
Wang Ping saw clearly that his fists shuttled from He Feng's head.

However, the powerful force seems to have hit on cotton, with no effort at all.

"Third uncle, be careful!"

Wang Ping is in doubt, the ear suddenly thought of Wang Jitan that panic shouts.

In fact, there is no need for Wang Jitan to remind him. Wang Ping has realized that the situation is not good now. Coupled with the extremely obvious death crisis just now, he immediately made a decision.


Without any hesitation, Wang Ping showed his fastest speed and wanted to retreat towards the rear.

However, his speed is too slow after all, a rapid burst of wind, suddenly sounded behind him.

Wang Ping didn't even think about it. He raised his hand to stop it.



A fierce and majestic force bombarded Wang Ping's arm. The powerful impact force rolled down, making Wang Ping's arm break instantly and hit him on the back. The terrible impact force directly poured into Wang Ping's body.


Wang Ping's blood gushed out, and his body stopped abruptly. His breath suddenly broke away, and his consciousness in his eyes gradually disappeared.

"Plop..." and then, suddenly fell to the ground, no life.


Not far away, Wang Jitan saw this scene, the whole person completely shocked, for a long time can not say a word.

Wang Ping is one of the top four talents of the Wang family. His talent is second only to his father Wang Lun. He is expected to step into Huajin in the future.

But now, such a strong man was killed by He Feng.

Although he Feng seems to attack secretly from behind, the speed and power He Feng just showed makes Wang Jitan jump.

Go to your mother's later stage of dark strength, who says he Feng's strength is equivalent to that of dark strength?

This at least reached the realm of refining body six, OK?

Even stronger than Liuzhong, Wang Jitan didn't dare to think about it!

"Hey, Master Wang, don't stand in a daze. Don't you want to kill me? Go on." He Feng's impatient voice came into Wang Jitan's mind and pulled back his thoughts.


Wang Jitan swallowed his saliva and looked at He Feng's eyes again. There was no previous contempt and carelessness. Instead, he Feng was full of fear. "He Feng, what happened today is that our Wang family is not right. I can no longer pursue the enmity between you and my Wang family."

He Feng's strength has been basically determined now. Even if he didn't set foot in the master, at least he was the existence of Liuzhong, and even the use of his strength had been subtle, which was beyond Wang Jitan's ability to fight.

Therefore, Wang Jitan quickly made a decision to leave safely for a while.

As for revenge for He Feng

take it easy!

When his father Wang Lun breaks through to Huajin, they don't have to be afraid of He Feng.

As long as he Feng doesn't become a master of horizontal training, no matter how strong He Feng is, it's easy for his father to kill him.

No matter how powerful the dark force is, it is by no means the opponent of the master. This is almost a law, which has not been broken, at least in the ancient martial arts of China.

It's just that Wang Jitan obviously thought everything too well.

"My grudge with the Wang family, if you say no more investigation, no more investigation? Have you asked my opinion? "

He Feng goes to Wang Jitan unhappily, "from beginning to end, did I take the initiative to provoke you Wang family? First of all, your daughter thought that Fengyu Chinese network had no background, so she ordered people to go to Fengyu Chinese network and smash it wantonly, even seriously injured its authors and editors. After that, you thought that he Feng was too weak to compete with you, so you forced me to apologize to you, but also to abandon Dantian, and never to enter Jiangshu province. Now you find that he Feng's strength is stronger than you. You can't kill me, so you say you won't pursue this matter any more and want to expose it. Do you think I, he Feng, can knead at will? "

Wang Jitan naturally knew that he was wrong, and he Feng was powerful, so he didn't argue with He Feng, "He Feng, our Wang family really offended you. I'm willing to apologize to you and resolve this resentment. What do you think?"

He thought very clearly, the most urgent thing is to stabilize He Feng first, and then evacuate, all wait for his father Wang Lun to break through to Huajin.

Therefore, even if he paid a small price, Wang Jitan recognized it.

"OK, since you have offered an apology, you can say it yourself. How do you think the compensation will be more appropriate?" He Feng asked with a smile.

"How do you want to compensate?"

I don't know why, looking at He Feng's smile, Wang Jitan has a bad feeling.

