"OK, beauty, you wait. I'll see it now."

Shen Lang said, looking at maiteng immediately, "Damn, did you really scratch it? I'm paralyzed. Isn't my car scratched? "

Shen Lang frowned slightly, and immediately went to the back of the mozanne, he saw a scratch on the back of the car that was not very clear.

If it's an ordinary car with such a slight scratch, it must be ignored. I don't even bother to repair it, but it's not good enough. No matter where I drive this kind of car, it attracts much attention. It's easy for people to detect a small problem in the appearance. It's too shameless at that time.

So, Shen Lang is in a bad mood at the moment.

This kind of garbage truck has hurt its own car. They have to pay for it.

Well, let the beautiful woman be her own woman.

"Beauty, I'm really sorry. I didn't notice when I was backing up. I scraped your car carelessly. I don't think so. You drive with me to the repair shop, and I'll take you to a very good repair shop to help you repair your car. What do you think? "

Shen Lang wants to play with Xia Menglu in his heart, but on the surface, he is a very gentleman. He can't see any unhappiness or obscenity.

However, how can he escape the eyes of He Feng? But he Feng thought that Cheng Huilan was still here, so he held back, so as not to let the future mother-in-law think that she has a tendency to violence. At that time, he would certainly resist his daughter's following him.

"We've just got off the train, and we haven't had lunch yet. Now we don't have time to repair the car. Why don't you leave me a phone and when we're free, we'll arrange for the car to be repaired."

Xia Menglu didn't realize Shen Lang's dirty idea. Her heart was still relatively simple. Seeing that she was polite and gentlemanly, she thought that she was sincere in admitting her mistake.

"How can that be? Since you didn't have lunch, how about I invite you to lunch? I didn't eat either Said Shen Lang.

"No, just give me a business card." Xia Menglu politely refused.

Shen Lang's face was a little ugly!

It's too embarrassing, isn't it?

"What's the matter, brother Lang? Hasn't the matter been dealt with yet? "

At this time, another woman came down from the car. She was sexy and full, with a coquettish face. In her early twenties, she looked pink and delicate. She was also quite exposed, revealing a large area of snow-white skin. When she walked out of the street, the rate of turning back was absolutely 99%, and another one percent was walking with her head down.

When she was in the car, she noticed the situation here and noticed that Shen Lang seemed to be trying to hook up with another beautiful girl. Suddenly, she felt a strong sense of crisis.

Although she is a model, she has just started her career. Her income is not high. If she wants to make more money, she can only start with men.

Several times before, she also tasted the sweetness, and relied on those men to make her more and more famous.

No, Shen Lang of Jiangbin city also noticed her, so he immediately offered her a million yuan price to support her for a month.

At the same time, he Xirou also inquired about Shen Lang's identity information. Shen Lang's father Shen Haitao was originally the largest shareholder of Guangming group, the second largest group in Jiangbin City, except Xu Tianyin.

In recent days, it is even rumored in the business circles of Jiangbin that Shen Haitao has acquired Xu Tianyin's shares, becoming the largest shareholder of Guangming group and about to take up the position of chairman.

At that time, shenlang will become the young owner of Guangming group.

How could she let go of such a rich and handsome second generation? Therefore, when she was still on the high-speed railway, she seduced Shen Lang through wechat and sent some private photos to Shen Lang, which made Shen Lang couldn't wait to enjoy such things as he Xirou immediately, so that she didn't pay attention to reversing and bumped into other people's cars.

Now he Xirou sees that Shen Lang is hooking up with other beauties, so she naturally wants to stop her for the first time.

She looked at the maiteng beside her and exclaimed, "my God, your car is not scratched by this Volkswagen, is it?"

"My car was scratched by Volkswagen?"

Shen Lang was a little stunned, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly yelled: "yes, it's really possible that your car scraped my car. Now you just say that I scraped your car. I don't understand. My car is well parked here. How can I scrape your car? Do you have any evidence? "

"You, how can you confuse black and white? Just now you admitted that you scraped our car, but now you say we scraped your car. Are you too cheeky? " Summer said angrily.

"Hey, pay attention to what you say. If you swear again, I'll be rude to you."

Shen Lang looked at the summer with disdain, "just now since you said that I scraped your car, please show me the certificate. As long as there is evidence, I will not say anything. Otherwise, who knows if you scraped my car and lied that I scraped your car because you couldn't afford to pay for it? "

Summer heard the words of the waves, opened his mouth.

Isn't that shameless?

