He Feng doesn't know what happened in Nanjin city. At the moment, he is practicing in a training room. Besides him, there is only Chu Yue in the training room.

As for Ji Xinyu and Xi Xueqing, they did not practice, but went out to play. After all, Xi Xueqing has just arrived in Jiangbin City, and is a young girl. Naturally, they will be very curious about this big city.

Ji Xinyu doesn't need to practice any more now, so she is responsible for Taking Xi Xueqing to play outside as a tour guide.

Ling Weiyu didn't go out to play, but now she is busy. She has to work for about half a day every day, even on Saturdays and Sundays.

In a training room next door, there is a roar of great momentum from time to time. This is Xi Zhenxing and Yang Qi discussing with each other, reflecting the mystery of strength together, so as to improve their control of strength.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

He Feng's mobile phone vibrated in the cultivation room.

He Feng stopped practicing and took out his mobile phone. The caller ID is Wang Xiangyun.

"Hello, daughter-in-law..."

He Feng walked out of the practice room with his mobile phone and then pressed the answer button.

"Answered the phone? I thought you were dead! " Wang Xiangyun's cold voice rang out from the phone.

"I... who said I was dead? Do you curse your husband like that? " He Feng's depressed way.

"Where have you died these days? Haven't seen you for days? How do I know if you're dead or alive? "

Wang Xiangyun said angrily: "if I don't call you, don't you plan to contact me? If that's the case, why don't we go and get a divorce certificate and divorce me now? Anyway, the Wang family can't embarrass me now. "

"Bah, who said I didn't intend to contact you? I just have a lot of things in recent days. As for divorce, there's no way. If you've been He Feng's daughter-in-law for a day, you'll have to be my daughter-in-law for a lifetime. "

He Feng extremely overbearing said.

Hearing this, Wang Xiangyun on the other side was a little silent for a few seconds

"Daughter in law, what's the matter with me? Why don't I go back right now and talk to you face to face? " He Feng asked with a smile.

"Well, if you don't have anything important, you'd better come back. Someone has come to visit you." Wang Xiangyun said.

"Call on me? Who is it? "

"Headmaster Han kanghan, remember?"

"Of course, it's Weiwei's parents' school! What does he come to visit me for? "

"I don't know!"

Wang Xiangyun said helplessly: "however, he also came yesterday. At that time, I said you were not there, so he left directly. I didn't expect to come again today, and not only did he come, but he even called Wei Wei's father. I think he may have something to do with you, so he called you

"Even uncle Gong has been called? All right, I'll go back now. "


Hang up, he Feng with Yang Qi and Xi Zhenxing they said hello, then opened Lexus left the club.

Half an hour later, he Feng came to Xinghui villa.

Just into the villa, they see Han Kang and Gong Wenshu drinking tea in the living room, and aunt Zhan entertaining them on the side.

"Uncle Gong, headmaster Han!" He Feng went in.

"He Feng, here you are!"

"Mr. He Feng, I'm sorry to disturb you!"

Gong Wenshu and Han Kang both stood up.

"If you don't say anything, please sit down." He Feng said, also walked up, aunt Zhan "if I guess correctly, your brother should be called Han Xiang?" He Feng said with a smile.

"Well? How do you know my brother's name? " Han Kang was surprised.

"Han Xiang is a famous chess player in China. Do I know his name is strange?" He Feng asked.

"Er... Well, I forgot about it. My brother has been too low-key these years, and his reputation is no longer revealed." Han Kang was stunned and immediately continued: "since Mr. He knows my elder brother, I wonder if you are interested in being his disciple now?"

He Feng did not answer Han Kang's question, but continued to ask, "headmaster Han, I want to know, is it your idea or your brother Mr. Han Xiang's own idea that I should be his disciple?"

Han Kang frowned and didn't want to answer the question.

But he saw he Feng asked so directly, if he evaded the question and didn't answer, I'm afraid the other side would be disgusted.

"It's my brother Han Xiang's idea!"

Han Kang said truthfully: "to tell you the truth, three years ago, he was once regarded as the first person in the chess world of China's national elephant, known as the" elephant saint ", and no one was his opponent. But three years ago, he was defeated. I heard him say that he was so defeated that he was almost suffocated by the strength of his opponent. As a result, he directly closed the Customs after returning to China, and only recently did he go out. In the past three years, his chess skills have been comprehensively improved, and he has also developed many top chess tactics. Therefore, he wants to absorb some real chess talents all over the world and practice his chess tactics. I think that if you can participate in it, it will be of great help to improve your chess skills. In the future, maybe you will have a chance to become the second "elephant saint."

With that, Han Kang looks at He Feng with burning eyes, waiting for He Feng to reply.

In his opinion, the temptation he gives is big enough, he Feng has no reason to refuse.

"I'm sorry, headmaster Han. I really don't want to be here."

He Feng said apologetically: "if I look like this, my uncle Gong's chess skill is also very exquisite. How about you let your master accept him as an apprentice? Maybe uncle Gong has a chance to become the next elephant saint. "

Gong Wenshu said: "er... I can't do it, Xiao Feng, or you'd better think about it. If you can become a disciple of Xiangsheng, it's really limitless for your future."

He Feng shook his head. "Uncle Gong, headmaster Han, you don't know. Although I'm good at chess, I don't like playing chess very much, let alone being a disciple. I think I'd better make money with my daughter-in-law in the future, and strive to build Yuncheng group into a huge commercial ship with a market value of more than one trillion. "

"The market value is trillion..."

Han Kang stood up with regret on his face and said, "OK, I'll leave first. However, Mr. He might as well consider it again. My elder brother's chess skill now must be the first in the world. If you can become his disciple, you will be the first in the future. Even, you will have unexpected benefits

Han Kang's advantage is that he can become a powerful ancient warrior. Once he achieves his hidden strength, he will live longer in the future.

But this kind of thing he can't say directly, after all, he and he Feng are not so familiar.

"Headmaster Han, you just said that Mr. Han Xiang was defeated three years ago, right? I don't know if he has defeated his opponent after being closed for three years

"Well... Not yet, but that's because he hasn't found his opponent yet. I believe as long as he finds it, he will win. "

"Ha ha, when he wins his opponent, I will consider becoming his disciple."

He Feng smile, no more words.

Han Xiang was defeated by him three years ago, but recently he did not receive the news that Han Xiang went to find him. That only means that Han Xiang did not go to him.

Han Xiang doesn't know the location of Shenlong Island, and if he goes to Shenlong Island, they will send a message to him.

"OK, I'll send the news to my big brother."

Han Kang nodded and turned to walk out of the villa.

"Xiao Feng, I'll go first."

Gong Wenshu stood up, "by the way, when are you free? Let's go fishing together?"

"Uncle Gong, how about next weekend? I'll arrange my time and go out with you. "

Originally, he Feng didn't want to go fishing. It's too boring, or he just went fishing in the sea to catch two big sharks. Maybe he's lucky enough to catch a giant toothed shark. That's interesting.

However, Gong Wenshu spoke in person, and he Feng didn't agree. At least this is one of his future father-in-law.

"Ha ha, that's OK. I'll make sure the time is arranged."

Gong Wenshu laughs and immediately leaves the villa with Han Kang, while he Feng sees him off at the back.

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