"To tell you the truth, Mr. Xu gave me a hand at the high-speed railway station today. At that time, there were many people around, and he hit me in the face directly. I really didn't want to let him go. Xu Dong, I hope you can sell me your personal feelings and let me go in and catch him. "

Shen Lang no longer asks about the relationship between Xu Tianyin and the other party, but directly tells how deep the contradiction between him and he Feng is, and asks Xu Tianyin not to interfere.

"Xiao Shen, in fact, this man is not familiar with me. He only goes to my villa once. If you want to deal with him, just deal with it. I will never help him Xu Tianyin said.

"Really? That's great. Thank you, Mr. Xu

Shen Lang was surprised. "By the way, Mr. Xu, we may have to tear down the iron door of the villa later. I'll change a better door for you later. I hope you don't mind."

"It's OK. I have a brotherly relationship with your father Haitao. Don't say I just demolished the iron gate. Even if you demolished the villa, I won't blame you."

Xu Tianyin is busy.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu. I'll thank you in person when the matter is settled."

Shen Lang said gratefully. He suddenly felt that Xu Tianyin was too kind to himself.

It seems that the relationship between the other party and his father is really not generally good. I'm afraid he has to be closer than his brother.

"Well, good luck!"

Xu Tianyin said and hung up the phone.

Shen Lang didn't notice anything unusual. He put his mobile phone into his pocket with a smile on his face. "Brother Deng, I've already said hello to Xu Tianyin. He said that this person has no close relationship with him, and he also said that it's OK for us to destroy the villa. Just do it. Hold on a little. I guess he should have called the police and tried to get things done before the police arrived. When the time comes, the matter will be solved. Even if the police come, we can push a brother out of the bag at will. "

"I understand. I'm going to take my brothers with me."

Deng Yuanwu grinned and waved his hand, "brothers, unload the iron gate!"


The sound of the electric saw started again.

First floor of villa!

He Feng is coldly looking at the scene outside the villa, did not come forward to stop.

"Xiao Feng, why hasn't the police come yet? They're too slow, aren't they? Did the other party also say hello to the police, so the police deliberately slowed down and wanted to wait until they solved the problem? "

Cheng Huilan listened to the roaring sound of the chainsaw, worried.

So that they even have no mood to enjoy this luxurious and spacious super villa.

"Auntie, it's OK. The police have just sent me a message. They'll be there soon. It'll be OK."

He Feng relieved a, "or, you go to the room to blow the air conditioner first now, have a rest?"? Now I've arranged for the chef to cook in the kitchen. When the police come and take them away, we can have lunch. "

"Oh, where is the mood to eat now. Xiao Feng, it's not easy for them to stir up trouble when they see it. Maybe it's the underworld on TV. We shouldn't have driven the car in at that time. We should wait for the police to arrive first, and then we'll come back. "

Cheng Huilan asked nervously, "is there any other exit in this villa? Let's get out of here and find a safe place to hide. "

"Don't worry, Ma. In fact... Brother Xiaofeng is a martial arts expert. Even if the police come a little late, he can solve these people's problems. " Xia Menglu has no choice but to expose the secret that he Feng is a martial arts expert.

"Lulu, I know Xiao Feng is a martial arts expert. When he was at the high-speed railway station first, I saw him beat the bad guy. He was really powerful."

Speaking of this, Cheng Huilan looked at the iron door anxiously, "but look at how many people are outside now, and they still have the guy's money in their hands. As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands. How can Xiao Feng fight? Has he ever beaten so many people holding guys? "

"Mom, my brother-in-law must be able to fight."

Before speaking, Xia Menglu said, "I've seen my brother-in-law fight many times. He's a real martial arts expert. Even if he fights so many people, he won't lose. Right, brother-in-law? "

Said, the summer is also toward He Feng looked in the past.

Although he said that he believed in Feng, in fact, he also felt a little suspended in his heart.

After all, it's too dangerous for these people to take the guys one by one.

It's not said in the book that no matter how high your Kung Fu is, you are afraid of kitchen knives!

Therefore, he now hopes he Feng can give a more accurate answer, so that he can feel at ease.

"Alas! Auntie, you don't know. I'm really a martial arts expert, but originally I only practiced martial arts to keep fit. I really don't want to fight with others. But since these people want to trouble us, I can only break the forbidden law of martial arts and teach them a lesson. "

He Feng sighed deeply.


Xia Menglu opens her mouth and looks at He Feng in shock. Then she tries to smile. It seems that Xiao Feng's brother is worried about his mother's feeling that he will be violent, so he has been reluctant to do it.

But how did he come up with the reason that "martial arts training is for physical fitness"?

"Xiao Feng, are you a martial arts expert?" Cheng Huilan looks at He Feng in shock.

"Well, after a while, auntie, you can look at it. There are only thirty people. It's not dangerous for me at all."

He Feng smiles, and naturally exudes a momentum, which is quite a master style.

"Xiao Feng is really a master..."

Cheng Huilan immediately believed, "Lulu, why didn't you tell me earlier that Xiao Feng is a martial arts expert? This, this is shocking. "

"Brother Feng, he seldom fights with people. I almost forgot about it." Xia Menglu stroked the next Liu Haidao, face slightly red, and then she looked at He Feng, in the heart of doubt.

Why is brother Feng so calm when he lies, his face is not red and his heart is not beating?

