At about 4:30 in the morning, it was just dawn.

Nanjin City, MI Jia.

"Master, no, something's wrong."

As soon as a middle-aged housekeeper opened the door and was ready to clean the courtyard of the rice family, he saw a figure lying on the ground. So he immediately went to check it and found that the figure lying on the ground was a big figure in the rice family.

Mikong copper!

Unfortunately, at this time, mikong copper was cold all over, apparently dead for several hours.

So the panicked housekeeper ran to the house.

"What's the matter? What's the point of being flustered? "

The owner, MI Donglong, came down from upstairs and asked with a frown.

"Lord mikone, he... He's dead!" The housekeeper pointed to the yard and said, "his body has been left in the yard."

"What did you say?"

Midonglong was shocked and rushed over.

It's not only him, but also mi Dongyu, the first master of the MI family, who lives with him.

"How could that be? Last night, he asked me to raise money for him. He said that there was something temporary. Why did I disappear in the early morning? " Midonglong looked at the body of micong copper, his face was very ugly.

Their MI family is just a lower family of ancient martial arts. Every one of them is the peak of their fighting power. They have a very high status in the MI family, and they are even more respected than the master of the MI family.

Because of this, yesterday micong copper casually asked him to take billions of dollars, but he didn't ask too much, so he paid directly

"Dantian was also abandoned, and then killed by a sword. The technique is very professional. What's more, if we can put the corpse in our courtyard without disturbing us, the other side is definitely the best in the dark force. " Midonglong analyzed.

"Damn it, isn't it He Feng? It shouldn't be. The Cao family has sent out four strong men at the top of the dark force. The second master of the Cao family is still in charge of the team. Our four families have also arranged four ancient warriors and eight master Gunners in the late dark force. Even Xi Zhenxing, who has the same medicine hall beside he Feng, and the people in the Southern Jin military area, are absolutely dead. "

Mi Donglong's face was very ugly. He thought of some possibility, "empty copper suddenly asked me to transfer more than 3 billion yuan to him last night. Is it the Cao family who suddenly made trouble and then blackmailed him?"

"Cao family's troubles?"

"Yes, after all, Cao Zhiyan, Wang Qing's wife, is a member of the Cao family."

"It's possible, but I don't think it's that simple."

Mi Dongyu pondered: "call the bank immediately and ask them to help investigate whether there was a large amount of remittance in empty copper's account last night. If so, to whom. "

"I see. I'll ask the bank myself."

Mi Donglong takes out his mobile phone and prepares to make a call.

"Brother MI, you don't need to make this call. We have already inquired about it."

Just then, there was a sound of footwork outside the yard, and then a group of people opened the door and came in.

The first three are Jiang Di, Wei Jin Huan and Huang Tianlei.

The strongest members of their family came with them. Except for the Jiang family, there was an old warrior in the later period of dark strength. The strongest members of the Wei family and the Huang family were only in the middle period of dark strength.

"Brother Jiang, brother Wei and brother Huang, are you here?"

Midonglong went up and asked suspiciously, "how do you know what happened to our family? What's more, they have already asked for us? "

Jiang Di said: "the reason is very simple, because it's not only the rice family, but also the Jiang family, the Huang family and the Wei family

"What? You mean, Mr. Jiang Kui, they also... "

"Well! When he died, Dantian was abandoned, and five billion yuan went out last night. " Jiang Di nodded, "the Huang family and the Wei family are the same!"

"Five billion? To whom? "

Midonglong asked.

Although micong copper only asked him for more than 3 billion yuan, he may have more than 1 billion yuan himself, which is almost 5 billion yuan in total.

"He Feng!"

Jiang Di said: "all the money has been transferred to He Feng."

"He Feng? How is that possible? Did they fail in their action? "

Mi Donglong's face was unbelievable. "This operation, not only the experts of our four families, but also the four top dark strength of the Cao family, and led by Cao Erye himself, how could it fail?"

"I don't know why it failed. However, failure is failure! In addition, I also got news that something must have happened to the Cao family. Now the bodies of the four of them have been sent to the Wang family, and the people in the Wang family are in a panic. "

Jiang Di sighed heavily and regretted, "we shouldn't take part in this action. He Feng is so powerful and weird that we don't know his true depth."

"How could that be? That he Feng's strength is only equivalent to the later period of dark strength. It is reasonable to say that even if Xi Zhenxing and Nanjin military region help him, there is absolutely no way out. "

Midonglong really couldn't figure it out. He frowned, "but why did the last one die not only from our side, but also from our people? He didn't even dare to reveal a word when he called the family to ask for money. Does he Feng really have such terrible strength? "

"I don't know, but that he Feng is definitely not something we can deal with." Jiangdidao.

"Well, he Feng is really hard to deal with, but our four families together have lost 20 billion yuan. And it's not known if it will spread out. Once it does, our four families will definitely become the biggest joke in the ancient martial arts world." Midonglong's unwilling way.

Jiang Di and others were silent.

They want to revenge on He Feng, but do they have the strength?

Didn't you see that even the four strong men of the Cao family were killed together?

"He Feng, we also want to kill him, avenge Jiang Kui of our Jiang family, and let him spit out five billion yuan from our Jiang family. But... "

Jiang Di powerless way: "this He Feng is too strong, too strange, we can't think of any way to deal with him."

"Everybody, you can't deal with He Feng, but we can!"

Just then, a sound came from outside the yard.

Then, a figure appeared and stepped forward.

