Although he Feng's car has been cleaned, it hasn't dried yet. Moreover, it's just a two seater sports car. He Feng can't drive this car to pick up people.

So he drove a Volkswagen maiteng with a little larger space in the garage of Liuyue club.

Just as he expected, today Sunday, Jiangbin city is a new first tier city with a huge flow of people. It took him more than half an hour to drive into the parking lot at 11:30.

After parking, he Feng speeded up and ran towards the exit.

Fortunately, he Feng didn't come to the high-speed railway station for the first time, so he was familiar with it. Finally, at 11:40, he arrived at the exit of the station.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

After waiting for less than five minutes, he Feng received a call from Xia Menglu, "brother Feng, we are at the south exit of No. 3, where are you?"

"South exit No.3, right? I'm here at the north exit. You wait for me over there for a while. You'll be there in a minute."

Said, he Feng hung up the phone, quickly ran to the opposite.

More than ten seconds later, he Feng sees Xia Menglu, Xia Xia, and an old woman, who should be Xia Menglu's mother.

"Lulu, Xiaotian!"

He Feng walked in the past, and then looked at the old woman: "this should be aunt?"

"Brother in law!"

"Brother Feng, here you are

Summer and Xia Menglu say hello one after another.

Xia Menglu said: "well, this is my mother! Mom, he is He Feng. "

"Well, not bad. Xiao Feng, it's really hard for you. I have to trouble you to pick us up. It's too late for you. " Cheng Huilan said politely, and looked at He Feng secretly.

He was as like as two peas in Cheng Huilan's eyes. How could he look exactly like Yuan Yashi's mother?

Has Lulu told her mother about her relationship with her?

"Auntie, it's very strange for you to say these things to me."

He Feng quickly said, at the same time reached for Xia Menglu hand luggage, "Lulu, things to me, you hold aunt, the station is crowded, you must be careful."

"Well, I see!" Xia Menglu cleverly supports Cheng Huilan.

"Auntie, are you hungry? If you're hungry, let's eat something in here first? " He Feng walked forward and asked.

"I'm not hungry. It's you. Young people burn up quickly. If you're hungry, you can find a place to buy some food first. It doesn't matter if we eat later." Cheng Huilan asked with concern.

This concern means that it is completely from the heart, without any falsehood, just like it concerns one's own son.

"Auntie, I'm not hungry either, so I'll take you to where you live first, and then we'll have lunch together."

He Feng said, a little faster pace, and asked in a low voice: "Xiaotian, what's the situation? Does Auntie know my relationship with your sister? "

Summer forced to bear a smile, "my mother said, let you and my sister have a baby early, she help you with."


He Feng a falter, almost fell, "aunt, he really said so?"

"Of course, can I cheat you?"

"Summer hey hey way:" you don't know, my mother already completely treat you as son-in-law. Brother in law, come on, let me be my uncle earlier. "

"Well, I'll try." He Feng casually replied.

However, now he really does not dare to have a baby casually. He has no choice but to have a baby with Wang Xiangyun.

After all, he hasn't found his parents yet, and he doesn't know how much danger he will face in the future. Now he can barely bear to talk about love.

If you suddenly become a father

Do you dare to face the crisis of life and death?

He Feng doesn't know!

So, try not to be a father for the time being!

Behind, Cheng Huilan, who is supported by Xia Menglu, is staring at He Feng's back. How can she be satisfied.

The walking style, the momentum between the opening and closing of the pace, is really too manly.

"Mom, what are you staring at all the time?" Xia Menglu is naturally aware of his mother's eyes, a silent face asked.

"Lulu, I found that your vision is really good. You have chased so many excellent men. Usually many people will envy you, right?" Cheng Huilan asked with a smile.

"How are you..."

Xia Menglu replied modestly.

Is indeed modest, usually in the company, do not know how many people look at her eyes, are full of envy.

"Mom, do you think brother Feng is so excellent?" Xia Menglu couldn't help asking.

"Of course, let's not talk about the inside, just the appearance is more than ten times better than Xiaotian's photos. Xiaotian's photography technology is really bad. He can make handsome guys ugly. I'm a little worried about his future, your mother! " Cheng Huilan said seriously.

"Mom, what's your worry about Xiaotian? He just went to university. It's still a long time before he graduated. After graduation, he will be able to find a girlfriend. "

"Well, you're right. I really don't have to worry about him now. I'd better worry about you more."

Cheng Huilan suddenly asked in a low voice: "Lulu, while now there are only our mother and daughter, you talk to my mother, where have you developed with He Feng? Are you living together? Have you slept together? "


Xia Menglu almost a mouthful of old blood gushing out, "Mom, I think we should care about Xiaotian. I have to ask if he is in love at school now."

