Soon, he Feng and Xia Menglu's family were left in the courtyard of the villa, and they were quiet.

If it wasn't for the iron gate and the blood on the ground, it would be like nothing happened here.

"Auntie, I didn't lie to you, did I? Those gangsters are not my rivals

He Feng turned and walked to Cheng Huilan's face, said with a smile: "in the future, you will live in peace, the police will deal with those bad guys seriously, they will never come to trouble us again."

"Xiao Feng, you are so good. I didn't expect that your martial arts were so good. Before that man attacked you, and when they took out their guns, I was scared. Fortunately, you reacted quickly and didn't get hurt. "

Cheng Huilan is really not worried at all now.

First, he Feng's strength is too strong. Second, it seems that he Feng and the director of the public security bureau are so familiar.

"Auntie, let's go to the house first. It's so late. I guess you're hungry too. Eat first. " He Feng said.

"Well, let's eat first."

When the party entered the villa, Cheng Huilan was in the mood to look at the villa.

Looking at the luxurious and spacious villa, Cheng Huilan was surprised: "Xiao Feng, did you buy this villa?"

"So it is."

He Feng touched his nose. He didn't dare to say that he robbed the villa. "I've managed the villa in the past two days. You and Lulu will live here in the future. I've arranged several servants to come here. They will take care of your daily life."

"Well, how can we live in such a luxurious villa? I think it's better to arrange a place for us. " Cheng Huilan road.

"Auntie, you don't know me very well, do you?" He Feng said firmly: "in the future, you can live here in peace of mind and keep healthy. I often come here when I have time."

"Yes, mom, brother Feng is kind-hearted. Don't refuse, or he won't be happy." Xia Menglu persuades Cheng Huilan.

Now she has become an ancient warrior, and her accomplishments are constantly improving, and her vision has become different.

If before, he Feng took such a luxury villa to live in for her, she might be a little embarrassed.

But now

It will cost hundreds of millions of yuan to cultivate casually. What is a villa?

"Mom, it seems that my brother-in-law is not generally rich, so let's not be polite to him. Anyway, as long as my brother-in-law and sister have a good relationship, everything is nothing, isn't it The way of laughing in summer.

"Well, Xiaotian is right."

He Feng nodded, "back you also choose a room, later if you do research, you can also put this villa."

"Well, thank you, brother-in-law!"

Summer suddenly excited up, "I just saw behind the villa there is also a very spacious yard, later I will go there to build a shed, after doing experiments in the shed, so that will not damage the villa environment."

"Well, it's up to you."

"Xiao Feng, how can I listen to you? Don't you live here?" At this time, Cheng Huilan suddenly asked.

He Feng touched his nose and quickly came up with an idea in his mind, "aunt, the company is very busy recently. It's a long way from here to the company, so I live near the company for the time being. After the company is not busy, I'll move here again. "

"All right!"

Cheng Huilan didn't doubt that he was there. She didn't ask any more.

"Auntie, the food is ready. Let's have a meal first. Let's have a rest after dinner, and then I'll help you with your treatment." Hefeng road.

"Well, good!"

Immediately, the party went to the restaurant and began to eat.


"I'm going to call my lawyer, I'm going to call my father. Why do you arrest me? Let go of my handcuffs

Shen Lang is in the police car at the moment. After knowing that he has offended such a big man as he Feng, he realizes that it's not good. He cries out and wants his father to protect him.

His father, Shen Haitao, is about to become the chairman of Guangming group. The network is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Maybe a phone call will let the people in the public security bureau release him.

However, the two armed police officers sitting on his left and right sides, who are responsible for his custody, are like wooden people. Let alone answering his questions, they don't even look at him.

"You, did you hear me? I'm going to call my lawyer! Do you believe I'll sue you later? " Shen Lang roared angrily.

"Be honest with me, or I'll gag you." A bad tempered criminal policeman glared at him.


"Well, Shen Lang, I know your identity. You'd better not waste your mind. Even if you call your father Shen Haitao, it's useless. He can't save you."

At this time, Zhao Enlai, sitting in the co pilot's seat, said faintly.

"What do you mean?" Shen Lang's face changed slightly.

