After hanging up, Wang Jitan soon received a message to remind him that the balance on the card exceeded 20 billion yuan.

Looking at He Feng not far away, who is no different from diaosi, Wang Jitan has an impulse to curse his mother. What kind of literature website do you run to?

Do you have enough to support?

What a terrible loss to our Wang family!

Of course, he only dares to think about it in his heart, but he dares not say it. Especially his father mentioned that he Feng was probably from that force, and he dares not cause any dissatisfaction from He Feng.

Wang Jitan takes back his sight and doesn't think about it any more. He calls the bank honestly, remits 20 billion yuan to He Feng, and then walks towards He Feng.

"Eh, Master Wang, didn't I ask you to remit 10 billion yuan to me? Why did you transfer 20 billion to me directly? It seems that your Wang family has a lot of money and no place to spend it. If you want to transfer tens of billions to me, I'll spend it for you for free. " He Feng looked at the information on the mobile phone, and immediately said to Wang Jitan.


Wang Jitan was already depressed. Now when he Feng heard this, he almost couldn't come back. He felt that he was about to vomit blood.

"Ha ha, it's just a joke with Master Wang. Don't get excited. Don't get excited."

Looking at Wang Jitan's embarrassment, he Feng said with a loud smile: "however, Master Wang, you can rest assured that I know why you transferred 20 billion yuan to me. From now on, as long as you Wang family don't trouble me again, I won't touch you Wang family. "

"Well, thank you very much, Mr. He." Wang Jitan was a little relieved.

He Feng to transfer so much money, not for this sentence.

"But I don't want you to go out and spread the news about He Feng. I like to keep a low profile. Do you understand?" He Feng reminds a way.

"I understand. I won't tell anyone else."

Wang Jitan nodded and agreed.

However, in the heart is silent to He Feng erect a middle finger.

This guy is so obscene. He wants to be a pig and a tiger all the time.

I don't know if there will be any forces that will be used by him in the future. I guess they will have to regret their death at that time?

"Feather, let's go."

He Feng pulls Ling Weiyu to leave directly.

Seeing he Feng go far, Wang Jitan completely let down his heart, feeling that the whole person is relaxed a lot.

But looking at Wang Ping who was lying on the ground and had no life, his brow twisted again, "this time, I made a very wrong decision! In the future, we must make a clear investigation of He Feng. No one who has relations with him can offend him any more. "

"Brother Xiaofeng, are you going to stay in Xingyuan tonight?"

On the way, Ling Weiyu some expectations of He Feng asked.

"Why, do you want to do something bad with me? If so, we can find a place where there is no one He Feng glanced around, "this place is very remote, as if there is no one here, or I'll take you to the roof, we'll be there..."

"Brother Xiaofeng, what do you think?"

Ling Weiyu red face interrupted He Feng, "I just want to ask you whether to go to Xingyuan tonight, if not, I'll go back by myself in a moment."

"Hey, I won't go tonight. I'll go again when I'm free. I have something else to do in the evening."

Looking at the woman's shy appearance, he Feng's face is full of a smile.

If not for Xia Menglu, he really wants to accompany Ling Weiyu tonight.

However, Xia Menglu has now reached the peak of Mingjin. He Feng doesn't want to delay any longer. After a while, he goes directly to Xia Menglu to help Xia Menglu take the breakthrough pill and break through to the dark power.

"All right!"

Ling Weiyu heard he Feng say something, a little disappointed, "little Feng brother, we are very short of money now? Because I think you are trying to make money as soon as you have a chance! "

He Feng did not hide, nodded his head and said: "well, it costs a lot of money to buy pills resources, which is tens of billions at any time. Wang Xiangyun, in particular, needs more than ten times as many pills as you. I estimate that it will cost her hundreds of billions of yuan to reach the peak of Huajin. "

"Hundreds of billions..."

Ling Weiyu opened his mouth, which was unbelievable.

Then she thought that he Feng had said that Wang Xiangyun's constitution was special, and she was too lazy to care about Wang Xiangyun's problems. She just asked, "hundreds of billions, when will you make money?"

