After obtaining his father's permission, Wang Jitan immediately left the Wang family and took the latest flight to Jiangbin city.

In addition to him, there is another elder of the Wang family, who is the same as him.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Jitan came to the hospital where Wang Manchun and Lu Tiejun were in, a hospital in which Wang's family took part. After they arrived, the president of the hospital welcomed them in person for the first time and took them to Wang Manchun's ward.

"Dad! Third grandfather

Wang Manchun is lying on the bed with bandage on her right hand. She is the only one in the ward. Lu Tiejun is in the next ward.

"Well! You mean to call me and see what you've done. " Wang Jitan snorted coldly and said, "do you know how much trouble you caused to our Wang family? If the Nanjin military region behind he Feng or the Nanjin branch of Guiyi medicine hall has a strong master, then our Wang family can only swallow our pride and lose face this time. "

"I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't expect that he Feng was so big and powerful."

Wang Manchun lowered his head.

This afternoon, she also inquired through some of her own circles about the deeds he Feng showed in Nanjin city last week, and her strength and background, which led her to regret.

If she had known that, even if Gu Mi's literature had been suppressed by Fengyu Chinese network, she would not go to Fengyu Chinese network for trouble. It is not necessary to bring big trouble to her family.

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now!

"Dad, do you mean that our Wang family won't swallow their anger this time, but will... Deal with that he Feng?" Wang Manchun came back and looked at Wang Jitan in surprise.

Isn't it true that he Feng has the Nanjin military region and the Guiyi medicine hall behind him? Why does Dad have to deal with He Feng?

"Yes! He Feng insulted the Wang family. If the Wang family didn't act, they would be ridiculed. Therefore, he broke my daughter's arm and blackmailed me $1 billion, so I will let him pay for it with blood. " Wang Jitan's cold way.

"But..." Wang Manchun was worried.

"No, but you don't need to be in charge of it any more."

Wang Jitan waved his hand to stop Wang Manchun from saying, "when I come to the hospital, I just want to ask you, will you still choose to be with Lu Tiejun after this quick move back to the city? If you want to be with him, I will not take you when I go back to Wang's house after my affairs are settled. "

Wang Manchun is very clear about the meaning of Wang Jitan's words. If she breaks her arm, abandons her Dantian, and does not return to the Wang family with Wang Jitan, her position in the Wang family in the future is bound to plummet, and no one will respect her as the daughter of the owner.

"Dad, I'm with the Iron Army!"

Wang Manchun bit his silver teeth and looked firm.


Wang Jitan's eyes were disappointed and angry. "What qualification does Lu Tiejun have to let you pay for her like this? When you are in danger today, he has no ability to protect you. What can he give you? Are you so determined to talk to him? "

"Dad, I'm sorry!" Wang Manchun shook his head. "He really can't give me anything, or even protect my safety. But... My heart has been given to him and I will never get it back. "

"Well, there's nothing to say. Take care of yourself."

With a sigh, Wang Jitan immediately turned to leave the ward with another old man.

"Dad, third grandfather, be careful..." Wang Manchun told.

Wang Jitan didn't stop, but the old man stopped, "although he Feng's strength is good, whether it's me or your father, he doesn't even have the qualification to run for his life. And I join hands with your father, he He He Feng... Will die


He Feng helped Ling Weiyu to do a lot of work this afternoon, and then he cleaned up the things. There are still some things left. Ling Weiyu is going to come back to clean up tomorrow morning.

After packing, he Feng and Ling Weiyu go to the hospital to see Weng Yiqin. Weng Yiqin and I are not in the same hospital. Weng Yiqin's hospital is closer to the company, so he Feng and Ling Weiyu decide to visit her first.

Weng Yiqin was not seriously beaten. There were only two fractures, and the rest were all skin injuries. With the help of He Feng, Weng Yiqin's fractures began to improve rapidly, and he would recover in two days.

Later, they come to the hospital where Jiang Kewei is. At this time, Jiang Kewei has come to his senses. When he learns that the person who is working on him is a person of millet literature, he is very disgusted.

I didn't expect that a literary man would do such a vulgar thing.

It's so disappointing.

