"One percent!"

Wang Xiangyun's pretty face was instantly pale and bloodless.

Chu Yue clearly felt that Wang Xiangyun grasped the palm of her arm, and it became cold.

This makes Chu Yue's heart full of apologies, but also some joy. It seems that sister Yun still likes he Feng, otherwise how could she be so worried.

She cheated Wang Xiangyun this time, the purpose is very simple, is to see Wang Xiangyun's heart in the end there is He Feng.

If not, she can let he Feng give up as soon as possible, you are dying, people still don't care, what else to insist on?

If there is, she can take advantage of this opportunity to help he Feng win Wang Xiangyun. Even if we can't win Wang Xiangyun at one time, at least we can make their relationship further.

Tang Wen and Ling Weiyu on the side are a little silly. Is this too good for acting?

Moreover, when did the doctor say that he Feng's chance of survival was less than one percent?

"I'm sorry, sister-in-law. It's all my fault."

Ling Weiyu naturally understood the meaning of Chu Yue and said at the right time.

"I can't blame you for this. Even without you, those people will catch others."

Wang Xiangyun shook his head, eyes fell on the door of the emergency room, "don't be sad, wait patiently. Good people don't live long, bad people live a thousand years. He Feng is not a good thing. He's sure... He doesn't die so easily. "

Speaking of the back, her voice has been slightly choked, eyes also a little red.

Then, she went to the door of the emergency room, ignoring Chu Yue and waiting quietly.

Tang Wen stares at Chu Yue, which means: look at what you've done to Wang Xiangyun.

Chu month vomited to spit sweet tongue, then wiped to wipe tears, stood to Wang Xiangyun side.

The operation didn't last long. About an hour later, the door of the operating room was opened and three doctors and three nurses came out. Two of them pushed a bed behind.

He Feng was lying on the bed, pale and motionless.

"How's the operation, doctor? Are you all right? "

When Wang Xiangyun saw he Feng, he immediately asked. His voice was full of urgency and worry, as well as... Fear.

Just like a child, afraid of losing his beloved toy.

"Don't worry, the operation was very successful. At the beginning, we saw that he was so seriously injured that we thought the operation would fail. I'm afraid he couldn't make it to the end of the operation, but the physical quality of the injured person was stronger than we thought. The whole operation process didn't bleed much, and the bullet didn't hurt the viscera and vital parts. Now he is in danger. But... "

The speaker was a male doctor in his fifties. He said solemnly: "although the injured didn't bleed much during the operation, he bled too much before the operation. Although we gave him blood transfusion just now, his body will be very weak in the next period of time. In addition to the trauma caused by bullets and shrapnel, you must not let his mood fluctuate too much, let alone make him angry and so on. As for nutrition, I don't think I need to say more about it. "


Wang Xiangyun was relieved.

As long as through the dangerous period, no life danger, she can rest assured.

"Don't worry, doctor. We won't make him angry."

Wang Xiangyun repeatedly said, and then asked: "doctor, can we go in and see him now?"

The doctor frowned and said: "the patient's body has a large trauma. Now he has to be sent to the intensive care unit. It's better not to go in to visit him. Besides, what's your relationship with him? "

"I'm his, his..."

At first, Wang Xiangyun couldn't say anything, but immediately, she adjusted her mood and said again, "I'm his wife."

"Wife? It's true that your wife let your husband suffer so much injury. What's more, when he was injured and sent to the hospital, I asked his family to sign, and you were not present. It's really dereliction of duty. "

The male doctor shook his head and said nothing more, "since you are his wife, you can go in and visit him. But first, you and the nurse to change a set of sterile clothes

"Yes, thank you, doctor!" Wang Xiangyun was busy.

The male doctor nodded, left a female nurse, then took those nurses to push he Feng to leave.

"Come and change with me." Another female nurse said, and then walked towards a room not far away.

"Yueyue, and this... Feather, I'll go to see he Feng in a moment. Don't you mind?" Wang Xiangyun looks at Chu Yue and Ling Weiyu and asks.

"Sister Yun, I have no problem, but I hope you have a better attitude towards He Feng, and don't look the same as usual." Chu Yue begged pathetically.

"I've gone too far before, but don't worry, I won't do that to him again."

Wang Xiangyun nodded.

"Sister in law, after you see brother Xiaofeng, don't be too sad. And... "Ling Weiyu said in a low voice:" brother Xiaofeng said a word to me before he was in a coma. He said, if he doesn't survive this time, let me tell you that he promised to marry you in the first place for a reason. But later, he has really liked you. He also said that if there is another life, he is still willing to marry you. "


As soon as Ling Weiyu said this, Chu Yue and Tang Wen both smoked fiercely and looked a little uncomfortable.

