"I, what's wrong with me?"

"What happened just now?"

They didn't know about hypnosis just now, so when they came back to their senses and noticed that the people around them were looking at them differently, their faces changed slightly, and they had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"Yue Feng, if you want to buy a school district room for your children, please discuss with us. We are all old colleagues for many years. As long as you ask, can we help you?"

"Yes, it's the same with Hongye. If you want to buy a house, just tell it to everyone. We'll help you solve the problem together."

"He Dong, Ling Dong, I think Yue Feng and Hong Ye are also impulsive, so they agreed to help the gangsters. Why don't you forgive them this time? "

"Yes, He Dong and Ling Dong, they are not easy either. If they are dismissed like this, I'm afraid the future will be even more difficult."

Many employees of Fengyu Chinese network usually get along well with each other, so at this time, no one is blaming them because they helped the gangsters. On the contrary, they are saying good things for them.

"What's the matter? What do you mean by that? "

"Just now, did I talk nonsense? How do you know that? "

Yue Feng and Guo Hongye were both shocked and looked at the people around them.

"Yue Feng, Hong Ye, He Dong is good at hypnosis. Just now he hypnotized you two. You can tell yourself how much you helped the gangster and even how much money you collected." An employee told them about it.


"I... I was hypnotized and told the truth."

When Yue Feng and Guo Hongye heard this, their faces turned pale. It was like a bolt from the blue. They all stood unsteadily. Niang staggered back two steps. If they hadn't been helped, they would have fallen to the ground.

"He Dong, Ling Dong, I'm sorry!" Yue Feng said, a little out of his wits. There was no blood on his face.

Guo Hongye shakes her head in self mockery and looks desperate.

Obviously, they have expected what will happen to them.

If there is no accident, they will be expelled from Fengyu. Com, and it is difficult for them to get along in this industry in the future.

In addition, I'm afraid the money they took from the bandits will also be spit out.

Their lives will fall into darkness.

"Do you have the contact information of the gangster?" He Feng looks at Yue Feng and Guo Hongye and asks.


"So do I!"

They nodded one after another.

"Well, come with me. Feather, you have a notebook with internet access by your side. "

He Feng said, then toward the direction of the elevator, Ling Weiyu is to quickly get the notebook.

"Cooperate!" Chu Yue came to Yue Feng and Guo Hongye with two policemen.

Around many employees see, although some can't bear, but also hard to say anything.

Although they want to forgive Yue Feng and Guo Hongye, he Feng and Ling Weiyu are the owners of the company. If he Feng and Ling Weiyu insist on driving away Yue Feng and Guo Hongye, their ordinary employees can't change anything, and they even have no reason to blame He Feng.

For a moment, people looked at Yue Feng and Guo Hongye's eyes, showing a touch of sympathy.

Yue Feng and Guo Hongye look at each other, but they are helpless, but they are wise and interesting. At this time, they didn't do anything to make people feel despised. They stood up and followed He Feng into the elevator.

After entering the elevator, he Feng did not say a word, directly took them to the garage, and then drove them to the ground.

"Yue Feng, you can call the gangsters now! That is to say, you have completed the task and bewitched many employees, who will resign one after another and leave Fengyu Chinese network. Remember, be calm and don't let the other person hear you. "

He Feng's co driver is Ling Weiyu. When he talks, he turns on the computer and locks Yue Feng's phone.

As soon as Yue Feng's phone is dialed out, no matter who he calls, he Feng can immediately lock the other party's position.

"All right!"

Yue Feng took a deep breath and then made a phone call.

"Hello Before long, the phone was connected, and there came a middle-aged man's indifferent voice.

"Hello, I've just succeeded in bewitching many colleagues. It won't be long before most of them will propose to leave Fengyu Chinese network one after another. You can rest assured that I will blow more wind in their ears in the future to let them leave as soon as possible. " Yue Feng said.

"Yes? Well done. I'll find an opportunity to check on Fengyu Chinese network these days. If it's true that many people have left Fengyu Chinese network, I'll transfer the remaining million to you. " Said the middle-aged man.

