serious!

"Brother he, after you destroy the Cao family, do you want to plunder the assets of the Cao family? For example, have them turn their assets into cash and transfer them to you? "

Xi Zhenxing suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Of course, I can't do it in vain." He Feng nodded without hesitation.

I'm kidding. God knows how much it will cost for Wang Xiangyun's cultivation in the future. Of course, he has to prepare in advance. He doesn't want to miss the chance to make a little money.

"If so, I'm afraid it will be a bit of trouble..."

Xi Zhenxing frowned and said: "two years ago, the Cao family left the protection of the Chen family. The reason why the Chen family didn't go to the Cao family was that they also invested a lot of money in many industries of the Cao family. In the past two years, the Chen family has spent a lot of energy to swallow up these industries of the Cao family. If you just destroy the Cao family, the Chen family will not trouble you, and even thank you. But after you destroy the Cao family, you have to swallow his property. I'm afraid the Chen family won't agree! "

"The Chen family won't agree? So they're going to trouble me. " He Feng frowned and seemed a little worried.

"Well, I'm sure I'll get into trouble!"

Xi Zhenxing sees he Feng frowning and thinks he Feng is afraid of the Chen family. He's a little relieved. He's really a little afraid that he Feng doesn't even pay attention to the Chen family and gets into big trouble.

Although there is a he family behind he Feng, the Chen family is a high-level ancient martial family. There are all kinds of complex networks behind them. They must be very close to a certain royal family. Even he family is not good at helping He Feng deal with the Chen family directly.

Then he Feng will be too dangerous to deal with the Chen family alone.

"OK, I see. I'll do what I can." He Feng nodded solemnly, saying that he would attach importance to this matter and seriously consider it.

"Ha ha, then I can rest assured." Xi Zhenxing said with a smile.

However, he obviously does not understand he Feng's real idea.

He thinks he Feng is afraid of the Chen family, but he Feng thinks that if the Chen family comes to trouble him, he can get some money from the Chen family.

After all, the assets of the Cao family alone are estimated to be tens of billions.

Too few!


In the early hours of the morning, the urban area of Jiangbin city is still full of traffic and lights.

But on a small road along the lake, few vehicles passed by.

At this time, on this path, a very embarrassed figure was walking slowly, his face was extremely pale, and his eyes were full of the color of dead ash.

This is song Yan!

"I've been enjoying the scenery of song Yan for so many years. I didn't expect to end up like this. I can't even be a man."

Song Yan is walking forward step by step. Every step is extremely painful. He has to exhaust all his strength, but he doesn't know that the whole person seems to have lost consciousness.


I don't know how long later, his mobile phone in his pocket vibrated.

I don't know it's his real father song Shiqun. I didn't call him.

As expected!

Song Yan also did not feel disappointed, the mood did not have the slightest waves.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

The mobile phone vibrated again, and it was still a call from Zhang Ziyan.


This time, song Yan pressed the answer button.

"Brother Yan, you, you finally answered the phone. You're still alive. Thank God you didn't have an accident. That's great. Where are you now? I'll see you in Jiangbin right away. "

Zhang Ziyan's voice was full of excitement and surprise.

"Ziyan, thank you for your efforts in recent years. If God gives me another chance, I will marry you, love you and make you happy. Unfortunately... I can't give you any of these. "

Song Yan said with a smile, his voice seemed very sorry, "Ziyan, I'm sorry for you, you find another good family to marry, and then... Forget me!"

"Brother Yan, why do you say this to me? What do you want to do? You make it clear to me. Hello, brother Yan, don't hang up. I want to see you. I'll go to Jiangbin city to see you now. Don't mess around. Hello... "

Zhang Ziyan's anxious roar, full of panic and panic, rang out on the phone.

However, the sound is not in Song Yan's ears, but in the air.


Mobile phone in the air across a sad parabola, fell into the dark lake, ripples.

"He Feng, I can't get revenge for your humiliation. If there is an afterlife, I can still remember this hatred... "Song Yan's eyes showed a touch of death ambition, and endless hatred," I will peel your skin, pull your tendons, break your bones, and frustrate you. "

Thinking of this, song Yan struggles to stand up and looks at the dark lake, ready to climb over the fence and bury his life in it.


At this time, the front of the corner, sounded a low roar of sports cars.

A bunch of strong LED white light, shine from.

Song Yan exhausted the whole body strength, walked a few steps forward, then saw the other side of the corner, a sports car was speeding.

"At such a fast speed, it should be able to... Kill me!"

Song Yan thought about it, and soon changed his mind, "in this way, I will not be buried at the bottom of the lake, as food for fish and insects, at least I can die slightly."

His eyes were fixed on the fast approaching sports car in front of him. He stayed close to it


With all his strength, song Yan took a step forward, then pedaled his legs and wanted to rush to the sports car.


