Outside the Public Security Bureau of Jiangbin City, a middle-aged man is coming out from inside.

This person is one of the directors of Guangming group and is said to be the next chairman of Guangming group, Shen Haitao.

From about noon until now, Shen Haitao has been in the Public Security Bureau and has been interrogated and investigated by special personnel.

As for the reason

Shen Haitao hasn't made it clear yet!

However, when he learned about the death of his son Shen Lang, he knew the general situation.

If there is no accident, it should be that his son has offended some important person. The police will bring him in for interrogation and interrogation, and just beat him. It means that he can understand that don't think about revenge, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

Shen Haitao got on a Mercedes Benz business car without expression, went straight to the funeral home and met his son Shen Lang.

Looking at Shen Lang's bloodless and motionless face, Shen Haitao's body is shaking, and his eyes are filled with endless hatred.

"Did you find out who killed Xiaolang?"

Half an hour later, Shen Haitao just opened his mouth.

A middle-aged man standing behind Shen Haitao bowed and said: "we have already inquired about it. It was a killer who killed Shen Shao. The other side used a sniper gun to blow Shen Shao's head. As far as I know, no one from the police went after him, and the shooter didn't shoot again. The killer's intention is obvious, that is to kill Shen Shao. "


Shen Haitao clenched his fist tightly, his face full of resentment and Tao Tao's intention to kill.

But he was very clear that with his ability, it was impossible to do anything with the police of Jiangbin city.

If he dares to fight against the state machine, Shen Haitao will wait for the end.

With a weak sigh, Shen Haitao walked out of the funeral home, lit a cigarette, took a heavy puff of it, and then continued: "tell me who Xiaolang has offended, and tell me the specific process."

"Yes! The name of the man Shen Shao offended was he Feng. The whole thing started from Jiangbin high-speed railway station. "

The middle-aged man told Shen Haitao everything he had heard.

While listening, Shen Haitao smoked and asked for more details.

Unconsciously, more than ten cigarette ends have been stamped out under his feet.

"He Feng? It seems that Xiaolang was killed by his people. Xiao Hui, I'll transfer 10 million to you in a moment. You'll find a way to get Deng Yuanwu out, and then ask him to go to the ancient martial arts circle for me to find out the details of He Feng. "

Shen Haitao looked at the night sky of Jiangbin city with cold eyes. "I don't care where he Feng is sacred and how great his ability is. Since he killed my son, Shen Haitao will be buried with him even if he has lost all his money."


The next morning, he Feng and Xia Menglu left the room early and came downstairs.

"Xiao Feng and Lulu, why don't you wake up and sleep more?"

As soon as he went downstairs, he Feng saw Cheng Huilan rolling noodles in the restaurant.

"Auntie, we are martial arts practitioners. If we sleep less, we will be energetic."

He Feng walked past and said with a smile.

"That's no good. No matter how energetic you are, it's a great drain of energy to do that."

Cheng Huilan laughed. "Yesterday I had people drive me outside. The market was closed and the supermarket had no money to sell. So I went to the vegetable market early this morning and bought two kidneys. They are in the kitchen refrigerator. You remember to come back for dinner in the evening and I'll stew them for you. "

"Mom, you worry too much. Brother Feng is in good health." Xia Menglu blushed.

"Hum, what do you know as a girl? If you tired my son-in-law, you will not have time to regret it!"

Cheng Huilan hummed a way: "wash gargle, wash gargle of words, quickly to He Feng pour water to drink, don't silly stand."


Xia Menglu wants to cry without tears. She is a daughter, not a daughter-in-law. Can you spoil her a little? At least he was born!

"Lulu, go and help your aunt. I'll pour you water."

He Feng said, is very active to take the kettle to drink.

These things for eating and drinking are all bought by He Feng, not by Xu Tianyin.

Cheng Huilan looks at He Feng and takes the initiative to pour water. She doesn't say anything, but her eyes are very satisfied.

It seems that the prospective son-in-law really loves Lulu, so he can rest assured.

Although Cheng Huilan's cooking skills are not very good, the things she makes have local characteristics. Especially her hand rolled noodles, he Feng has tasted them for the first time. The taste is completely different from what she usually eats.

After dinner, he Feng drives Lexus and takes Xia Menglu to work in Yuncheng group.

After coming to the company, he Feng did not immediately go to the finance department, but came to the chairman's office.

"Dong Dong..."

He Feng knocked on the door.

"Come in, please Wang Xiangyun's voice came.

He Feng opened the door and went in. "Good morning, daughter-in-law. I haven't seen you for two days. I find you are more and more beautiful."

Wang Xiangyun is now tapping the keyboard, to see the person is He Feng, she stopped work, looked at He Feng, "yes, two days did not see, I found that your face is getting thicker and thicker."

