Twenty minutes later, maiteng arrived near the villa, then turned into the path and drove towards the villa yard.


Later, Bentley mozanne also stopped, did not open into the path.

The door opened and Shen Lang came down from the car. He frowned slightly and looked at the villa in a daze. He seemed to be thinking about something.

Because the villa gave him a familiar feeling, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Brother Lang, does that man have some status in Jiangbin? Can you afford such a luxurious villa? In view of the house price in Jiangbin City, this villa is worth tens of millions at least? "

He Xirou also got out of the car, looked at the villa and asked curiously. Her eyes were full of envy and a strong desire to bathe.

In her life, she must be able to earn enough money to buy such a villa with her own hands.

"Shen Shao, what are you looking at?"

A thin middle-aged man came to the side of the waves and asked, "that man has entered the villa. There seems to be no one in the villa. How about going in and killing him?"

As he spoke, Shen Lang looked around and said in a low voice, "and there are no people in this place. Even if we kill these people here, I'm afraid outsiders don't know."

This middle-aged man is just Deng Yuanwu called by Shen Lang!

Deng Yuanwu was met by Shen Haitao, Shen Lang's father, when he went to Nanjin city. Because of his strong strength, he recruited him to be his bodyguard. He paid him 10 million yuan a year and paid him dividends from time to time. Deng Yuanwu had a very good life.

At that time, when he first followed Shen Haitao, his accomplishments were only at the beginning of Mingjin. Then, relying on Shen Haitao's huge salary every year, he just promoted his accomplishments to the middle of Mingjin.

This kind of cultivation can reasonably become the leader of underground forces in Jiangbin city. However, Deng Yuanwu likes to stay with Shen Haitao and live a nourishing life. He doesn't have much ambition, so he always follows Shen Haitao and has a close relationship with Shen Lang.

"It's not necessary to kill them all. The woman can keep them."

When Shen Lang heard Deng Yuanwu's voice, he restrained his mind, licked his lips and said, "brother Deng, you don't see that woman is not generally beautiful, and her figure is very hot. This woman, I must get her today. "

He Xirou frowned when she heard Shen Lang's words. She was not happy, but she didn't dare to say it.

After all, she's just a plaything that Shen Lang paid for. She's not qualified to take care of Shen Lang's business.

"Oh? Is it that beautiful? "

Deng Yuanwu said in surprise. At the same time, he glanced at her and said with a smile, "is it more beautiful than this little sister?"

Shen Lang looked at he Xirou and said with a faint smile, "xiaorou is actually good, but she is much worse than that beautiful woman just now."

With that, Shen Lang approached Deng Yuanwu's ear and said in a low voice, "brother wolf, if I can play the girl in it tonight, Xiao Rou, I will give her to you."


As soon as Deng Yuanwu's eyes brightened, he really felt for he Xirou.

"Hehe, it's not my wife. It's just a plaything we paid for. We can play whatever we want." Shen Lang sneered.

"Then I'll thank Shen Shao first. Don't worry, the girl inside, I will help you to bring her out safely and let you have a good time tonight."

Deng Yuanwu's face flashed with lust, and when he spoke, he looked up and down at he Xirou's figure.

It's really good. The woman's figure and appearance are enough for her to play all night.

He Xirou was worried by Deng Yuanwu. Subconsciously, she stepped back two steps. She knew something. She didn't look good, but she didn't dare to say anything.

No way. If she wants to make money, she must bear it. Otherwise, not only can she not make money at that time, she may end up very unlucky. If she doesn't see others open up, she will kill people?

"Brothers, come in with me. It's hot today. Let's take care of it earlier. "

With a wave of his hand, Deng Yuanwu took a full 30 strong man behind him and walked towards the door of the villa.

Outside the gate is a concrete path. It looks like a hundred meters. Deng Yuanwu is not in a hurry, because he saw the driver get out of the car, and then he stood outside the first floor of the villa, staring at them. He didn't mean to run away.

"Well, still pretending to be so calm, is it difficult for one person to beat so many of us? I can solve you by myself! "

Deng Yuanwu snorted disdainfully, looking at He Feng's eyes, full of disdain.

As for Shen Lang, he Feng is also staring at the front and enjoying the villa.

He didn't understand. He Feng looks like a loser. The car he drives is just an ordinary maiteng. There is nothing special about it. How can he afford such a luxurious villa?

As she said, this villa is worth tens of millions.

With a better understanding of the housing prices in Jiangbin City, we can see at a glance that this villa can not be bought by tens of millions of people. At least it has to be over 100 million, and the decoration has to be removed.

There are no more than ten similar villas in Jiangbin City, and several of them are sold to the rich in other places.

