"Dudu, Dudu..."

After Xi Zhenxing was sent away, he fengben was ready to continue his cultivation, and his mobile phone vibrated.

After looking at the caller ID, the caller is Xia Menglu.

"Hello, Lulu!"

He Feng answered the phone quickly, "where are you and Auntie and Xiaotian now?"

Last night, he Feng received a message from Xia Menglu, saying that their high-speed rail ticket this morning would arrive at Jiangbin city almost at noon, so that he Feng could pick it up when he was free, and if not, they would take a taxi by themselves.

However, there were so many things last night that he Feng only returned a "good one.".

"Brother Feng, we arrive at the station at 11:40. Do you have time to pick up later? If I don't have time, I'll take a special bus to Xingyuan directly. " Xia Menglu said.

She bought the house in Xingyuan. The furniture was bought together with He Feng. She can carry it in at any time.

It's just

This is their initial plan.

Plans can never keep up with changes.

"That... Lulu, aunt, do you know our relationship?" He Feng asked.

"I don't know yet. I didn't tell her. I asked Xiao Tian to help me hide it." Xia Menglu said.

"Well, it's not suitable for her to live in Xingyuan, no matter whether she conceals it or not."

He Feng sighed helplessly and said.

"Ah? Why? "

"Because Aunt yuan already knows about my relationship with Weiwei, and I don't think I can hide it from your mother for a long time. At that time, if you let them know that I'm not only with Weiwei, but also with you, I'm afraid they won't be able to accept it. When they get excited and come up with something, it's a bit bad. "

He Feng some embarrassed said.

"If aunt yuan already knows, it's really not suitable for them to stay together. They are all feudal minded. If they know about you, they really can't accept it. "

Xia Menglu pondered for a while and said, "I won't tell my mother that I bought a house for the time being. I'll go to youYou and arrange a two room apartment for my mother. Do you think it's OK, brother Feng?"

"Of course not!"

Who knows, just as Xia Menglu opened her mouth, she was rejected by He Feng, "Auntie, she came all the way from the countryside to the city, how can she live in an apartment? How can I go to see her? "

Xia Menglu doubts: "do not live in an apartment, where do you live?"

"Ha ha, don't worry. I got a suite a few days ago. I'll take my aunt to live in it for a while."

He Feng said with a smile: "in addition, there's no need for you to hide our relationship from your aunt. Tell her that you have a boyfriend, and your boyfriend will pick you up soon. OK, I won't tell you. Now it's 11:40, and there's only one and a half hours left. I have to prepare to go to the high-speed railway station. If there's a traffic jam, I'm afraid I can't catch up with you. "

"It's OK, brother Feng. You don't have to worry. Drive slowly. If you are late, my mother and I will wait for you at the exit of the station." Xia Menglu said.

"Well, I can't let my aunt wait for me. My first impression is not good. I'll hang up first. I'll see you later. "

With that, he Feng hung up.

On the other side, on a high-speed train bound for Jiangbin City, Xia Menglu is secretly calling in the bathroom.

Listening to the busy tone in the mobile phone, a smile of happiness appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The man didn't pay attention to her mother because of her humble family background. He still decided to pick her up by car and didn't even want to be late.

It can be seen that men really like her, and they don't want to make any mistakes.

Xia Menglu put her mobile phone into her pocket, then walked out of the bathroom and came to an empty seat. She said to an old woman who looked bony and sallow: "Mom, we still have nearly an hour and a half to get to Jiangbin city. Do you want to sleep on my shoulder?"

The actual age of the old woman is not even 50 years old, but because she is suffering from disease, and because she has done a lot of heavy work in the countryside, and has no money to buy nutritious food to eat, she seems to be 60 years old.

However, from the outline of her face, she must be very beautiful when she was young. No wonder Xia Menglu is such a beautiful woman.

"Sleep, I'm not sleepy. Lulu, this train is different from what I heard from the villagers. It's much cleaner than what they said. Is the ticket more expensive? " Asked the old lady, Cheng Huilan.

She has asked this question ten times in the car.

"Mom, don't worry about money. My elder sister is not short of money now. She's a little rich woman."