In this regard, he Feng did not say much. There are all kinds of people in all walks of life, and philanthropists are not necessarily good people. In the underground world, murderers may donate money and materials to poor areas. He Feng has seen a lot of this.

After helping Jiang Kewei treat the injury in his body, he Feng and Ling Weiyu leave the hospital and go to an ordinary small stall nearby to have a meal.

"Brother Xiaofeng, aunt yuan, she often talks about you in my ear these days, asking why you didn't live in Xingyuan, where you live now and so on, so that you can spend more time with the children. They all like you very much."

They chatted while eating.

He Feng is taking toothpick to pick snail to eat, carelessly asked: "then how do you answer?"

"Of course, I mean that you are busy with your work. You rent a house near the company and will come back to see them when you are free." Ling Weiyu rolled his eyes and said, "can I still say that you are busy with your lovers outside? That Aunt yuan must be angry to death

"Poof! Little feather, why do you look a little jealous? " He Feng said with a smile.

"I don't have it! You usually spend a lot of time with me. How can I be jealous? " Ling Weiyu said: "I just think, you are so busy now, will you be tired?"


He Feng looked up at Ling Weiyu, "little feather, how did you suddenly ask this kind of question?"

Ling Weiyu said with a smile: "it's nothing. I'm just sighing. By the way, how are you getting along with your sister-in-law now? Have you made any substantial progress? "

He Feng sighed: "there's no progress. That girl doesn't know what the hell she's studying. Now she's doing her experiments all day long besides practicing."

"Sister in law, she is a genius and the boss of Yuncheng group. Of course, she has to develop new products for the company. This is normal."

Ling Weiyu said, "what's your sister-in-law doing now? Do you have the same breakthrough as us? "

"No, her physical condition is a little special. Now she's in the middle of Mingjin."

He Feng said.

"How can I know? Does she seldom practice Ling Weiyu was surprised.


He Feng shakes his head. Ling Weiyu thinks that Wang Xiangyun's cultivation speed is too slow. On the contrary, he thinks that Ling Weiyu's cultivation speed is a little fast.

At first, he thought that it would take Wang Xiangyun at least ten days to break through to the middle of Ming Dynasty, but it turned out that Wang Xiangyun broke through in an ordinary time.

I don't know how long it will take for her to break through to the end of Mingjin!

"Your sister-in-law's situation is different from yours. Her strength level is relatively high, so her cultivation speed will be much slower." He Feng casually explained a sentence.

"Oh, I see!" Ling Weiyu nodded as if he didn't understand, and didn't ask any more.

She is not very interested in Wang Xiangyun.

She only cares when he Feng can push Wang Xiangyun down

"Eh, brother Xiaofeng, we seem to be in trouble."

At this time, Ling Weiyu seems to notice something and says in a low voice.

He Feng said with a smile: "I have found out for a long time, but this is not any trouble! Let's finish the meal first... "

"All right!"

Ling Weiyu see he Feng is not urgent, naturally it doesn't matter, along with buried in a meal.

She had already sensed that there were two people sitting on the third table behind her, two ordinary looking old people.

But Ling Weiyu is very clear, the cultivation of these two people are very strong, at least much stronger than her.

However, with He Feng here, she is not worried at all.

He Feng is a myth. What can he not solve?

The two elders didn't come to urge them. They also ordered something to eat.

Half an hour later, he Feng stood up and came to the two old men, "I'm finished. Let's go to a remote place?"

"Oh? How can you sense our presence? " Wang Jitan surprised to see he Feng, he saw he Feng has no action, did not choose to escape, also did not call people, thought he Feng did not feel it.

But do not want to, the latter seems to have known their arrival.

"Cut the crap. Let's go. I've already bought your order." He Feng said that he had already taken Ling Weiyu's hand and walked out.

Seeing this, another old man Wang Ping's face changed slightly, so he wanted to stop him for fear that he Feng would run away.

"Third uncle, don't worry. He won't run away. Besides, in front of you and me, even if he wants to escape, he has no chance. "

Wang Jitan said faintly: "besides, we are following him. How can he escape? Besides, even if he can run away, will he abandon his female companion? "

"OK, let's follow first."

