At the same time, Zhang Yichen and Si Beiguang had brought Zhang Ziyan and Si Yangyun, as well as four armed men in black, to the explosion area.

The flower garden with an area of more than 100 square meters has been blown to pieces. The edge of the flower garden is full of mud and broken flowers. It's extremely embarrassed.

In the middle, there was a huge pit with a depth of one meter. We can see how powerful the explosion was just now.

At this time, beside the huge pit, lay a figure covered with blood all over the body, motionless, as if he Feng had no life.

He Feng's head is covered with mud. There is a fist sized blood hole on his vest. There are more than ten blood holes on his back, arms, hips and legs.

Blood gushed out of his body like money

"He Feng is dead. I can't feel his breath any more." Zhang Yichen stares at He Feng's back and says.

"All hurt to this degree, even the master will die, let alone He Feng." The division prepares light light light light way.

"Well, it's really cheap for him!"

Si Yangyun takes out his pistol and walks to He Feng.

Obviously, he wants to mend the gun on He Feng's head.

Zhang Ziyan's hand, I don't know when there is a dagger, pretty face cold behind, ready to use this dagger to cut off He Feng's head.

Si Beiguang and others did not say anything when they saw this. They watched behind.


Si Yangyun comes to He Feng and looks down at him. Then he opens the pistol insurance and pulls the trigger directly.


The gunfire rang out.

The bullet flew out.

As if the next moment is about to sink into the back of He Feng's head.

"Hoo Hoo

But at this time, a short burst of wind suddenly rang up, and immediately a palm appeared in front of Si Yangyun.

Bullet, not into He Feng's head, but by two slender fingers to clip.


The whole person of Si Yangyun was completely shocked. He looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, like seeing the ghost.

Don't you mean people are dead?

What's the point?

"No! Yang Yun, back up

"Brother Si, what's the matter? Is He Feng alive? " Zhang Yichen stood behind, did not see the situation, he only saw he Feng's arm seemed to lift up.

"How can it be? He Feng has been beaten like that. How can he not be dead? " Zhang Ziyan doesn't want to believe it.

"It's not dead. Look at his fingers. He seems to have... Caught a bullet!" Si Beiguang's tone is heavy.

"Clip the bullet?"

Zhang Yichen and others quickly looked at He Feng's finger, then found that he Feng's finger really had a bullet in it.

"He, how did he do it?" Zhang Yichen exclaimed, "isn't he already dead?"

"Not dead! He Feng is not dead. He moves and his body moves again. "

Si Beiguang stares at He Feng and orders several men in black behind him, "shoot, shoot and kill him. Shoot in the head, quick... "

Smell speech, that four shooters, immediately take the pistol to walk forward, prepare to shoot to He Feng.


At this time, he Feng, who was lying in the pool of blood, shook his hands fiercely.

Later, he Feng was covered with a dozen fists and big blood holes, as if he had been beaten into two parts of his body, and slowly stood up.

Blood, from the face to the body, and then to the feet

Like a shower of blood on the ground.

No matter the four shooters, or Zhang Yichen and others, they were shocked on the spot and lost consciousness for a long time.

Is this a human or a ghost?

"Shoot... Shoot!"

It was the first time that Si Beiguang came back. He pointed to He Feng and almost roared.

The four Gunners immediately responded, raised their arms one after another and pulled the trigger on He Feng.

"Bang, bang, Bang..."

A series of gunshots, one after another, dozens of bullets, like a huge net, toward He Feng shrouded in the past.

"Hoo Hoo

He Feng didn't dodge either. He waved his hands casually. None of the dozens of bullets could hit his body.


Then, he Feng's two hands swing toward the front.

The wind broke.

It's like there's a bullet coming out.

"Pooh! Poof! Poof! Poof

Standing in front of the four shooters, the key parts of the body, suddenly appeared a blood hole, and then fell in the pool of blood.


"How could it be?"

"He, isn't he dead? How can you come back to life? "

"Besides, how could he Feng be so powerful? He seemed to have caught the bullet just now? Is he a great master? "

Zhang Yichen and others all took a cool breath. They couldn't believe this scene.

In particular, Si Yangyun and Zhang Ziyan's eyes widened. Their eyes were shocked and hated.

"Is the master so strong?" There was a bad feeling in Si Beiguang's heart.

At this moment, several people seem to have lost their mind, even forget to escape, looking at He Feng in a daze.

Under their gaze, he Feng wiped the blood and mud on his face, and then showed his white teeth, "Zhang Ziyan and Si Yangyun, it turns out that you two are dealing with me. I'm so brave. I don't have the confidence to deal with him Feng. She's the woman who caught me. "

"He Feng, you've been shot so many times, you've got gunshot wounds, and you're still in the center of the bomb explosion. How can you not be dead?"

