For Shen Lang was assassinated on the road, he Feng naturally knows, because he arranged the secret killer.

This wave is not a good bird at first sight. He Feng will not spare his life because he may find someone to avenge him later. It's not very convenient for Shen Lang to get into the police station. So he Feng asked people to blow up the tires of the police car at a suitable section of the road. After Shen Lang got off the bus, he shot Shen Lang to death.

After dinner, he Feng accompanied Cheng Huilan and his family around the villa, enjoying the luxury house.

In the process of appreciation, Cheng Huilan naturally praises he Feng, and even looks at him Feng in summer, which is full of worship.

This brother-in-law is not an ordinary local tyrant.

"Auntie, this is a kind of panacea for heart disease. You can chew and swallow it directly in your mouth. I'll help you digest and absorb it later, and then your heart will soon recover." He Feng said.

"Xiao Feng, is this kind of elixir that can cure heart disease very expensive and rare? Anyway, I can control this disease by taking medicine. Why don't you keep this elixir? " Cheng Huilan looks at the green elixir on He Feng's hand. It's not very interesting.

"Auntie, please don't mention it to me. I didn't buy this elixir. I just dug it up in the mountain and didn't spend a cent."

He Feng said with a smile, casually told a lie, lest the elderly will have psychological pressure.

"Dug in the mountains? Well, I won't be polite to you. "

Cheng Huilan takes the heart protecting grass from He Feng and chews it in her mouth.

Instead of the bitter and astringent taste as expected, it's fragrant and sweet, which makes Cheng Huilan's whole body feel much better.

"Gulu, Gulu..."

After chewing, Cheng swallowed and drank two mouthfuls of water.

He Feng enters into Cheng Huilan's body for the first time and helps her refine the heart protecting grass. The whole process is very smooth. After the heart protecting grass is refined, it turns into a magical force and integrates into Cheng Huilan's heart.

Although heart protecting herb does not cure Cheng Huilan's heart immediately, with the drug completely absorbed by the heart, Cheng Huilan's heart disease will gradually recover, even more energetic than young people.

After refining the heart protecting grass, he Feng's action doesn't stop. Instead, he Feng helps Cheng Huilan guide her sense of Qi and condenses her inner strength, making Cheng Huilan an ancient warrior.

"Auntie, how do you feel now?"

He Feng received the real gas, asked with a smile.

"Eh, Xiao Feng, how can I feel that not only my heart is more energetic, but also my body seems to have more strength? It seems to be stronger than when I was young. Isn't it amazing? " Cheng Huilan obviously felt the inner strength in her body and asked in surprise.

Xia Menglu looks at He Feng gratefully. Cheng Huilan doesn't know what's going on, but she knows it very well. He Feng helps her gather strength.

"Auntie, this is because you have an extra breath in your body. Then you can feel this breath well. It can make you strong and healthy. In the future, your body will only become stronger and stronger."

He Feng said with a smile.

Cheng Huilan has done a lot of farm work these years. She has accumulated a lot of problems due to overwork. But as she gathers strength, she will surely get better quickly.

"It seems to be true. I feel that there is a lot of anger in my abdomen. Xiao Feng, thank you very much. I'm going to get better now with all my problems. " Cheng Huilan road.

Xia Menglu said: "Mom, don't be polite with brother Feng. Now you should quickly feel the gas in your body."

Cheng Huilan nodded, "well, well, go ahead and help yourself. I won't disturb you young people."

Said, Cheng Huilan is directly sitting on the sofa, closed his eyes to feel up.

As for the summer, when he finished his lunch, he had already gone back to his rental house to do his experiments.

"Brother Feng..."

Xia Menglu looks at He Feng and opens her mouth to call him, but she doesn't go on.

He Feng touched his nose and looked at Cheng Huilan. He saw that Cheng Huilan was really feeling inner strength. He didn't open his mouth and went directly to Xia Menglu. Then he took the woman's hand and led her upstairs.

Two people came to an empty room, soon entangled together.

However, because they were worried that Cheng Huilan would come up suddenly, they made a quick decision this time. It took them less than half an hour to finish.

"Brother Feng, thank you for all that you have done for me!"

Xia Menglu put on the clothes, and then help he Feng put on the clothes, leaning on the man's arms said.

"Why do you tell me that? You are my woman. I should do something for you He Feng said.

"Hee hee, I knew you were in love with me."

Xia Menglu in He Feng face heavy kiss, "or, tonight you come here to live?"? I don't think you're enjoying yourself at the moment. How about I serve you well in the evening? "

"At night?"

He Feng thought about it, and then said, "aunt should still be practicing now, or let's just do it again?"

"Ah? Come back? "

Xia Menglu blushed, "but I can't help crying out. If my mother hears it, won't she be ashamed?"

"What about that?" He Feng depressed way, he really some not very happy.

"Or I'll use my mouth?" Xia Menglu whispered.

"With your mouth?"

Smell speech, he Feng eyes light up, "hey hey, this can have..."

