Half an hour later, he Feng came to the villa near Huani Wetland Park.


The car stopped steadily in the yard.

He Feng opened the door and got out of the car. He glanced around and frowned a little.

"I've arranged a dark strength killer beside lulu. Although this killer is not an ordinary killer, he can deal with a dark strength top man at most. If those who want to deal with me come to deal with Lulu, Lulu is a little dangerous. "

He Feng thought deeply.

This is also the real reason why he does not want to expose the strength of master Huajin now, because once it is exposed, his enemies will feel unable to deal with him head-on, so they will want to deal with the people around him, catch the people around him and threaten him.

With the strength he shows in front of outsiders, it is estimated that outsiders will only think that his strength is at most comparable to that of the later stage of dark strength. Any strong person at the top of dark strength can kill him as long as he seizes the opportunity.

"Anyway, we have to strengthen our defense a little bit. Only when Lulu and they have reached the peak of dark strength can they be called a little safe. "

He Feng soon made a decision. He didn't want to hurt anyone around him.

With this in mind, he took out his cell phone and made a call to the crocodile.

"Dear Wang, what instructions do you have?" Soon the crocodile's respectful voice came.

"It's nothing. I just want to ask you, do you have any more powerful killers over there?"

He Feng touched his nose, "the people you arranged for are not enough."

"Yes, of course. If Wang doesn't consider his age and gender, I have 40 or 50 killers who have successfully assassinated master Huajin." Crocodile proud way: "if the king needs, I will send all these people to you in the past?"

"Send them all?" He Feng blinked, "don't you need it?"

The crocodile said with a smile: "Wang, you don't have to be polite to me. No matter what I do now, I'm serving Wang. Even the killers I brought to China are actually prepared for the king. "

He Feng understood, "these are the blood eunuch orders you to do?"

The crocodile said, "yes, master, he had already guessed that the king had come to Shenzhou, so he sent me secretly to send these men over to the king. Wang can rest assured that these are just low-level killers. There is no Huajin class killer, and it will not attract the attention of the Dragon Island. "

He Feng this just relaxed tone, "you pour is intentional, that line, you arrange these killers to come over."

"Yes, I'll contact them now. It's estimated that we can gather them tomorrow, and we will arrive in Jiangbin city before tomorrow evening."

The crocodile asked expectantly, "Wang, do you know if I can go to Jiangbin with them?"

He Fenglian said: "no! I'm a little worried that if they come here, they will attract the attention of the high level of China. If you come here again, you will bring me trouble. "

The crocodile was a little disappointed. "OK, I see."

"Well, I'll let you follow me when I have a chance." He Feng said casually.

"Thank you, Wang!" Crocodile excited way.

After hanging up the phone, he Feng's mind is full of bits and pieces of blood eunuch following him. Although this guy is usually cold and speechless and cruel to the enemy, he is extremely enthusiastic about his brother. He would rather not have enough to eat than give it to his brother.

Especially in the treatment of He Feng, almost everything is considered for He Feng.

It can be said that the blood eunuch seems to have less relationship with him than monkey and reincarnation, but it may be the blood eunuch who knows he Feng best.

It's just the roundworm in his stomach!

He Feng didn't tell the eunuch what he was doing. He believed that the crocodile didn't dare to say, but when he needed the top killer of dark strength to protect the people around him, the eunuch let the crocodile arrange for him.

Is this a coincidence?


It must be that the blood eunuch knew the general situation on his side, but he didn't say it.

"I don't know if that guy has broken through to the real state now. If he has broken through, he probably won't take the initiative to tell me..." He Feng has a smile on his face.

"Xiao Feng, are you back?"

At this time, the room heard the movement of Cheng Huilan came out, a concerned face asked: "have you had dinner?"

"Auntie, I've already had dinner. Have you had it?" He Feng converged and went to the house.

"We've already eaten. We've washed the dishes. It's good you ate it, or you won't be able to eat it for a while and a half, and you'll have to be hungry. "

Cheng Huilan said, "I come back so late this weekend. Must be very busy in the company?"

He Feng a burst of shame, today he did not go to cloud city group.

However, Fengyu Chinese network can also be said to be his company, so he Feng's face is not red, heart does not jump way: "OK, there is something wrong in the company today, so it is busy to now. By the way, where's Lulu? "

"I'm practicing upstairs!" Cheng Huilan said: "Xiao Feng, what kind of Kung Fu do you practice? I feel that now I really want to know kung fu. My strength has become the same as when I was young, and my spirit has increased countless times. I feel that I can go back to the field to do farm work now. "

"Ha ha, auntie, this is a set of self-cultivation Qi. If you walk twice every morning and evening, you will get better and better." He Feng said with a smile, thinking that he would ask Xi Zhenxing later and ask him to get some low-level pills. He could help Cheng Huilan improve her accomplishments.

Of course, his goal is not to make Cheng Huilan strong, but to extend her life and live a long life after she reaches the dark strength.

Besides Cheng Huilan, there are aunt yuan, Gong Wei's parents, Yuan Yashi's parents

Think of these people, he Feng heart a tight.

It's all money!

In the future, we have to work hard to earn more money.

"Well, I'll listen to you and practice every day." Cheng Huilan said, "Lulu is upstairs. You can go straight up to him. I'll call Xiaotian to have dinner."

"Here comes Xiaotian?"

"Yes, he came this afternoon. He also called a few workers to come here. He built a large container room in the backyard and installed lights and air conditioners in it. Then he started his research. He didn't know what the hell he was studying. He didn't even know how to eat." Cheng Huilan road.

