"Yiqin, what's the matter with you? Are you ok? " Ling Weiyu's face suddenly changed.

"I'm ok, but I've been injured. It's not a big problem. My colleagues have already called an ambulance." Weng Yiqin said.

"What? Are you hurt? "

Ling Weiyu is impatient, "Yiqin, tell me what happened quickly? Where have you been hurt, serious or not? "

"It shouldn't be serious!"

Weng Yiqin replied: "not long after you left, our company rushed in a group of people wearing hats and masks. They had paint in their hands and splashed it all over the place. I stopped them and they started on me and hurt me. Then, they also very arrogantly warn our staff, let everyone leave Fengyu Chinese network, otherwise the next time they come, they will not splash paint

"Damn, these people are so arrogant. Yiqin, after the ambulance comes, you go directly to the hospital. Let me and He Dong deal with other things. We'll be there right away. "

Ling Weiyu said.

"All right! Feather, you and He Dong should also be careful. The attitude of these people is too arrogant. I think they are probably gangsters on the road. " Weng Yiqin warned.

"Well, I see!"

After hanging up the phone, Ling Weiyu looks at He Feng, "brother Xiao Feng, these people should be in action with a plan. First, they hit the tomato God. When we get to the hospital, they go to the website to do damage. They should be very experienced in doing this kind of thing. They don't leave any trace. What do we do now?"

"Wait a minute!"

He Feng looks calm, no one knows what he is thinking about in his heart.


Ling Weiyu is puzzled.

"The security guard of the community where tomato lives should call the police?"

"Well, I called the police. I also said hello to Yueyue. She should bring the police right away."

"We'll leave when they arrive, so that nothing else will happen."

Those people in the beginning of tomato hands, is to beat the rhythm of death, he Feng can not rest assured that I eat tomato alone here.

Moreover, when you go to Fengyu Chinese net later, you'd better take Yueyue with you.

Chu month their speed is still very fast, he Feng and Ling Weiyu wait for only two or three minutes, Chu month with six police came quickly.

"He Feng, feather, is it serious?"

"It's serious!"

He Feng nodded and said: "Yueyue, you take two people with us and leave four here to protect the wounded inside."

"Ah? Where are we going? " Chu Yue asked.

"Go to Fengyu. Com, there's something wrong there."

He Feng simply said to Chu Yue what happened on Fengyu Chinese net.

"What? What kind of people are these? They even run to other companies to bully people. Well, I have to find them all out. "

Chu Yue said angrily.

He Feng nodded, "well, these people certainly can't let go easily, let's go to the company first."

So, a group of people driving two cars, came to the maple language Chinese network.

Just entered the company's office floor, looking at the scene in front of him Feng's eyes are red.

The front desk was all covered with paint of various colors, and the walls, desks and chairs, computers and floors were all covered with paint. Many employees were also covered with a lot of paint.

"Mr. He and Mr. Ling, you are here at last. Those people are so rampant. As soon as they come in, they splash paint directly and smash many of our computers with sticks. Mr. Weng is seriously injured by them. You must let the police catch them."

"Yes, these people are still threatening us. If we don't catch them, I think they will come back in the future."

"It's terrible. I thought they were going to kill people just now because they were so fierce."

When he Feng and Ling Weiyu come, many employees who are in a panic come over one after another and say with a face of panic and fear.

"Colleagues, don't worry. We will catch these people. What happened today will never happen again. I promise you." Ling Weiyu said aloud, pacifying everyone.

"Yes, you have to believe in our police. Our police will give you an account of this matter and catch those gangsters and bring them to justice."

Wearing a police uniform, Chu Yue said.

Hearing the words of Ling Weiyu and Chu Yue, they were a little relieved.

"Xiaoyu, Yueyue, please do some consolation work here first. I'll find a computer to see if I can find some clues through monitoring." He Feng opens his mouth.

At this time, he also regretted that he should have arranged a more powerful security guard in Fengyu Chinese network.

Today, those gangsters are really lucky. Ling Weiyu and Zou Xun are the only ones who know how to do Kung Fu. But Ling Weiyu was led out by them. Zou Xun didn't work overtime at the weekend, but stayed in Lianyi hotel to practice.

"All right, you go!"

"Just leave it to us."

Chu Yue and Ling Weiyu both nodded. The hacker technology they knew might be able to find something with a computer.

He Feng walked around the office area, most of the computers outside were smashed, but a few of them were still good.

