Yang Qi asked, "master, the police are coming. Shall we leave first?"

He Feng thought about it and shook his head: "no! Today, there are so many people dead here, and there are also the strong men of the middle guwu family. If we leave directly, they will definitely let the Dragon teeth of the kingdom of China enter Jiangbin city to investigate this matter. It's very likely that they will still investigate us. It's better to solve this matter today. "


Yang Qi didn't ask much and nodded respectfully.

"Feather, please use your cell phone and I'll make a call." He Feng said.

His mobile phone was damaged in the explosion just now, and it can't be used any more.

Ling Weiyu gives his mobile phone to He Feng, who dials he Juncong directly.

"Hello He Juncong's voice soon came.

"Old man he should have told you about my situation?" He Feng also didn't shout four uncles, direct ask a way.

"Old man he..."

He Juncong is very helpless way: "I say small maple, you don't shout we also just, to your grandfather also can't polite point?"

"Wait till my parents are rescued!" He Feng said impatiently.

Before fully confirming why his parents abandoned him, he Feng would not call any of his family's elders.

What if they just dislike themselves and deliberately abandon themselves, and now they see themselves as a myth, they make up a story to deceive themselves back?

"All right!"

He Juncong didn't insist either, saying: "I've already called the director of Jiangbin Public Security Bureau in person, and he knows what to do. However, if you go to destroy Zhang's family and Si's family, you'll get the attention of Long Ya. I'm afraid it will bring you trouble. "

He Feng indifferent way: "trouble is trouble, but the Zhang family and the division of the two families, I destroyed."

"If so, I have to remind you of one thing. Behind the Zhang family, there is another force that you should pay attention to. Once you destroy the Zhang family, they are afraid that they will trouble you. "

Speaking of this, he Juncong said, "no, it should be that after you kill a woman named Zhang Ziyan, they will come to you for trouble."

"Zhang Ziyan? Isn't she just an ordinary woman? What's the trouble? "

"She is really just an ordinary woman, but she gave birth to a good skin bag, which is favored by Lin langtian, a gifted child of the Lin family of Gaogu Wu aristocratic family in cicada forest Province, and wants to marry her."

He Juncong said: "as far as I know, Zhang Ziyan decided to marry Lin langtian when she suddenly returned to Zhang's house a few days ago. The Lin family also gave the Zhang family a dowry. The wedding was supposed to be held at the end of the year. As a result, Zhang Ziyan's status in the Zhang family has soared. Even the Lin family, because of Lin langtian, attaches great importance to her and treats her as the young lady of the Lin family. Now that you have killed Zhang Ziyan and destroyed the Zhang family, the Lin family will never stand by. "

"High ancient martial family?"

He Feng frowned, "is it different from the middle guwu family? If the Lin family doesn't stand by, I will destroy them together. Anyway, they've destroyed two ancient martial families, and they don't care about one more. "


He Juncong didn't have a good way: "do you think the high guwu family and the medium guwu family are the same concept? There are great masters of Huajin in the high ancient martial families, and each of them is the focus of the state. Besides, the Lin family has not only one Huajin master, but also three. Among the three high ancient martial families in Chanlin Province, the Lin family ranks first. "

Hearing this, he Feng could not help but keep silent.

It seems that the heart gave birth to a sense of fear.

"Well, I'll try not to destroy the Lin family."

After a while, he Feng just replied, "the police have come, I hang up first."

Finish saying, he Feng is also lazy to continue to chat with he Juncong, directly hang up the phone, return the mobile phone to Ling Weiyu.

At this time, a group of police also gathered around, one by one armed with guns and shields.

"Alert! Pay attention to safety. Within a radius of 200 meters, ordinary people are not allowed to come near. "

Zhao Enlai, the director of the Public Security Bureau, was the leader of the police.

Besides Zhao Enlai, Tang Wen and Chu Yue also came.

"Mr. He, what's the matter with you? How could you get such a serious injury? You... You won't have anything to do with it? "

Chu Yue, who is usually careless, is also flustered now. Seeing that he Feng is covered with various injuries, her tears are flowing down.

Even Tang Wen is dignified, worried about looking at He Feng.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Let's go to the hospital and take out the bullets and shrapnel for me first. " He Feng said with a smile: "as for other things, let little feather talk to you slowly for a while."

"Yes, to the hospital. Doctor, bring the stretcher. Come on Chu Yue yells.

Soon, several doctors came carrying stretchers.

He Feng was going to get on the ambulance, but in Chu Yue's insistence, he had to lie on the stretcher.

If people in the underground world saw this scene, they would be shocked. The grand underground king, the strong man on the tianbang, would lie on the stretcher.

What's more, the people who brought him such injuries were just the cultivation of dark energy.