Summer immediately sneered: "bang, I still don't admit it. I've seen thick skinned people, and I've never seen such thick skinned people."

"Smelly boy, I told you to pay attention to what you said. How dare you scold me? I think you're looking for a cigarette! "

There was a touch of anger on Shen Lang's face. He strode forward and waved his hand, which was a slap on summer's cheek.

"Hoo Hoo

Shen Lang has a strong physique. When he slaps him, there is a sound of breaking wind.

In summer, his face turned a little white. He didn't expect that the other party would suddenly attack him, but the speed of the waves was too fast for him to escape.

"Xiaotian, be careful..."

"Get out of the way!"

Cheng Huilan and Xia Menglu are worried and cry. Xia Menglu rushes up quickly, but she is far away from summer and the waves, so there is no time to stop her.


The crisp slap sounded.

Then, a figure flew up and hit heavily on the hood of Bentley's mozanne, which made the car make a dull crashing sound, and the car immediately made a sharp alarm sound.

It's the waves!

Although Xia Menglu doesn't have time to stop and summer doesn't have time to escape, he Feng has time

A slap, it will be the waves to fly!

The movement on this side immediately attracted the attention of many people not far away, and everyone looked at it one after another.

"Damn, isn't that Bentley mozanne? Besides, the license plate number has three eights. Whose car is this? It's amazing. "

"I guess the owner of the car should be the one who has been beaten. That person is a childe. Damn, I recognized him. Isn't he Shen Lang, the son of chairman Shen of Guangming group? God, he was beaten

"Shen Lang, the son of Shen Dong? This... This is incredible, isn't it? In this riverside city, who dares to make waves? Are you tired of it? "

One after another, exclamations began to ring, which immediately attracted more spectators.

"Brother Lang, are you all right?"

Young model he Xirou went up to help Shen Lang.

Shen Lang slipped from the hood of the car and felt the burning pain on his face. He was furious and pointed to He Feng and said, "you, how dare you hit me? Do you want to die? "

In addition to anger, Shen Lang was also shocked. He had been practicing kung fu with top Taekwondo experts since he was a child. Now Taekwondo has reached the black belt, and he can fight several times for an ordinary adult man, which is one of the reasons why he didn't pay attention to summer and he Feng.

But don't want to, he unexpectedly relaxed who was he Feng to pull fly, and he Feng's that slap, the strength is also great, not only will he face puffed, even the hood are hit to sink down some.

This man is a master.

However, in today's society, it's not the hard fisted that makes sense. It depends on money and identity.

"Do you dare to kill me if I want to die?"

He Feng looked at Shen Lang with indifference, "or do you have the ability to kill?"

"Ha ha, I don't have the ability? If you have seed, give your name

Shen Lang laughs with disdain. He Feng is not a loser at all.

For ordinary people, maiteng is already a good car. The top class B car is hard for ordinary wage earners to afford. They only envy it.

But for Shen Lang, it's a loser car.

The driver of a loser car is, of course, a loser.

To kill an ordinary loser, he is really not afraid of the waves.

"I'm sorry, my name is not for all cats and dogs."

He Feng sees Cheng Huilan on the side and looks at it anxiously. The old man is afraid and has a heart attack. He Feng is too lazy to pay attention to the waves. He turns around and goes, "Xiaotian, don't pay attention to this kind of animal. Let's go back directly."

"Son of a bitch, stop or give me your name." Shen Lang said coldly.

I knew this would happen, so I brought out more bodyguards today.

But he Feng didn't look at the waves again. He went straight to the edge of maiteng and pulled back the rear door. "Auntie, get on the bus. Let's go back to have dinner."

He looked as if nothing had happened.

"All right!"

Cheng Huilan was also infected by He Feng, and her worried face faded. She sat in the back with Xia Menglu, and in the driver's seat in summer.

After he Feng got into the car, Shen Lang also got into the car.

When he drove forward, the heavy car followed him closely.

When people around saw that two cars left one after another, they left a little more.

"Tut Tut, that guy was so overbearing just now that he didn't even pay attention to Shen Shao."

"Yes, Shen Shao has now entered the upper class circle of Jiangbin city. The level of contact is totally beyond the imagination of ordinary people. If he wants to deal with an ordinary person, he will be thrown into the river that night. "

"Shh! Don't say that, just know it in your heart. Otherwise, the guy who drives maiteng this evening is found to have been thrown into the river, which will cause you trouble. "

"Yes, there must be an accident tonight. I'm afraid it will really kill us. Let's leave as soon as possible."

A few people who were still watching changed their faces and left quickly.


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