"Well, I'll follow the rules I just made." He Feng said: "I have a price tag here, 10 billion yuan per life."

"What did you say?"

Wang Jitan thought he had heard wrong, "you mean, let me give you 10 billion?"

He Feng nodded, "yes, give me 10 billion words, you can safely leave, I will not hurt you half a hair."

Wang Jitan did want to kill him before, but now that he has seen his strength, he should not dare to trouble him again.

It doesn't matter if he Feng kills this kind of person. It won't affect him.

Even after Wang Jitan returns to Wang's home, he may bring people to trouble him in the future, and then he can make another profit.

"He Feng, are you kidding me?" Wang Jitan said with a gloomy face: "give you 10 billion, then I can leave safely? Do you think you can keep me if I want to escape? "

At this moment, Wang Jitan is really angry. He feels that he has been deeply insulted. How much he despises him. He thinks that he can't escape if he wants to escape.

What's more, he Feng really dares to make an offer, which is worth 10 billion yuan. Does he open a bank when he is the Wang family?

"If you think you can escape, you can try. If you run away, I can no longer pursue the grudge between the Wang family and me. " He Feng shrugged.

"You said it yourself. I hope you don't turn back!"

Wang Jitan finished, body shape, then quickly back, like ghosts, speed is extremely terrible.


At this time, a slight wind burst in front of Wang Jitan.

Wang Jitan's eyes moved, and he seemed to notice something shooting at him.

Soon he saw clearly that it was not a magic weapon, but an ordinary toothpick.

If I remember correctly, this toothpick was used by He Feng to pick out snails when he ate.

However, at this time, the toothpick seems to contain infinite strength. It runs through. Just as Wang Jitan saw the toothpick clearly, the toothpick had already come to him, and then it went directly into his abdomen.

Where is Dantian!

His figure, immediately fixed in place, a ghost like expression.

"How can you... You used a toothpick to waste my Dantian?"

Feeling the rapid loss of strength in his body, Wang Jitan was shocked. He couldn't believe that a toothpick could pierce his flesh and directly pierce Dantian.

In addition, at the moment of penetrating Dantian, Wang Jitan obviously felt an explosive force burst out from the toothpick, and it was this force that broke his Dantian.

"Yes, a toothpick can kill you. After all, you are too weak. "

He Feng nodded, "how, do you choose to take 10 billion to buy your own life, or leave your life here completely?"

This time, Wang Jitan was completely silent.

He looked at He Feng's eyes, full of shock.

This He Feng, is not at all what he imagined to be six heavy, but

Master of cross training, who is able to practice seven times!

If it were not for the master of horizontal training, it would never be possible to scrap his elixir field with a toothpick.

"Such a young master of horizontal training, he Feng is really... Hidden deep enough! How can my Wang family offend such a genius? "

Wang Jitan was shocked and depressed. He almost vomited blood.

Then, without too much hesitation, he made a decision directly, "I'll transfer 10 billion to you!"

"It seems that life is precious..."

He Feng took out his bank card and handed it to Wang Jitan, "turn this card to me, Master Wang!"

"OK, but I have to call my father first and ask him to raise some more money for me, because I can't get 10 billion yuan out of my card." Wang Jitan said.

He is a little worried that he Feng will not let him go and kill him after he has paid for him. However, the Wang family still doesn't know he Feng's terror. Once he Feng is attacked by someone in the Wang family

Then the whole Wang family could be ruined.

Therefore, the first thing Wang Jitan wants to do now is to let his father know he Feng's horror. In any case, the Wang family can no longer provoke him Feng.

Not to mention the background behind such a genius, the strength of this genius alone is far beyond the Wang family's ability to compete.

"Yes, you can. Try to be quick. I'll only give you ten minutes at most. Ten minutes later, if I don't have 10 billion yuan on my card, it's not only you... You Wang family, they all have to pay for your willfulness. "

Leaving a word behind, he Feng doesn't pay attention to Wang Jitan any more. Instead, he turns to Ling Weiyu and chats with the woman.

Wang Jitan is not to save 10 billion yuan, but to deliver the powerful news of He Feng to the Wang family.

