The purpose of He Feng's call to he's master is to tell him that he is going to kill, but the main purpose is to hope he can help him find the person who catches Ling Weiyu.

After all, the he family is one of the four royal families in China, and the energy in China is far beyond He Feng's ability.

Maybe he's family can help him find out the identity of several people who caught Ling Weiyu. At that time, he Feng will have a better chance to rescue Ling Weiyu safely.

After all, they have relatives too!

After calling the old man of he family, he Feng enters the process of waiting patiently.

During this period, many people called He Feng. Although he Feng answered the phone, he hung up after two sentences. Now he just wants to find out Ling Weiyu with all his heart.

The wait lasted until two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Doodle, doodle, doodle!"

He Feng's mobile phone vibrated again.

This is a strange call.

"Pa pa pa..." He Feng did not answer the phone for the first time, but quickly entered the number on the computer, then moved the mouse, answered the phone at the same time, and pressed the recording key, "Hello!"

"He Feng, Ling Weiyu is in our hands. If you want her to live, you can come to me alone."

The other party's voice was obviously processed, and it actually sounded like the voice of a child of six or seven years old.

Hearing this sound, he Feng knows that his recording has no effect, but he has tracked the location of the other party through the computer.

It's just that the other party is too far away from him. It's sixty or seventy kilometers. It's in the suburb of Jiangbin City, and it's moving at a speed of sixty kilometers per hour. You can see that it's driving.

"OK, no problem. I can go to you by myself. But, you have to let me listen to Ling Weiyu's voice first, let me make sure she's ok now. "

He Feng's calm way.

"Your woman is in our hands, you are not qualified to bargain with us..."

"No! You are wrong

He Feng interrupted him before he finished saying, "I already know how strong you are. Four of you are strong at the top of dark strength. I have to say that you really wasted a lot of energy in order to kill me. If I go alone this time, I can't come back. However, I love Ling Weiyu very much. She is not only my woman, but also my sister. She grew up with me when I was young. Even if she died, I will go to save her. But I want to save her in good condition. I'm willing to trade my life for her, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to accompany her to the spring. So you have to let me hear her voice and let her talk to me. Otherwise, I'll treat her as dead. Don't contact me. Wait for me to find you. "

He Feng's words are very detailed and the meaning is very clear. The other party obviously didn't expect he Feng to say these words. After a few seconds of silence, the voice continued to ring in the phone, "wake her up!"

A moment later.

"She's awake and wants to say something to her. I'll hang up immediately. Don't delay. Once I find out the crisis, I'll kill your woman for the first time."

Then Ling Weiyu's voice rang out, "brother Xiaofeng..."

He Feng asked eagerly: "little feather, how are you? Have they hurt you? "

"Brother Xiaofeng, I'm ok. They just knocked me out and didn't hurt me. Now it's just a special metal bracelet that binds my hands and feet. "

Ling Weiyu's voice came again, and there was nothing unusual.

Ling Weiyu's sensing ability is very strong. If she has any abnormality in her body, she can definitely sense it, and she won't cheat He Feng.

"Well, you can stay at ease and I'll go and save you." He Feng said, and then asked: "say it, where you set an ambush waiting for me to go?"

"Now you go to Fengyu Chinese net first!"

The other side said that, then hung up the phone directly, did not give he Feng the opportunity to speak at all.

And a red dot on the computer, also instantly disappeared.

"Damn it

He Feng light scolded a, the other side is quite careful, while driving while destroying the phone card, simply do not give he Feng to seize their opportunity.

Moreover, when he Feng checked the ownership of the phone cards, he found that these cards did not have real name authentication.

"Well, I'll see what you can do."

Since nothing can be found, he Feng is too lazy to check, save time.

He left Yuncheng group and drove to Fengyu Chinese net.

Half an hour later, he Feng came to the company.

"He Dong!"

"He Dong, why are you here?"

"He Dong, what about Ling Dong? She went out in the morning and hasn't come back yet. She can't get through. "

As soon as he Feng arrived, the employees who were waiting to move out of here all asked in a hurry.