Then, Xia Menglu pulls Cheng Huilan and runs to summer like running away. She still shouts, "Xiaotian, wait. Mom says she has questions to ask you."

A few people fight noisily, less than 10 minutes came to the garage, found maiteng.

However, when he Feng saw maiteng, his face was not very good-looking.

"Damn, brother-in-law, is this the car you drove here today? How did it get wiped? "

Summer exclaimed in surprise, and then looked at a nearby Bentley muzanne which had not been put out yet, "brother-in-law, it seems that he was scratched by this man. I'll go to the back of his car and have a look? "


He Feng nodded.

Summer quickly put down his luggage, ran to the back from the side of maiteng, and then went around to the back of muzanne. As expected, he saw a trace.

"Brother in law, he really scraped it." Summer ran back and said: "there is a scratch on the rear of the car. This guy's reversing technique is too bad. He can scratch the car in such a big position. I really admire him."

"It seems that the man is still in the car and doesn't know what to do. Xiaotian, go and ask him to come out and apologize to us, so the car doesn't have to be repaired by him." He Feng said calmly.

"OK, I'll go right now."

Summer naturally no opinion, quickly ran to the Mu Shang.

The car didn't turn off, but there was no one in the driver's seat and the co driver's seat. However, the car had just moved twice, and there was obviously someone inside. It was estimated that it was sitting in the back seat.

"Lulu, take your aunt to the car first. Blow the air conditioner in the car to save the heat outside." He Feng looks at Xia Menglu and Cheng Huilan.

"OK, mom, let's get in the car."

Xia Menglu said.

Immediately, with the help of Xia Menglu, Cheng Huilan goes to maiteng.

At this time, summer has already come to the edge of mushang, because the car models of the windows are thicker, and small curtains are drawn in the middle of the front and rear rows, so people outside can't see the movement inside.

"Dong Dong..."

Summer went directly to the back of the Mu Shang, looked at the window.

There was no response.

Summer looked back at He Feng.

He Feng's face is still calm. In summer, they don't know what the owner is doing in the car. He Feng knows very well.

"Keep knocking!"

He Feng spits out three words in his mouth.

"All right!"

Summer without hesitation, continue to knock the window, knock the frequency is faster, also more hard.

"Xiao Feng, if you knock on other people's windows like this, you won't cause trouble, will you?"

Cheng Huilan, who is preparing to get on the bus, stops and asks with some worry.

"Auntie, don't worry. There won't be any trouble. You can solve it." He Feng said with a smile.

"Mom, you believe brother Feng's ability. He can handle it." Xia Menglu said.


Cheng Huilan nodded, but she was still worried. After all, the other side's car was luxurious in appearance. At a glance, she knew it was worth a lot. Ordinary people certainly couldn't afford to drive this kind of car.

So instead of going back to the maiteng car, she stood by and watched.


Finally, after nearly a minute's knocking in summer, the door on the other side of the car was finally opened, and a young man with luxurious clothes and extraordinary temperament stepped down from the car.

"Hey, you are very sick, aren't you? Why are you knocking on my car window all the time? You have to give me an explanation today, or don't blame me for being impolite. "

As soon as the young man got out of the car, he immediately pointed to the summer and scolded, looking very angry.

Can he not be angry? He just took care of a young model and asked the other party to come from the prosperous dayanjing. As soon as he got on the bus, he was ready to let the other party use his mouth to help him have a good time, but he didn't want to. Before he was released completely, someone knocked on his window.

And it's endless!

Therefore, at this moment, he has a kind of posture to hit people.

"You, who are you calling?"

In summer, he didn't have a good temper either. When he saw the other side scolding him, he got upset. "Are you blind? Didn't you find that you ran into our car when reversing? I've been knocking on your window for a long time, but you don't come down in a hurry. Now you come down and scold me? Who do you think you are? "

If it was before, I would never dare to yell at people who drive Bentley in summer.

But he had seen his brother-in-law He Feng with his own eyes. He didn't even pay attention to the gang members. The boss of the gang respected him very much, so he had a little confidence in his heart, and he was scolded inexplicably by the other party, so he got angry all of a sudden.

"Sir, it's clear that you scraped our car. You'd better make sure before you speak."

When Xia Menglu saw that her younger brother was scolded, she was not happy and said immediately.

Hearing the crisp voice, the young man looked at Xia Menglu and immediately saw her sexy face.

Rao is reading countless women. When he sees Xia Menglu's delicate face, his heart still can't help but flop.

Nima, how can there be such a beautiful woman in the world?

This is at least the same level as the four beauties in Jiangbin city!

What's more, that figure is perfect to explode!

No matter their figure or appearance, they don't know how many streets they have left behind the young model he keeps.

If you can get this beautiful woman and take her to play

He is willing to spend as much as he wants!


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