"Brother Yue and sister Hongye, I'm really sorry about this. I don't know who the gangsters are today, but you can rest assured that Mr. He and I will find a way to find out who they are and give you an explanation." Ling Weiyu said: "my ability may be average, but you should have seen the ability of He Dong. If you don't trust me, can't you trust him?"

"He Dong? Does He Dong have a solution? "

"Yes, yes, He Dong has great powers. Should he be able to catch the gangster soon?"

"He Dong, can you give us a definite reply?"

As soon as Ling Weiyu mentions He Feng, people's eyes fall on He Feng.

He Feng has come over now, he apologized: "sorry everyone, I haven't found any clues yet. Those people are very professional, and I can't guarantee you how long I can catch them now. I can only say that the next work center of He Feng is fighting with these gangsters. I will definitely catch all these people in the shortest time. "

"What? He Dong, you can't find any clues? There is no clue. How can we catch them after that? "

"It's over! The gangsters must be hiding in a place we can't find. When the wind is a little bit loose, they will definitely come and do it. "

People named Yue Feng and Guo Hongye suddenly began to mumble again, and their faces were filled with more worries than anyone else.

Although the other employees did not say anything, they also looked scared after hearing their words.

"These two people, how can they keep saying that? Don't they know that saying these words will make people more and more afraid?" Ling Weiyu is dissatisfied with Yue Feng and Guo Hongye, but she can't say anything. After all, when this happens, everyone will be nervous and afraid.

"Ladies and gentlemen, how do you know that the gangsters will hide in Jiangbin city instead of leaving it directly?"

He Feng walks to two people in front of, smile rather than smile of inquiry ask a way.

"I'm just guessing."

"Yes, they all said that they have to deal with our Maple language Chinese network. They will definitely stay here."

Yue Feng and Guo Hongye say one after another that they are just stared at by He Feng. They feel guilty and don't dare to face he Feng's eyes.

In front of Ling Weiyu, they are better and won't show any abnormality.

But he Feng's ability, they have witnessed with their own eyes, even the Secretary of the municipal Party committee are polite to him, such a big man, if they feel guilty, how can they keep calm.

"Guess? I don't think you are guessing, but you know their news He Feng light smile way.


His words were like thunder on the ground, which made the whole audience explode. His incredible eyes fell on Yue Feng and Guo Hongye.

Although Yue Feng and Guo Hongye are old employees of the company and have been together for a long time, they should have more faith in them.

But recently, he Feng's performance is even more shocking. His ability makes employees hardly doubt what he says.

Like now

He Feng is obviously suspicious of Yue Feng and Guo Hongye, so most of the employees are suspicious of them.

Ling Weiyu also looks at He Feng in doubt. These two people are usually honest, and they are old employees of the company. How can they get involved with those gangsters?

However, she believed he Feng more, so she didn't say anything now.

"He Dong, what are you talking about? I... I don't know what you mean

"Yes, He Dong, you can't speculate. We are old employees of Fengyu Chinese. How can we do something harmful to the website? "

Yue Feng and Guo Hongye's face changed greatly and they said quickly.

Guo Hongye added, "Mr. He, you can't blame us just because you can't find a clue. You really let us down by doing so. It's really chilling to have such a leader. "

Guo Hongye's words are more lethal. Many employees also look at He Feng with questioning eyes.

Is He Dong really putting the blame on the employees below because he can't find out the clues?

"Ha ha, I will put the responsibility on you?"

He Feng grinned and said, "you two, I didn't directly say that you and the gangsters are together. It's already giving you face. How do you mean to confuse black and white? Now I will ask you directly, "why do you want to help those gangsters?"

"He Dong, you can't do wrong to good people."

"Mr. He Dong, even if you are our leader, I will explain this for you today. Otherwise, we will not continue to stay in Fengyu Chinese network. The leader of Fengyu Chinese network is this kind of person. I think its achievements will be extremely limited in the future. Fengyu Chinese network is not worth fighting for any more. "

Yue Feng and Guo Hongye said excitedly, looking as if they were really wronged.

But he Feng and Ling Weiyu are clearly aware of the confusion and tension in their eyes.

Their apparent composure was obviously forced on.

"He Dong, if you have any evidence that they are in a gang with the gangsters, just show it to all of us. Although you are our leader, you have to have a certificate to speak, so that we can convince you. " An old employee said.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"That's right, Mr. Hedong. Show us the evidence that we are with the gangsters."

"If there's no evidence, you have to apologize to us right now."

Yue Feng and Guo Hongye both smile when they hear the evidence.

