
He Feng listen to this from Wang Xiangyun mouth jump out of the words, in the heart don't mention more depressed, "I'm special how sick I?"

"What do you say?" Wang Xiangyun looked at He Feng like an idiot, "what kind of woman do you want? Even if you marry ten or twenty wives, no one will say you are not good at anything. On the contrary, they will think that you have unique skills and are like a king. And you are young, you may still have hope to step into the true atmosphere of the legend in the future, and achieve the myth. At that time, you will have more scenery if you want more scenery in the world. But what about you now? But inexplicably came to marry me, and I'm not enthusiastic about you at all. You have to find other women all day long. Don't you feel aggrieved in this kind of life? What's the trouble with you? You don't enjoy the imperial life, but you have to suffer here. "

Smell speech, he Feng can't help but froze, "Hey, daughter-in-law, your analysis is quite in place.". However, I'm very curious. When I learned that I was a strong master, why did you have this idea in your mind? Instead of thinking how wonderful your husband is, and then he promised me in the evening? "

"For you?"

Wang Xiangyun smile, "you dream it!"

He Feng touched his nose. "In my dream, I did dream that you promised me many times. The scenes, the pictures, tut Tut, don't mention how ecstatic..."


Wang Xiangyun's face suddenly turned black and blushed. Her eyes became extremely cold, as if she wanted to eat people.

This rascal did that to himself in his dream.

How many times does he indulge himself in the daytime?





At this moment, Wang Xiangyun would like to rush up and kill the lecheron immediately.

"If it wasn't for your strength reaching the master, I would have abandoned you with Zhang Xiaoquan." Wang Xiangyun said with a gloomy face: "in the future, you'd better not make me strong. Once I'm stronger than you, ha..."

Speaking, Wang Xiangyun's eyes looked at He Feng's body somewhere.

"Damn it

He Feng was startled, subconsciously retreated two steps, covering the key, "I didn't make any substantive action to you, as for you?"

"If there is a real action, I will still sit here and talk to you?"

Wang Xiangyun sneered and didn't want to discuss this topic with He Feng. She was afraid that she could not help it, even if she was weak, she would rush up.

"My grandmother asked me to tell you that the Cao family is not going to deal with you for the time being, so that you can rest assured. However, she got a piece of bad news. The masters of the four families, the MI family, the Wei family, the Huang family and the Jiang family, are quite active recently and may make some moves. Even the Baiyun medicine hall seems to have some signs of transferring experts. So, you'd better keep an eye on it, and don't turn over the drain. " Wang Xiangyun said coldly.

"Well? They want revenge? "

Smell speech, he Feng slightly frowned, a little don't understand.

The strength he is showing now, it's reasonable to say that the MI family and other forces should be afraid of him, and they are still gathering people to deal with him. Isn't that a mental act?

"Is Baiyun Tang hall secretly dispatched master, and confuse the rice family?"

He Feng has an idea in his heart, otherwise he really can't explain it.

However, there doesn't seem to be much conflict between him and Baiyun medicine hall, does it? It's just a disgrace to their two little employees, and it's not aimed at Baiyun Yaotang directly.

"Something's wrong. This Baiyun medicine hall is definitely not just dealing with me. Maybe there will be some other actions."

He Feng is always on the verge of death. He can predict all kinds of crises in advance. He immediately said, "daughter in law, you can call grandma later and tell her that the target of Baiyun medicine hall may not be only me, but also her side. In addition, I will let the Ling family and the people of Guiyi medicine hall contact her. It's better not to affect them in this conflict. "

"Do you mean there are other actions in Baiyun medicine hall?" Wang Xiangyun frowned.

