"Xiao Feng, be careful!"

Outside the villa, Cheng Huilan exclaimed.

"Brother-in-law, get out of the way..." summer also screamed with fright. I can't bear to see it. I'm afraid I'll see the bloody picture next moment.

Only Xia Menglu, with a calm face, was not nervous at all.

Brother Feng is a fabulous legend. Can he not even detect the attack of a strong man in the middle of Ming Dynasty?

Now, after these days of cultivation, Xia Menglu has reached the peak of Mingjin. She has already sensed Deng Yuanwu's accomplishments. Even she won't pay attention to such accomplishments.


Suddenly, he Feng's back seemed like a long eye. He raised his arm and stepped out of his armpit with his right hand. He just happened to play on the edge of the sword. A clear sword chant spread.


With the sound of sword singing, Deng Yuanwu suddenly felt a great force, like waves sweeping, one after another, along the long sword, along his arm, directly hit his body. This strong impact directly made Deng Yuanwu scream. He immediately released his sword and it fell to the ground.

At this time, he Feng also turned around and looked at Deng Yuanwu calmly.

Four eyes opposite, Deng Yuanwu suddenly felt a blank brain, as if some magical force rushed into his spirit, deterred his thinking.


The next moment, Deng Yuanwu felt a pain in his lower abdomen, and then the whole person flew out and fell on the ground.

"You, you abandoned my elixir field?"

Deng Yuanwu felt the strange body, and looked at He Feng in surprise and anger, "asshole, how can you... How can you be so strong?"

He just saw the situation when he Feng and those strong men fought. He felt that he Feng could only build up his strength, but he didn't want to

With one move, his elixir field was abandoned.

And in the case of his sneak attack!

In other words, if he Feng wants to kill him, it's also enough.

"No, it's not that I'm too strong, but that you're too weak." He Feng disappointedly shakes his head, "like you so weak person, I have not played for a long time."

In the middle period of Ming Dynasty, he didn't fight for a long time. Most of the things he dealt with recently were above the dark force.

"I'm weak?"

Deng Yuanwu's eyes widened.

Weak sister, I can't find any rival in Jiangbin, OK?

"How are you, brother Deng?"

At this time, Shen Lang rushed over with the last two bodyguards, helped Deng Yuanwu up, and asked anxiously.

It doesn't matter if an ordinary thug has an accident, but Deng Yuanwu is a super bodyguard hired by his father with high salary. He is a rare warrior, and he is really protecting his father. If such a bodyguard wants to find a second one, it will cost twice or more.

If Deng Yuanwu had any problems, he would not be able to explain them.

"Shen Shao, my elixir field was abandoned by him. I can no longer protect Shen Dong and Shen Shao you." Deng Yuanwu lowered his head and said.

"What? Is Dantian abandoned

Shen Lang's face changed greatly, and then he Feng, who is not far away, looked at him bitterly, "boy, you are really killing yourself. Just move your hands. How dare you abandon my brother Deng's Dantian?"

When he Feng heard this, he looked at Shen Lang like an idiot. "I said you're out of your mind, don't you? You clearly want to kill me, but I can't waste his Dantian? Do you want to be shameless, or I'll just stand here and let you kill me? "

"Hum, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant. It's because you have good strength. But what about that? Do you think you can live today? "

Shen Lang narrowed his eyes, then waved his hand and gave the order with a murderous face, "shoot, kill him!"

"Shua! Shua

With his command, the two Gunners beside him immediately took out the pistol and aimed at He Feng, and wanted to pull the trigger.


There was a rush of wind.

Two iron pipes came flying through the void.

"Bang bang!"


Before the two shooters could see clearly, they felt a pain in their arms and the pistol fell to the ground. Then they covered their wrists and screamed.

"Shoot? Hehe, do you think I will give you a chance to shoot

He Feng step by step to the front of the waves, cold voice.

He had long expected that these people were carrying guns, so he had been psychologically prepared. It was impossible for him to give the other party the chance to shoot.

"Damn it

Shen Lang's expression changed slightly, and the pride on his face suddenly solidified. Seeing that the gun fell to the ground, he quickly bent over to pick up the gun.


However, as soon as his head was buried, he felt a sharp whirring sound on his head.

Then he Feng's foot stepped on the back of his head and stepped him on the ground. There was an intimate collision between his cheek and the ground.

Blood all over the place!

The bridge of Shen Lang's nose collapsed, and a large amount of blood flowed from his forehead, face and mouth.

"You brought so many people to kill me, but I didn't kill any of you. Do you think I'm too easy to talk? At this time, you still want to kill me? " He Feng stepped on Shen Lang's head like a dead dog.

