At the moment, in a tall building near Banyue lake, several figures are standing on it.

"Master Yan Hao, it's almost time. That he Feng should be coming soon. Next, please help to stare around in case he Feng brings people here."

It was Zhang Yichen who was talking. At the moment, he was standing in the corridor beside the building, staring at a dark lake in front of him.

Although the light around Banyue lake is weakened, there are street lights around it. These dark masters can see clearly within kilometers.

"Well, I'll watch carefully." Yan Hao nodded, then picked up a telescope and began to observe.

In addition to him, there are several men in black around, also looking around with binoculars.

This is all arranged by Zhang Ziyan!

Zhang Ziyan and Si Yangyun are standing on the side.

"Ziyan, he Feng seems to attach great importance to Ling Weiyu. If he comes alone, he will die today. Even if Xi Zhenxing protects him in secret, he can't be saved. "

Zhang Yichen looks at Zhang Ziyan and says.

"Well!" Zhang Ziyan nodded, didn't say anything, but her eyes were full of strong expectation.

She can't wait to see he Feng killed!

"Dad, can you let that he Feng breathe first? I want to kill him myself Si Yangyun asked.

"Yang Yun, just in case, just kill him." "After all, if we don't seize the opportunity this time, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to have such an opportunity in the future," he said

Si Yangyun was unwilling, but he had no choice. He said darkly, "in that case, I'll mend a few knives on his body for a while."

Si Beiguang frowned and didn't say anything after all.

As long as the son can vent his anger.

Then, Si Yangyun's eyes fell on Ling Weiyu again, with a faint evil light in his eyes.

After waiting for He Feng to die, this woman he also won't let go, at least this evening must have a good enjoyment.

"There are people!"

At this time, not far away came Yan Hao's voice, "He Feng, he appeared, his speed is not fast, his face is a little white, it seems that his strength has been consumed too much."

Hearing this, Zhang Yichen and others picked up their telescopes one after another and looked in the direction Yan Hao was looking at.

"It's true that he Feng's fighting power is half gone."

"No matter how much fighting power he has, we try not to fight him and kill him directly with hot weapons."

"Indeed! If Xi Zhenxing and Nanjin's military appear, there may be accidents. "

After a brief discussion, several people made a unanimous decision.

"OK, I'll call him now and let him go to our ambush." Si Beiguang takes out his mobile phone and dials He Feng.


He Feng's voice, which was obviously full of fatigue and weakness, rang out in everyone's ears, "I have arrived at Banyue lake. The next place is where I want to go. Let's go."

"There's a flower bed 200 meters to your left. You go first." Said Si Beiguang.

This time, the voice was his own real voice, without any cover up.

Of course, when talking, he still stares at He Feng with a telescope and looks at Yan Hao not far away.

Yan Hao has now put down his telescope. What he is holding in his hand is a special sniper gun. The bullets in it are also made of high-grade alloy. They have strong penetration and fast shooting speed. Even the strong masters can't dodge.

Yan Hao is not only a strong man at the top of his dark strength, but also a master gunner.

There are no less than ten people who died under his gun.

"Everybody, get ready. Elder Yichen, you will see the right time and detonate the bomb. Brother Yan, after the bomb explodes, you should pay attention to He Feng. If he is not killed, you need to mend the gun and punch him in the head. "

Si Beiguang holds down his mobile phone and says to Zhang Yichen and Yan Hao.

Zhang Yichen and Yan Hao didn't speak, just nodded and looked cold.

At the moment, all their minds are on He Feng.

Behind them, on a chair, Ling Weiyu was sitting on it, but her hands and feet were tied upside down, and her mouth was stuffed with a piece of cloth. Let alone run away, she couldn't even say a word.

Originally she was quite confident in He Feng, but now she heard what Si Beiguang and others said, and her eyes immediately showed a strong sense of worry.

Although brother Xiaofeng is a mythical strongman, he can fly on the eaves and walk on the wall with strong attack power. But if he is bombed by a bomb, can he still live?

Moreover, the other party just said, after the bomb exploded, if he Feng is still alive, then hit him in the head with a gun!

Even if the myth of the strong, if the head was pierced, I'm afraid there is only one way to die, right?

"Everyone, he Feng is close to the flower bed!"

Si Beiguang's voice rang again. Then he turned on his mobile phone and said, "do you see the crape myrtle in the middle of the flower bed? Go and help me pick the crape myrtle

"All right!" He Feng replied, without the slightest sense of vigilance.

And in their attention, he Feng step by step toward the flower bed in the past, did not deliberately slow down.

At this time, with a sniper gun aimed at He Feng Yan Hao suddenly said: "how do I feel a little bit wrong? Just now that he Feng seems to have intentionally or unintentionally glanced at us. Should we change our position first? "

"Brother Yan, you think too much."

