"Brother in law, that guy seems to be driving after him."

In maiteng's car, it was not until I got on the highway that I noticed Bentley and mozanne in my rearview mirror in summer, and suddenly I started to grumble.

"What? Still catching up? Will something happen? He Feng, what can we do now? "

Cheng Huilan in the back row was immediately worried.

"Mom, you can rest assured that brother Feng also has a network in Jiangbin city. Brother Feng can definitely solve this kind of small matter." Xia Menglu comforted her.

"But that man is so overbearing. Will he really be ok?"

"It's going to be OK. I don't believe you'll see it later."

"Well, how is Xiao Feng going to solve it? Is it going to start again? "

Cheng Huilan worried: "it's not good to fight all the time. Although Xiao Feng has good skills, if he is seriously injured, it will be very troublesome."

"Don't worry, auntie. I won't fight. These people are all bad people. Of course, the bad people have to be dealt with by the police. After a while, if they are still following after getting off the highway, I will call the police and ask the police to catch them and educate them well. " He Feng said.

"Well, it's best to call the police. I hope the police can help us." Cheng Huilan was relieved.

After all, he Feng is a young man. Young people will have a temper and be impulsive. She is really worried that he Feng will be impulsive and directly fight with other people. It's easy to cause big trouble.

Fortunately, he Feng doesn't look impulsive.

In fact, he Feng is very depressed now. According to his temper, when he was in the parking lot just now, he was going to solve the problem completely.

Now that he's on the highway, he can drive faster and get rid of him.

But I can't help it. Cheng Huilan has heart disease, and it's very serious. She has to take medicine frequently to maintain it. So he Feng doesn't want to make things too big when he has to. He tries to keep Cheng Huilan's mood stable.

Behind, Shen Lang is driving the Bentley moushang, closely chasing maiteng.

Shen Lang is also a person who likes to speed. He usually plays in the qiujingshan driveway when he has nothing to do. He has good driving skills, so he hasn't lost him for such a long time.

"Brother Lang, these people are really too much. We can't let them go easily even if we scrape our car."

Sitting in the co pilot's seat, he Xirou said angrily, but there was a trace of joy in her heart.

Now Brother Lang won't hook up with that woman again, will he?

Her goal has been achieved!

"Well, what do you say? In addition to the previous Xu Hongjie pressure I can not look up, I have never been so bullied. Now Xu Hongjie doesn't know why he suddenly disappeared. My father even bought Xu Tianyin's shares. In the future, no one will be able to ride on me in this Jiangbin city. "

Shen Lang snorted coldly, with a trace of madness in his eyes.

"Brother Lang, I believe you, you will be the dragon among the people in Jiangbin city." He Xirou said in a gentle voice and stroked Shen Lang's right hand on the side.

"You goblin, I don't feel comfortable driving. Come here and solve it for me. I'm full of fire now. I need to vent it well. " Shen Lang said and untied the zipper.

"Right here?"

He Xirou was surprised, "brother Lang, this is on the highway!"

"Don't worry. Although I didn't join the super run club in Jiangbin City, my driving skills are not much worse than them. Just rest assured. Hurry up, young master. I spent so much money on you. Do you want me to spend it for nothing Shen Lang said unhappily.

"Lang, where do you think you are? I'm afraid it's not safe? Since you're very skilled, you'll have to be careful in a moment. "

As she spoke, she untied her seat belt and leaned forward to the waves.

While enjoying, Shen Lang took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Hello, Shen Shao!" A middle-aged man's voice soon came over the phone.

"Brother Deng, am I busy now? I have an accident here and I need your help. " Shen Lang road.

"I'm not busy. What's the matter with you?" Dengge asked.

"I just met someone at the high-speed railway station. I don't know what happened to the car. I don't know whether I scraped someone else or others scraped me. But when I was arguing with them, they relied on a large number of people, and their attitude was very arrogant and bad. One of them was a practitioner, and I was beaten by him."

Shen Lang said in a cold voice: "after hitting me, the man drove away, but his driving skills were average. Now I'm following. I hope you can mobilize some people to come here. I'd like to find this place later. In addition, in order to avoid accidents, I hope you can come in person and help me teach the trainer a lesson, so that he can understand that there are people outside and there is heaven outside. "

"OK, no problem. I'll call in a moment and bring more people for you." Deng Ge smiles, "by the way, are you not seriously injured?"

"The injury is not serious, but my injury is in the face."

