"You, what do you want to do? I can tell you that I am the daughter of the Wang family. If you dare to kill me, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, we Wang family will find you out and get rid of you. And it's not just you, it's all the people around you Wang Manchun said coldly, but his eyes were already a little nervous.

"Wang family? I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to your Wang family! "

He Feng glanced at Lu Tiejun beside Wang Manchun and asked, "he should be your man, right?"

"So what?"


Wang Manchun's voice has just fallen, and a sharp sound of breaking the air rings out.

Blood splash!

At the same time, another arm flew out.


Lu Tiejun screamed and his face turned white.

"Stop, stop, asshole, why are you doing this, why are you cutting off his arm?" Wang Manchun screamed.

It can be seen that she really likes Lu Tiejun, which is why she is so excited.

"Because you just threatened me with the people around me, which made me very upset. So I broke his arm to punish him. If there is another time, I will not cut off his arm, but... His head! " He Feng narrowed his eyes.

"You, you are a devil!" Wang Manchun feels a little cold.

This man is so cruel that he breaks his arm without blinking.

How can I go all the way to Jiangbin city to provoke such a figure?

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me directly, billion, you give or not. If you don't, I'll break your limbs and take his life. " He Feng's bloody machete points directly at Lu Tiejun.

"I... I want to give you a billion. However, I can't give a billion yuan at all. All my assets add up to just over $300 million. " Wang Manchun a face panic of say, for fear of He Feng a word not to kill.

He Feng can see that Wang Manchun is not a liar. He estimates that he doesn't have much money.

Even though Wang Manchun is the daughter of the Wang family leader, he is now in his thirties and has not even reached the peak of Mingjin. It is estimated that this kind of cultivation talent is not very valued in the Wang family. In addition, it takes a lot of money to cultivate. It is too difficult to save a billion.

"Since you can't get one billion yuan, I'll call the Wang family. I'll tell him to get one billion yuan to redeem you." He Feng said.

"Are you sure you want to talk to my father directly? My father is no talker Wang man Chun reminds a way.

"Call. I don't want to waste any more time." He Feng cold road.


Wang Manchun nodded, immediately took out the mobile phone, dialed a phone call, "Dad, I have an accident here."

Wang Manchun told the people on the opposite side of the phone all about what happened here.

Then he said, "Dad, I hope you can help me this time. I will try my best to manage millet literature in the future, and strive to earn back the billion yuan as soon as possible."

"Didn't you tell the other person who you were? How dare he abandon the Wang family? How dare he take the Wang family's money? "

The old man didn't speak from the beginning to the end. Until Wang Manchun finished, he asked coldly.

"Dad, I mentioned the Wang family to each other, but this man's attitude is very firm, and he is not afraid of our Wang family at all."

"Oh? Don't you say that he is the only one who can build up his triple strength, even our Wang family is not afraid? By the way, you haven't told me, what's his name? "

"His name seems to be..."

Wang Manchun thought about it and then said, "it's like he Feng!"

She discovered the name when she was investigating fengyu.com.

"He Feng? Are you sure his name is He Feng

Who knows, Wang Manchun just answered, and the old man on the other side of the phone exclaimed.

"Dad, do you know this man?" Wang Manchun was surprised.

"Of course I know. Damn it, I should have reminded you earlier so that you don't mess with He Feng." Wang Jitan was a little annoyed.

"Er... Does he Feng have any great origin?" Wang Manchun continued.

At the same time, she was shocked to see he Feng. Originally, she thought he Feng had no background, so she took the Wang family out to crush him.

But now, her father said, should remind them early, don't provoke He Feng.

This is to show that he Feng's origin, even the Wang family are afraid of it?

"Forget it, I'll talk to you later. Now I'll solve your troubles first. You give him your mobile phone and I'll talk to him in person." Wang Jitan said.

"He Feng, my father said to talk to you in person." Wang Manchun handed the mobile phone to He Feng.

He Feng took the phone and said, "Master Wang, is there anything else you want to talk to me about?"

"Ha ha, Mr. He, I'm really sorry. My daughter is not sensible and bumped into you. But you have also taught her a lesson and abandoned her elixir field. I don't think that's the end of it? I'll teach her a lesson when she comes back to the city. In addition, if Mr. He is free, he can also come to our Wang family as a guest. I will be very happy to entertain him. " Wang Jitan's way of singing and laughing.

"Master Wang, you mean you're not going to give me a billion, are you?" He Feng smiles.

"Mr. He, we Wang family hope to be friends with you." Wang Jitan continued, but he did not say whether to give or not.

"I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the Wang family. It doesn't matter whether this friend does it or not." He Feng said impatiently: "you just need to tell me whether you will give or not. If you give it, transfer it as soon as possible. If I don't, I'll solve the problem in my own way, cut off your daughter's limbs, and then kill your son-in-law. "

When Wang Jitan heard the speech, his tone became bad. "Mr. He, are you sure you want to be the enemy of our Wang family?"

"He Feng, I advise you to think it over before you make a decision. My father's temper is not as good as mine

Wang Manchun spoke faintly.

Maybe he Feng has a certain background, but since her father dares to threaten him, in Wang Manchun's opinion, he Feng's background is not so big, so she won't take it too seriously.


However, as soon as Wang Manchun's voice fell, he Feng's machete was waving down.

Blood spatter!

Wang Manchun's arm also flew up.


Accompanied by the sound is Wang Manchun that sharp scream.