However, he obviously overestimated his current physical strength, and the expected picture of jumping on the sports car did not appear. Song Yan could not make much effort at all, so he took a step. As soon as he was about to jump, his legs became weak and his body fell to the ground.


Obviously, the car owner didn't expect that there would be a person at the corner. The car body shook a little unsteadily for two times, the tire made a few sharp friction noises with the ground, and then stopped steadily on the side of the road.

"Damn, are you a porcelain bumper? I came here to touch porcelain. Do you want to die? "

The door opened and a middle-aged man came down from the car. He yelled coldly.

In his eyes, even a touch of real intention to kill appeared.

The surrounding temperature, as if in this moment became cold down.

He and his young lady came to Jiangbin city for the first time. The young lady was in a good mood, so she asked him to drive to see the night scene of Jiangbin City, but he didn't want to go to a crowded place. He came here. Unexpectedly, he met the porcelain bumping party. If it wasn't for his good driving skills, strong physical and psychological quality, he would have overturned, even broken the guardrail and rushed into the lake.

Although he and his young lady are strong enough not to die in a car accident, they are also disappointing, aren't they?

Therefore, when the middle-aged man got out of the car, he had made a decision to kill the porcelain bumping party, including his accomplices.

Soon, the middle-aged man saw song Yan lying on the ground, the other side lying on the ground, nothing moving, his face is still pale, looks like he was seriously injured.

"Why do you want to lie on the ground and pretend to be dead? Oh, it seems that you really want to die, so I'll help you! "

Speaking, the middle-aged man's body rises up a strong breath, every move, as if there is a thunder rolling.

This is the state of Qi and blood galloping in the body. It can also be said that Qi and blood are like tigers, far beyond the physique of ordinary people.

In the ancient martial arts world, Mingjin's constitution is a little stronger than ordinary people. When it comes to dark strength, the body is warmed by internal strength, and the constitution is improved again, and the life expectancy is increased, but this improvement has not been qualitatively sublimated.

Only when it comes to transforming energy and refining energy into flesh and blood, can the physique get a qualitative sublimation, which is more than ten times stronger than ordinary people, such as tigers and dragons. With all one's strength, the Qi and blood are surging, and ordinary people are regarded as ants.

"Hoo Hoo

He raised his leg and stepped on Song Yan's head with one foot. His blood was surging. It was obvious that he tried his best.

It can be seen how unhappy he was with the man who touched the porcelain. At this time, the great master of great strength made every effort.

"You're going to kill me, aren't you? Well, I can finally get rid of it. "

Facing such a powerful leg, song Yan, lying on the ground, not only has no fear, but also shows a smile of relief on his face.

"Ah Xing, wait..."

At this time, the middle-aged man behind suddenly came a crisp lazy voice.


As soon as the voice rang out, the breath of the middle-aged man suddenly converged, and his control of strength was perfect, which showed that he had been in the master realm for a long time.

Behind the middle-aged man, a young woman in her twenties, seventies and eighties is walking by. She is as sexy as a top model. Her flawless face is full of charm and glamour. Any man who looks at it will be deeply involved in it.

"Miss, this man wants to touch porcelain. Do you want to keep him?"

After ah Xing's breath was restrained, he respectfully retreated behind the woman and asked in a low voice. He didn't dare to look at the woman for fear of causing the other party's dissatisfaction. At that time, even if he was a master, he would be miserable.

"This person doesn't seem to touch porcelain. He seems to be frustrated and want to commit suicide."

Mu Jingbai's cold eyes swept song Yan lying on the ground. With a common look, song Yan felt as if he had been completely seen through. "This gentleman, don't you know what I said?"

Looking at mu Jingbai, song Yan's mind has been completely attracted and addicted.

He didn't expect that there was such a beautiful woman in the world. I'm afraid that even Wang Xiangyun and Ji Xinyu are not as attractive to men?

It's just

At the thought of his place being abandoned, song Yan's heart rose a trace of sadness.

No matter how beautiful this woman is, what does it have to do with her?

"Hum, whether I want to commit suicide or not has nothing to do with you. Since you want to kill me, kill me. Don't talk nonsense." Song Yan cold snorted a way, looking at the eyes of the woman have no the slightest fear.

Ah XingNu yelled: "wanton..."

"Shut up, did I ask you to talk?"

Mu Jingbai glared at ah Xing.

Ah Xing quickly lowered his head and said with fear: "excuse me, miss, I'm wrong!"

Mu Jingbai ignored ah Xing. She looked up and down at Song Yan's body. She seemed to see something. She was surprised and said, "it turns out that you have been abandoned the symbol of a man. No wonder you are so frustrated and desperate."