There are only three or five people who can afford such a villa in Jiangbin city.

Thinking of those people, Shen Lang had a flash of inspiration in his mind. It seemed that he had thought of something, and a name suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Didn't Xu Hongjie tell us that his father bought a villa worth more than 100 million yuan? At that time, he also showed me the photos, which seemed very similar to this villa

Thinking of this, Shen Lang looked around the villa.

Later, he found that the villa was too familiar

"Well, isn't this Xu Tianyin's villa?"

Shen Lang finally remembered.

This is the villa Xu Hongjie showed him!

It's as like as two peas!

"No wonder! No wonder this guy is so bold and fearless that he even dares to fight. It turns out that he is backed up by Xu Dong. "

Shen Lang looks gloomy.

At this time, the front of Deng Yuanwu has brought people to the courtyard of the villa, shouting: "brothers, give me the iron door of the villa to unload!"


Immediately, two people with the saw came out and started the saw.


The electric saw boomed close to the iron gate.

"Stop it

When Shen Lang saw this, he quickly gave a big drink.

"Stop, stop first!"

Other people didn't hear Shen Lang's cheering because of the sound of the chainsaw. Deng Yuanwu, an ancient warrior in the middle of Ming Dynasty, heard it clearly. He waved his hand to stop a few people. Then he turned and ran to Shen Lang, "Shen Shao, how can you stop the brothers again?"

"Brother Deng, just a moment. If I remember correctly, the owner of this villa should be Xu Tianyin." Shen Lang road.

"Xu Tianyin? Shen Shao, are you sure? "

Deng Yuanwu's face changed slightly.

Although Xu Tianyin seldom came to Jiangbin city these years and entrusted many businesses of Guangming group to Xu Hongjie, Xu Tianyin's reputation in Jiangbin city is enormous, and few people dare to offend him.

Even Shen Haitao, Shen Lang's father, is about to become the chairman of Guangming group. I'm afraid he doesn't want to offend Xu Tianyin.

It is said that although Xu Tianyin's base camp is in Jiangbin City, Xu Tianyin has great energy in Nanjin city.

Just like song Shiqun!

No one dares to offend.

"Well, as like as two peas, Xu Hongjie has seen me a picture of the villa."

Shen Lang nodded, "but it's nothing. I'll call Xu Tianyin now and ask him what's the relationship with He Feng. I don't believe it. He won't even sell me and my father's face for He Feng. "

With that, Shen Lang took out his cell phone.

"Well, you'd better make a phone call. I think, Xu Tianyin is such a smart person, should know how to choose. "

Deng Yuanwu echoed.

Although Shen Lang didn't have much contact with Xu Tianyin, Xu Tianyin's phone number was also stored on his mobile phone. After turning to the number, he dialed it directly.

"Hello, who's calling, please?"

Soon, Xu Tianyin's voice came from the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Xu. I'm Shen lang. do you remember me?" Shen Lang asked politely, but there was a trace of pride in his eyes.

Because in his view, the era of Xu Tianyin has passed, and the present era belongs to him and his father.

"The waves?"

Xu Tianyin was a little stunned for a second, and then said with a smile: "Oh, I remember, are you Haitao's son? Why did you call me all of a sudden? What's the matter? "

"Well, Mr. Xu, I'd like to ask you if you still live in the villa you bought next to Huani Wetland Park? Or has the villa been sold? " Deng Yuanwu asked casually.

"Xiao Shen, what's the matter when you suddenly ask me such a question?"

Xu Tianyin asked with a smile.

It seems polite, but in fact it is a little repellent.

"Well, Mr. Xu, if I remember correctly, I am already outside your villa."

Shen Lang said directly: "just about an hour ago, someone hurt me maliciously because of his strong skills. Then I took people to catch up with him, but he escaped into your villa. Therefore, I am worried that this person is close to Mr. Xu, so I call Mr. Xu to confirm. If this person has nothing to do with you, I will directly order him to be arrested. "

"Someone beat you and escaped into my villa?"

Xu Tianyin was a little stunned, and immediately asked: "can you roughly describe this person's appearance with me?"

"He looks like a 26-7-year-old. He's average looking, short cut and thin. He's about 1.78 meters old. He's also dressed very ordinary and drives a Volkswagen maiteng car."

Shen Lang racked his brains thinking, "by the way, I heard his friends call him" brother Feng "before. There may be a word" Feng "in his name. Do you know this man, Mr. Xu? "

"With the word" Maple "? Ha ha, I know! Of course I do! "

Xu Tianyin laughed.

He was blackmailed into tens of billions to kill his two sons.

Can he not?

He would like to have the man cut his bones and cramped, drink his blood and eat his meat.


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