Wang Ping said.

Immediately, they got up one after another and followed him Feng and Ling Weiyu.

Before long, he Feng and Ling Weiyu took Wang Jitan and Wang Ping to the back of a building under construction.

Now it's seven o'clock in the evening, and the construction team has already left. In addition to the remote location, it seems quite quiet here.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please give me your name. Why do you want to trouble me?" He Feng looked at two people and asked directly.

"He Feng, you crippled my daughter and blackmailed me $1 billion. Why don't you even know who I am now?"

Wang Jitan stares at He Feng coldly and says.

"Oh, so you are the master of the Wang family."

He Feng this just suddenly, "you this time come to look for me, is prepare to revenge for your daughter?"

Wang Jitan hummed coldly: "otherwise? Can't I come all the way to the city to chat with you? "

"No, you didn't come all the way to chat with me, you came to give me money."

He Feng said with a smile: "recently, I've been crazy for lack of money. You must have known that I was short of money, so you came to give me money, didn't you? "

"Money? You think too much! "

Wang Jitan shook his head. "Although you have Xi Zhenxing and nanjinshi military region behind you, if you dare to bully our Wang family by relying on their support, and think our Wang family dare not move you, I will tell you now that you are wrong. Today, if you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, you can't leave here safely! "

"Tell me, what do you want me to give you?"

"Record a video of yourself and apologize to our Wang family. After that, he abandoned Dantian and never entered Jiangshu province. Only in this way can our Wang family spare your life. "

Wang Jitan said indifferently.

Although he Feng's life will be spared, he knows very well that once he Feng really abandons his Dantian, it will be a dead end for He Feng, because there are so many people he offends that they can't let him go.

"I'm sorry, I don't like to apologize to others, and I'm not likely to waste my life."

He Feng said with a smile: "so, don't forgive me, just come and kill me."


Wang Jitan smell speech, pupil not from shrink up.

Is He Feng really not afraid of death?

Or do you rely on it?

Doesn't it mean that his strength is equivalent to the later period of dark strength at most? He Feng should feel despair and fear. Why don't he look scared now?

"I said, Master Wang, can you hurry up a little bit? Don't dawdle. If you want to do something, hurry up. I have something else to do at night." He Feng impatiently urged a.

"Ji Tan, let me try his depth."

At this time, Wang Ping behind Wang Jitan said: "if the master is hidden, you can help me stop him. I think as long as you are not the master, you should be able to stop it? "

"Don't worry, uncle. I'll be there with all my strength." Wang Jitan turned his hand and a silver sword appeared in his hand.

This is an intermediate warfighter. With this warfighter and his sword skills, he can fight even if he understands the power of the dark force.


Seeing that Wang Jitan even took out the sword, Wang Ping was relieved, and then walked towards He Feng step by step.

With each step, his momentum will rise a lot.

When he was less than five meters away from He Feng, his momentum reached the extreme in an instant, like a round of hot sun, a hot breath rushed to He Feng, as if to burn him to ashes.


Wang Ping is waving his iron fist. It seems that there is a flash of fire in his fist, bursting with terrible strength.

"The third uncle is more and more skillful in controlling the strength. If you give him another ten years, he may be as energetic as his father. At that time, there will be two strong masters in our Wang family. "

Wang Jitan at the back of Wang Ping showed the strength of heartfelt praise.

If he didn't have this intermediate soldier, he would not be Wang Ping's opponent with his strength.

"He Feng, I don't know if he will be beaten to death by the third uncle!" Wang Jitan stares at He Feng in front of him, and pays attention to the movement around him.


Wang Ping's speed is very fast. His fist comes to He Feng in the blink of an eye. He Feng's head is about to explode, but he Feng is still indifferent.

"Well? Is He Feng really bluffing just now? Are you scared by the power of my fist now? "

Wang Ping had some doubts in his mind.

But soon, he didn't think about the mess, and his eyes were cold.

"It's a good fight, but it's too weak!"

At this time, he Feng shook his head and sighed.


Wang Ping frowned, he did not hear what he Feng said, but his heart suddenly rose up a strong sense of crisis.

This is not an ordinary sense of crisis, but

Death crisis!


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