The summer sitting on the other side of Cheng Huilan came over and said in a low voice, "I can tell you, my sister drives more than one million cars."

"What? Is this, is this true or not? How can a car get so much money? A three story building in our village is only over 200000. " Cheng Huilan didn't believe it.

"Mom, I didn't lie to you..."

"Xiaotian, read your books. They are not good-looking. Do you believe that you will do your research?"

Xia Menglu interrupts Xia's words and stares at him.

"Look, I'm going to read a book."

Summer hurriedly back to the body, with a book to read.

Xia Menglu pulls Cheng Huilan and whispers: "Mom, actually... Xiaotian didn't cheat you! The car I'm driving now is more than one million. "

"What? Lulu, how can you buy such an expensive car? Besides, where did you get so much money? " Cheng Huilan was startled, "you shouldn't have done anything illegal, so you made so much money? Lulu, I can tell you that no matter how poor we are, we can be a little bit poor. But we can't earn any money for breaking the law. Even if you cheat the law, you can't cheat your conscience. "

"Mom, look what you said. Don't you know what your daughter is like? Will your daughter do anything illegal? "

With a speechless face, Xia Menglu quickly explained, "these money are earned by me through legal channels, and none of them is illegal. You don't know. Now the company I work for is really a super group in Jiangbin city. Its market value is more than 10 billion, and it is likely to exceed 100 billion in the next two or three years. "

"I know that. When you first joined this company, didn't you tell me about it? But at that time, you seemed to be an intern, right? How can you make so much money all at once? " Cheng Huilan asked.

"Oh, I forgot! Mom, I can make so much money, in fact, it is mainly thanks to my minister. He takes care of me so much that many achievements fall on my head. I get more commission. But I'm not alone. Recently, almost none of the salesmen in our department's monthly commission is less than 100000. "

Xia Menglu said.

"Your minister?" Although Cheng Huilan is from the countryside, she is very smart. Otherwise, it is impossible to cultivate Xia Menglu and Xia's sister and brother into college students, so she immediately grasped the key point in Xia Menglu's words, "before I heard you say that your minister is an old man in his forties, who has a wife and children. Why does he take care of you more? Lulu, did you do anything to disappoint your mother? "

Xia Menglu suddenly understood what her mother meant, and suddenly she was speechless, "Mom, what do you say? Our minister has been replaced for a long time. He is a little older than me. He is my boyfriend now

"Boyfriends?" Cheng Huilan was surprised.

"Sister, don't you want me to keep a secret from my mother? Why do you say it to yourself now? " The summer on the side is very depressing.

"Son of a bitch, read a book!"

Cheng Huilan stares at summer way: "you a child, listen to our adult talk why?"


Cheng Huilan ignored the summer, looked at Xia Menglu and asked curiously, "Lulu, tell me quickly, what's the situation between you and your minister? Why did your department suddenly change a minister, and that minister still got on with you? "

After thinking about it, Xia Menglu didn't hide it and said, "Mom, the minister before me is actually an old rascal. Once he threatened me with his job and tried to force me to be his woman. At this time, he Feng appeared. "

"He Feng? Your boyfriend? "

"Well, his name is He Feng."

Xia Menglu nodded and continued: "after he appeared, he not only helped me teach the former minister a lesson, but also found out that he had embezzled money from the company. Finally, the man was taken away by the police. And he Feng then relied on his own ability to compete for the position of minister in our department. Not only that, but he is also a very capable person. When he became a minister, he helped the company to collect more than 1 billion foreign debts. After collecting these debts, the salesmen of our financial department can get a commission, and the percentage of commission is still very high. Before long, I got a lot of commission. He Feng is very kind. He was afraid that I would be very tired when I took the subway and bus to work every day, so he took me to buy this one million car. At that time, I didn't make much money. He helped me pay for the car, or I paid him back when I made money. Later... We slowly came together. "

"Yes, yes, I suddenly feel that this young man is very good. By the way, do you have a picture of him? Open it and show me. "

Cheng Huilan can't wait to ask.