"Ah! Asshole, you take your feet away quickly, or you will die miserably. Do you know who I am? I'll tell you, if you don't take your feet away, kneel down and apologize to me, I promise you that not only you will die, but your family will die. "

Shen Lang was muddled by He Feng's foot. After he recovered, he suddenly roared and looked ferocious.

He is now about to become the young owner of Guangming group. He should have become a boundless leader, but now he is trampled on by others.

How can he bear it?

"Oh? Let my family die? Hehe, tell me, who are you? "

He Feng asked casually.

Shen Lang said: "my name is Shen Lang, and my father is Shen Haitao. He has acquired the shares of Xu Tianyin, chairman of Guangming group, and will be appointed as the next chairman of Guangming group soon. Now you know who I am, don't you? Don't let me go

"Originally, Xu Tianyin's shares were sold to you..."

He Feng looked at the waves in surprise.

"You, what do you mean?" Shen Lang doubts a way.

"Ha ha, nothing."

He Feng looked out of the yard and took away his feet. "Forget it, I'm not embarrassed. The police have arrived. Let the police take you away for a while."

"The police?" Shen Lang discovered that there were more than ten police cars outside the yard.

The door opened and a group of armed police rushed down from the car.

Not only the criminal police, Shen Lang even saw the armed police.

"Damn, what's going on? Isn't he an ordinary loser? When did you lose face and report to the police so many people? Even the armed police are out? "

Shen Lang looked at the outside with a shocked face. "Moreover, is it Zhao Enlai, the director of the Public Security Bureau, who led the team himself? Is he really calling the police? "

Police action is very fast, just a car, quickly ran into the villa yard.

Looking at a group of thugs who were beaten all over the floor looking for teeth, these policemen were shocked in their hearts one by one, but their actions were not slow at all. They soon handcuffed those thugs one by one, including the abandoned Deng Yuanwu and the young model he Xirou.

Of course, there is also a leader Shen Lang.

"Mr. He, I'm really sorry, because today is the weekend. There was a little traffic jam on the road for a while, and I waited for a meeting with the armed police, so I came a little late. Are there any accidents here?" Zhao Enlai asked with concern.

He Feng is very discontented to say: "I all shot here, do you say to have an accident?"? I practice martial arts for the purpose of self-cultivation. I've always despised fighting with people. But today I'm fighting with so many people. I have to go to a psychologist later. Do you know? "


Zhao Enlai opened his mouth, confused.

What's going on in Temo?

"Well, chief, he Feng is acting." But Chu Yue, who follows Zhao Enlai, sees through He Feng at a glance. This is for Xia Menglu's mother.

She had heard he Feng say before that Xia Menglu was going to pick up her mother today, so she thought this would be it.

"Oh, yes, Mr. He is really sorry. The efficiency of our police is really poor. I will hold a meeting later to discuss with you and see how to improve the efficiency." Zhao Enlai responded and said, "in addition, I'll introduce you to the most famous psychologist in Jiangbin."

"Well, thank you, director Zhao." He Feng patted Zhao Enlai on the shoulder, looking grateful.

"Yes, yes!" Zhao Enlai nodded and looked flattered.

He has been informed in the past two days that even Jin Xi, the new mayor of the municipal government, is extremely polite to He Feng. It can be seen that he Feng's background is very terrible. Zhao Enlai feels that he was too small on him before.

And the curtain fell in the eyes of Shen Lang, which made him feel as if his whole body was cold.

Nima, didn't you say this guy was a loser?

Why is even the director of the Public Security Bureau so respectful to him?

"No! This person must have a bright future, but I haven't been able to touch it before. By the way, Xu Tianyin is a real upper class figure in Jiangbin City, and he comes directly to Xu Tianyin's villa. Xu Tianyin must know his identity and background very well. But just now Xu Tianyin said to him... "

Thinking of what Xu Tianyin said to himself just now, Shen Lang had ten thousand grass mud horses in his heart.

This is Xu Tianyin's death!

But I not only don't know, but also appreciate each other.


Shen Lang vomited blood and almost fell.

"Why do you want to pretend to be dead? I tell you, there's no way! Take him away, put him in the car and take him directly to the police station. After the trial, take him to the hospital to deal with the injury. "

Zhao Enlai glared at Shen Lang and then looked at He Feng, "Mr. He, since the matter here has been solved, I won't disturb you here. By the way, do you want Yueyue to stay and let her take a confession for you? "

Chu Yue quickly said: "Zhao Bureau, I'll go back to find he Fenglu about the confession recording. Now we'd better hurry back and finish the trial."

If Xia Menglu's mother is not here, Chu Yue will be happy to stay.

Now, she can't stay rashly.

"OK, you can record it later. Since it's OK, let's go."

After saying goodbye to He Feng, Zhao Enlai left with a group of people.


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