Hua Wenyuan, master of Baiyun medicine hall.

"Flower hall leader?"

When mi Donglong saw the visitor, his eyes brightened, "master Hua, what can you do to deal with He Feng? His current strength is not average. This time we sent them to deal with him, but there were four top secret force, four late secret force and eight master gunners. But in the end, none of them could come back alive. Even after they called back, they didn't dare to say what happened at that time. I'm afraid the strength of the other side is beyond our imagination. "

"Don't worry. No matter how strong you are, you can't reach the master level. After all, he Feng's real age is really in his twenties, not even 30. " Hua Wenyuan road.

"He Feng is not really a great master, but what about Xi Zhenxing? Will Xi Zhenxing break through to the master level Midonglong thought about it.

"No way!"

Hua Wenyuan flatly denied, "at the last auction, I also met Xi Zhenxing, who did not break through to the master at that time. Now it's only a week, he can break through to Huajin? His talent is not so strong

"Hoo, it's ok if you don't reach Huajin!"

Midonglong was relieved.

There is no strength, they still have a little to deal with He Feng.

If he Feng has strength, they don't have to think about it.

"Lord Hua, what's your way to deal with He Feng?" Midonglong continued to ask, Jiang Di and others also raised their ears to listen.

Hua Wenyuan said with a smile: "ha ha, he Feng's temperament, you should have seen it? The people he offended were not just the big families in Nanjin city. Now, he has offended a person he can't afford to offend. Now, he is summoning people to deal with He Feng. "

"Assemble the men?"

Mi Donglong said: "master Hua, I don't know if this great man can please a strong man? He Feng's means are really weird. We have so many experts, and they are all killed easily by him. I think it's hard to get rid of He Feng without Huajin. "

"Don't worry about that. I have just told him what happened here. His reply to me is that he will arrive at Nanjin city early the day after tomorrow, and then he will go to Jiangbin city with us. At that time, even if he can't get master Huajin, he will find a way to deal with him. "

Hua Wenyuan said with a relaxed expression, "now what we have to do is to straighten out the good hands. When he arrives in Nanjin city early the day after tomorrow, we will destroy the Wang family first, then drive the Ling family and Guiyi medicine hall out of Nanjin City, and then go to Jiangbin city to pick up He Feng's head."

"Since he's so confident, my family is fine." Midonglong said.

"I don't have a problem with the Jiang family!" Jiangdidao.

The Huangs and Weis followed suit.

"Well, I'll go first. The day after tomorrow morning, let's go together. At that time, please don't drop the chain. "

Hua Wenyuan smiles, then turns around and leaves.

The Jiang family and others have left, ready to go back and discuss it carefully.

"Old three, you promised too fast!"

After being left in the courtyard, the most powerful member of the MI family, MI Dongyu, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that he Feng is much more difficult to deal with than we thought."

"Brother, you shouldn't boost other people's morale and destroy your prestige at this time. That he Feng killed the empty copper and made us five billion. Before that, he humiliated our rice family in public. Can't we just swallow this tone? " Midonglong frowned.

"Uncle, I think my father is right. Our Mi family is now the largest guwu family in Nanjin city. If we can't even deal with a He Feng, I think it's better to disband the MI family. "

At this time, a beautiful shadow came out of the villa. It was Mi Jiaqi, the daughter of MI Donglong.

Mi Jiaqi's eyes are full of hatred and venom, "He Feng is strong, but since the flower hall leader has enough confidence to deal with He Feng, what are we afraid of? Uncle, do you think he Feng, who has no background, really has a master behind him

Mi Dongyu opened his mouth and wanted to say something,.

But at this time, midonglong bowed down to him deeply, "brother, you are the strongest of our rice family. Now our rice family has lost face and is about to become a joke of the ancient martial arts. At this time, third brother, I implore you to stand up and protect the dignity of our rice family. "

Seeing this, MI Dongyu was stunned and immediately sighed, "well, since you've made a decision, I'll share the honor and disgrace with the MI family!"

"Brother Xie!" Midonglong said gratefully.


A tall and straight figure came out of the villa with a box in his hand. It was Mi Xinghua, "I'm going to Yanjing today!"

"Why go to Yanjing?"

"Teacher worship!"

"Find the real master, and then worship the master?"

Mi Dongyu's face is inexplicable. He is always instructing Mi Xinghua to practice. How can he suddenly leave now? And he said he was going to visit his teacher!


Mi Xinghua didn't say much, but nodded, "when I'm stable in Yanjing, I'll call back, so you don't have to contact me. Take care of your family. In addition, I have no objection to you dealing with He Feng, but don't be a leading bird. In addition, when dealing with the Wang family, Ling family and Guiyi medicine hall, we rice family had better not kill anyone. In this case, maybe the rice family still has a chance of survival. Otherwise, the rice family will be destroyed! "

Mi Xinghua's tone is very flat, but also very firm, as if he had known all this.

Mi Donglong and others were about to open their mouths to say something, but Mi Xinghua strode out of the yard. His figure was free and easy, and soon disappeared in the sight of everyone.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with Xinghua? This... This is too puzzling, isn't it? " Midonglong looks puzzled.

"I don't know. Since he came back from the last fight with He Feng, he has been in a closed state. Last night, he suddenly left. After he left the pass, I felt that his whole person was not the same as before. Not only did his self cultivation break through to the middle of dark strength, but also his temperament was completely different. "

Mi Dongyu looked out of the yard, stunned, "even I can't see him through..."

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