At the same time, in the villa in front of them, more than ten people were playing poker and mahjong on the first floor of the villa, surrounded by beer and all kinds of snacks. They were very happy.

The second floor of the villa is much cleaner. A sexy woman in her early thirties and a middle-aged man lingered on the spacious sofa for a long time before slowly ending the fight and gasping for breath.

"Man Chun, you said we came all the way to Jiangbin city just to teach Maple Chinese a lesson? Don't you think it's a waste of time? "

Lu Tiejun, a middle-aged man, stretched himself and lay comfortably on the sofa. "According to me, it's better for me to send some of my men to kill them and feed them to the river. At that time, they will close the door directly."

Wang Manchun lay in the arms of the middle-aged man, and let the man's hand touch him. She hummed and said: "hum, Fengyu Chinese network robbed a God I ordered. I can't take care of them so easily. I'm going to play with them slowly. I'm going to kill them when the Fengyu Chinese network goes out of business. "

As if to them, killing a few people is just a routine, not a big deal.

Wang Manchun is the president of millet literature. Although she is a monk, she is also a writer. However, she is always full of murderous and evil ideas, which is not in line with her identity.

As for the middle-aged man around her, he is more arrogant and overbearing, and his eyes are full of invincibility.

"OK, you play first. Anyway, I'll be with you in Jiangbin these days."

The middle-aged man grinned, "by the way, hasn't your father agreed to our marriage? It's hard for Lu Tiejun to enter the threshold of your Wang family? "

Hearing this, Wang Manchun sighed, "well, you don't know my father's thought. Although my cultivation talent is very general, I came from the ancient Wu family of Wang family in Suqian City, and my father is the head of Wang family. If you don't step into the dark before you are 40, my father won't agree to let me marry you."

Wang Manchun and Lu Tiejun met eight years ago. At that time, Wang Manchun had just stepped out of the University. Lu Tiejun, with some good luck, guided his spirit and gathered his inner strength. He also made a name in the underground world of fast moving city and became the leader of a gang.

One day, Wang Manchun was scolded by her father for her poor cultivation talent. The first lady had a fit of temper. She ran to a bar in the early morning to drink. Because of her good looks and figure, she was drugged in the wine by several gangsters.

At the critical moment, Lu Tiejun appeared and saved Wang Manchun. Wang Manchun gradually falls in love with this prince charming. Unfortunately, the Wang family behind her dislikes Lu Tiejun's family background. She directly says that if Lu Tiejun is 40 years old and can't step into the dark, he can't step into the Wang family.

"Before 40 years old, step into the dark force..."

The army frowned.

He is now in the late Ming Jin period, and it is only with the help of Wang Manchun that he has broken through to this realm.

Without Wang Manchun's help, before 40 years old, let alone break through to the dark strength, even if it is to let him reach the peak of Ming strength, he is not too sure.

Wang Manchun squeezed a pink fist and hammered it on Lu Tiejun's chest. "Don't worry. As long as you can serve me comfortably, I will try my best to earn enough money in the past two years, and then try to buy two advanced breakthrough pills. We will certainly be able to break through the dark force. By then, you will be able to sleep with me

"Man Chun, it's really hard for you. I'm an old man, but I want you to make money and help me." Lu Tiejun said softly.

"Then... Should you wait on me again? I didn't enjoy it just now! " Wang Manchun's eyes looked at Lu Tiejun, and his eyes were full of affection. His two snow-white arms touched Lu Tiejun's neck, and his whole body rushed to Lu Tiejun's face.

The army felt almost suffocated, but the fire in his heart was once again raised.

"It's not fun, is it? That Iron Army elder brother lets you have a good addiction

Lu Tiejun laughed, then threw Wang Manchun on the sofa.

"Bang dang..."

Just as they were about to get down to business, a loud noise suddenly spread in the courtyard downstairs.

"What's the situation?" Wang Manchun immediately came back to his senses, and the blurred color in his eyes faded away, replaced by a sharp edge.

"Someone is making trouble. Let's go down and have a look first!" Lu Tiejun was in the underground world. Although he was not very talented in cultivation, he was extremely sensitive to danger.

Judging from the sound of the iron door being kicked open, it is obvious that the other party is not good at it.

"Hum, it's really hateful. I'll see who is so bold and dares to destroy my mother's good deeds later. I have to destroy him."

Wang Manchun's eyes flashed a sense of obliteration. Although he was a little reluctant, he got up and dressed reluctantly, and then went downstairs with Lu Tiejun.

When they went downstairs, they found themselves in the hall of the villa, and a few uninvited guests came. Their more than a dozen men, with sticks in their forehands, surrounded each other in the middle.

"Well? Is that you

When he saw the appearance of those uninvited guests, Wang Manchun's face suddenly became not very good-looking, "how did you find me here?"

These uninvited guests are He Feng and others.

"He Dong, the man who contacted us and gave us money before is the man."