He Feng calm way: "Ling Dong temporary business, you go back to rest today, or work at home, the company will move tomorrow."

"Ah? I'll move again tomorrow? "

Everyone was puzzled and wanted to ask he Feng a few more questions, but he Feng could answer them now. It was the limit. How could he talk nonsense with them? He went to a quiet corner not far away to wait for the other party to call him.

He knows that the other party can't ambush in Fengyu Chinese. After all, there are too many people around Fengyu Chinese. Once a large-scale public panic is aroused, they can't hold on. Even if he Feng is killed by them, the country will not let them go.

After all, although there are a large number of ancient martial families in the society, it seems that the state does not intend to let too many ordinary people know the existence of ancient martial families, let alone let ordinary people know the terrible destructive power of ancient martial families.

Think about it, if ordinary people know that there are a group of people who can press them to death like ants with one finger, can they calm down?

"Dudu, Dudu..."

Sure enough, he Feng did not wait a few minutes, his mobile phone vibrated.

It was another strange number.

"Hello He Feng pressed the answer button.

"Within 20 minutes, you can get to Tianhao building on Yintai road without any means of transportation."

This time, it sounds like a 15-year-old.

"You're sick, aren't you? Can't you just kill me? " He Feng angrily scolded: "is it interesting to delay time like this?"

"You don't need to take care of this. You just need to cooperate with us." The other side said coldly, "although we won't kill your woman, if you don't meet our requirements, we can still let her suffer. For example, break her finger. "

He Feng took a deep breath, "OK, I'll be there in 20 minutes."

Hang up the phone, he Feng directly opened his legs, also don't say hello to the people of Fengyu Chinese network, ran out in a flash.

See he Feng so anxious to leave, everyone is a face of doubt and worry.

"He Dong, what's the situation? Is there something wrong? "

"Yes, is there something wrong with Dong Ling?"

"Don't talk nonsense. How could something happen to Ling Dong?"

"That's to say, we can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing, and even if Ling Dong has something to do, He Dong will certainly be able to solve it. Anyway, we have to believe He Dong's ability."

For these people's comments, he Feng did not know.

As soon as he left people's sight, he speeded up and headed for Tianhao building on Yintai road.

Tianhao building is not far from Fengyu Chinese network, only five kilometers away. He Feng keeps the same speed as normal people. In less than 20 minutes, he has already run to Tianhao building.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

As soon as he stopped, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

He Feng felt out the mobile phone, and it was a completely strange number.

He Feng doesn't need to think and know that the previous number must have been discarded by the other party. This is another number, and the other party must have changed its position.

This is just in case, otherwise people can use the Internet virtual phone, but these people are very cautious and don't want any accident.

I think the other side is also afraid, dare not leave any clues.

He Feng did not hesitate, directly answered the phone, "Hello!"

"Ha ha, Mr. He ran very fast. He arrived on time. However, I changed the address again. In half an hour, I will go to Beixin square on Shangyi road. "

The other party cold smile, also regardless of He Feng with don't agree, finish saying directly hang up the phone.

"Do you want to consume my strength and mind? Childish... "

He Feng is not angry, if the other side does not toss him, he will worry that the other side will hurt Ling Weiyu.

Now the other party's heart thought tosses him, should have no time to pay attention to Ling Weiyu.

Therefore, he Feng quickly started to run to Beixin square.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

As soon as he arrived at Beixin square, his mobile phone vibrated again.

This time, though, it's not a phone call, it's a text message.

"Within 40 minutes, Tianmen mall!"

The content is concise and more straightforward.

He Feng put away his cell phone and ran again.

In the next few hours, he Feng received nearly ten short messages, all of which asked him to go to the designated place.

He Feng knows that the other party may have set up monitoring in these places, and he is too lazy to look for it. After all, he can't find it in a short time.

And in the process of running, he also deliberately pretended to be more and more tired, hoping to paralyze each other a little bit.