"He Feng, what did you do?"

Wang Jitan on the phone naturally heard Wang Manchun's scream and asked loudly.

"I didn't do anything. I just cut off one of her arms."

"Bastard, how dare you do it?"

Even through the phone, he Feng can feel Wang Jitan's fierce killing intention.

Wang Jitan thought that he Feng was just threatening him and wanted him to take out a billion yuan, but he didn't think he Feng really dared to attack Wang Manchun.

But now, he Feng doesn't give him any face, so he cuts off his daughter Wang Manchun's arm.

"Master Wang, can you have a good chat with me now? Or continue to threaten me? " He Feng asked with a smile, as if he didn't feel Wang Jitan's killing intention.

Wang Jitan took a deep breath. "Ha ha, he Feng, I have to say that you are more arrogant and arrogant than the legendary one. It's just that you don't pay attention to the ancient martial families like the rice family and the Wang family. Now even my Wang family dare not pay attention to them. OK, you are powerful. I, Wang Jitan, am willing to bow to you now, meet your requirements and give you a billion yuan. But you have to promise me that when the billion arrives, you have to release people immediately. You can't hurt my daughter any more. "

He Feng didn't want to talk nonsense with Wang Jitan. He reported his bank card number to him directly. "Pay close attention to the remittance. Brother Feng is still busy going back to the company to appease the employees."

"OK, I'll call the bank now and remit money to you. Just wait."

With that, Wang Jitan hung up.

After he Feng waited for a few minutes, his mobile phone vibrated and a short message came. It was a reminder of the arrival of one billion yuan. There was more than four billion yuan left on the card.

"It's just over 4 billion. Brother Feng is too poor. Should he have asked the Wang family for more points just now?"

He Feng a little regret, are a little bit want to turn around, let the Wang family give their own more money impulse.

Today, he not only abandoned Wang's Dantian, but also cut off Wang's arm. He even asked Wang's family to give him a billion yuan. This should not be concealed. Gu WuJie, who moved to the city quickly, estimates that it won't be long before he knows.

At that time, if the Wang family has not done anything and failed to teach him a lesson, he Feng, the Wang family will surely become a joke of the ancient martial arts community in the city.

This is also the reason why Wang Jitan wants to reconcile with He Feng after talking to him. It's not only about the one billion yuan issue, but also about the face of his family.

Face damage, the Wang family will certainly not give up.


He Feng throws his machete on the ground and leaves the villa without paying attention to Wang Manchun and Lu Tiejun.

Not long after he Feng left, Wang Manchun and Lu Tiejun were sent to the nearest hospital to deal with the injury and prepare for surgery to connect the severed limb.

Although the broken limb doesn't work much, it's much better than one arm.

After he Feng left the villa, he and Ling Weiyu went back to Fengyu. Chu Yue left with several policemen. Even the policemen who were used to protect me from eating tomatoes were withdrawn. Anyway, now he knows who is going to deal with them, and the other party can't dare to hurt me again.

At least, as long as he Feng is still alive, they dare not do it easily.

"He Dong, Ling Dong, you are back!"

"Eh, Yuefeng and Hongye are back, and they seem to be in a good mood. Isn't he going to deal with them?"

"I don't know if he and Dong have found the gangster!"

As soon as he Feng and Ling Weiyu returned to Fengyu, many employees gathered.

Although the company was smashed, but everyone did not leave, but stayed in the company waiting for news.

He Feng said: "colleagues, next you can rest assured that we have dealt with the gangsters' affairs properly, and they will not come to our company for trouble in the future."

He Feng this words a, the public all immediately is extremely joyful.

"Really? That's great. At last, don't be afraid! "

"Looking at the way he Feng and his family came back, I guessed that things must have been solved. He Dong's ability is not what we can imagine."

"Indeed! But do we have to work from home next? The company has become like this. It must be repaired. Many desks and computers have to be bought again. "

"Well, I really don't want to work at home at this time. It's too inefficient."

Many employees are frowning, a face of reluctance.

"You guys, you don't have to worry about the office space. I've already solved it for you. Let's clean up today and move to a new office tomorrow afternoon. " He Feng said.

"New office? Where is He Dong? "

"Yes, it's hard to find the office building in the urban area of Jiangbin city. We can't find it in a short time. Should he not let us go to a more remote place?"

"God, I live in the suburbs. It takes me three hours to go back and forth to the city by subway every day. If I go back to the suburbs, it will take me longer."

Everyone immediately asked.

He Feng laughed and waved his hand: "the new office is not a suburb. You can rest assured."

"Brother Xiaofeng, you'd better not hide it from them, or they won't sleep well tonight. I'd better tell them directly."

"Colleagues, our new office is in the office building of Yuncheng group," said Ling Weiyu

"What? Cloud City Group

"I heard you right?"

"That's one of the most powerful companies in Jiangbin now. Almost all the employees who can join the cloud city group are excellent students. I can work in the same building with them?"

"I also heard that Wang Xiangyun, the chairman of Yuncheng group, is one of the four beauties in Jiangbin city. I don't know if I will be lucky to see her when I go to work there."

As soon as Ling Weiyu said that his new office is in Yuncheng group, all the employees are excited.

Ling Weiyu regretted seeing this scene. It seems that after telling them the new office, they will not be able to sleep tonight.

As for He Feng, he turned his mouth. Wang Xiangyun is not as good-looking as our little feather.

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