"Auntie, it's a good thing that young people have more ideas. We should support and encourage them more. Maybe, Xiaotian, this thing he has developed can change the world. " He Feng joked.

"And change the world? I think he changed himself. But what you said is also reasonable. I won't object to it. I just hope that he won't forget to eat and sleep because of it. He doesn't even care about food. How can he live with it? "

Cheng Huilan walked toward the backyard, "you go to find Lulu first, I'll call that smelly boy to come and have a meal first."

"All right, auntie, you go."

He Feng nods, and then comes to Xia Menglu's room upstairs.

At this time, Xia Menglu is practicing. Seeing he Feng come in, she stops practicing. "Brother Feng, have you dealt with your affairs?"

He Feng said: "well, Fengyu Chinese network was smashed by several gangsters. Now it has been dealt with. However, the office address of Fengyu Chinese network is temporarily unavailable. I will let them go to Yuncheng group building like tomorrow."

"Ah? Move to Yuncheng group? "

Xia Menglu is surprised, "cloud elder sister there will agree?"

"She has agreed!"

"Hoo! It seems that sister Yun is very good at speaking. I thought she would oppose it. After all, we Yuncheng group are also expanding enrollment on a large scale. "

"Hey, she's really against it. She's spent several billion on Fengge recently. She dares to object when I use her one floor office building. Is that right?"

"Puff! Brother Feng, how dare you spank sister Yun? I don't believe it

Xia Menglu joked with a smile.

"Er... You girl, you dare to question my ability. I think you are the one with itchy buttocks?"

He Feng didn't say well, immediately went to Xia Menglu, slapped in the woman's Village Department.


A clear voice sounded.


Xia Menglu has no way to prevent it. She thought he Feng was joking. Unexpectedly, the man really started, and Tunbu suddenly got hot and painful. "Brother Feng, do you really fight? You don't feel pity for others. Wuwu, Wuwu... "

Speaking, Xia Menglu quickly to rub, although it is not so painful.

"Oh, am I a little bit heavy? Well, brother Feng, I'll rub it for you. "

He Feng said, without hesitation, stretched out his hand, hugged Xia Menglu's slender waist, took the latter into his arms, and the other hand took away Xia Menglu's hand, "don't rub it, let me rub it, I'll rub it more comfortable."

"Well, you want to take advantage of me."

Xia Menglu pouted her sexy lips and said.

He Feng grinned and said, "do you want me to take advantage of you

Xia Menglu blushed and said, "people are all yours. You can occupy them as you like."

"That's good!"

He Feng's hand stretched out in the past, crossing out a wisp of real Qi, gently rubbing.

"Brother Feng, it seems that my mother is here!"

When Xia Menglu hears the sound, she quickly pats it and he Feng says.

He Feng naturally also heard this voice, a face depressed, "is really your mother came, now how do we do?"

"What else can we do, of course, to get dressed quickly!"

Xia Menglu also has some helplessness, but her hand movement is not slow. She picks up the clothes on the bed for the first time and puts them on.

He Feng is about to vomit blood, but still put on the clothes, his clothes are better to wear, three or two to wear.

"Dong Dong!"

As soon as I got dressed, there was a knock on the door.

He Feng looked at Xia Menglu and saw that she was dressed. He went to open the door and said, "Auntie, what happened?"

"It's nothing. I just want to ask Xiao Feng if he has any taboos. If he doesn't, I'll get him some hand rolled noodles that I'm good at tomorrow morning."

Cheng Huilan inquired.

"Auntie, I'm not afraid. You can do whatever you want." Hefeng road.

"That's good!"

Cheng Huilan seems to be aware of something, sniffed his nose, suddenly suddenly, "that... Xiaofeng, Lulu, I really didn't mean to disturb your good things, I thought Xiaofeng just went upstairs, you shouldn't do that so soon, i... I'll go downstairs now, you continue."

"Er..." Xia Menglu, who was coming, was petrified in an instant.

He Feng also opened his mouth, but he couldn't say a word.

"By the way, Xiao Feng, you are too busy and tired at ordinary times. When you come back from work at night, you have to do this kind of thing with lulu. After a while, I'll ask the kitchen to get some kidney tonic to make you better. Don't be tired out. "

Cheng Huilan said, then turned and left.

Looking at her cheerful steps, she was obviously very happy. She said to herself while walking, "tut Tut, it seems that these two young people are developing very fast. Am I going to be a grandmother soon?"


He Feng silently closes the door and looks at Xia Menglu.

Xia Menglu's face is red enough to drip water. When she does this with He Feng, she is discovered by her mother.

Besides, my mother seems to be very... Happy?!

"Lulu, are you still shy? Your mother is a passer-by. It's normal to find that we are doing that kind of thing. I was also negligent just now. " He Feng said.

"Well, it's all your fault. You tease me as soon as you enter the room."

Xia Menglu snorted, "but my mother is right, you are usually too busy, in addition to waiting on me, you have to wait on sister Yang, Weiwei and yuan. I'm sure you can't bear it. You really should make up for it, or you will be tired sooner or later."

"I'll go. Even if my aunt says that, why do you come to tease me? If I don't teach you a good lesson, I'll let you understand my strength. "

Say, he Feng locks the door, at the same time, the true Qi in the body escapes, wrapping the two completely.

In this way, no matter how big the movement is, people outside can't hear the slightest.

However, they did not come down immediately.

He Feng takes out a broken border pill and asks Xia Menglu to take it. He helps her refine the broken border pill and teaches her the gas refining method during the dark strength period.

Later, he Feng himself began to practice.


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