"How can you tell a person's thick skin? Why don't you kiss my daughter-in-law? Maybe you'll know how thick my skin is. "

"No, I know how cheeky you are now."

Wang Xiangyun narrowed his eyes and said, "after all, it's the first time I've seen someone who gives his wife's office building to his lover."

"Er... So you mean that? I don't want to save more money for our children in the future? " He Feng sighed and said, "well, you don't know how much it costs for children to study in this society. I can't save money, otherwise our children will have no money to study in the future."

Wang Xiangyun's face suddenly turned black, "what are you talking about? How could I have a baby with you? "

He Feng said with a smile: "Hey, don't get excited. It's just a matter of time before we give birth to a baby. If we don't give birth now, we'll give birth later."

Wang Xiangyun pointed to the door and said, "if you have nothing else to do, get out of here for me!"

"Of course, I don't care about your daughter-in-law. I've come to ask you about your cultivation." He Feng can't just leave.

"Well, I'll tell you when I'm ready to break through the dark force."

Wang Xiangyun snorted coldly, "anyway, I have enough pills now. I don't need your concern for the moment."

"All right then!"

He Feng touched his nose, "can you tell me now, what floor of the company are you going to let the people of Fengyu Chinese network move to? Is that floor cleaned up now? "

"Ha ha, is that why you came to me?"

Wang Xiangyun sneered.

"No, I just asked by the way." He Feng said with a smile.

"The 21st floor, I've made all the arrangements. Go and see for yourself." Wang Xiangyun said, eyes will fall on the computer, lazy to pay attention to He Feng.

"Well, I'll see, daughter-in-law, you are busy first."

He Feng just left the office.

Watching He Feng leave, Wang Xiangyun frowned, "I take the enhanced cell blood and meat test, do you want to tell that rascal? Forget it, anyway, his mind is on his lovers, and my body is normal. It's completely within the data expectation, and there are no uncomfortable symptoms at all. The first batch of test objects are really successful. If I contribute this experiment to the country, and use the platform of Yuncheng group to push the weakened version of the experiment to the market, it will certainly have a great impact. When the time comes, what qualifications does Wang Qing still have to give me advice? At that time, if Wang Qing does not apologize to his mother, I will teach all those who have insulted her. "

Although he thought so, Wang Xiangyun was not worried.

Now she's really addicted to doing this experiment. She doesn't want to do anything else. She just wants to complete the second mutation as soon as possible to upgrade the drug.

Wang Xiangyun clenched his fist, and the blood in his body suddenly surged up.

"My physical strength should be stronger than my strength?"


When he Feng came to the 21st floor, he found that it had been cleaned.

The glass is bright, and the ground, tables and chairs are spotless. Even on the desk, there are hundreds of desktop computers.

"Minister He, are you here?"

At this time, Qin Huai, Vice Minister of personnel, came over from the elevator. "Wang Dong told us to clean this floor and equipped it with a high-end desktop computer. I don't know what else he was dissatisfied with?"

"Wang Xiangyun asked you to do all this?" He Feng asked.

"Of course, Mr. Wang said that minister he's sister's company will move here. We will be equipped with high-end computers, and then we will prepare an apple notebook for everyone."

Qin Huai nodded with a smile and said in surprise: "Minister He, you still have a sister?"

"Well, it's not my sister." He Feng replied casually.

"He Dong is really powerful. He is very influential in Yuncheng group. Even his younger sister has set up a company. I admire him."

Qin Huai's sincere praise.

He Feng helped his elder brother Qin Ying cure the lumbar disc before. He is grateful to him from the bottom of his heart. Even cleaning this floor of the office building is supervised by him. He is afraid that if the people below can't do it well, he Feng won't be happy.

"Ha ha, my sister has a lot of skills. I didn't help her much."

He Feng smiles.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated. It was Ling Weiyu.

"Hello, feather!" He Feng answered the phone directly.

"Brother Xiaofeng, I'm almost finished here. When can I move to Yuncheng group?" Ling Weiyu asked.

"This side is ready. There are more than 100 positions for you. You can come at any time. You don't even need to call a moving company. You don't need to bring things there. Wang Xiangyun has prepared all the desks, chairs and computers for you. " Hefeng road.

"Wow, how nice is my sister-in-law? Then when I get to Yuncheng group, I must thank my sister-in-law face to face. "

Ling Weiyu's surprise.

"Ha ha ha, you can do it yourself." He Feng decided not to care about this kind of thing, "when are you going to come over? Shall I come and help you? "

Ling Weiyu said: "you don't have to come here. I have contacted a moving company. Some things still need to be moved. How can I have a truck. In a moment, I'll ask the people in the moving company to see when they will arrive. It's estimated that it will be soon. "

"Well, I'll wait for you in Yuncheng group. Call me when you arrive, and I'll pick you up on the first floor."

"OK, that's it!"

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