"It's OK. Anyway, her cultivation speed is not fast, and it's OK to earn money slowly."

He Feng doesn't care about Tao.

"I see!" Ling Weiyu suddenly said, "Dafang is worthy of Dafang. The capital and resources consumed by any cultivation are almost the sum of us."

"Well, where do you come from? You are all the same in my heart." He Feng face embarrassed, hastily explained a sentence.

"Well, don't be nervous. I'm not fighting for anything, but I'm afraid you'll work too hard to make money."

"In fact, this way of making money is very fast. I'm afraid some dangers are out of control." He Feng said: "so, little feather, you have to practice now. At least you have to reach the peak of dark strength as soon as possible."

Ling Weiyu nodded solemnly, "well, I began to practice hard after I went back."

As they walked along the road, they chatted and soon came to the parking lot downstairs. Ling Weiyu drove back to Xingyuan, while he Feng went to the villa near Huani Wetland Park.


Not long after their visit, three men came downstairs.

Two ordinary looking men and a young man in sunglasses.

Looking at the building where Fengyu Chinese net is located, the young man's teeth are creaking and his fists are tightly clenched. Obviously, he is extremely angry.

"Yang Yun, is this where he Feng works? This place looks more ordinary. It's a bit out of line with his identity. " Said the old man beside the young man.

This young man, just a few days ago because of the pursuit of Zou Xun, was he Feng to abandon the Dantian Department of Yang Yun.

After returning to Si's home, Si Yangyun said, "well, another fat old man seems to be Zhang Yifei of the Zhang family."

Si Beiguang nodded, "these two people are both strong at the top of dark strength. What are they doing here? Is it because of He Feng? If they are closer to He Feng, then... "

Yan Hao is also wry smile, "then we are afraid to run a trip in vain!"

While they are looking at Zhang Yichen and Zhang Yifei, the other side is also aware of their existence.

Immediately, Zhang Yichen and others came towards them.

"If I read it correctly, is this man Mr. Si Beiguang of Si family?" Zhang Yichen goes to Si Beiguang and hugs him to show his courtesy.

"I'm Si Beiguang. This is my friend Yan Hao, two old gentlemen of the Zhang family. Nice to meet you!" Si Beiguang also holds his fist and introduces Yan Hao's identity by the way.

We are all members of the guwu circle. Now the information industry is extremely developed. Almost all the guwu people who are above the dark strength know some relevant information, but they have not met each other very much.

"Mr. Si, your family is not near Jiangbin city. What's the matter here?" Zhang Yichen asked with a smile.

"Ha ha, there is something to deal with." Si Beiguang also did not explain, but asked, "two old gentlemen of the Zhang family, this time to come to Jiangbin city should also have something to deal with?"

"Well, it's a small thing." Zhang Yichen nodded.

Seeing this, the Secretary didn't ask any more. He just laughed, and then he was ready to leave.

They are not forces in the same province, and they have nothing to talk about with each other. It's enough to get to know each other.

"Eh, are you Zhang Ziyan?"

At this time, Si Yangyun seemed to recognize the identity of the young woman, and said in surprise: "I didn't say how so familiar!"

"Do you know me?" Zhang Ziyan light of saw eye department Yang cloud.

Si Yangyun took off his sunglasses, "Hello, I'm Si Yangyun! I haven't met Miss Zhang, but I've heard young master song Yan mention you before, and I've seen your photos, so I feel familiar. "

"Do you know brother Yan?"

Zhang Ziyan was surprised.

"Well, I had two drinks with master song Yan." Si Yangyun nodded, "by the way, before I heard that young master song Yan seemed to have a conflict with a man named He Feng. I don't know how their affairs are being solved now?"

Si Yangyun's meaning is very simple. He wants to know Zhang Ziyan's attitude towards He Feng. But don't make up with He Feng. That's not very good. After all, Zhang Ziyan has two strong men around her.

Zhang Ziyan's face is not very good-looking, "it has not been settled properly, what advice does the young master have?"