Because at the back, the other side no longer asked him to run like an ordinary man, but gave him instructions according to the speed of the strong man in the later stage of dark force.

For example, let him run 50 kilometers in half an hour

Although the speed of the strong at the top of dark strength is comparable to that of tiger and leopard, it is under the condition of full-scale explosion, and the endurance is not strong.

And let he Feng, who is as strong as "the late dark strength", run 50 kilometers in half an hour, it really has to let him do his best, without reservation.

At seven o'clock in the evening, he Feng, sweating and tired, even a little pale, has already gone to the Yinlong shopping mall and has been waiting for ten minutes, but the other party has not sent him a message.

"Why don't you contact me? Do you want to give me a rest? "

He Feng murmured, eyes staring at the mobile phone, waiting patiently.

"Doodle doodle..." at this time, the mobile phone vibrated.

He Feng looked at the screen, but frowned.

The person calling is not a strange number, but Wang Xiangyun.

This afternoon, Wang Xiangyun made several calls, but he Feng was not in the mood to answer them. He hung up every time.

But the woman seemed to be aware of something and would call him almost every other hour.


This time he Feng didn't hang up and answered the phone directly.

"Why did I call you so many times and hang up?"

As soon as the phone was put through, Wang Xiangyun asked. Although his voice was cold and even discontented, he Feng could feel a trace of women's worry about him.

"Nonsense, brother Feng has been teasing my sister all afternoon. I don't have time to answer the phone. If I hadn't just gone out, I would have hung up again. "

He Feng pretended to be discontented and asked, "what's the matter? If it's OK, don't call me all the time. Just text me. "

"Go to hell with you Wang Xiang angrily scolded, then hung up the phone directly.

"If she knew that someone was really trying to take my life now, I don't know if she would say that." He Feng helplessly shook his head and continued to wait.

At the same time, Xinghui villa.

Wang Xiangyun recently encountered a small bottleneck in her research on the second mutation. She no longer locked herself in the laboratory all day long, forcing herself to do research, as she did at the beginning, but went home to practice.

At this moment, she is sitting on her yoga mat, because she is worried about whether something is wrong with He Feng, so she calls him every other time.

But I don't want to

"Hum, I don't know a good person. I'm too lazy to talk to you. I don't know what's wrong with me. Why do I care about you? Even if you don't provide me with pills in the future, when my research completes the second mutation, I will worry about not making money? Even without you, it won't affect me at all. "

Wang Xiangyun snorted and entered the cultivation state again.

But after a while, she opened her eyes again.

"Damn, why do I think about him all the time? Is there something wrong with me? " Wang Xiangyun was very depressed, and she didn't know what was going on. As soon as she closed her eyes, he Feng appeared in her mind, and she was very worried. "Alas, he told me that he was a great master. What danger could he encounter in this small Jiangbin city? It's obvious that I'm worried too much! "

Thinking about this, Wang Xiangyun tried to cultivate again.

But after absorbing the energy of a pill, she was a little restless.

"Forget it, I don't practice every other night, do I?"

Wang Xiangyun angrily stood up, changed a suit of clothes at will, and went downstairs directly.

"Aunt Zhan, I went to the company!"

"Why go to the company so late?"

"Well, something's up!"

Wang Xiangyun said, people have been out of the villa.

Aunt Zhan in the living room watched Wang Xiangyun leave. She shook her head and sighed, "isn't my uncle very good at making people happy? Why haven't you taken the young lady yet?"


"Dudu, Dudu..."

He Feng didn't wait too long, his mobile phone vibrated again.

"Within 20 minutes, half moon lake central shopping mall." Another text message.

"Half Moon Lake..."

He Feng eyebrows a pick, in the heart faintly guess to what, "here, should be you give me to find the burial place of bone?"

He Feng took a step and ran to Banyue lake.

"Unfortunately, even in this world, I can't bury him. But the place is quiet and elegant. It's really suitable for burying people! "

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