Sure enough, brother Feng's face is not generally thick.

"Bang Dang!"

At this time, the heavy iron door was finally opened by the other party's electric saw.

The huge iron gate fell down and splashed with dust.

"Paralyzed, I finally got the door open. Brothers, hurry up, catch that smelly boy and give it to Shen shaolai for disposal! "

"Damn, is the woman beside him a fairy? How can there be such a beautiful woman? I'm afraid even the goddesses on TV are just like that? "

"No wonder Shen Shao has a big fight today. Now I finally understand."

After seeing Xia Menglu, some forward figures stop one after another. They are all astonished. Even some people are secretly swallowing their saliva and appreciating Xia Menglu's figure.

"What are you doing here? Why don't you go and get the men soon? "

At this time, Deng Yuanwu saw the crowd stop, and immediately roared with discontent.

What kind of people are they? Don't you know it's time to do something serious?

How can I look at beautiful women?

However, this is really a top-notch beauty.

It's a pity that Shen Lang took a fancy to it first, so he had to take the second place and play with that young model.


With Deng Yuanwu's command, the strong men reacted one after another and rushed to He Feng with a roar.

In their hands, they wave all kinds of weapons.

Wooden sticks, iron bars, machetes, watermelon knives, electric saws, baseball bats and so on, coupled with their shouts, the momentum is extremely frightening.

If ordinary people saw this scene, they would be absolutely pale.

"This... Xiao Feng, can you really handle it?"

Rao is Cheng Huilan, who just knew he Feng was a martial arts expert. Now he is also scared.

This scene is really frightening!

"Don't worry, mom. It'll be OK." For fear that her mother will have a heart attack, Xia Menglu quickly holds Cheng Huilan and gently strokes her back.

"Auntie, just watch. I'll soon be able to end the fight."

He Feng turns back to Cheng Huilan and comforts her, then rushes out directly.


When his body moved, the powerful momentum that had been hidden from him suddenly burst out, making him a huge beast with a palpitating evil spirit.

The people behind him didn't feel anything, but the dozens of strong men who rushed towards him felt as if they were not an ordinary man, but a fierce and terrible ancient beast.

For a moment, their steps stopped at the same time.

Mind is photographed!

"Bang, bang, Bang..."

He Feng, like a tiger into a flock of sheep, shuttles past these people. His fists and feet come out together, and his attacks fall on them one by one like raindrops.

The dull sound of impact, scream, keep ringing.

When these people come back to their senses, most of them have fallen to the ground.

The rest of less than ten people, it is ghost like looking at He Feng, did not dare to rush up.


Cheng Huilan was stunned.

She was just worried that he Feng would not win these people.

But now, in less than ten seconds, he Feng knocked down most of the people, and the rest of them lost their fighting spirit, and their faces were full of fear.

"Is my son-in-law really a martial arts expert?" Cheng Huilan murmured.

"Mom, now you see the power of brother Feng? It's useless for such an ordinary person to come here any more. He can't even touch the corner of his clothes. " Xia Menglu said with a smile.

"Well, it's OK!"

Cheng Huilan see he Feng safe, just really relaxed, "hope those people can retreat, later don't come to our trouble."

Xia Menglu nodded, "well, brother Feng can definitely solve it properly!"

"Damn it, brother Deng, this guy is so powerful. Can you deal with him? If you can, go straight up and kill him. "

Not far away, when Shen Lang saw he Feng, he easily defeated most of his men, and his face was also shocked.

He knew he Feng's fighting strength was very strong, but he didn't expect to be so strong. It was unexpected.

But he is not afraid. Deng Yuanwu, a strong man in the middle of Ming Dynasty, has not yet made a move.

In addition to Deng Yuanwu, he also brought two shooters.

Can he Feng be more powerful than the gunner?

However, the control of firearms in China is very strict after all. Shen Lang doesn't want to shoot until he has to.

"Well, this man should also be an ancient martial arts practitioner, but he should be just a horizontal martial arts practitioner. The roar just now was full of momentum, so he shocked the group of rubbish. Now if I do it, I can solve it easily. "

Deng Yuanwu nodded, and then his inner strength began to work.

At the same time, a long sword appeared in his hand.

This is one time, after he helped Shen Haitao kill several commercial competitors, Shen Haitao was grateful to him and offered 200 million yuan to help him buy this sword.

A low-level soldier!

Although the soldiers were low-level, Deng Yuanwu was able to make a few moves for the strong in the late Ming Dynasty.


Deng Yuanwu eyes tightly staring at He Feng, see he Feng didn't notice his side, he body like a ghost, quickly rushed past.

When Shen Lang saw this scene, a cold light appeared on the corner of his mouth. "With brother Deng's hand, that smelly boy should be dead, right? Hum, when he dies, I have to chop up his body and take it back to feed the dog! "

"Boy, die!"

Deng Yuanwu's speed is extremely fast, blink of an eye then came to He Feng.

The sword in his hand stabbed He Feng's back vest like a poisonous snake.

And this time, he Feng is solving the remaining two strong men, as if not aware of his sneak attack.

"Bang bang!"

He Feng's attention is still on the two strong men, with his back to Deng Yuanwu, and two punches at random will knock them down.


Deng Yuanwu's sword, also appeared in He Feng's vest, is about to pierce He Feng's heart.


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