
After confirming that he Feng was a mythical strongman, Zhang Yichen didn't hesitate. With his legs bent, he knelt down on the ground and lowered his head. "Dear Mr. He, I didn't mean to bump into you. Please forgive me!"

When he spoke, Zhang Yichen's body was shaking, and it was obvious that he was extremely scared.

"Elder Yichen!" Zhang Ziyan's face changed slightly.

However, without looking at her, Zhang Yichen still lowered his head, just raised his hand, pointed to Zhang Ziyan and said, "my Lord, I was deceived and encouraged by her, and then I collided with him. My Lord, if her life can calm your anger, I will help you to kill her now, so as not to dirty your hands. "

When Zhang Ziyan heard the speech, she looked very ugly.

Zhang Yichen wants to kill her in order to survive?

Didn't he know that he was going to marry into the high ancient martial family?

Is he not afraid of the Revenge of gaoguwu family?


While Zhang Ziyan was shocked, Si Beiguang beside her also knelt down on the ground, "Mr. He, please forgive me!"

At this time, Si Beiguang is extremely resentful to He Feng, but now he dare not show his resentment.

Si Beiguang has never seen the mythical strongman, but he knows the power of the mythical strongman very well. He just slapped him casually. Si Yangyun didn't even shout, so he broke his whole body and died?

Si Beiguang didn't want to die. Compared with his 150 year old life, he was still very young.

He wants to live!

As long as he can live, he will not revenge or even think about the Revenge of killing his son.


Zhang Ziyan opened her mouth wide.

These two dark strength peak masters, don't you want any face?

"What's behind you?"

He Feng's eyes swept over the two people and asked without expression.

"I'm... I'm from my family in JIANGCHANG province!" Si Beiguang said weakly.

"I come from Zhang's family in cicada forest province!" Zhang Yichen said.

"Si family, Zhang family..."

He Feng nodded, "I will destroy these two families!"

"My Lord!"

Si Beiguang and Zhang Yichen's eyes widened.

"Damn, what can I do now? He Feng is a myth. Our Zhang family is in danger! " Zhang Yichen's eyes are full of reluctance.

"If I had known he Feng was a mythical strongman, even if the beast of Si Yangyun was killed, I would not have asked." Si Beiguang also regretted it.

"Why? Why is he so powerful? "

Zhang Ziyan also saw the situation in front of her. She kept shaking her head. She didn't want to accept all this. She couldn't understand, "he's a loser. Why did he suddenly become a myth strong man?"

At this time, he Feng has raised his hand, ready to beat Si Beiguang and others to death.

As for why the Si family and the Zhang family came to deal with him, he didn't bother to ask more questions. Anyway, both sides had been enemies for a long time.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, the mobile phone in Zhang Yichen's pocket suddenly rings.

He Feng palm tiny meal, thought a way: "answer the phone!"

In case the other party has an accomplice, such as other families, he Feng doesn't mind killing them together.

Even if the other party is a high ancient martial family!

"Good, good!" Zhang Yichen quickly took out his mobile phone, pressed the answer button, and very wisely pressed the hands-free button.

"Zhang Yichen of Zhang family, isn't he?"

There was a rather old voice on the phone, "did you join hands with the family members and catch a woman named Ling Weiyu?"

He Feng heard the voice, immediately know who the other party is, but he did not say anything.

"Who are you?" Zhang Yichen frowned and asked, he caught Ling Weiyu thing, but did not leak to outsiders know, even inside the Zhang family, do not know he did it.

The old man said faintly, "have you heard of the he family in Yanjing? I am the contemporary owner of the he family. I don't care whether you believe it or not, but what I want to tell you now is that once Ling Weiyu is hurt at all. Not only you, but also the whole Zhang family behind you will be destroyed. No one can keep you

"He Jia? "Contemporary home owners?"

Chapter one dust stares big eye bead son, a face has no blood color, subconsciously raised head to see to He Feng.

He Feng is also surnamed he, and now the owner of he's family calls him in person because of He Feng.

That he Feng's identity, still need to say more?

"It's no wonder that he was able to achieve the myth at such a young age. He turned out to be the peerless genius of the royal family he family!" Si Beiguang suddenly said.

"Royal family he family..." Zhang Ziyan bit her lip, a trace of blood dripping down, and her eyes were full of unwilling color.

He Feng is clearly a loser. Why did he suddenly become a member of the Royal he family? And a genius, a legend.

How could they provoke such a big man?

