At this time, Ling Weiyu is doing the final cleaning up on Fengyu. There are too many materials in her computer, so she is going to take the computer with her. There is also a work style chair that she specially bought. It's very good for her health, so she has to take it with her.

Not only she, but other employees also have some large objects to move, so ling Weiyu decided to call a truck.

She has already contacted the truck on the Internet. Ling Weiyu called the other party last night and said that she would arrive at 10 o'clock today.

"It's already ten o'clock. Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

Ling Weiyu looked at the time and frowned.

Everyone's things were packed up yesterday, and now there is nothing to do in the company. Are there dozens of people waiting for him here alone?

Ling Weiyu is quite displeased. It's just that you don't arrive ahead of time. It's too shameful to be late.

So, she dialed the other party's mobile phone number directly.


The call was answered quickly.

Ling Weiyu can't help but pick his eyebrows when he hears the voice. The owner of the voice doesn't seem to be the same person who called him yesterday.

"Hello, I remember I contacted Master Zhang yesterday. Is master Zhang in?" Ling Weiyu asked directly.

"Hello, Xiao Zhang. He drank too much yesterday and felt a little uncomfortable. He asked for leave for the company this morning. I drove his car to your company to help him finish your list."

"Oh, all right."

Ling Weiyu has no doubt about him. Now she just wants to move to Yuncheng group as soon as possible, and then enter the working state, "do you know my address here? How long will it take? "

"I've been near your company, but I seem to be going in the wrong direction. You wait a little longer, I'll look for it. "

"In the wrong direction? Where are you now and are there any landmark buildings around? "

"There's a Starbucks!"

"Hingeback, it's all at the back door of our company."

Ling Weiyu was speechless and said, "you can walk 100 meters south from the gate of xingbarker, turn 50 meters west, and then go 30 meters south to our company."

"Er... I'm sorry, miss. I have a poor sense of direction. I can't figure out the southeast and northwest. You'd better wait a little longer."

"Still waiting. Well, you can wait for me at the side of hingeback. I'll go and pick you up, so that you won't go the wrong way."

Ling Weiyu finished, then hung up the phone, and then left the office, ready to pick up in person, anyway, now nothing.

Ten minutes later, Ling Weiyu came to xingbak, took out his mobile phone and was ready to call the other party.

"Hello, is that Miss Ling Weiyu?"

At this time, behind Ling Weiyu came a familiar voice.

Just like the voice on the phone!

Ling Weiyu turned around and saw a middle-aged man in his late fifties standing behind him.


Seeing the visitor, Ling Weiyu was a little surprised. Just now she heard the voice of the other party on the phone. She felt very angry. She guessed that the other party might be 30 or 40 years old, but she didn't expect to look at least 50 years old.

"Hello, I'm ling Weiyu." Ling Weiyu didn't think much and asked, "are you from the moving company I have an appointment with?"


The middle-aged man nodded, pointed to another elder looking man beside him and said, "this is my helper."

Ling Weiyu said: "OK, where is your car? Just drive the truck through. "

The middle-aged man pointed to a direction not far away and said, "the car is parked over there. After a while, please ask Miss Ling to lead the way."

"It should be!"

Ling Weiyu smiles and then follows the middle-aged man to a blue truck in front of him.

However, after walking a few steps, Ling Weiyu's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, she always felt something was wrong.

From the corner of her eyes, she looked at the middle-aged man and the old man beside her. She didn't notice any difference between them. They looked like ordinary people.

Is it because you are worried too much?

Or is it that there have been so many things happening recently that my heart has become more sensitive?

"No! Something's wrong

Suddenly, Ling Weiyu seemed to notice something, and his pupils narrowed slightly. "Although these two people don't look any different, they are no different from ordinary people. But there is something wrong with where they are now. "

Ling Weiyu finally reflected that these two people are on the same road. It is reasonable to say that they should be together.

But now, the two are not only walking on both sides of Ling Weiyu, but also on the front and back, which is equivalent to completely breaking Ling Weiyu's escape path.

"Damn it, I didn't realize before that these two people have too strong control over emotions and breath. Their cultivation has at least reached the peak of dark energy."

Ling Weiyu's heart burst.

She doesn't know the identity of the other party, and now she doesn't need to know that.

She just needs to know that these two strong men seem to want to capture her alive, and they don't want to make too much noise.

"I've never offended anyone. It seems that they should have gone to Xiaofeng. No, I can't fall into their hands. At least... Let brother Xiao Feng know about it earlier and have enough time to prepare. "

Thinking of this, Ling Weiyu quickly made a decision.


The next moment, I saw her feet suddenly stepped on the ground, the body strength burst out, Jiao body shot towards the back.