"I said, you have offended the people you can't afford to offend, not to mention your father. Even if Xu Tianyin came in person, he probably didn't dare to fart." Zhao Enlai said: "don't you know that the villa just now was owned by Xu Tianyin?"

When Shen Lang heard this, his face turned white. "Do you mean that even Xu Tianyin suffered a great loss in his hands?"

"In short, as far as I know, Xu Tianyin has transferred 32 billion yuan to He Feng in recent days. In addition, his two words, Xu Hongjie and Xu huangjie, all died inexplicably. " Zhao Enlai said.


Shen Lang's face turned pale, and his heart was filled with fear.

Zhao Enlai said, "you don't have to be too afraid. Just be honest. In the future, we will charge you with illegal trafficking in guns, affray and other charges, and give you a sentence of ten to eight years. When you get out of prison, you can live a new life. "

"Ten years, eight years!" Shen Lang felt dizzy and his eyes were full of reluctance.

His father is the chairman of Guangming group immediately, but he is going to jail for ten or eight years at this juncture, which he really can't accept.


Just then, the police car they were sitting in suddenly shook violently.

"Hold on, everyone. The tire is flat!" The driver yelled, then carefully controlled the steering wheel, and stepped on the brake at the same time, then stopped the car safely.

"What's the matter? Why did it burst all of a sudden? "

Zhao Enlai asked with some displeasure.

"Zhao Bureau, the road just now has not been repaired. It's full of potholes. There may be nails or glass in the potholes, and the tire has been punctured." Driver depressed way: "I have encountered this kind of situation before, in some potholes, the most likely to burst."

"For these bean curd projects, I have to propose to the new mayor in the future to discipline the relevant public servants."

Zhao Enlai was very upset, but there was no way, "let's change a car to go to the police station first, you wait for the car to be repaired and then go back."


Two armed police officers opened the car door, escorted the heavy waves out of the car and prepared to get on another police car.


As soon as Shen Lang got out of the car, a slight wind burst out.

The next moment, Shen Lang's eyebrows, there is a red dot.

Blood slowly spills from inside!


Shen Lang opened his mouth and tried to say something, but he couldn't say a word.

In his eyes, it was full of shock and fear.

Just now, he was still talking about the death of others. Unexpectedly, less than a minute later, the light of death came over his head.

At this time, Shen Lang thought that as long as he was alive, let alone for ten or eight years, even for twenty or thirty years, he would like to.

"Sniper, sniper, be careful."

"Damn, which direction did the sniper shoot? Find out the man quickly."

"Over there, in the forest. Let's find a place to hide. Don't be a live target for snipers. "

"Everyone fire cover, let the armed police rush to find out the sniper."

A group of police officers set up to deal with the hidden sniper.

"No, let's get in the car and take the body back to the police station." Zhao Enlai looked in the direction of the forest, his face was not very good-looking.

"Zhao bureau?"

Everyone looked at Zhao Enlai in doubt and didn't understand why he would give up.

"Get in the car!"

Zhao Enlai gave the order again.

People dare not disobey his orders, carrying Shen Lang's body on the car.

Zhao Enlai didn't get on the bus immediately. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and dialed He Feng's phone. He said flatly, "Mr. He, Shen Lang was just hit by a sniper. He was shot in the middle of the eyebrow and killed."

"Ah? Killed? It seems that this guy usually does evil things and offends a lot of people. " He Feng's voice came.

"You didn't do it?" Zhao Enlai asked.

"Of course not. Director Zhao, you forgot that you said you would award me a good citizen award. I'm a good citizen. How can I do this kind of killing and breaking the law?" He Feng said.

"OK, good citizen award. I'll let the civil affairs department get it for you later. I have something else on my side. Let's go first. "

Zhao Enlai sighed helplessly and hung up the phone.

He knew that whether he Feng killed the wave or not, he Feng could not admit it, but pretended not to know.

In this way, even if he Feng killed him, Zhao Enlai would not lose face.

Moreover, this killer acts cleanly. At a glance, he knows that he is an expert. They can't catch anyone unless there are a lot of elite dragon guards here.

"It seems that Shen Haitao is just such a son?"

Zhao Enlai looked at the body of the wave that was carried on the car and shook his head helplessly. "This mess is a bit hard to clean up. However, I can take this opportunity to find Mayor Jin. "


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