Taking out his mobile phone, Wang Jitan dials his father Wang Lun directly.

As soon as the phone was connected, Wang Lun's voice came from inside, "Ji Tan, has the matter been solved? Why do you still call me? Just go back to Wang's house after solving the problem. "

"Dad, something's wrong!"

Wang Jitan said anxiously: "the strength of He Feng is much stronger than what we imagined. His strength is not the later stage of dark strength, but... Horizontal training master!"

"What? You say again, what strength is He Feng? "

On the other side of the phone, Wang Lun, who had been a little calm, was shocked when he heard Wang Jitan's words.

"Master Henglian!" Wang Jitan looked not far away and didn't seem to notice he Feng on his side. He continued: "Uncle San and he Feng fight each other, and he Feng killed them face to face. I was going to run away, he Feng used a toothpick to waste my Dantian. He, he is too strong, absolutely has the strength of training master

"You, how can you get into trouble with a master of horizontal training? Damn it, our Wang family once lost two dark strength. You..."

Wang Lun was obviously shocked and angry, and his words were a little incoherent. "A strong master who is less than 30 years old, my God, how can our Wang family raise their heads in the future?"

Wang Jitan lowered his voice and said, "Dad, it shouldn't be that serious, right? Although he Feng is a master of horizontal training, aren't you about to break through? "

"Son of a bitch, is your Dantian ruined and your brain broken? Don't you think that a strong master who is less than 30 years old may not have a certain origin? "

Wang Lun took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down. "If I remember correctly, you seem to have said that behind he Feng, there are people from Nanjin military region, right?"

"Well, it's said that he Feng saved the lives of soldiers in the South gold military region, so the South gold military region will help him." Wang Jitan said: "Dad, this He Feng looks so weird. I really can't figure out which family he comes from."

"Do you remember that I mentioned to you the general staff of the South gold military region before?"

"It seems that I have some impression that the general staff officer is from the family of Yanjing."

"What's he Feng's last name?"


Listen to Wang Lun's calm voice, Wang Jitan's heart is crazy tremor, "Dad, you mean, he Feng, he comes from that place?"

"Otherwise, I really can't think of any other force that can turn a person under 30 into a master."

Wang Lun said powerlessly: "if such a person wants to destroy our Wang family, I'm afraid all of us in the Wang family will not see the sun tomorrow."


Wang Jitan swallows saliva, the throat is rolling, in the heart also thorough flustered, "should not?"? He Feng said that as long as I gave him 10 billion yuan, he would let me go. As for the Wang family, he should not deal with it. "

"I hope..."

Wang Lun was helpless and then asked, "how much money is on your card now?"

"A total of 13.8 billion, enough to give him 10 billion." Wang Jitan said.

As a strong man at the top of dark strength and the owner of the Wang family, Wang Jitan still has a lot of money on his card.

However, Wang Jitan was very distressed that he Feng had to transfer 10 billion yuan to 13.8 billion yuan.

"I'll give you another seven billion now, and you can give him 20 billion." Wang lundao.

"What? 20 billion? "

Wang Jitan exclaimed.

The Wang family has a great career. Although they are only low-grade guwu aristocratic families, their assets and wealth are far beyond the ordinary low-grade guwu aristocratic families.

However, to give up 20 billion yuan at one time is definitely a great loss to the Wang family.

"Yes, 20 billion!"

Wang Lun affirmed: "we don't know what he Feng's attitude towards our Wang family is now. What if he wants to destroy our Wang family? What's the use of keeping the money? Therefore, what we need to do now is to use the 20 billion yuan to calm his anger so that he will no longer think about our Wang family. Only in this way can we ensure that the Wang family will not be destroyed. "

"However, father, now our Wang family has lost two of them. If we give him another 20 billion yuan, it will be very difficult for us to accumulate enough resources in the next three to five years." Wang Jitan's unwilling way.

"The peak of dark energy? Ji Tan, your vision is still too short. Now what we Wang family should do is to develop steadily. When I break through Huajin, we Wang family will rise. But now if we don't appease He Feng, our Wang family will lose the chance to rise. "

"Hua Jin..."

Wang Jitan heard this and nodded, "OK, I know!"


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