He Feng shook his head, "the front didn't hear clearly, but I heard the last sentence. You said that after all the women around me left me, you would go to get a divorce certificate with me. Daughter in law, why do the women around me leave me? And why do you want to get a divorce certificate with me? "


Wang Xiangyun took a close look at He Feng. Seeing that the man was weak, he frowned when he spoke. He didn't look like a liar. He was relieved.

It seems that he didn't hear what he said.

Finally don't be too embarrassed

No, even if he heard it, who made him like to make trouble outside?

"I mean, if you're seriously injured and have to stay in bed for the rest of your life, the women around you will leave you one after another. And I, in order not to delay my youth, of course, have to get a divorce certificate with you, and then find a good man to remarry. " Wang Xiangyun casually found a reason, seriously said.

"Lying trough, looking for someone to remarry? Are you going to green me? Wang Xiangyun, I really like you. You, you... "

When he Feng heard Wang Xiangyun's words, his mood suddenly became excited, and the breath in his body quickly became chaotic.


All of a sudden, he Feng's body wrapped with white bandage, blood flow, soon the bandage to red, and he Feng's breath has become more weak, open mouth to speak, but it seems that even the strength to speak.

"Ah, he Feng, what's the matter with you? Don't scare me."

When Wang Xiangyun saw this scene, he screamed with fright, and the whole person was completely flustered. His heart was full of regret.

She just remembered now that she had been so careless that she even forgot the doctor's instructions. But the doctor clearly told her not to let he Feng's mood fluctuate too much. However, she opened her mouth and said that after he Feng was paralyzed in bed, she would directly find a good man to remarry.

If it's OK to say this at ordinary times, she doesn't say this at ordinary times, but now it's obvious that he Feng's mood will fluctuate obviously.

After all, now that a man is seriously injured and has gone to the gate of death, it can be said that at the lowest point, any word can stimulate him.

"Wang Xiangyun, why do I like you so much, but you don't like me at all? Well, forget it. Since you don't like me, I don't want to force you. If I survive this time, I'll go directly with you to get a divorce certificate. "

He Feng sighed heavily, very disappointed to say.

Looking at the man's disheartened look, Wang Xiangyun had no reason to feel a little pain in his heart, like being stabbed by a needle.

"Heartache? Why do I feel distressed? Do I really like him and start to care about his feelings? "

Wang Xiangyun was quite in a trance.

She remembers that it wasn't the first time she cared about each other.

For example, when she learned that he Feng was seriously injured and in danger today, she felt that she was about to collapse.

For another example, during the day, she made a lot of phone calls from He Feng, but he Feng ignored her. She couldn't even practice, so she had to go to the company to work overtime.

In addition, since these days, whenever she thought of He Feng's close relationship with a woman, she was very unhappy.

"Do you like this feeling?"

Wang Xiangyun opened his mouth and wanted to tell he Feng his feelings directly to comfort the man.

But immediately, she remembered what her grandmother had said to her, "no! I can't tell him, I can't give myself a chance. "

"I thought she liked me more or less, but she didn't speak at this time. It seems that I am a little amorous... "

After he Feng finished speaking, he kept observing Wang Xiangyun.

He thought that Wang Xiangyun would soon say that he liked him!

But after waiting so long, Wang Xiangyun didn't mean to speak at all.

At this moment, he Feng is a little disappointed from the heart.

On the corner of his mouth, subconsciously emerged a touch of self mockery.

I'm really naive.

This self mockery happened to be caught by Wang Xiangyun. For a moment, the woman felt more and more pain in her heart, like being caught by others, and then clenched.

"This guy, do you really like me? I'm usually so fierce and indifferent to him. Shouldn't he dislike me? "

Looking at He Feng, Wang Xiangyun couldn't bear it.

A moment later, she finally said, "I don't think it's just a simple" I like you "sentence to show whether one person likes another. If I tell you I like you, can you guarantee that we can both go to the end of our lives? He Feng, I know you like me. In fact, I also like you. But I have to tell you that if we do get together, it won't do us any good. Even, it is likely to bring you danger. "

"Well? Daughter in law, do you like me, too? Really? Do you mean to make me happy? "

He Feng immediately came spirit, excited of ask a way.

Wang Xiangyun is speechless. Can you not ignore what I said later?

That's the point, okay?

However, Wang Xiangyun was a little happy to see the excited man.

She rolled her eyes and said, "if I don't like you at all, do you think that in the case of no crisis in Yuncheng group, I won't go to get a divorce certificate with you immediately? And even agreed to let you stay in my house? "

"Well! It makes sense... "

He Feng laughed, a little silly.

If you take a picture of this smile and spread it to the underground world, no one will believe that it is the butcher, the head of the mythical mercenary regiment.

"What are you laughing at?"

Wang Xiangyun blushed and glared at He Feng and said, "what do you think I like you so much? If I like someone, do I have to go with him?"

"That's necessary. If anyone stands in our way, I'll slap him out." He Feng said without hesitation.

"He Feng, you are so naive!"

Wang Xiangyun shook his head disappointedly. "You've been injured so badly today. Haven't you found that master Huajin is very weak? Not to mention the almost invincible myths and legends above, even the top of dark strength can kill you under specific circumstances. What's more, if we are blocked by people who are more powerful than master Huajin? Even if you have a he family, the he family is not guilty. "


He Feng, for a moment, wanted to tell Wang Xiangyun that your husband, I'm not the slag of Huajin level. Your husband, I'm the invincible myth in your mouth.

But after thinking about it, Wang Xiangyun would not believe it if he let Wang Xiangyun believe it

With Wang Xiangyun's intelligence quotient, we can quickly think that his so-called "serious injury" and "imminent danger" are deceptive.

"Take a rest. I'll call the doctor to take care of your wound."

Wang Xiangyun did not continue to say, directly out of the ward.

He Feng looked at Wang Xiangyun's back and frowned slightly. "This girl said that if she came together with me, it would bring me danger. The way she talks doesn't look like a lie. But where does the danger come from? Is it the ancient race behind her? But aunt Zhan didn't warn me

If he Feng and Wang Xiangyun were together, they would be in danger. Aunt Zhan would tell him.

Aunt Zhan didn't tell him. Maybe even aunt Zhan didn't know.

But how can Wang Xiangyun know what aunt Zhan doesn't know?

Now he Feng wants to call old man he to ask, but he doesn't have a mobile phone, so he has to bear it first.

"It's really complicated, but it doesn't matter. As long as I show her that I'm not afraid of the ancient race, she won't worry about it any more. And then... "

He Feng's mouth appeared a smile, licked his lips, "I pushed down this girl, and she made a baby together, should not be far away?"

A minute later, the doctor who had just left came back with people. He Feng's face was dignified and angry when he saw that he Feng was covered with blood. He wanted to call in Wang Xiangyun, who had just been reprimanded by them, and reprimand him again.

It's just taking the life of the injured person for granted!

There is even a nurse who has read too many novels. She is already guessing that it is the beautiful red apricot out of the wall, isn't it?

Or she wants to embezzle her husband's property, so she deliberately stimulates him to die early?

He Feng naturally didn't know what these people thought. At this moment, he was thinking about how to let Wang Xiangyun know that he had the ability of fearing the ancient people.

As for the cultivation of true Qi State

He thought about it, but he was exposed for the time being. Otherwise, with her IQ, he would soon think that his injury today must be fake.


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