"Damn it, it's really abandoned

Lu Tiejun's face did not look very good.

Wang Manchun is a member of the Wang family in Suqian City, and also the daughter of the Wang family. His status is extraordinary. Now he and Wang Manchun come to Jiangbin city together, and Wang Manchun is abandoned. If Lu Tiejun doesn't give an explanation to the Wang family, the Wang family will surely blame him.

"This man must be killed!"

Lu Tiejun's eyes fell on He Feng, with a sharp killing intention in his eyes. "However, he can kill man Chun with one leg. His accomplishments should not be the first or second training of man Chun, but at least reach the third training of man Chun. This kind of cultivation is no longer what I can fight against. So if you want to kill him, you have to use hot weapons. "

Thinking of this, Lu Tiejun's hand had already grasped the handle of the gun at his waist, then pulled out the gun, opened the insurance, and pulled the trigger with his fingers. The whole action was completed in one go.

The bullet is about to be shot.

However, when he was ready to aim at He Feng, he found that there was no figure of the latter in front of him.

"What about people?" Lu Tiejun's pupils were shrinking, and he had a strong premonition.

"In front of brother Feng, still want to shoot?"

The voice of indifference rang out beside Lu Tiejun.

In response, the army's face changed greatly. Without hesitation, it was about to shoot at the side, and it didn't plan to aim.



However, his speed was much slower after all. He Feng's fist burst out, and Lu Tiejun felt as if his arm had been blasted by a hammer, and his bones broke in an instant.

The pistol's down to the ground!

Lu Tiejun snorted, forced to endure the pain, and grabbed the pistol in mid air with his other hand.

He knew that this time he met a master. If he couldn't shoot the other side with a gun, they might be overturned in the sewer today.


However, as soon as Lu Tiejun put out his hand, he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. Then a great force came, and he flew out with a bombardment, and Wang Manchun fell to the ground.

"I, my Dantian also..." Lu Tiejun struggled to sit up, feeling the little strength left in his Dantian, and his face turned white.

He is a man in the underground world. God knows how many enemies he has offended. The reason why he was safe before is that he is powerful and has Wang Manchun's relationship.

Now, he and Wang Manchun have been abandoned. Even if he can live in the future, his life will be dark.

"He Dong, is that too powerful? So many people are not his opponents. "

"Yes, and the man just pulled out his gun, but in front of He Dong, he didn't even have the chance to shoot. This is the martial arts expert on TV!"

Yue Feng and Guo Hongye were shocked when they saw the amazing strength he Feng showed.

At the beginning, he Feng rushed in directly with them. When they saw a dozen thugs holding sticks around them, they were really scared.

But don't want to, he Feng unexpectedly showed the strength of such terror.

He Dong's ability is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

"I said, you two, when you come to Jiangbin city to trouble me, don't you know that you can find out my identity first?"

He Feng sighed, "if you let people outside know that I hit you, I'm afraid I'll think that I bully you with big and small."

"He Feng, who are you?"

Wang Manchun and Lu Tiejun are staring at He Feng.

At the beginning, they just thought he Feng was an ordinary person and didn't pay attention to him. They didn't investigate at all.

After all, in their view, a literary website, no matter how powerful can be?

But now

He Feng's strong strength is enough to prove that he is absolutely not an ordinary person.

It's even possible that it's a child of some guwu family.

"Idiot, of course, I am one of the bosses of Fengyu Chinese network. You have already investigated, and come to ask me who I am. Are you stupid?" He Feng looks at Wang Manchun and Lu Tiejun like an idiot.


"Brother Xiaofeng, you're too bad to tease people on purpose!"

Chu Yue and Ling Weiyu are amused by He Feng's reply.

First, they didn't investigate your identity. When they asked you what your identity was, you scolded them.

I don't know how to fool people!


Wang Manchun and Lu Tiejun don't look good. When have they been teased like this?

"What are you doing? You'd better think about how to solve today's problem first. You seriously injured the new webmaster on our website, and then you went to our company's office to do damage and hurt our editor in chief. How do you calculate this account? " He Feng asked.

"You have abandoned our elixir field. What else do you want?"

Wang Manchun glared at He Feng. "I tell you, I'm the daughter of the Wang family leader of the guwu family in Suqian City. You abandoned me. I think you're the one who needs to consider how to solve the problem."

Lu Tiejun then said, "you can't offend the Wang family!"

"Move to the Wangs of the city soon?"

He Feng frowned.

Seeing this, Wang Manchun thought he Feng was afraid, so he said with a sneer, "do you know that now? Hum, if you don't get down on your knees and apologize, maybe we can spare your life. "

The atmosphere of guwu in Suqian City is much stronger than that in Jiangbin city and even Nanjin city. There are ten guwu families over there, and one of them has become a medium-sized guwu family.

