"He Dong, I have a question. Why do those gangsters come to trouble us? Who are these gangsters? "

At this time, an employee asked.

Hearing this, everyone also looked at He Feng one after another.

Although they did not ask this question, they all wanted to know the answer.

In this regard, he Feng did not intend to say, directly said: "I do not know the identity of the other side, the police are investigating. But can confirm is, the other side won't come to our website trouble again

If millet literature is just a simple novel website, he Feng doesn't mind saying it, but it also involves an ancient martial family. Naturally, he Feng doesn't want the ordinary employees of the company to care about these things.

It's not so good if they go outside and talk nonsense and cause any trouble.

"I wish I didn't come for trouble!"

"Yes, I'm not worried at all now with He Dong's words."

That's a relief.

He Feng continued: "in addition, the money given by the gangsters to Yue Feng and Guo Hongye will be handed over to the company. Because of today's events, everyone has been frightened and panicked, and I feel a little sorry. So I'm going to give you a million yuan as a bonus. I'll give the remaining one million to editor in chief Weng Yiqin and me, because they have been seriously injured, don't you mind? "

"Mr. He, we are just a little frightened. It doesn't matter whether we want this money or not. I think we should use it to subsidize the company's losses."

"Yes, give one million to editor in chief Weng Yiqin and tomato God, and the other one million to compensate for the loss of the company."

He Feng shook his head. "I've asked about the loss of the company. The gangsters have got it. Don't worry about it. Another thing is that the remuneration of the company's employees will be adjusted by the board of directors. In the future, your income will be linked to the sales of your works, and you will get a base salary plus commission directly. The non editorial staff are also in the corresponding mode, but the percentage of commission will be lower. "

"Commission? Oh, my God, is this real or fake? "

"I'll go. The sales of our website works are against heaven. If we get a commission, then our income is not..."

"He Dong, Ling Dong, isn't that good? You are just giving us money! "

At this moment, all the employees were excited.

They really know too much about the sales data of their website works. If they take a commission, even if the percentage of commission is low, their income will definitely be doubled.

"Well, everybody, you can understand what He Dong means. In fact, He Dong and I started the maple language Chinese website, the main purpose is not to make money, but to make content. Therefore, I also hope that you can make more efforts in the future, and work with me and He Dong to build the maple language Chinese network together. "

Ling Weiyu said seriously: "our goal is to become a website with the largest number of contracted authors, the largest number of contracted works, the highest sales data, the largest number of copyright adaptations, the highest income of authors and the greatest reputation of authors in China. I want the little-known Maple language Chinese network to become a well-known Maple language group in a few years

Although Ling Weiyu spoke with a casual look and didn't deliberately stir up everyone's emotions, many employees on the field were in intense mood and excited after hearing her words.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ling. We will work hard."

"Yes, as long as maple language doesn't drive me away, I will fight for the rise of maple language."

"Me too. I want to see the rise of Fengyu Chinese network!"

Ling Weiyu was a little surprised when he saw everyone's reaction, and then said with a smile: "well, you'd better pack up first. When you're done, you can go home and have a rest. We'll move into the building of Yuncheng group tomorrow and enter a new working state."

Finish saying, she also followed He Feng to come to the office, tidy up their own things.

"Little feather, I think if you go to be a speaker, you will be famous."

He Feng looked at Ling Weiyu, who was sorting out the documents, and sat on the chair, the old God said.

"No, I just said a few words."

Ling Weiyu was a little embarrassed and said: "moreover, I think whether the maple language Chinese network can develop in the future and surpass the real giant of Yue language depends on brother Xiao Feng."

He Feng said: "look at me? Ha ha, little feather, you also underestimate your ability and potential. I firmly believe that with some foundation I've laid for you now, as long as I give you one or two years, you can certainly build Fengyu Chinese network into a large literary group with your own ability. "

Ling Weiyu blinked his eyes, "brother Xiaofeng, do you have so much confidence in me?"

"Of course, don't you have confidence in yourself?"

"I didn't have much confidence, but now I have!"

"Well, how can the state of mind change so fast?"

"Because I believe in you, brother Xiaofeng. Since you have confidence in me, I will naturally have confidence in myself." Ling Weiyu said seriously.

"All right!"

He Feng touched his nose and said, "there are many things. Do you want me to help you sort them out?"

"Well, please help me sort out the contracts of these authors and arrange them in order according to their signing dates. Don't mess up, or you'll get into trouble in the future."

Ling Weiyu is not polite to He Feng.

