After returning to the living room, aunt Zhan suddenly said, "uncle, this Han Xiang is not an ordinary person. If you can make friends with him, it may be helpful for your future."

"Oh? Do you know Han Xiang, aunt Zhan? " He Feng asked in surprise.

"Well, I've heard of some. It seems that three years ago, Mr. Han Xiang had already reached the peak of Huajin. Besides, he is obsessed with chess and has a good temper. Since you are skilled in chess, you should be able to do what you like. Making friends with this person will certainly help your future development. " Aunt Zhan said.

"Well, aunt Zhan, what I just said is true. Although I'm good at chess, I don't really like playing chess. As for whether Huajin peak will help me in the future, it's something to do in the future. I'm too lazy to worry about it now. "

He Feng picked up a box he had just brought in and stood up. "Aunt Zhan, let me see how yunyun's cultivation is going."

"By the way, uncle, speaking of Miss's cultivation, I just want to ask you, how do you make yunyun become an ancient warrior? Besides, her cultivation speed is too fast, isn't it? I remember that it was only a week since she became an ancient warrior at the beginning of Mingjin. But now, she has already broken through to the middle of Mingjin. Is that... Too fast? "

"Fast? Aunt Zhan, you don't know. Yunyun's training speed is the slowest I've seen so far. Well, I'm a little anxious because of her training speed. "

He Feng sighed and immediately went upstairs.


Looking at He Feng's back, aunt Zhan didn't know what to say.

Are the young people nowadays so arrogant?

"Dong Dong..."

He Feng came to Wang Xiangyun's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

Wang Xiangyun's voice came.

He Feng pushes the door and enters, then sees Wang Xiangyun in a yoga suit, sitting on the yoga mat with his knees crossed.

However, other people wearing yoga clothes and sitting on yoga mats are practicing yoga, but Wang Xiangyun is practicing yoga.

A trace of the breath in the middle of Mingjin diffuses from her body. She can't control the force accurately, so he Feng can clearly detect it.

This is also because he Feng has the real Qi State sensitivity. Below the real Qi State, it is difficult to sense.

"Congratulations to my daughter-in-law. I'm in the middle of Mingjin."

He Feng walked into the room with a smile.

Originally, he thought it would take Wang Xiangyun about ten days to break through to the middle of Mingjin. Unexpectedly, now it's only a week later, she has successfully broken through.

This speed, a little bit beyond He Feng's expectation.

"Hum, can't I be a little faster if I allow you to practice so fast one by one?"

Wang Xiangyun snorted, but his heart was murmuring, "do you want to tell him my first research achievement now? Forget it, I'd better wait for the second research result to come out and tell him again. In any case, there are no problems in this first study, and it doesn't matter if you tell him. And once let him know, he will know why I practice so fast! "

"OK, after all, you're He Feng's daughter-in-law. It's normal to practice faster."

He Feng proud smile, "last time to your pills, how much?"

Wang Xiangyun pointed to the next small box, "here, it's all in it. It's estimated that it will take another three or five days."

"Three or five days?"

He Feng looked at the pills in the box, eyebrows slightly picked. According to his estimation, with the speed of Wang Xiangyun's cultivation, she had to use these pills for more than ten days. Now she says that she can use them in three or five days.

How can her cultivation speed be doubled all of a sudden?

It's a little weird!

"Daughter in law, you don't feel anything strange about your body, do you?" He Feng some not quite at ease of ask a way.

"What do you say? I'm in good health, but you doubt there's something wrong with me. Do you curse me for having an accident so that you can go out and make trouble?" Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng.

"..." He Feng took a puff at the corner of his mouth, which was totally different. "Daughter in law, you misunderstood me. I've never been around outside. I'm not afraid that staying at home will delay your cultivation?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Wang Xiangyun smile, did not pick up He Feng this, just look at the box in He Feng's hand, "what's in the box?"

"Pills, of course!"

He Feng opened the box and put it in front of Wang Xiangyun. "The higher your accomplishments, the more pills you need. These pills are almost ten times as much as I gave you last time. They are enough to make you reach the peak of Mingjin. At that time, I'll bring you the breakthrough pill to let you break through to the dark strength. "

"How much did you spend on so many pills?" Wang Xiangyun stares at the pills in the box and asks.

"Not much. You don't have to care about that."

"Not much and how much?"

Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng's eyes tightly, "I want to know how much I spent on you!"

"It's really not much. It's just tens of billions."

He Feng said casually.

The pills used during Mingjin period were all of the primary and intermediate rank pills. The price of these pills was not high. They were expensive only when they were above the prefecture level.

However, when Wang Xiangyun heard this, he still frowned and said, "during the Mingjin period alone, did I spend billions on you..."

"It's all right. It's only tens of billions. You're not enough. You don't know. I bought 80 billion pills a few days ago." Hefeng road.