"Now I'm not sure, but Baiyun Yaotang is a commercial organization. No matter what they do, they always put interests first. Although there are more guwu people in Nanjin city than in Jiangbin City, they are still too few compared with the real guwu city. After all, Nanjin city is the capital of Jiangshu province, and its economy is prosperous. Therefore, there are three medicine halls. "

He Feng analyzed: "however, judging from the number of ancient warriors in Nanjin City, in fact, it is enough to have a medicine hall in Nanjin city. For the sake of interests, Baiyun medicine hall may take action. In a word, you and grandma say hello. Now I'll go to the master of Guiyi medicine hall to find out the specific situation and ask him to take corresponding measures. "

"I see. I'll call grandma later."

Wang Xiangyun nodded, things related to her grandmother, she did not dare too careless.

He Feng turns around and leaves, preparing to return to the moon club to find Xi Zhenxing.

Looking at the back of He Feng's departure, Wang Xiangyun's mouth slightly pouted up, "he is almost old, why has he achieved strength? This kind of filthy man has become a force, and many good women have been harmed. Alas... "



He Feng, who is walking out of the villa and opening the car door, sneezes twice.

"Are you all right, uncle? Did you catch a cold? There is cold medicine at home. Would you like to take some? " Aunt Zhan's voice sounded behind her.

"Thank you, aunt Zhan. No, it's not a cold. It's a villain scolding me behind my back."

He Feng turns around and answers in a loud voice.

"Bang Dang!"

The upstairs window was suddenly opened heavily, Wang Xiangyun's angry voice came, "smelly hooligan, if you want to go, get out quickly, if you don't go, go to help aunt Zhan buy vegetables and cook at noon."

"Well, I know who that little man is." Hefeng road.

"You scold me? I'll kill you! "

Wang Xiangyun picked up a vase and smashed it at He Feng.

"Damn, you want to murder your husband..."

He Feng shouts, gets on the car and closes the door.


The vase fell on the roof and broke.


He Feng is also lazy to pay attention, stepped on the accelerator to open out.

Half an hour later, he Feng returned to Liuyue club.

Off the car, he Feng inspected the roof, found that the roof is still safe, but some ceramic debris on the side.

"Hoo, millions of cars are really different. They are smashed without any trace."

He Feng is quite satisfied, and then let a servant drive to clean the car. He himself comes to the training room where Xi Zhenxing and Yang Qi are.

Although he has been away for nearly two hours, they are still practicing. It seems that they are not tired of it.

"Mr. He, here you are!"

"Mr. He!"

Seeing he Feng enter the training room, Xi Zhenxing and Yang Qi stop fighting one after another and greet him. Yang Qi, in particular, goes directly to He Feng, looking like a servant.


He Feng nodded, looked at Xi Zhenxing and asked, "elder brother Xi, there is something I want to ask you about Nanjin Baiyun medicine hall."

"Baiyun medicine hall? Well, if you have any questions, just ask them. "

"I just got the news that today, the four families, the rice family, the Huang family, the Wei family and the Jiang family, are mobilizing experts frequently. Even the Baiyun medicine hall has made some moves. I think that their main purpose will definitely be directed at me. But Baiyun medicine hall seems to have no reason to deal with me, but now that they have action, I think Baiyun medicine hall may do some other things. "

"How could Baiyun medicine hall even come here? It shouldn't be. I know Hua Wenyuan, the leader of the South Branch of Baiyun medicine hall very well. He won't do anything without sufficient interests. "

Xi Zhenxing frowned and said, "besides, you got rid of Cao xiudang yesterday. Nanjin must have got the news. Since I know you are so powerful, how can they dare to touch you? "

He Feng nodded and said: "so I was thinking, this Hua Wenyuan, did you invite some experts, so I have the confidence to deal with me? What's more, besides dealing with me, will he do something to the major forces in the ancient martial world of Nanjin city? "

Wen Yan, Xi Zhenxing's brow tightened even more, "you say so, it's really possible! Hua Wenyuan has always been very ambitious. He wants to let him be responsible for the division of the market, unify the market of pills in Nanjin City, and drive us out of Nanjin city! "

"What about gunpowder hall that day? If they do it, will they drive out the tianhuoyaotang? "

"Tianhuo Yaotang should not, because Tianhuo Yaotang does not occupy much market share in Nanjin's pills Market. But if there is a chance, Hua Wenyuan certainly doesn't mind driving them out together! "

"Won't the upper headquarters intervene in the fight between your major pharmacies?"