"Didn't you say that I would transfer money after I had bewitched you? You, how can you do that? " Yue Feng pretended to be angry and said.

"Well, I'll give it to you whenever I say. No more nonsense. Believe it or not, I'll come to your house and talk to you face to face? " The middle-aged man said unhappily.

"Then... Don't forget, I'm still waiting for the money to buy a house."

"Dudu, Dudu..."

The middle-aged man was too lazy to pay attention to Yue Feng any more and hung up directly.

"He Dong, have you fixed your position?" Yue Feng quickly looks at He Feng and asks.

"Well, the moment he answered your call, I locked him in."

He Feng nodded and shared the location with Ling Weiyu, who was driving. Then he gave a thumbs up to Yue Feng. "The acting ability is really good. I recommend you to play a role in the cast if you have a chance."

"To play in the theater? I don't have that talent! "

Yue Feng said in surprise.

Guo Hongye, on the other side, suddenly asked, "He Dong, do you mean... Don't you plan to fire me and Yue Feng?"

When Yue Feng heard Guo Hongye's words, he gradually recovered, "He Dong, you..."

"Well, I really don't want to fire you. I want to give you another chance."

He Feng nodded, "reasonably speaking, with what you do today, even if I send you to prison, I will not have a little sense of guilt. But I think about it, everyone has difficulties, everyone has desires, but as long as you can repent. In the future, you can't do similar things any more. Otherwise, I'll settle the old and new accounts with you. Do you understand? "

"Don't worry, Mr. He. We'll never do this kind of shit again. Thank you very much."

"Mr. He, thank you very much. In a moment, I will give the million to the company as compensation for the company's losses."

"Yes, yes, I'll take all my million."

Yue Feng and Guo Hongye said repeatedly, looking at He Feng's eyes full of gratitude.

"Well, in order not to let other employees have any opinions on you, you'd better hand in this money and I'll take it as a bonus to everyone when I get paid next time."

He Feng nodded and said, "I'll ask Mr. Ling to adjust your salary, and you'll make enough money as soon as possible. In addition, if you are in urgent need of money to buy a house, you can sign a long-term labor contract with the company, and the company can prepay 2 million yuan to buy a house for you in advance. "

"Two million?"

"This, this is too much, isn't it?"

Yue Feng and Guo Hongye's face changed slightly, so they had to refuse.

He Feng raised his hand to stop them, "you can seriously consider this prepayment, and you don't have to worry about it. If you are willing to stay in Fengyu for a long time and be loyal to the website, I promise that your monthly income will never be less than 100000. "

"100000, so much?"

"Mr. He, although we are short of money, you can't use the company's money for us."

Both were shocked.

He Feng smiles, "I'm not using the company's money for you. You can see the current situation of the company. The development speed is much faster than you think. At present, I can only guarantee that you will make 100000 yuan a month. After a while, when the company scale expands, I will make 200000 yuan, 300000 yuan or more a month. "

Two people hear he Feng's words, are excited.

He Feng didn't tell them any big truth, but just reported a number, let them understand a very simple little truth.

As long as they stay in Fengyu for a long time, they will not be short of money.

"He Dong, I, I don't know what to say to you, but I can assure you that in the future, I will try my best to improve my ability and cooperate wholeheartedly for Fengyu Chinese network."

"Me too. As long as Fengyu Chinese net doesn't drive me away, I will go on with Fengyu Chinese net."

Yue Feng and Guo Hongye said excitedly.

"Well, do well!" He Feng nodded.

More than 20 minutes later, Ling Weiyu drove to a villa.

Most people in this villa area can't get in, but when Chu Yue takes out her work card and shows it to the security guard, the security guard immediately opens the railings. He Feng and others drive directly to the computer location.

A few minutes later, they came near a villa. They did not drive the car directly. Instead, they stopped dozens of meters away from the villa and walked there on foot.

Just now he Feng has sensed the existence of a group of people through his mental power.

Therefore, he is not so anxious now.


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