"That's your business. All I know is that I spent billions of your money."

Wang Xiangyun coldly glances at He Feng. She doesn't know. He Feng is using the pills He Feng bought. Other women must be using them too. "I want to know how many times the resources of Mingjin are spent on the cultivation of dark strength?"

"Well, dark energy is different from bright energy. Dark energy needs more resources than bright energy, at least ten times more."

"Ten times..."

Wang Xiangyun felt that his head was a little congested.

Do you burn money like this?

From the beginning of Mingjin to its peak, it will take billions.

From the beginning to the peak, it will cost tens of billions.

What about the breakthrough after dark strength?

Hundreds of billions?

"No, why do I want to be so strong? I just need to be better than Wang Qingqiang. I don't need to spend any more money. How can I be so stupid? "

Wang Xiangyun felt a little relaxed and asked, "let me ask you one thing. If I want to defeat the ancient warrior in the middle of the dark force, what kind of cultivation do I need to achieve?"

"In the middle of dark strength?"

He Feng thought for a moment, "although you can defeat the ordinary ancient warriors in the early stage of dark strength at the peak of Ming strength, the middle stage of dark strength is much stronger than the early stage of dark strength. For the sake of safety, you'd better break through to the dark force to have absolute assurance and defeat the ancient warrior in the middle of the dark force. "

"Or to break through to the dark strength..." Wang Xiangyun pondered for a while, then staring at He Feng said: "OK, I know. In addition, I have another question to ask you. Have you had a huge conflict with several ancient forces in Nanjin city recently

"Why, daughter-in-law, how can you know this?"

"My grandmother called me this morning!"


He Feng asked, "what does grandma say?"

Wang Xiangyun looked at He Feng, "she said, you killed the masters of the MI family, the Wei family, the Huang family, the Jiang family, and even the four top dark strength of the Cao family. What's more, you not only blackmailed a lot of money from them, but also sent their bodies back to their families. The four bodies of the Cao family were sent to the Wang family. Is that right? "

"Well! That's true He Feng nodded.

"Why are you so arrogant? Are you not afraid that they will integrate all their strength to deal with you? Cao family, that's a middle-class ancient martial family. They have more than a dozen of the most powerful people in dark power. Maybe they can invite the master of dynamic power. Aren't you afraid of death? Even if you are not afraid of death, you are not afraid to bring disaster to the people around you? " Wang Xiangyun asked.

"Daughter in law, can I understand that you care about me?" He Feng smiles.


Wang Xiangyun didn't expect that it was all this time, and he Feng was still able to joke. She was a little disappointed with the man, "is your confidence from he's family? With the help of the he family, do you dare to do whatever you want and not look down on any enemy? "

"Alas He Feng sighed heavily.

"What do you sigh for? Are you beginning to regret it? "

"I He Feng do things, never regret!"

He Feng shook his head. "The reason why I sigh is that we have become husband and wife, and we have been sleeping in the same bed for so long, but you don't know me at all. Really, it's too much in my heart. "


Wang Xiangyun took a puff from the corner of his mouth and said, "speak human words!"

"Well, don't spoil the atmosphere." He Feng looks depressed.

Wang Xiangyun ignored He Feng's words, but said angrily: "I just want to know, if the Cao family invited a strong master to come, how do you deal with it? Do you know that once you lose, not only you will be in danger, but everyone around you will be in danger. Can't you think about it for everyone? "

He Feng laughed and said, "daughter in law, I'll tell you something. A few days ago, I took one of my subordinates. Now he has become a master."

"Master? Your men? "

Wang Xiangyun exclaimed.

Born in a family of ancient martial arts, she didn't become an ancient martial arts scholar before she met he Feng, but she still knew the general situation of ancient martial arts.

A great master of Huajin's status in this society is extremely noble. The governor of a province will treat each other with courtesy.

If master Huajin is willing to set up an ancient martial family, even if he doesn't have one of his top dark powers, he can become an advanced ancient martial family immediately.

But now, he Feng says that his subordinates are actually a strong master of Huajin. Are you kidding her?

"Then your cultivation is better than this master?" Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng Road.

"It must be!" He Feng grinned.


Wang Xiangyun was silent again.

Although he Feng looks a little cynical with a smile, she has no doubt about what the latter said.

He was just a courier when he first met him, and then he was willing to be a small employee after he got his certificate, and he was bullied by himself everywhere. He turned out to be a real top master, master Huajin!

He Feng looked at Wang Xiangyun's shocked eyes, and he was very proud. He estimated that women must worship themselves now?

Will you throw yourself in your arms tonight?

Fengge's wish to make a baby with her should be realized, right?

It took two minutes for Wang Xiangyun to calm down completely.

Then, she stares at He Feng's eyes, slowly opens her mouth and asks, "He Feng, are you sick?"

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