He Feng asked casually: "for example, the branch of Guiyi medicine hall in Nanjin is expelled by Baiyun medicine hall, so Baiyun medicine hall is not afraid of revenge from Guiyi medicine hall headquarters?"

"Revenge? Who will retaliate? If Hua Wenyuan really drives my branch out of Nanjin City, the headquarters above me will not retaliate against Baiyun Yaotang, or even punish me. "

Xi Zhenxing said: "this kind of power is more powerful than the ordinary high ancient martial family. What matters most is not interests, but face. If they retaliate for a division, it will only make people laugh. Headquarters, I can't afford to lose this man. "

"No wonder Baiyun medicine hall is so bold..."

He Feng suddenly said, "do you want to go back to Nanjin city? It's not so good that they don't suddenly attack Guiyi medicine hall and cause a lot of casualties at that time. "

Xi Zhenxing has now stepped into Huajin. As long as he does it, Hua Wenyuan and others will have to wait for death.

"Ha ha, we don't have to worry too much about casualties."

Xi Zhenxing is not worried at all. "Even if Baiyun medicine hall wants to expel us from Guiyi medicine hall, we must not go directly to Guiyi medicine hall and drive us away by force. At least, not in public. Otherwise, it's not business competition, it's fighting. If you can directly rely on force, hey... When I just broke through, I had already gone to Baiyun medicine hall and twisted Hua Wenyuan's head off. "


He Feng this just suddenly, the competition between feeling each big medicine hall, can only be through other means.

"However, although Hua Wenyuan can't fight against our Guiyi medicine hall, he is likely to fight against the Wang family and Ling family, who are more distant from them. Now, Baiyun medicine hall has got the support of most families, such as the MI family. If we get the support of the Wang family and Ling family, more than 90% of the guwu people in Nanjin city will go to buy Baiyun medicine Hall's pills and miracles. If we go back to the same medicine Hall and Tianhuo medicine hall, we will have to get out of Nanjin city. "

Xi Zhenxing sneered, "in addition, although Hua Wenyuan can't do it directly to me, if he finds some powerful helpers and finds a legitimate reason, he can still do it to us. However, with the energy of Hua Wenyuan, he can't ask the strong master to deal with our Guiyi medicine hall. After all, the ordinary master doesn't have the courage to fight against our unified medicine hall. "

"So we have to be just in case."

He Feng thought and said.


Xi Zhenxing said: "after all, the Wangs and the Lings have a lot to do with brother he. I'll help you take care of them in Nanjin city."

"Thank you, elder brother Xi!"

He Feng arched his hand to Xi Zhenxing.

He Feng has great respect for Ling's family, and Ling also helps him, so he Feng naturally doesn't want Ling's family to be affected by him.

As for the Wang family

In any case, the Wang family is Wang Xiangyun's family after all. Although Wang Xiangyun always says that he hates the Wang family, he Feng knows very well that once the Wang family really suffers from the collapse crisis, Wang Xiangyun will try to keep the Wang family anyway.

This is like a student's alma mater. He can make complaints about himself, even school garbage, and so on.

But if an outsider dares to speak ill of his alma mater in front of him, he will definitely fight with you.

"Ha ha, why do you say such polite things to me? If you really appreciate me, do me a favor... "

Xi Zhenxing patted He Feng on the shoulder, "help me, take Xueqing away, so I don't have to worry about his life in the future!"


He Feng smoked from the corner of his mouth.

Is this biological?

"I work hard!" He Feng hesitated for a moment.

"Well, it seems that Xueqing is too conservative to attract you. I'll have to talk to her later and let her wear sexy clothes at ordinary times. "

Xi Zhenxing finished and waved, "I'll go to Nanjin first. You can arrange a car to take me there."

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