Wang Xiangyun is not aware of this scene, just a little red face, "I, I know."

With these words, Wang Xiangyun did not dare to stay here any longer and walked quickly to the nurse.

After Wang Xiangyun entered the dressing room, Chu Yue gave Ling Weiyu a thumbs up, "feather, I thought I was good enough, but I didn't expect you to be better than me. I admire you!"

"I'm not here to help brother Xiao Feng take down his sister-in-law as soon as possible, otherwise I would not have lied to her the first time I saw her."

Ling Weiyu's face is a little red. She's not good at lying, not to mention lying to her so-called "sister-in-law.".

"Hey, hey, it doesn't matter. Anyway, our starting point is right, and it's not to hurt anyone. Besides, I think sister Yun should be in the arms of He Feng as soon as possible, so that her life will be more happy. " Chu Yue smiles.

"I hope so!"

Ling Weiyu said: "we should help also help, next to see Xiaofeng brother his own."

Chu Yue nodded, "well, to this point, he won the cloud elder sister should not have much problem."

"Aren't you two afraid to be seen by Wang Xiangyun? Don't be counterproductive. "

Tang Wen reminded one side, immediately went to the chair behind to sit.

"Sister Yun must be concerned about He Feng's injury at the moment. She can't see anything."

Chu Yuedu channel.

As she spoke, she secretly glanced at Tang Wen.

Can I use a similar method to coax Wenwen into Hefeng's arms?

"Yueyue, why are you looking at me like this?" Tang Wen is aware of Chu Yue's eyes, and asks warily with a thump in her heart.

"It's OK, it's ok..."

Chu Yue explained quickly.

In a few minutes, Wang Xiangyun changed into a sterile suit and went into the intensive care unit alone.

He Feng was the only one in the ICU. At this time, he was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes slightly closed. His face was pale, without a little bit of blood.

Wang Xiangyun now has a certain cultivation, so she can clearly feel that he Feng's blood is very weak, much worse than ordinary people.

Looking at He Feng's present appearance, Wang Xiangyun doesn't know why, his eyes are slightly red, and he feels like he has something stuck in his throat, which is very uncomfortable.

"In a coma? I thought you were really powerful. It turned out that you were nothing more than that. Do you think how great you are when you wake up? "

Wang Xiangyun sat on a chair beside the hospital bed, looked at He Feng's pale face and said, "you usually like to make trouble, but now you almost take your own life? If you do die, I'll see what those women who like you do. "

"You are arrogant, arrogant and conceited. I really don't know how many shortcomings you have. Even if you really have great accomplishments, I don't know how many people are stronger than you in this world."

"Although you have the he family behind you, my grandmother told me that in addition to the four royal families, there are many more powerful forces than the he family. If you provoke those forces, I'm afraid even the he family can't protect you. "

"At that time, you can't even protect yourself. How can you protect the people around you?"

"Hum, while you are in a coma, I will go to find those women around you, do ideological work for them, and let them dump you as soon as possible."

"After all the women around you have left you, I'll get the divorce certificate with you. When that time comes, there will be no women around you. I'll see how you can beat me. "

The more Wang Xiangyun said, the more angry he was. He felt that he really needed to teach this man a lesson. Otherwise, he always thought how great he was.

I don't know how many people are stronger than him in this world.

Even though he has one of the four royal families behind him, there are ancient families and clans behind him

Compared with the strong ones in these forces, you are just a force. What's the difference between you and mole ants?


At this time, lying on the bed of He Feng suddenly severe cough twice.

"Well? He Feng, you wake up. How are you? Is the body uncomfortable? You wait, I'll call the doctor now... "

Wang Xiangyun regained his mind and quickly stood up, ready to go out and call the doctor.

"No, there's no need to call the doctor."

He Feng voice weak way: "I am just too weak now, the body doesn't matter.". I just fell asleep, but I was woken up by your daughter-in-law's voice. "

Of course, he Feng is not woken up by Wang Xiangyun. He can hear what Chu Yue and Ling Weiyu said just now.

Therefore, after Wang Xiangyun entered the intensive care unit, he began to cooperate at the first time. Just now, when he heard Wang Xiangyun say that he was getting a divorce certificate, he couldn't help but wake up.

"Ah? Did I wake you up? " Wang Xiangyun was embarrassed.

All of a sudden, she thought of what she had just said. She looked even more embarrassed. "So... Did you hear what I just said?"

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