When Yue Feng saw the army, he immediately pointed to it and said.

"He's the one who contacted me!" Guo Hongye followed.

"Well, I see!"

He Feng nodded, looking at Lu Tiejun and others, "I eat tomato, the author, is that you sent someone to fight? And you are the ones who make trouble and beat people on Fengyu Chinese net, right? "

"Yes, I sent people to do both."

Wang Manchun nodded, no taboo, also don't care whether Chu Yue and others are police, "now, can you tell me first, how do you find here?"

"I remember, brother Xiaofeng, who is the president of millet literature, seems to be surnamed Wang. I have seen two reports about her before."

At this time, Ling Weiyu, who has been staring at Wang Manchun, suddenly says.

"Millet Literature Network?"

He Feng nodded, immediately looked at Wang Manchun and said: "you are really stupid. Since you are the president of millet literature network, do you forget how the traffic of our Maple language Chinese network comes from?"

"Your traffic?"

Wang Manchun frowned and said, "isn't the one that guides you?"

"Do you think will guide us well?" He Feng sighed: "I thought you big websites already knew how we got the traffic. Now let me tell you, I'm a hacker. I robbed the traffic of their websites by some improper means. However, they are an illegal website, so it's not illegal for me to do so. "


Wang Manchun was surprised.

People in their circle have discussed this before. They just think that Fengyu Chinese network has spent a lot of money to make the pirated network get traffic to them. Even these pirated websites have been secretly acquired by Fengyu Chinese network, and now they are integrating the traffic.

But don't want to, these flow unexpectedly is they rob through hacker means.

"I see what you mean, because of the previous call, right? The two people I bribed were found by you, and then they called deliberately, so you located us, didn't you? " Wang Manchun suddenly said.

"Finally? What else do you have to say? " He Feng light way.

"Well, your hacking technology is very powerful. I'm more interested in it. You can follow me in the future. By the way, I'll directly invest in the acquisition of Fengyu Chinese. How about that?"

Wang Manchun said with a smile.

Originally, she was going to get rid of He Feng directly. As long as Ling Weiyu was a legal person, they could import the terrible traffic of Fengyu Chinese network into their millet literature.

But now she has changed her mind. She not only wants Fengyu Chinese net, but also Hefeng to do things for her in the future.

With Fengyu Chinese net and he Feng, she will surely earn enough money for two advanced breakthrough pills as soon as possible. By then, she and Lu Tiejun should also reach the peak of Mingjin, and they can take the breakthrough pills directly and rush into the dark.

As soon as they get into the dark, they can get married.

Thinking of these, Wang Manchun looks happy, and his eyes are full of confidence. He believes that he Feng and Fengyu can win.

"Sorry, you're interested in me, but I'm not interested in you."

He Feng shrugged, "after all, you look so ugly, I will be able to endure, see more time, I am afraid I will vomit."

"What are you talking about, asshole?"

Wang Manchun's face suddenly turned black. "You're toasting instead of drinking. You have to suffer to speak well, don't you? Come on, give me his legs. Anyway, he is a hacker, just keep two hands! "


Although these gangsters around He Feng are under the army, we all know that Wang Manchun is a woman of the army, and naturally dare not disobey her orders.

For a time, the more than ten strong hun hun rushed to He Feng.

Ling Weiyu and Chu Yue and others retreat one after another, and hand over the matter that needs to be solved by violence to He Feng.

"Bang Bang Bang..."

He Feng shot very fast, more than a dozen gangsters less than half a minute, he was all down, can't get up.

"Well? Is he a master of horizontal training? "

Wang Manchun and Lu Tiejun looked at He Feng on the field, with a look of surprise on their faces. "No wonder you dare to kick the door directly, because you have some strength. However, I think the most you can do is to refine one or two

"Don't you know what cultivation I am by trying?"

"Courage! Then I'll do it myself! "

Wang Manchun's voice falls down, and his delicate body bullies him. He quickly approaches he Feng. The majestic energy of the late Ming Dynasty comes out and claps him on the chest.

"In the late Ming Dynasty..."

He Feng shook his head with a smile, "it's not much better than the one discarded at noon!"

Read this, he Feng lazy waste of time, kick out.


There is no pity for the meaning of jade, he Feng this leg straight kick in Wang Manchun's belly.


Wang Manchun didn't know what was going on, so she flew out towards the back. Her strong strength made her spit out a mouthful of blood, and she just felt that her breath was also falling.

"How are you, Manchun?" Lu Tiejun catches Wang Manchun in time to prevent her from falling to the ground.

Feeling Wang Manchun's weak breath, Lu Tiejun's face changed.

"I... my elixir, my elixir was abandoned by him."

Wang Manchun noticed his physical condition, and his sexy and beautiful cheeks twisted and filled with endless anger. He pointed to He Feng and screamed, "asshole, he abandoned my Dantian, Iron Army. Quick, quick, kill him, kill him..."


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