Zhang Yichen did not answer he Feng's words, but looked at He Feng with burning eyes, "quick, do you have any healing medicine on your body, which can make people never die no matter how seriously injured?"

"Elder Yichen, don't worry about it now. Let's go back first. He Feng is a little strange. Can't you see that he just caught a bullet? "

Si Beiguang said in a low voice: "I suspect He Feng doesn't have the holy medicine for healing, but... His strength is too strong. He may have reached the master. Let's withdraw quickly!"


Zhang Yichen's heart beat violently.

Although he didn't dare to believe what Si Beiguang said, he didn't dare to stay any longer at the thought of He Feng receiving bullets empty handed.

"All right, let's go!" Zhang Yichen grabs Zhang Ziyan, who is unwilling to leave.

"Brother Yan, shoot and cover us!"

Si Beiguang took out his walkie talkie and said.


However, there was no echo in the walkie talkie.

"Brother Yan, do you hear me?" Si Beiguang picked up the walkie talkie and asked.

This time, a voice came out of the walkie talkie, "master, several people here have all been solved, and the mother has been saved safely."

Then, Ling Weiyu's voice with crying voice in his eagerness came, "brother Xiaofeng, I'm ok. Are you... Are you ok?"

"Don't worry, I'm ok!"

He Feng replied.

"Well, I'll come to you now."

Ling Weiyu said.

But Si Beiguang heard these two voices, already completely stunned, "how, how possible? Brother Yan and elder Yifei... "

"They're dead. It's your turn!" He Feng light voice rings out, "say, next how do you want to die?"


Si Beiguang secretly swallowed saliva, this time he looked at He Feng's eyes, completely different.

"Dad, he Feng, what's his strength?" Si Yangyun frowned and asked.

"I don't know!" Si Beiguang shook his head.

He also wants to know what level he Feng's strength has reached, why he hasn't died after being injured like this, and why he can receive bullets empty handed.

Moreover, Yan Hao and Zhang Yifei are both strong at the top of the dark force, and there are four powerful Gunners beside them. However, they were killed in silence, and they can't even send a message. It can be seen that the other side is very likely to be a master.

Just now, the strong man, who was suspected to be a great master, called He Feng "master.".

"Since you don't answer me, I'll take your life directly to save wasting time here."

Opposite them, he Feng came step by step towards them.

He Feng body of those wounds, now there is no drop of fresh blood.

"Dad, look at He Feng's wound..."

At this time, Si Yangyun seemed to find something incredible, pointed to He Feng's face and screamed.


Si Beiguang and Zhang Yichen subconsciously look at He Feng's face, and then they find that the wound on He Feng's face is healing slowly with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only on his face, but also on other parts of his body, the wound is slowly healing.

According to this speed, up to an hour, he Feng's wound will heal.

"The wound healed automatically. He... How did he do it?"

Si Beiguang looked at Zhang Yichen and said, "brother Zhang, master Huajin once appeared in your Zhang family. Can master Huajin's wound heal automatically?"

Zhang Yichen shook his head and said: "master Huajin has already begun to refine his flesh, muscles and viscera with energy. His body is strong, but it is not much better than us. If there is a wound on his body, it can never heal so fast."

"Is He Feng taking any high-level elixir or elixir?"

"There's another possibility!"

Chapter one dust coagulates a voice way: "myth strong person, wound can heal automatically."

"Myth? How could he be a mythical strongman? He's only twenty-six

However, as soon as he retired, he found that his body seemed to be imprisoned by an invisible powerful force and could not move at all.

"What power is this? I can't move! " The sound of Si Beiguang's panic rang out.

Zhang Yichen seemed to think of something, and suddenly screamed, "this is... The power of heaven and earth, what imprisons us is the power of this heaven and earth."

"The power of heaven and earth?"

Si Beiguang didn't react for a moment. He was stunned for two seconds before he thought of something incredible. "Do you mean the power of heaven and earth that can only be mastered by a strong myth? He, he's a mythical strongman? "

"Except myth, no one can master the power of heaven and earth!" Zhang Yichen's voice is full of fear.


Si Beiguang was also shocked.

"Is He Feng a mythical strongman? How is that possible? " Zhang Ziyan kept shaking her head.

"Is he a myth? I don't believe it Si Yangyun also shook his head and his face was full of disbelief.

Then, he raised his hand again, aimed at He Feng, and wanted to pull the trigger.


He Feng raised his hand and slapped Si Yangyun in the air.



The dull sound sounded, followed by the sound of bone fracture, like firecrackers.

Si Yangyun's action stopped immediately, the light in his eyes dissipated, and then he fell on the ground powerlessly, without breath!

"Dead?" Zhang Ziyan opened her mouth.

"Is this the mythical means?" Zhang Yichen felt that his breathing was about to stop.


Seeing his son Si Yangyun die in front of him, Si Beiguang's inner subconscious rose with a trace of anger.

However, the anger was soon drowned out by a stronger fear.

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