Half moon lake things, he Feng did not pay attention to, but Zhao Enlai personally stayed, with a group of special police to deal with the scene.

After arriving at the hospital, he Feng was pushed into the emergency room for bomb removal, while Ling Weiyu and others were waiting outside.

"Yueyue, I'm sorry. Because of my business, brother Xiaofeng has been hurt so badly."

Ling Weiyu stands beside Chu Yue and apologizes.

Just now, she has said all the things that happened today.

"Feather, it's not your fault, it's only those who catch you. Hum, they are really despicable. They know they can't deal with He Feng. They even catch you as bait to lure him into their ambush circle. Fortunately, he Feng's cultivation is powerful, otherwise the consequences are really unimaginable. "

Chu Yue shook her head and didn't blame Ling Weiyu: "I just don't know how long it will take for him to get better."

On one side, Tang Wen said curiously: "Yueyue, he Feng's accomplishments are very strong?"

She just saw that he Feng had been shot at least ten times, and even had shrapnel from the bomb.

Judging from the gunshot wound, it should be from a large caliber sniper gun.

It is reasonable to say that if you are shot with this kind of gun, the injury must be extremely serious, let alone more than ten shots?

Can see he Feng's appearance, have no the appearance of the injury is too heavy.

But Chu Yue just said that it was because he Feng's cultivation was powerful.

This has to make Tang Wen doubt how strong He Feng's cultivation is.

"Well, sister Wenwen, I can't tell you about He Feng's accomplishments for the moment. Anyway, all you need to know is that he can make your cultivation reach the peak of dark strength in a year. " Chu Yue said.

"Never mind!"

Tang Wen rolled a white eye, lazy to ask more, but in the heart He Feng is not very worried.

"Step on, step on, step on..."

At this time, Tang Wen suddenly heard a burst of rapid and clear footsteps, subconsciously looked toward the elevator entrance, and then saw a beautiful shadow, walking quickly towards this side.

"Well? Who told Wang Xiangyun about He Feng? " Tang Wen asked.

"I sent a message to sister Yun, but... Sister Wenwen, don't say that he Feng's injury is not serious for a while, otherwise my message will be white hair." Chu Yue said hastily.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't ask, just remember what I said."

Chu Yue didn't explain too much, and went straight to Wang Xiangyun.

Although Tang Wen still has some doubts, she doesn't ask any more. As for Ling Weiyu, she soon understands the meaning of Chu Yue.

"Yueyue, where is He Feng? How is he now? "

Wang Xiangyun saw Chu Yue and asked anxiously. A pretty face that was not surprised when something happened was full of worry.

About 20 minutes ago, Wang Xiangyun, who is working in the company, received a short message from Chu Yue. The content is very simple: General Hospital of Jiangbin military region, emergency room, he Feng is seriously injured and in danger. Come quickly.

At the moment of seeing the information, Wang Xiangyun obviously felt that his brain was in a daze, and he was a little unsteady.

For more than 20 minutes, she didn't know how she drove to the hospital, how many traffic lights she ran, and how many trucks honked their horns at her.

She only knew that she wanted to see he Feng earlier and the smelly man who played a hooligan in front of her.

It's better for that smelly man to play a hooligan on her again.

"Sister Yun, he Feng, he... He is in the emergency room now, and the doctor is rescuing him."

Chu Yue's tears rolled down again, and her eyes turned red.


Wang Xiangyun's delicate body faltered and almost carried it back.

"Sister in law, are you ok?" Ling Weiyu rushed forward and helped Wang Xiangyun.

This is the first time that Wang Xiangyun sees Ling Weiyu, but she is not in the mood to chat with Ling Weiyu. She holds Chu Yue's arm and asks, "rescue? What's going on? What's going on? You told me he Feng was seriously injured. What did he suffer? Isn't he the great master of Huajin? How can he get hurt so easily? Who can hurt him in Jiangbin city? "

"Master Hua Jin?"

Chu month heart move, originally cloud elder sister still don't know he Feng is a myth legend.

It's better to do so, and it's harder to detect your own lies.

"It's like this, sister Yun. Today, there are four strong men who want to deal with He Feng, but they are afraid he Feng is too strong, so they grab the feather first, use the feather as bait, dig the trap and let he Feng go. He Feng certainly won't go, so he fell into the other party's ambush circle. First, he was seriously injured by the high explosive bomb, and then the other party shot him with a special large caliber sniper gun, leaving more than a dozen sniper gun bullets on him. If it wasn't for his strong cultivation and hard bones, I'm afraid he would be killed on the spot. "

Chu Yue pointed to the emergency room and cried and said: "Rao is so. He is also in a coma due to excessive blood loss, serious injury, and weak breath. The doctor said that he has a chance to survive..."

Chu Yue's cry gradually amplified, "less than one percent!"

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