"All right, I'll try my best!"


At the same time, he moved to Wang's home.

At this time, outside a backyard of the Wang family, an old man came slowly, his face extremely gloomy.

He is the head of the Wang family, Wang Jitan!

Wang Jitan, after giving He Feng a billion yuan, thought about how to solve the problem.

To tell you the truth, this incident made him very angry. For no reason, he stood on the opposite side of He Feng. But now he can't shrink back at all. Otherwise, not only he was upset, but the face of the whole Wang family would be damaged.

So he thought for a long time and finally made a decision, so he came to this backyard.

"Dong Dong..."

Wang Ji knocked on the door of a wooden house, then stood on the side and waited quietly.


An hour later, a white haired old man opened the door of the cabin.


Wang Jitan saw the old man and bowed his head respectfully.

This old man was the last head of the Wang family. Wang Lun, Wang Jitan's father, is now in his nineties, but he still looks bright and bright, and his eyes are pressing.

"What can I do for you?" Wang Lun asked faintly.

"We Wang family have some conflicts with a young man. If we don't solve them, we Wang family will lose face. This young man's accomplishments are not high, but there are some powerful figures standing behind him. I want to solve this contradiction myself, so as not to damage the face of the Wang family. So I want to ask my father. If my father objects, I can give up. "

Wang Jitan said that he told Wang Lun in detail what happened in Jiangbin city today, and introduced the deeds of He Feng in detail.

"Hehe, 26 years old, strength is equivalent to the late dark strength, is really a genius, no wonder acting style such arrogant, overbearing."

Wang Lun light smile, and then said: "Xi Zhenxing that guy, break through to the power?"

Wang Jitan said: "I met Xia Cheng two days ago. He said that Xi Zhenxing has not yet broken through, but it should have reached the critical point of breaking through soon."

Wang Lun said, "the critical point of bullshit. I was stuck at this critical point more than ten years ago, and I still haven't completely broken through it. Although his talent of Xi Zhenxing is stronger, it's not so easy for him to break through to Hua Jin. If he can't understand the subtlety of power, he can't step into Hua Jin in his life. And even if the strength is small, it will take some time to figure out how to control the strength perfectly, polish the Dantian, and double the capacity of the Dantian. Only when the strength is broken through and can really command the strength like an arm, can we become a master completely. This process, seemingly simple, is actually much more difficult than imagined. In addition to consuming a lot of time, it also tests Wu's savvy. Therefore, since she failed to make a breakthrough a few days ago, she certainly has not made a breakthrough now. "

"Well, father, what do you mean?"

"Since Xi Zhenxing didn't make a breakthrough, if you go to kill He Feng, he doesn't have the ability to question our Wang family."

"So my father agreed with me to kill He Feng?"

Wang Jitan's eyes brightened.

Wang Lun nodded and said, "well, that he Feng has damaged the face of our Wang family, and the words that come out will certainly make people laugh. Therefore, we Wang family must take advantage of the matter to spread out before he Feng to solve

"Yes! I promise to finish the task and get rid of that he Feng. " Wang Jitan said heavily.

"Hum, of course you have to guarantee to complete the task. If you can't kill a younger generation who is equivalent to the later stage of dark strength, you, the master of the Wang family, just step down and hand over."

"I understand!"

Wang Jitan narrowed his eyes and said, "if he Feng is not killed in this trip to Jiangbin City, I will no longer be the head of the Wang family. From then on, I will close the door with my father and attack the master's realm together."

Wang Lun light smile a voice, "ha ha, your own impact on the line.". As for me... It's fast! "

"What? Father, you... "Wang Jitan was stunned at first, and immediately his body trembled with excitement, and his words were not very sharp." father, you have broken through to the master? "

Wang Lun said: "as early as more than a year ago, my strength has gone into the micro. Now I'm polishing the elixir field and expanding the capacity. Recently, I'm ready for the impact. "

"Congratulations to my father, congratulations to my father, our Wang family, under the leadership of my father, will rise up!"

Wang Jitan said excitedly.

Although Wang Lun has not really stepped into Huajin at present, Wang Jitan knows very well that the biggest barrier between dark power and Huajin is to understand the subtlety of power.

Once you understand this, it will be a matter of time before you step into Huajin.

Now, his father has been working hard a year ago, so it will be a natural thing for him to change his strength now, and there will be almost no accident.

By that time, when his father became the master of Huajin, the Wang family would leap over the middle-class guwu family and become a high-class guwu family.

The brilliance of Wang family is just around the corner!


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