"I'm already dealing with things here, so I don't need the he family to intervene."

He Feng's indifferent voice rings out, quite a little displeased.

I didn't expect that it took so long for the he family to find out the Zhang family, which made he Feng dissatisfied.

"Well? Little Maple The old man heard he Feng's voice, "I turned off your mobile phone. Are you ok? And your little girlfriend, isn't she hurt? "

"We're fine!" He Feng replied.

"Zhang family and Si family, do you really decide to kill them yourself? At that time, if your hands and feet are not clean, it may attract the attention of other royal families and relevant departments. When the time comes, your identity will be revealed. I'm afraid it will cause you some trouble. " The old man said.

"Trouble is trouble, but Zhang family and Si family, I will kill them myself." He Feng's tone is firm.


The old man didn't say much, "if you need any help, please contact me directly."

Hang up the phone, he Feng's eyes fall on Zhang Yichen and Si Beiguang again.

Without any emotion!


Aware of He Feng's eyes, Si Beiguang doesn't have any hesitation. He suddenly stands up straight, and his whole body is full of strength. He retreats quickly.

Not only him, but also Zhang Yichen

Two people that rush of body, slightly dun dun, stuffy hum a, the facial expression unexpectedly is some pale.


Subsequently, he Feng volleys to two people one palm pats.



The cry of despair came from the two people.

However, he Feng didn't pay attention to them at all. With a dull voice, their scream stopped suddenly, and then fell to the ground.

"Zhang Ziyan, you are brave enough to take people to arrest my woman in order to deal with me." He Feng looks at Zhang Ziyan and says in a cold voice.

Zhang Ziyan sneered, "we can't deal with you when we catch your woman. If we don't catch your woman, what's the difference between going to deal with you and looking for death? He Feng, today's thing is my fault, I should not take people to catch your woman in order to avenge brother Yan, but I will pay the price of my life for it. But I hope you can let the Zhang family go, OK? "

"If you don't touch the people around me, no matter how you deal with me, I won't pay attention to the Zhang family behind you. But now... "

He Feng didn't pay attention to the reason why she dealt with herself, and directly raised her hand, "it's your impulse that has brought disaster to the Zhang family. In the next life, no matter what you do, shine your eyes first. "

Voice down, a palm down.


Zhang Ziyan's delicate body trembled fiercely and fell back.

However, there was no fear in her eyes, just a little regret.

But on the corner of her mouth, she was still smiling, "brother Yan, I went to find you! I'm sorry I didn't get revenge for you! "

Looking at several corpses on the ground, he Feng's face is expressionless, but his eyes are slightly narrowed, "Zhang family, Si family, moved my He Feng's relatives, if I don't kill you, I'm afraid others will think I'm a bully. I will take you the survival of these two families to warn the world, I He Feng's scale, no one can touch. Those who touch it die

"Dong Dong..."

At this time, the two figures are running towards this side, which are Yang Qi and Ling Weiyu.

"Brother Xiaofeng, why are you so hurt? How are you doing? Will you be ok? "

Ling Weiyu saw that he Feng had been completely dyed into a bloody man. His pretty face was full of fear and worry. He even didn't dare to move him. He asked in a trembling voice: "don't you say you are a mythical strongman? Why can't you even hide bombs or bullets? Besides, didn't you say you were invulnerable? But now... "

He Feng did not speak, Yang Qi explained, "mother, the master is afraid of exposure, cause each other dike, hurt you, so deliberately let yourself hurt, paralyze each other, so that you can have a greater probability of success to save you."

"Because of me?"

Ling Weiyu opened his mouth and his eyes were full of apologies. "I'm sorry, brother Xiaofeng. I was too careless to hurt you so badly. I..."

"Well, feather, what do you say?" He Feng glared at Yang Qi, "Yang Qi said well, but my injury is not as serious as you think. If you don't believe me, look, those bullets were blocked by my muscles and bones. They didn't hurt the key parts at all. They just looked miserable on the surface. "


Ling Weiyu stares at He Feng's body.

She is super sensitive, and soon she clearly realizes that he Feng's wound is really healing at the speed visible to the naked eye. Ling Weiyu is a little relieved.

"Well, do you feel it? When I get back, I'll force out the bullets one by one. Just now, in order to resist the bombs and bullets, I've consumed a bit of Qi. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Well! If it doesn't work, let's go to the hospital and let the doctor take out the bullet so that the wound won't get inflamed. " Ling Weiyu is still worried.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Just then, a sound of siren came from far and near.

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