Song Yan's face changed slightly. He held his fist and roared angrily: "smelly woman, what's the matter with me? Does it have anything to do with you? You either kill me. Is it meaningful to humiliate me? "

After being scolded by song Yan, mu Jingbai didn't get angry either. She just made an interesting analysis and said, "Gee, from your clothes, you should be worth a lot of money, right? It is reasonable to say that people should have the strength to take revenge. How can they ask for death directly? Don't you even get revenge? Or is your enemy so powerful that you don't even have the idea of revenge? "

"I said that my business has nothing to do with you. If you want to kill me, why talk so much nonsense?"

"Can you tell me who your enemy is and how strong he is?"

"It's none of your business!"

"Is it?"

Mu Jingbai smiles faintly, and then turns around to leave. She stretches as she walks, revealing her sexy body, which is not worth her life. "Originally, I said I could avenge you. Since you are not interested in chatting with me, then forget it. If you want to die yourself, go to die!"


Hearing this, song Yan was stunned, then raised his head and stared at mu Jingbai's back, "wait, what did you just say? Can you avenge me? "

"Yes, but aren't you not interested in talking to me?"

Mu Jingbai stops and looks back at Song Yandao.

"But... The man who abandoned me is not so powerful. Because of his strong, my father gave up on me, I certainly can not rely on their own strength to revenge. Although there is a woman who likes me and is willing to avenge me. But I'm in such a state that I have no face to see her at all. "

Song Yan said: "moreover, he has a friend who is much stronger than him. Even if my girlfriend wants to help me, I'm afraid it's hard to help me get revenge, or even bring her trouble."

"Why do you talk so much nonsense to me?"

Mu Jingbai said impatiently, "I'm asking you, how strong are your enemies and what level of cultivation are they? Have you reached the true state of Qi? "

"True Qi State? What is true Qi State? " Song Yan a face doubts of asked a, he is not a person of ancient martial arts, natural don't know what is true Qi realm.


Mu Jingbai was stunned. She just realized that song Yan was just an ordinary man who didn't even gather his strength. "You can tell me directly about his accomplishments."

"I heard my father say that he has the strength to easily defeat the dark force in the middle stage, and his combat effectiveness should be comparable to that of the dark force in the later stage. But there is a strong man around him who can easily beat the two late dark strength, and his cultivation has at least reached the peak of dark strength. "

Song Yan stares at mu Jingbai tightly, trying to see what the woman's reaction will be after she says that the other party is the peak cultivation of dark strength.

"The peak of dark strength?"

Mu Jingbai was speechless when she heard this.

"Ha ha, do you feel so strong that you can't help me? In fact, it's OK. I already expected it would be this result. " Song Yan laughs at himself and doesn't feel disappointed.

"Very strong? You are wrong. I don't think they are strong, but weak! "

However, mu Jingbai shook his head and sighed, "it seems that I think too much. There are few ancient warriors in Jiangbin city. How strong can your enemy be? By the way, I heard that the strongest one in Jiangbin city is just strong? Why is it that the person with the highest dark strength suddenly appears again? "

"Is the peak of dark strength weak?"

Song Yan frowned, don't know if the other side is deliberately exaggerated.

Hearing mu Jingbai's question, song Yan thought about it and said, "the man in the later period of dark strength, named He Feng, appeared in Jiangbin city not long ago, and few people knew his real strength. I don't know the man with the highest dark strength, but I've never seen or heard of him in Jiangbin city before. I don't think he's from Jiangbin city. "

"He Feng? Well, I see! "

Mu Jingbai said the name a little, then nodded and said, "I'll ask you now, do you want to revenge with your own hands? Kill the man who is called He Feng. "

"They are a late stage of dark energy, a peak of dark energy, and I am just an ordinary person. How do you want me to kill them with my own hands? Are you kidding me? " Song Yan sneered.

Mu Jingbai didn't say much, but pointed to ah Xing behind him and said, "this is my bodyguard ah Xing. His cultivation is at the level of Hua Jin. Do you think I'll pay attention to the peak of dark energy? "

"Master? Is he a great master? "

Song Yan stares big eye bead son, incredibly ask a way.

He has never heard of true Qi, but he knows Hua Jin. Because his father told him that above the peak of dark strength is Hua Jin. However, there seems to be a little difference between the top of dark strength and Huajin, but the top ten or twenty dark strength masters are not as powerful as a master of Huajin.

Rao is the leader of a province. When he sees him, he will treat him as a VIP. His status is far from the top of dark power.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. But now, I only give you one chance. If you want to get revenge, I can give you a chance. If you don't want to get revenge, just think I didn't say anything. "

Mu Jingbai said faintly: "however, I'll tell you the ugly words first. Although I can give you a chance, whether you can have the strength to kill the top of dark strength depends on your own belief and willpower. At that time, you will go through two rounds of screening, and through the first round of screening, you will have the hope to become a dark strong one. Through the second round of screening, you can go straight to Huajin. "

Smell speech, song Yan complexion great joy, "no problem, I am willing to try, to screen."