"I think you are bullying me, brother Feng. Hum, I will let you give up soon!"

Xia Menglu has no good spirit of stare He Feng one eye, Jiao body then wants to slide down.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

But at this time, he Feng put the mobile phone on the bedside table, but it was an untimely shock.

"Who's calling?" He Feng is very depressed to see the mobile phone, then see the name on the caller ID is Ling Weiyu.

"Lulu, let's wait a moment. Feather called me. I'll answer her first." He Feng said.

"Well, brother Feng, you can take it!"

Xia Menglu is very clever to help he Feng take the mobile phone over, handed it to the man's hand.

"Good boy

He Feng kisses Xia Menglu and just presses the answer button, "Hey, little feather, what's the matter?"

"Brother Xiaofeng, something's wrong. The tomato God has just been beaten!" Ling Weiyu's voice came from his mobile phone and he was very worried.

"What? Got hit? Where and by whom? " He Feng asked.

"He was beaten outside the gate of the community where he lives. Now the security guard of the community is driving him to the hospital. It seems that the beating is quite serious. I'm driving to the hospital now. Brother Xiaofeng, come and have a look. It's a hospital near their community, like Dongfang Lvyuan private hospital." Ling Weiyu said.

"OK, don't worry. I'll drive right now." He Feng nodded and said.

After hanging up the phone, he Feng said to Xia Menglu, "Lulu, there's something wrong with feather. I have to go there now."

Xia Menglu just heard Ling Weiyu's voice, nodded: "OK, then you go quickly, drive carefully on the road."

"Well, good!"

He Feng gets up, puts on his shoes, arranges his clothes, and then looks at Xia Menglu sitting on the edge of the bed and says, "if there's nothing important tonight, I'll come to you."

Xia Menglu blushed, "it's OK. It doesn't matter if she doesn't come. Anyway... We're going to the company tomorrow. "

"It seems that Lulu, you prefer to do this kind of work in the office."

He Feng laughs, and then leaves the room with Xia Menglu's extremely embarrassed eyes.

"I... I don't like doing that in the office, so many people!"

Xia Menglu pursed her lips.


Dongfang Lvyuan private hospital.

He Feng took half an hour to get to the hospital, and then went directly to the emergency department.

In the emergency department, he Feng soon saw Ling Weiyu waiting outside the emergency room.

"Feather, how's the tomato?"

He Feng quickly walked over and inquired!

"I've passed the critical period, but I don't think I'll wake up for a while." Ling Weiyu said.

"Hoo! That's good! "

He Feng was relieved, "what happened at that time, please tell me."

Ling Weiyu nodded and said: "tomato God used to live in Liuyue club, but he saw that we were all practicing in Liuyue club. He was afraid of disturbing us, so he asked me to rent it outside. I think he wanted to find a quiet environment, so he didn't object. So he rented the community I told you before. At noon today, after eating in a restaurant outside, he returned to the community. Unexpectedly, he was followed into the community by several gangsters. Then, in a relatively remote place, these people directly attacked tomato. They are very fierce, and they have steel sticks. If two security guards had not happened to pass by at that time, tomato God would have been killed alive. Rao is so, tomato big God also was broken a few ribs, estimate to lie on the bed for a few months

"The security guard didn't see what they looked like?"

He Feng squints an eye to ask a way, in the eye flashed an obliterate idea.

He and I eat tomatoes, although not deep contact, but now also can be regarded as friends.

Friends are almost killed, he Feng can't sit back and ignore.

"No, they're all wearing hats, sunglasses, masks, and they can't see clearly. There are three of them in total, and each of them is vigorous. The security guard originally wanted to catch one or two of them, but in the end, they not only failed to catch them, but also injured them. Two security guards are still in the hospital to deal with the wounds. " Ling Weiyu said.

"What about monitoring? Did you get anyone? "

"I asked the security guard, the monitoring of their community is just a decoration to scare people."


"Could it be someone from millet literature? There is also a certain possibility for Yang Cheng. " He Feng guessed.

"Well, I also think that, otherwise, there should be no reason for other people to fight tomato God."

Ling Weiyu agreed and nodded: "no matter who did it, we must find out the other party. It's better to catch the murderer before the tomato God wakes up, otherwise I have no face to see him."

Obviously, Ling Weiyu has almost decided that the people who started it are millet literature or Yang Cheng. They must have done it for revenge when they started eating tomatoes for me. The more reason is because of Fengyu. Naturally, Ling Weiyu will feel guilty.

"Well, I'll find a way to catch these people."

He Feng nods a way, in the brain is to think quickly, think what method should use to catch the murderer behind.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, Ling Weiyu's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Ling Weiyu took a look at his mobile phone. "It's Yiqin. She also knows about the beating of tomato God. It's estimated that she asked about the situation."

"Well, you take it!"


Ling Weiyu pressed the answer button.

"Feather, feather, something's wrong!"

As soon as the phone was connected, there came Weng Yiqin's painful voice.


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