
About one thousand meters away from the place where Ling Weiyu was arrested, the female killer hid behind a large truck. When she realized that the other party didn't catch up, she stopped running and gasped.

After slightly controlling her own injury, she took out her mobile phone for the first time and dialed He Feng directly.

They these dark strength class killer, is has the He Feng telephone, has the urgent matter to be possible to dial his telephone directly.

"Hello He Feng's voice came from the phone.

"Mr. He, something happened. Miss Ling was taken away." Female killers dare not hide anything.

Opposite the phone, there was a slight silence for a few seconds, and the man's voice was obviously gloomy just now, "repeat what you just said!"

"Ke Deng..."

I don't know why, although he Feng's voice only rings in the phone, but after the female killer hears he Feng's voice, she has a palpitation from her soul.

"Say it He Feng urges a way, the voice is like a sharp blade, stab female killer brain directly.

"Yes, yes

Just now, Miss Ling left the company and went to see two men outside a Starbucks coffee shop near the company. The two men were wearing the clothes of the moving company. However, they are not the people of the moving company, but the top of the dark power, and they are hidden so deeply that I didn't even notice. Later, I don't know why, Miss Ling seemed to notice something unusual on the way to leave with them. Suddenly, she burst out of the dark energy cultivation and fled directly, and asked me to stop them. Although I also succeeded in stopping these two people, but... They still have two accomplices, and Xiuwei, like them, is also the top strength of dark energy. Miss Ling was defeated by them. She was caught on the spot and asked me to run away to tell you

What happened to the other side, the female killer didn't hide anything and told her all.

Then she continued: "Mr. He, the other party's capture of Miss Ling may be to use Miss Ling as bait and lure you to go. Their real goal is you. I think they have already figured out the means to deal with you. If you go there rashly, you may be in danger. Why don't you contact the crocodile boss? "

"No, I'll handle it myself!"

He Feng voice down at the same time, also hang up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone in the mobile phone, the female killer frowned. Unexpectedly, he Feng planned to deal with it by himself. Isn't he afraid to die?

The other side obviously found a way to deal with him!

He didn't even talk about the crocodile boss. Is that a bit arrogant?

"Well, it's his own business. Anyway, I've tried my best. If he really died like this, I can go back to the crocodile boss as soon as possible, so I don't have to be so boring any more. "

The female killer didn't think about it any more. She put away her cell phone and went to find a place to heal.

At this time, on the 21st floor of Yuncheng group, he Feng is sitting alone at the front desk. Before Qinhuai saw he Feng calling Ling Weiyu, he left silently. He Feng is alone on the 21st floor.

Fortunately, Qinhuai is not here, otherwise Qinhuai will shiver with cold.

Because at this time, the temperature on the 21st floor seems to be below zero.

The closer to the front desk, the colder, like an ice cave.

"Four dark strength peak masters, capture feather..."

He Feng narrowed his eyes, and his face looked quite calm. But if he Feng's monkey, Huisheng and others were here, they would know that someone was going to die.

Besides, a lot of people are going to die.

He Feng and anxious to go out to find someone, even Ling Weiyu's phone did not call.

He dare not!

He was worried that a phone call would anger the person who caught Ling Weiyu and hurt him.

"I should have called the crocodile earlier yesterday."

He Feng regret in the heart, but now regret also have no way.

At present, the most important thing is to find Ling Weiyu.

Or, find out who caught Ling Weiyu.

"Pa pa pa pa..."

He Feng opened a computer, and soon intruded into the traffic safety system, trying to find clues through monitoring.

But soon he was disappointed. The other side was very cunning and avoided monitoring most of the time. Even if they occasionally appeared in the monitoring, they would cover their faces with their hats.

"I'm really prepared to come here!"

He Feng has a kind of impulse to smash the computer, and his heart is full of frustration.

He's a mythical strongman in the real atmosphere. Now he's been bullied by some dark people, even his own women are arrested.

What a shame!

"It seems that I should not be too low-key and forbear," He Feng did not continue to investigate, silently facing the computer screen.

But his thoughts were flashing.

Ling Weiyu's capture made him realize three things.

First, the strength of those close to him is still too weak.