Mu Jingbai said: "OK, but I want to say hello to you in advance. If these two rounds of screening fail, they will die directly. According to our insurance estimate, the failure rate of the first round is about 50%, and that of the second round is... 95%! "

"In other words, the death rate is 95%

Song Yan suddenly laughed, "ha ha, let alone the death rate is only 95%, even if it is 99%, I will try."

"Two days later, you go to Michen villa to find ah Xing. He will take you for screening. I wish you success." Mu Jingbai said.

"Looking for him? Didn't I come to you directly? "

"Ha ha, I came to Jiangbin city today just to see the city. I won't stay in such a small place where I don't even have a real atmosphere for a long time. Well, I don't want to waste your time. If you survive two rounds of screening, you may have a chance to see me in the future. Good luck

Mu Jingbai chuckled and turned around.

However, after two steps, her steps suddenly gave a slight pause, "by the way, what's the name of the man you just said?"

"He Feng!"

"Do you know how old he is?"

"It seems to be twenty-six years old!"

"Twenty six, the later period of dark strength..."

Mu Jingbai shook her head. On her beautiful cheek, she felt disappointed. "This talent is really rubbish."

With that, she quickened her pace and went to the sports car. Ah Xing immediately ran to help open the door. After mu Jingbai got on the bus, he got on the bus and drove away.

Seeing the sports car disappear at the end of the dark road, the gray color in Song Yan's eyes faded away, replaced by a strong hatred and a firm belief in revenge

"He Feng, I, song Yan, will pass the screening anyway and become the top strong one comparable to master Huajin. Then I will return the humiliation you gave me ten times and a hundred times!"


"Miss, how did you suddenly care about the man named He Feng?"

On the sports car, ah Xing asked curiously.

In his impression, since the young lady stepped into that realm, people below Huajin could hardly get into her eyes, and even master Huajin paid little attention to her.

"It's just that I suddenly think of a man of ancient martial arts more than 20 years ago. He's also surnamed he and named Fengyun. At that time, he really set off a huge storm in the ancient martial arts world of China. " Mu Jingbai sighed.

If you think about it again, he Feng is 26 years old. It's only in the later stage of dark strength. He Feng doesn't even have the share of shoes to carry. It's rubbish.

"Oh? Is there anyone else in the world who can be so praised by you, miss? But why haven't I heard of he Fengyun? "

"Twenty six years ago, he was dead."


"Yes, yes, I died in the world shaking war that even the myth fell easily and turned into force like ants."

Mu Jingbai sighed with some regret: "if he didn't die, with his talent, he would be able to join the legendary god list and become a real peerless man."


When ah Xing heard what mu Jingbai said, he took a cold breath with a shocked face.

Myths fall easily?

It seems that he Fengyun is really a good character.

"By the way, miss, what is the God list? Is the gold content ever higher? " Ah Xing asked curiously.

Mu Jingbai sneered, "tianbang? Hehe, it's the list of Tianji, isn't it? The gold content is a little bit, but it is not comparable with Shenbang. As for what is the God list, you don't have to ask. After you break through to the true Qi, you are barely qualified to know what is the God list. "


Ah Xing didn't know how to answer the phone. He felt very low.

"However, although the tianbang is of average gold content, my father insisted that I go for a sprint. He said that a person who has just broken through the true Qi state can only be regarded as a real genius if he can make it to the tianbang. In that case, I'll be on the list first. It is said that the last person in today's list is the boss of the Dragon mercenary group of the S-level mercenary group, nicknamed butcher, who is a butcher. In that case, I will kill him for the people and set foot on the list of heaven. "

Mu Jingbai said casually, like killing He Feng and stepping on the list of heaven, it's not difficult for her at all.

"Miss, you can do it!" Ah Xingdao.

"Well, I'll leave Jiangbin early tomorrow morning. I'll give you the first batch of animal transforming pill test plan in zongmen. Remember, it must be kept secret. Don't let anyone in the ancient martial arts know about it, or it will bring trouble to the clan. Do you know? " Mu Jingbai warned.

"Don't worry, miss. I understand the importance of this task. Thank you for your trust."

Mu Jingbai quickly assured, and then asked: "however, just now that boy, in case he narrowly passed two rounds of screening, and has the strength of master Huajin, do I want him to deal with the man who is called He Feng?"

"Well, it's just an old warrior in the later period of dark energy. Let him take revenge. Anyway, as long as he takes the beast changing pill, he can be controlled by us. There is no need to worry about what he will leave after revenge. "

"OK, I see!"

Mu Jingbai looked out of the window, enjoying the night scene of Jiangbin City, thinking about all kinds of information about the butcher.

"Butcher? When I find you, you will die


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