Zhang Yichen said faintly: "besides, he has entered our ambush circle now. What else do we have to worry about? You can watch it later. I buried it there, but the high explosive bomb, even the strong master, will be killed. I don't even need you to shoot. He Feng will be blown to pieces. "

"Well, now we have nothing to worry about. He Feng has no choice but to die. As soon as he died, we immediately ran away from Jiangbin city. No one would know that we did it, and Xi Zhenxing couldn't trouble us. "

Si Beiguang nodded in agreement.

"He's already picking crape myrtle! Everybody, keep your eyes on me. I've set off the bomb. "

Zhang Yichen said with a remote control in his hand.

Yan Hao, Zhang Yifei, Zhang Ziyan, Si Yangyun and others, holding the telescope, did not dare to blink their eyes, staring at He Feng tightly.

Around Banyue lake, there was silence, only occasionally a car passed by.

Not a single tourist!


The next moment, a violent explosion rang out.

The fire is burning!

The sound shocked all fields.

The whole garden was enveloped directly by the raging fire.

The faces of Zhang Yichen and others were both excited and nervous.

"It's really cheap, he Feng. I don't know if there will be a complete body in a moment. I don't even have the chance to mend the gun, do I?" Si Yangyun said.

"Are you going to die at last?"

Zhang Ziyan clenched her fist and said, "brother Yan, I've finally avenged you. If you have knowledge under the spring, you can close your eyes. "

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Ling Weiyu struggled violently. Originally, she was just worried, but now when she heard the violent explosion, she was completely panicked.

She's scared!

I'm afraid brother Xiaofeng will be buried in the sea of fire.

"Have you seen anyone? Who has seen he Feng? "

Two minutes later, Zhang Yichen asked anxiously.

"Come on, light up the garden and all around." Si Beiguang took out a walkie talkie and gave the order.

With his order, in a building not far away from them, two strong lights suddenly lit up, shining towards the flower bed.

Originally, it was just a flower bed with dim light, which was as bright as day.

"See, I see a figure, it should be He Feng."

"Yes, it's he Feng. There's no movement on him. It looks like he was killed."

"Tut Tut, I'm so lucky that it didn't blow up directly."

"Brother Yan, blow his head with your sniper. Once his head is broken, he Feng will surely die. "

Yan Hao is now carrying a sniper gun, aiming at He Feng.

But after a while, he frowned and said, "no, he Feng's head is just blocked by his body. I can't aim at it at all, unless I change my position."

"It's too troublesome to change the position. It's estimated that the police will arrive here in less than ten minutes. We have to evacuate ahead of time."

"I'll just shoot him in the heart. My bullet is powerful. If I shoot him in the heart, I can easily shoot him through the heart."

"I can even shoot a few more shots and cut his body in two," Yan said

"Ha ha, this is OK. Then you can shoot quickly. The body has been beaten into two parts, and he will die as well. " Si Bei said with a smile.


Yan Hao nodded and pulled the trigger directly.


The sniper gun rings fiercely, the sound is like thunder, unusually loud.

"The center is dirty!" Yan Hao said: "He Feng is absolutely dead!"

"I've seen that he Feng has made a hole in his back. No wonder you said he could cut his body in two. Tut Tut, the power of this gun is really huge. Even if the great master is hit, I'm afraid there's only one way to die. " Zhang Yichen exclaimed.

"Unfortunately, the master's perception is too strong, it's not so easy to hit." Yan Hao shook his head.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Behind them, Ling Weiyu struggled fiercely, tears rolling down.

Unfortunately, Si Beiguang, Yan Hao and others didn't pay attention to him at all.

Yan Hao, in particular, has continued to open "elder Yichen, how about we take them there? Even if Xi Zhenxing is lying in ambush, we can cope with it. "

Si Beiguang thought about it and asked Zhang Yichen.

Zhang Yichen nodded, "no problem, take a few more shooters by the way, so as not to have people from Nanjin military region besides Xi Zhenxing."

Si Beiguang said: "OK, let's go! Brother Yan and elder Yifei, wait here first. We'll be back in a minute. Then we'll retreat. "

Yan Hao said, "OK, I'll stare around here. If there's an accident, I'll remind you."

"Well, thank you very much."

Si Beiguang and others went straight down the stairs and ran in the direction of He Feng.

Yan Hao, Zhang Yifei and the remaining four men in black are staring around with binoculars.

As for He Feng, Yan Hao didn't care so much.

He just fired a dozen shots on He Feng's body, and these bullets all penetrated He Feng's body.

Yan Hao clearly see, he Feng's back is full of fist size blood hole, Mori white bones can see clearly.

Even master Huajin, I'm afraid there's no possibility of survival, right? What's more, he Feng is such a dark master?

But they didn't notice that in a building not far away from them, a man in black, who was in charge of driving a strong light, was falling into a pool of blood in despair

"Even if you want to accept your master's life, I don't know if you are ready to go to hell to see the king of hell..."

A figure, with a cold face, rushes towards the building where Yan Hao and others are.

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