Xia Menglu said: "Mom, he Feng doesn't like taking pictures. I don't have his picture on my mobile phone. But don't worry. When you get to the high-speed railway station, he will pick us up and you will see him then. "

"Mom, I have it on my mobile phone. When I photographed my sister's car, I accidentally photographed my brother-in-law's. you can make do with it first."

At this time, summer took out the mobile phone, turned out a photo, handed to Cheng Huilan to see.

Xia Menglu is speechless

Cheng Huilan can't manage so much, immediately picked up the summer's mobile phone and looked up, "Yo, this young man is very energetic, although he is not so handsome, but he has a good figure. At first glance, he is in good health, plus he has the ability, he is worthy of Lulu you."

Xia Menglu knows that her mother's standard for her mate selection is not high. The most basic thing is to be healthy.

It was because her father had been smoking and drinking for a long time that he got sick. Finally, with no money for treatment, he died.

"By the way, Lulu, what are He Feng's parents doing? His parents won't object to your being with him, will they

Cheng Huilan asked worried.

She is just a small farmer, and she is still quite self abased. She has no confidence at all.

"Mom, he Feng is... An orphan!"

Xia Menglu said.


"Well, he grew up in a welfare home, but now he has some news about his parents. He will find it later. But I'm sure his parents won't object to me and brother Feng. " Xia Menglu is confident.

"That's good!"

Cheng Huilan was relieved. "It seems that he Feng's life is hard, Lulu. You have to take good care of him Feng in the future. When I get better, I will take care of him. He doesn't have a mother to take care of him, but now he has a mother-in-law. "

Xia Menglu's face turned red like an apple. "Mom, I haven't married him yet."

"Hum, such an excellent man, you marry me quickly. If you don't marry early, you'll be taken away by other women. You won't have time to regret it. " Cheng Huilan warned.

Xia Menglu is silent for a while!

You always think I don't want to marry?

It's brother Feng who has obtained the license with other women!

However, even if brother Feng and other women get the license, I am willing to follow him and be his woman.

"Mom, you can rest assured that he Feng will not abandon me."

Xia Menglu said: "in addition, in fact, I take you to Jiangbin City, not to send you to the hospital for treatment."

She brought Cheng Huilan to Jiangbin City, that is to say, she wanted to help her treat her illness. She said that there was a cheaper hospital with an expert who was very good at treating heart diseases. Then Cheng Huilan came to Jiangbin city.

Otherwise, Cheng Huilan would not like to come to the city.

It's not because she doesn't like big cities. It's because the consumption in cities is high and she spends money on everything.

"Then why did you bring me to Jiangbin? Isn't it just to see your man? But it doesn't matter. Even if you cheat me into coming to Jiangbin city just to let me see your man, I'll be happy. " Cheng Huilan has a smile on her face.

"Mom, I don't take you to the hospital because brother Feng has a way to cure you."

Xia Menglu said with a smile: "as early as a week ago, brother Feng had already prepared the medicinal materials. Originally, he was going to pick you up with me this time, but temporarily he had something to do, so he didn't go. When you get to Jiangbin City, he will cure your heart disease right away. "

"Can he still cure?" Cheng Huilan is shocked.

"Yes, brother Feng's medical skills are powerful. I don't know how much more powerful than those experts in the hospital." Xia Menglu's proud way.

"Not bad, Lulu. I think you should not only marry he Feng earlier, but also have a baby with him earlier. Otherwise, such an excellent man, even if you marry him, may be seduced away by his wife. "

Cheng Huilan said: "as for taking care of children, don't worry, your mother, I will certainly help you to take well. With the experience of cultivating your sister and brother, I will help you to cultivate your children and he Feng better."


Xia Menglu widens her eyes.

Can you think of such things?

"Mom, it's still a long time to get to Jiangbin city? Why don't you get some sleep? "

"If I don't sleep, where can I sleep now? Come on, tell me about He Feng. By the way, after a while, you can help me to tidy my hair. I want to see my son-in-law. It doesn't matter if the clothes are a little shabby, and the hair can't be too messy, otherwise it will make people feel impolite. "


Xia Menglu a little regret so early will he Feng things out.


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