Second, he should arrange more powerful killers to protect their safety. At least he should have the highest cultivation of dark energy. In this way, Rao is the one who can resist when he comes.

Third, he Feng's strength is too weak. The outside world thinks that he is the only one who has the ability to fight in the later stage, so naturally he doesn't pay much attention to him. If he Feng's strength in front of the world is Huajin, does he dare to catch Ling Weiyu to threaten him? I'm tired of living!

Originally, he Feng didn't want to show too much strength in front of outsiders. He was afraid that those guwu families would not dare to trouble him, so he couldn't give him money. But he never expected that those who are strong at the top of the dark energy, who are not sure to deal with him, would have the cheek to kidnap the women around him and use the people around him to deal with him.

But also four dark strength peak strong hand in hand!

He obviously underestimated the lower limit of some people's shamelessness.

"This time, it's impossible not to kill! Besides, we can't just kill one or two! "

He Feng takes a deep breath, takes out his mobile phone and dials a Yanjing number.

"Hello Soon, there was an old man's voice on the phone.

It's his grandfather!

"Ling Weiyu, you should know her?" He Feng said directly: "just a few minutes ago, she was kidnapped, the other side is four dark strength peak strong."

The old man paused a little and then asked, "what do you want to do?"

"If there is no accident, they will contact me next, let me go to their ambush place alone, and then kill me. I'll know who they are

"Tell me directly what you want to do!" The old man asked again.

"Well, I'll tell you!"

He Feng nodded and said calmly: "if Xiaoyu is safe, I will only kill them for the time being. But if little feather is hurt, then... I will destroy the power behind them directly, no matter they are women and children or old and young. "

"What did you say? If you kill so many people in the kingdom of China, do you know what kind of disaster it will bring? Even if it's me, it's hard to keep you. "

As soon as the old man heard he Feng's words, he was immediately worried. "Don't be impulsive. I'll send someone to check immediately. I'll see what Gu Wu people with more than dark strength have entered Jiangbin city these two days. I'll contact you as soon as I get news."

"I'm not calling you to ask for your consent, just to let you understand my attitude. Although I want to save my parents, I will not sacrifice the people around me for it. To save my parents, I will think of other ways, but none of the people around me can be hurt. "

He Feng light way: "I He Feng killed how many people abroad, I think you are very clear.". If you don't want me to kill in China, you'd better mobilize the power of your he family to find out those people. Otherwise, when I really want to kill, no one can stop me. "

Finish saying this words, he Feng then hung up the phone directly, the brow tightly wring.

For him, killing some people is nothing, but now he only hopes Ling Weiyu is safe

At the same time, in a courtyard of he's family in Yanjing City, an old man's brow wrinkled as he listened to the busy tone on the phone.

Then he called he Juncong of nanjinshi military region without hesitation, "immediately mobilize all the strength of he's family in Jiangbin City, and in the shortest time, find out the strong people who have entered Jiangbin city in the last seven days."

"Dad, is something wrong?"

He Juncong knew something was wrong when he heard the worried voice of the old man.

He Laodao: "Ling Weiyu, the childhood sweetheart of that smelly boy, was caught by four dark strength peak masters a few minutes ago. I think he Feng is really red eyed. If the girl gets hurt, I'm afraid he will break the sky of our country. "

"I'm afraid it's hard for the four royal families to bear his anger."

"Pay close attention to the investigation and try to find out the results as soon as possible. There is still room for mitigation."

Old he said helplessly: "otherwise, when the time comes, that boy will make trouble in China, and his hiding in China will be hard to hide. Once we let those people in the foreign underground world know, we are afraid that China will have an earthquake. "

"I understand! Then I'll start to mobilize the staff to screen the ticket purchasing situation of various means of transportation, and I'll contact you as soon as I have information. "

After he hung up the phone, he lit a cigarette, picked up a black-and-white photo on his desk and looked at it.

The man in the photo is a young man who looks a little like he Feng, but the rising corners of his lips and eyebrows make him more arrogant and rebellious than he Feng.

"Well, you are worthy of being born. No matter where you go, you have to make trouble to be comfortable."

Remembering some of the past, he sighed, "you were so romantic in those years, but you just got into trouble with the women in that place, did you hurt yourself? If you are still in the he family, with your talent, you must be in the God list now, right

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