The connection between them and the gangsters has never been known to outsiders.

At least in the maple language Chinese network, no third person knew that they had contacted the gangsters.

Under such circumstances, they naturally did not believe that he Feng had the evidence.

Maybe it's just bluffing and deliberately frightening people to admit it.

"You want proof, don't you? Well, open your eyes and see clearly. I'll show you the evidence now. "

He Feng goes to Yue Feng and Guo Hongye, puts his hand into his pocket, and is ready to take things out.

Yue Feng and Guo Hongye are watching closely. Although they know he Feng can't produce any evidence, their hearts are still a little nervous at this moment.


At this time, he Feng's hand finally came out of his pocket and threw it in front of Yue Feng and Guo Hongye. At the same time, a quite clear ring of fingers exploded in front of Yue Feng and Guo Hongye.


In an instant, they felt as if there were thunder in their minds, deafening, straight into their spirits.

At this moment, their minds are extremely fragile and relaxed.

Then they knew nothing and their eyes became blurred.

"He Dong, what are you doing?"

"What happened to Yue Feng and Guo Hongye?"

"Nothing will happen, will it?"

People see this, are worried, worried that he Feng will use what disgraceful means to Yue Feng and Guo Hongye.

"Colleagues, don't worry. I just hypnotized them." Hefeng road.


"This... This is not appropriate, is it?"

"He Dong, you, you're going too far."

Everyone frowned, obviously did not agree with He Feng's practice, of course, some people were shocked that he Feng had hypnosis, which is really amazing.

"You don't have to worry. Although they are hypnotized by me, they won't do any harm to their health. After a while, I will only ask them a few questions about gangsters. They are hypnotized by me now, so they will not lie about anything they say. As for questions that have nothing to do with gangsters, I will not ask them. "

He Feng said: "if they really don't know each other, what happened today has nothing to do with them. Then, I will apologize to them in public until they forgive me. "

"Well, since you have been hypnotized, He Dong, you should try to ask."

"Yes, although I don't think Yue Feng and Guo Hongye will help the gangsters."

People see he Feng attitude sincere, also did not blame again.

"Well, I'll start asking now. Listen carefully."

He Feng said, looking at the blurred eyes of Yue Feng and Guo Hongye, "two, I would like to ask you, today to our company to make trouble gangsters, and you have nothing to do?"


Both of them answered one word unconsciously.


"Are those gangsters really related to them?"

"That's... no way!"

It's incredible to all of us.

He Feng continued to ask: "just now, why did you two say those words, causing the panic of colleagues?"

"It's the gangsters who want us to do this. They want to drive away all the people of Fengyu Chinese network. Then they will find the media to report wantonly, crack down on the reputation of Fengyu Chinese network, and bring Fengyu Chinese network down to the altar."

When they said this, everyone was furious.

It's too much!

"Why do you two want to help those gangsters?"

Yue Feng said: "my child will be in grade one soon. I want to change a school district room for my child, but I still have more than one million missing. Although the salary has increased and the monthly commission is considerable, it is almost impossible to make a million in a short time. At this time, the gangsters came to me and gave me a million at a time. They said that as long as I bewitch everyone today and let everyone leave Fengyu Chinese network, they will give me another million afterwards. "

Guo Hongye said: "my husband likes gambling. Although he has given up gambling now, he has hollowed out his home and sold his house in the past two years because of gambling. Now our family lives in a rented house. My daughter is now in primary school. Some of her classmates often laugh at her because she lives in a rented house, which makes my daughter feel inferior. So, I want to earn some money as soon as possible and buy another house, so that she won't be ridiculed all the time. At this time, the gangsters came to me and gave me a million dollars. Let me bewitch you to leave Fengyu Chinese network at this time today. Afterwards, they will give me another million dollars. "

At first, everyone was extremely angry and unhappy with them. Some people even wanted to hit people. But when they told the reason why they helped the gangster, their anger dissipated and replaced by a touch of sympathy.

Life is hard.

Everyone who lives in this world has suffering from inhumanity.

Surface scenery, smiling face, but behind the bitter outsiders how to know?

For example, these two people, one is for children to have a slightly better school and receive a better education.

The other is just to prevent their children from being ridiculed.

Is their starting point wrong?

At this moment, many people around ask themselves, if the gangsters are not looking for Yue Feng and Guo Hongye, but for them, can they resist the temptation of the gangsters?

Many people bow their heads!

"Oh, wake up

He Feng sighed, sighed long, straight into the ears of Yue Feng and Guo Hongye, and woke them up.


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