"What? How dare he hit you in the face? Hehe, I'm really brave. Don't worry. I'll arrange a good man right away. I'll see if he has the courage to do it later. "

"OK, thank you, brother Deng. I'll share the location with you on wechat later."

After hanging up the phone, a cold radian rose on the corner of Shen Lang's mouth.

"Well, what if you are a practitioner? Can you fight a real warrior? I'll make sure you don't know how to die later. And that woman, I will play till you kneel down and beg for mercy tonight. "

Shen Lang gave a cold hum.

Thinking of Xia Menglu's beautiful face and explosive figure, he only felt that there was a fire burning in his body. Then he relaxed his body and enjoyed himself.

About half an hour later, he Feng's maiteng drove out of the highway, came to the national highway, then turned into a more remote path and drove to a wetland park.

"Brother in law, look, there are many more cars in the back. There are seven or eight, including two golden cup cars. There may be many people sitting in them."

All the way, almost all the time in summer, I was staring in the rearview mirror.

At this moment, the car just turned into the road. In the summer, it was found that a lot of cars had suddenly followed from the national road. They were obviously in the same group with bentlimousine.


On hearing this, Cheng Huilan's face changed again. She quickly turned around and saw a lot of cars following them. "It's really true. There are so many cars. There must be a lot of people. Oh, my God, what are these people? Are they some great people? Xiao Feng, what should we do? "

He Feng knows that Cheng Huilan has never seen such a scene, and estimates that she doesn't watch much TV. Now she must be extremely flustered and afraid.

His face can't help getting cold. He's really looking for death!

"Don't worry, auntie. These people can't help me. We'd better go back to our residence first. If you get off at a place like this, it will be very hot. " He Feng thought and said.

Originally, I wanted to get off here to solve the problem, but now it's noon and the sun is very strong. It's not generally hot to get off now.

"Go back to the residence. Of course, you have to go back to the residence. You can call the police again and ask them to send more people."

Cheng Huilan quickly said, and then she worried again: "however, these people are so powerful, will the police help us for a while?"

He Feng laughed, "Auntie, don't worry. The director of the Public Security Bureau of Jiangbin city is very familiar with me, and will definitely help us."

"Are the directors familiar with you?"

Cheng Huilan looks at He Feng in surprise. Then she remembers that he Feng is now the Minister of the cloud city group, and the cloud city group is a big company. Even if she is familiar with the director of the Public Security Bureau, it seems normal.

"But those people seem to have a bigger future!"

"It's OK. The police won't let them do anything."

He Feng smiles. In order not to let Cheng Huilan worry too much, he dials Zhao Enlai directly.

Just now, he planned to deal with it casually, so he just called Chu Yue and asked Chu Yue to finish her cultivation and bring some policemen over.

But now it seems that it doesn't work to bring a few policemen.

"Hello Zhao Enlai's voice soon came.

"Director Zhao, I'm afraid I'll trouble you with something." He Feng said.

"Mr. He, what are you doing with me. You can tell me anything. As long as I don't violate discipline, I will try my best to help you. " Zhao Enlai said.

"Well, when I was just in the parking lot, a Bentley driver scratched my car. Instead of apologizing for the compensation, the other driver turned black and white and said that we had scratched his car. Not only that, he also wanted to beat my friend. After I taught him a lesson, he was not convinced. Now he was driving after me. I guess he didn't want to give up Hefeng road.

When Zhao Enlai heard this, he immediately became angry, "what? Is there anyone who is so unreasonable? Does he think he's great with Bentley? Tell me where you are now, Mr. He, and I'll take someone with me immediately. "

He Feng smile, "then thank director Zhao, you look for Yueyue, I sent her the location, you let her share the location to you. However, you have to bring a little more people. I guess they should come from the thirties and forties. "

Zhao Enlai snorted: "hum, no matter whether they are thirty or forty or three or four hundred, today I will take them all to the Bureau and teach them a good lesson."

After hanging up the phone, he Feng looked in the rearview mirror, "Auntie, are you relieved now? The director of the Public Security Bureau said that he would bring people here in person. "

"Well, I hope it can be settled safely."

Cheng Huilan sighed, and there was still a little worry in her eyes.

He Feng saw this and said nothing more.

He knows that if this matter is not settled properly, Cheng Huilan will be worried all the time.

In that case

"In that case, don't blame brother Feng for my impoliteness!"

He Feng's eyes flashed a cold light.


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