He Feng found a corner of the computer, opened the machine, and then quickly operate, direct control of the surrounding building monitoring, check up.

Soon, he Feng found a clue. More than 100 meters to the west of the company, there was a road that was not allowed to stop. But about half an hour ago, a golden cup car came here, and then seven or eight young men with masks and hats came down from the car, each with two backpacks on his back and a baseball bat in his hand.

"These are the bastards!"

He Feng saved the picture, and then wrote down the license plate of the car.

"Yueyue, call the traffic police and ask them to help investigate a license plate number." He Feng waved to Chu Yue.

Chu Yue immediately came over and looked at the license plate number. Then she called the traffic police directly.

However, after the phone call, Chu Yue was a little disappointed and said: "just now, the person from the traffic police told me that the owner of this car had already reported to the police this morning. He lost this car and has not found it yet."

"Is this a lost vehicle?"

He Feng frowned,

If the car is lost, it's hard to find people.

Although surveillance has taken photos of these people, they are all wearing masks and hats. They can't see their faces clearly. It's almost impossible to find out their identities through computer technology, at least he Feng can't.

"Yueyue, let the traffic police team try to find out the car. Be sure to find out the car." He Feng said with a gloomy face.

Now the only way is to find the car and see if their fingerprints or DNA can be extracted from the car, so that they can be identified.

"OK, I'll call the traffic police."

Chu Yue takes out her cell phone and prepares to make a call.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

Before she could make the call, she was the first to shake up.

"Hello Chu Yue answers the phone.

"Chu Yue, I just asked the people below. The car you asked me to check had the latest news 15 minutes ago. The car drove to a remote place and then burned. The fire was still very big. The people from the fire brigade just arrived. By the time they arrived, the car had become a pile of rotten iron."

There was a call from the traffic police.

"What? Is it burnt to rotten iron? "

Chu Yue exclaimed.

"Well, if you want to investigate something through this car, I advise you to give up. People from the fire brigade just took pictures and came to me. It's impossible to find something." "Do you want me to send you the photos?" the traffic police asked

"No, thank you."

Chu Yue said, hung up the phone, looked at He Feng and said, "the car has been burned down and turned into a pile of scrap iron. Nothing can be found."

"Scrap iron..."

He Feng's face is not very good-looking.

No wonder the other party dared to park the car near the company. It turned out that they had already planned to destroy the car.

"Now what? Is there any other way? "

Chu Yue inquired: "just now I heard from Yu Yu that this group of people might have been arranged by Gu Mi literature and a man named Yang Cheng. If we can't find any other clue, we'll go directly to the top management of millet literature and Yang Cheng. What do you think? "

"Well, if we can't, we have to investigate them. However, millet literature is more likely. We'd better investigate millet literature directly. Although Yang Cheng has the ability to call people to deal with Fengyu Chinese network, I don't think he has the courage. "

He Feng analyzed.

On Monday, when tuanjian of fengyu.com, Yang Cheng brought a vice mayor to find fault with him. Finally, the vice mayor came to apologize after learning He Feng's identity. Even Baishi group was acquired by He Feng and merged into Yuncheng group.

Yang Cheng should know the news.

Even if he still has hatred for He Feng, he will certainly be more scared and dare not mess around.

"OK, I'll collect the information of millet literature later." Chu Yue nodded and said, "the headquarters of millet literature is not in Jiangshu province. I think this case will not be solved for a while and a half."

"It's OK. Take your time. No matter how long it takes, we should find out these people. "

He Feng said firmly.

The other side has successfully provoked his anger!

"Well, that's for sure!"

As they were talking, they suddenly found a loud noise coming from the front.

He Feng frowned, walked past, and heard some employees voice dissatisfaction.

"Ling Dong, this kind of fact is too frightening today. Those people are obviously on the road. Maybe they have some lives on their hands. If they come to our company today not to smash things, but to smash people's flowers, they will definitely be killed and injured

A middle-aged man was talking to Ling Weiyu in a loud voice, his face full of fear, "and I also heard that they would come in the future. If we were still working here at that time, they would not smash things, but directly smash people. Ling Dong, we are... We are really afraid

A middle-aged woman beside him also cried, "yes, I don't want to live in fear all the time. Ling Dong, I'm really sorry. Although I want to run Fengyu Chinese network with you, I think life is more important! "

As the two of them opened their mouths, the faces of the employees who had been pacified by Ling Weiyu were full of fear.


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