"Help me!"

Ling Weiyu made a light drink at the same time.

"What? She is also an ancient warrior? And... A master of dark energy? "

Zhang Yichen and Si Beiguang see Ling Weiyu suddenly burst out, full speed escape, deeply shocked.

At the beginning, they only thought Ling Weiyu was an ordinary person, so they didn't take much precautions. They didn't expect that the other party was a master of dark strength.

It's too deep!

"But it's just the beginning of the dark force. She can't escape. Hurry up!"

Zhang Yichen snorted, and his strength also broke out. He rushed to Ling Weiyu like lightning, faster than Ling Weiyu.

Si Beiguang followed closely.

In less than three seconds, Zhang Yichen came behind Ling Weiyu and clapped his hand on his back.

The rapid breaking of the wind, we can see how powerful Zhang Yichen's palm power is.

Look at this, he is ready to directly hurt Ling Weiyu.


But just then, in front of Ling Weiyu, a silver light flashed, and his fierce breath changed Zhang Yichen's face and quickly took back his palm.

Otherwise, the power of this sword is enough to cut off his palm.

"It turns out that someone is secretly protecting you. Unfortunately, the person who protects you is too weak."

Zhang Yichen looks at the young woman who suddenly appears in front of him, a little surprised. This woman is a strong man in the middle of dark strength, and her breath is extremely fierce.

In this woman, he actually felt a breath of danger.

"Mr. Si, let's work together to deal with this man." Zhang Yichen said.

"Good! Do it

Si Beiguang nodded without hesitation, and then the two directly joined hands to launch a fierce attack on the young woman.

Naturally, the young woman is the killer he Feng arranged to protect Ling Weiyu. When it comes to the assassin's ability, this female assassin has successfully assassinated the top strength of dark strength. But if she fights head-on, her strength is comparable to that of dark strength at most.

Now, if she wants to confront two top dark strength players at the same time, she will soon be defeated.

However, looking at Ling Weiyu running away in front of her, she is finally relieved. As long as she successfully protects Ling Weiyu and escapes, her task will be completed.

But soon, the boulder in the woman killer's heart was raised again.

Because, in front of Ling Weiyu, there are two old people.

The two top dark powers!

Seeing the two men who suddenly appeared, the female killer's heart sank completely.

"You, who are you? Why do you want to deal with me? "

Not only the female killer, but also Ling Weiyu.

Looking at the two strong men at the top of the dark force, Ling Weiyu gives up and runs away, stares at them and asks.

"Ha ha, soon you will know why we have to deal with you."

An old man standing in front of her gave a sneer. Then he turned hard and grabbed her shoulder with one hand.

The old man's hand is very fast, and Ling Weiyu feels that he has no chance to escape.

"Go quickly, report the news to brother Xiaofeng, let him be careful."

Ling Weiyu gave up the resistance directly, but turned around and yelled to the female killer who had fallen into the downwind completely.


The female killer answered, and then she was slapped by Zhang Yichen. With the impact of this slap, she quickly broke away from the battle circle, then used her body method, and disappeared in the sight of several people.

"What to do? Are you going after this man? " Zhang Yichen asked darkly.

"Come on, this person's body method is outstanding, we may not catch up with it." Si Beiguang shook his head and said: "I didn't expect that Ling Weiyu was a master of dark strength. Beside her, there was a master who was as powerful as dark strength to protect her. It seems that Ling Weiyu's position in He Feng's heart is quite high. "

"Brother Si, what shall we do now? Is it still as planned? "

Yan Hao grabs Ling Weiyu and comes over. Under his control, Ling Weiyu can't even work.

Si Beiguang took a look at Ling Weiyu, "well, throw away her mobile phone first, and then go to the place that Miss Zhang arranged for us. Brother Yan, have you got all your guys

"Don't worry, I'm ready. As long as he Feng comes, don't say he's just a little dark. Even if he breaks through the master's realm, he will never come back. " Yan Hao's way full of confidence

Hearing this, Ling Weiyu felt a thump in his heart.

These people actually said that even master Huajin would never come back. Although brother Xiaofeng broke through to the real Qi, I'm afraid there would be some danger, right?

At this moment, her heart is full of panic, and she is also full of desire for strength. If she is strong enough, how can she be caught by these people and threaten brother Xiaofeng?!

"That's good. Let's go. Ambush everything and kill He Feng." Si Bei light didn't pay any attention to Ling Weiyu and waved his hand directly.

Yan Hao nods, then finds out Ling Weiyu's mobile phone and destroys it directly. Then he takes Ling Weiyu to a golden cup car and drives away quickly.


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