Almost every one of the ten guwu families in Suqian City can easily sweep the whole guwu circle of Nanjin city.

Among the top ten ancient martial families, the Wang family is not very strong, but there are also several strong people in the dark.

Therefore, even if he Feng shows the strength to easily discard Wang Manchun, Wang Manchun has no fear of him Feng.

Just now, he Feng's strength is not very strong, that is to say, he Feng's triple body training.

With such a little strength, the Wang family can wipe it out by sending a strong man.

"Ha ha, if you think too much, I will be afraid of you Wang family?"

Even though Wang Manchun thought that he Feng must be afraid of the Wang family, he Feng sneered, "I just thought, I seem to have heard someone mention this fast-moving Wang family. Well, it seems that the old man of Xiacheng told me that there is a Wang family in this fast-moving City, and there are several strong people in the dark, right? "

"Summer city?"

Wang Manchun's eyebrows twisted. The name made her feel familiar, as if she had heard it before.

Suddenly, it occurred to her.

Isn't this Xia City the elder of the Xia family who has the highest cultivation of dark energy? In addition, he joined the Guangjia family of the higher guwu family and became a disciple of the Huajin master. In the future, he has great hope to step into the dark Jin family and let the Xia family be promoted from the lower guwu family to the higher guwu family.

Such a big man, even if the elders of the Wang family met him, would treat him politely. Would he go to chat with He Feng, a character who is refined and triple?

"Well, do you think I'll believe you? Do you know what kind of person Xia Chang is? What qualifications do you have to talk to him? And tell you about our Wang family? Hehe, what are you Wang Manchun sneered.

"I'm not really anything, but I can easily waste your Dantian." He Feng shrugged, "well, now you don't have to talk nonsense with me. You can tell me what kind of account you should give me today!"

"Are you sure you don't apologize to me?" Wang Manchun squints at He Feng.

"No, there's something wrong with the brain, isn't there? It's you who are making trouble today. Do you want me to apologize to you now? It seems that abandoning your Dantian can't sober you down, can it? Why don't I try another way to wake you up? " He Feng is very uncomfortable said.

He and Lulu were enjoying themselves in bed, but Wang Manchun made a mess. How could he be happy?

Wang Manchun said, "what kind of explanation do you want me to give you?"

"Nonsense, of course it's losing money!"

He Feng said without hesitation: "you beat our people seriously and smashed so many things. You have to lose money."

Wang Manchun said faintly, "how much do you want me to pay you?"

"Well, let me see. You've seriously injured the tomato God. They haven't woken up yet. The editor in chief of our family has also been seriously injured by you. I don't know how serious it is. The office of our company has also been destroyed by you, the computer equipment can't be used, and many of our files have been destroyed. In addition, it has caused great psychological trauma and shadow to all employees of our company. In the future, I have to find a psychologist or something for them, and I have to give them a raise to appease their emotions... "

He Feng waved his hand, "forget it, I really can't count it. The loss is too big. However, since you have also been abandoned by me, I will let you pay less compensation. You can just pay a billion at will. "

"How much do you say for compensation?"

Wang Manchun exclaimed directly.

She originally thought that a million and eight hundred thousand compensation would be enough. Even if he Feng wanted to blackmail her, it would be tens of millions at most. As for more than 100 million, she never thought about it.

But don't want to, he Feng mouth is a billion.

"It's only a billion. I didn't say much. I'm afraid you can't afford it!"

He Feng light way: "however, you just said, you are from the Wang family of Suqian City, that billion for you should not be much?"

"He Feng, you are obviously blackmailing. I just hurt both of you. You're going to make me pay a billion for something? Are you bullying the Wang family? " Wang Manchun said coldly.

"Sorry, you really misunderstood me. I didn't bully you Wang family." He Feng a face serious way: "if I want to bully you Wang family, I will not only report a billion."

"Only a billion?"

Wang Manchun's face turned black with anger. "What if I don't take this billion?"

"Yueyue, little feather, take them to avoid. I can stay here alone."

He Feng looks at Chu Yue and Ling Weiyu.

Chu Yue is a policeman, and he still respects this profession, so he doesn't want chu Yue to look at something she shouldn't look at here.

As for Ling Weiyu, he Feng doesn't want this girl to see some bloody pictures, and there are Yue Feng and Guo Hongye beside her.

"Oh, well!"

"Let's go out!"

Chu Yue and Ling Weiyu naturally don't disobey He Feng's meaning, even when they leave the villa with people.

Watching them leave, he Feng picks up a machete from the ground and goes to Wang Manchun, "no money? Are you sure? "

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