As soon as Si Yangyun saw Zhang Ziyan's face, he understood, "of course, I don't have any advice. I just want to ask Miss Zhang, if you and master song Yan don't mind, can you give this He Feng to me?"

"At your disposal?"

Zhang Ziyan frowned and said, "why, do you want to deal with He Feng?"

Si Yangyun hummed coldly: "He Feng, he abandoned my Dantian and humiliated me. I wish I could kill him now and then quickly."

Zhang Ziyan light way: "afraid you can't solve that he Feng!"

"He Feng is just equal to the strength of dark strength in the later period. We have two dark strength peak strong men here. How can we not solve He Feng?"

"Do you think he Feng is alone? I'll tell you, he also has a strong man at the top of the dark energy, and he is Xi Zhenxing, the leader of the South Golden branch of Guiyi medicine hall. "

"Is Xi Zhenxing really around him?"

"Of course, I have seen their monitoring together, and there is a picture of Xi Zhenxing's hand in the monitoring, and the strength of Xi Zhenxing is likely to have gone into detail!"

Zhang Ziyan said coldly.

"Strength in detail? He seems to be in his early fifties, isn't he? How could it be that the strength is so subtle? " Si Beiguang exclaimed.

"If his strength is in the minute, it will take at least three top dark strength men to fight him head on!" Yan Hao's face is heavy.

"I've seen that video. Two strong players in the later stage of dark power were seriously injured by his move, and they had no counterattack. This degree of control over strength is by no means what the top dark strength can have. Xi Zhenxing, I'm afraid he has already made great efforts. " Zhang Yichen, the elder of the Zhang family, said.

Zhang Ziyan said: "if it wasn't for suspecting Xi Zhenxing's strength, I would have directly started with He Feng during the day."

Si Yangyun said: "Damn it, if Xi Zhenxing's strength is in the micro, and he Feng stays by his side, how can we deal with He Feng?"

Although the Si family has more than a dozen strong people, no matter what the guwu family does, the first consideration is the family interests.

In order to get revenge, he invited his father and Yan haolai to fight against He Feng. The family didn't stop him, because in the eyes of the family, their opponent is Xi Zhenxing.

But if Xi Zhenxing has made great efforts, the significance will be different.

Strength into the micro, on behalf of half a foot into the master's threshold, the division will never allow such a small matter, and stand on the opposite side of a quasi master.

At this moment, even Si Beiguang and Yan Hao frowned and realized the difficulty of the matter.

"What? Your family doesn't dare to deal with He Feng anymore, does it? In that case, let it go. " Zhang Ziyan said, and she wanted to turn away.

"Miss Zhang, wait..."

Si Yangyun quickly stopped her, and then looked at Si Beiguang, "father, if I can't get revenge this time, I'm afraid I'll have no hope for my whole life! In that case, I will certainly live in resentment and unwillingness all day long. Do you have the heart? "

Si Beiguang frowned and did not answer Si Yangyun. His eyes fell on Zhang Yichen and Zhang Yifei. "The two elders of the Zhang family, I don't know if they are interested in joining hands with our family to deal with He Feng?"

"Knowing that Xi Zhenxing is likely to be very powerful, you have to deal with He Feng. For the sake of your determination, our Zhang family is willing to join hands with the Si family."

Zhang Yichen did not think too much and nodded directly, "but our idea is not to fight directly in front of He Feng, but to have another plan."

"Oh? What's the plan? "

"As far as we know, he Feng has a girlfriend named Ling Weiyu who lived with him in a welfare home when he was a child. She has a deep relationship with him and works in this building. So we decided that after she came to work tomorrow, we would find a way to capture her, lure He Feng out, and then kill him. By then, we won't even have to face Xi. "

Zhang Yichen said: "even if Xi Zhenxing will follow us, we have four strong people here. Three of them are enough to fight Xi Zhenxing head-on, and the remaining one is easy to kill He Feng."

Si Beiguang nodded without hesitation, "I agree with this method. Originally, we were going to use this method to deal with He Feng. In that case, we will come here tomorrow. "


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