"Sister Yun, there's nothing wrong here. I think you'd better go back and have a rest early. Also feather, your website business is various, yesterday also had a lot of things, certainly tired you enough, you also go back to rest early. I'll just stay here and watch it. "

Outside the ward, Chu Yue says to Ling Weiyu and Wang Xiangyun.

"It's OK. I've just sent them a message about the website. They'll handle it by themselves. I'll just go there tomorrow." Ling Weiyu shook his head, "brother Xiaofeng, I'm still not at ease here. Let me stay and take care of him tonight."

"My company's affairs are handled by Wei Wei and sister yuan. I have nothing to do now. I'll stay tonight." Wang Xiangyun followed the way. At this juncture, she left at ease.

"Ah? You all stay? It's not necessary, is it Chu Yue opened her mouth.

"Yueyue, let them stay. As for you, why don't you come back to the bureau with me. Just now, the director called me and asked us to go back to the Bureau for a meeting to discuss today's case. "

Tang Wen stood up, stretched a waist to say.

"What am I going to do with the meeting? Just go

Chu Yue is a little reluctant to go, and wants to stay in the hospital with Ling Weiyu and Wang Xiangyun.

Tang Wen said: "this meeting is mainly about the people who are dealing with He Feng today, and the provincial military region has also sent people here, especially your uncle, who has asked you to attend the meeting by name. Are you sure you want to go?"

"My uncle is here, too? Well, I'll go and have a look. "

Chu Yue said reluctantly. She immediately stood up and said hello to Wang Xiangyun and Ling Weiyu before leaving.

Watching Tang Wen and Chu Yue leave, Wang Xiangyun looks at Ling Weiyu and says, "feather, can I call you that too?"

"Sister in law, brother Xiaofeng has called me feather since childhood. Since you are my sister-in-law, you can call me feather, of course."

Ling Weiyu said with a smile: "sister-in-law, I found that brother Xiaofeng's blessing is very good. I think he laughs when he sleeps when he can marry such a beautiful woman as you."

"You're not bad either. You're no worse than me."

Wang Xiangyun chuckled, "by the way, you and he Feng have lived together since childhood?"

Ling Weiyu nodded without hesitation, "well, from the time we remember things, we have lived together in the welfare home."

"Can you tell me something about your welfare home?"

Wang Xiangyun asked curiously.

She now knows that he Feng grew up in a welfare home. This is also a place she is curious about. How could he's children live in a welfare home since childhood?

However, she didn't care much about He Feng's affairs before, and she never asked.

Now, she suddenly came to some interest, it seems that every bit about He Feng, she wants to know about it.

"Well, if my sister-in-law is patient, I can talk to you all night. I'm afraid I can't finish it all night."

Ling Weiyu readily agreed, "before, when he was in the welfare home, Xiao Feng was the most mischievous one in the welfare home. He often fought with other children in the welfare home and grabbed snacks. Because of these things, he was spanked by Aunt yuan.

However, he is very good to me. Every time he has delicious food, he will give me more than half of it, and he will not let anyone bully me.

In learning, he is also very smart, even Wang Tian, who was admitted to a famous university later, did not do as well as Xiaofeng's brother at that time.

The two of them often quarrel and fight for snacks because of their grades.

Xiaofeng's brother was abducted by human traffickers just because he once robbed Wang Tian of corn cobs, then was spanked by Aunt yuan and sneaked out of the welfare home. "

Speaking of He Feng's childhood, Ling Weiyu's mouth can't stop. She can always pull out a lot of childhood things, as if these things have been branded into her mind, which is very clear.

Wang Xiangyun also listened with relish on the side, and sometimes a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

They talked until the door of the ward was opened and the doctor came out.

"Doctor, is my husband OK?"

Wang Xiangyun convergence mind, quickly to the doctor, nervous asked.

Even she didn't realize it. She said "husband" very smoothly.

Ling Weiyu, standing behind her, also has a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, the physical fitness of the injured is surprisingly good. Although the wound is bleeding again, it doesn't cause any serious harm. However, this situation can't happen again. Next, don't go in and disturb him. Let him have a good rest for a night. When he wakes up tomorrow and gets better, you can go in and see him again. "

The male doctor exhorted.

As for other doctors, they looked at Wang Xiangyun in doubt.

The nervous color on this woman's face doesn't seem to be pretending. Didn't she mean to annoy that man?

In particular, one of the female nurses who read too many novels looked up and down at Wang Xiangyun, and seemed to want to read some clues from the woman.

Wang Xiangyun was relieved, "Hoo! That's good! Thank you, doctor. Don't worry. I won't disturb my husband tonight. I'll come in to see him tomorrow when he wakes up. "


The male doctor nodded faintly, then said to the nurse who had been staring at Wang Xiangyun: "Xiaole, you are just on duty tonight. You are watching at the door of the ward. Don't let anyone enter the ward."

At the beginning, the male doctor didn't pay so much attention to He Feng, but just after he finished the operation for He Feng, he suddenly received a call from the president.

The president's message to him was very simple. He said that the injured he was treating now had a big future, so he had to cure them.

Therefore, the male doctor dare not let Wang Xiangyun in to disturb He Feng any more, so he left a trusted female nurse to stare at him.

"Good director, don't worry. I won't let anyone into the ward without your permission tonight."

The female nurse nodded heavily and assured the way.

Wang Xiangyun was surprised and immediately laughed bitterly. She understood that the other party was defending her.

The chief doctor left directly, leaving behind a female nurse.

The nurse sat on the chair outside the door of the ward as if there were no one else. Although she didn't deliberately stare at Wang Xiangyun, her face was full of precaution.


"You don't mind, sister-in-law. They are all very kind. Let's go and have a rest." Ling Weiyu said.

"Well, you continue to tell me about He Feng. After he was abducted, what happened?"

Wang Xiangyun naturally won't mind. He pulls Ling Weiyu back to the chair and continues to ask curiously.

Ling Weiyu blinked and said, "sister-in-law, brother Feng has never told you about these things again?"

Wang Xiangyun said with a smile, "I seldom talk about this with him at ordinary times!"

Before in the company, Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi had intended to talk to her, but she showed that she didn't want to care at all, so the two girls didn't say a word.

Therefore, Wang Xiangyun knew nothing about He Feng except that he Feng grew up in a welfare home.

"Well, I'll tell you all today."

Ling Weiyu continued: "after brother Xiaofeng was abducted and sold abroad, he became a child laborer on a ship and was abused.

In their warehouse, there were two dead people in three days, some of them were killed by the warehouse supervisor, and some of them died.

In order not to be reduced to such an end, Xiao Feng tries to kill the supervisor of the warehouse and becomes the supervisor himself.

Although he became the director, no one beat him again, but many children also want to be the director, and they want to be the director, can only kill Xiaofeng brother.

That year, Xiao Feng's brother had to take a knife when he was sleeping, just in case something happened. In this environment, Xiaofeng brother gradually grew up.

Later, their ship was attacked by pirates. Many people on the ship were killed. Brother Xiaofeng was taken in by the boss of the pirate Gang because he killed a pirate. He not only didn't kill brother Xiaofeng, but also took him away for training, which made brother Xiaofeng stronger.

But when Xiaofeng brother has a certain strength, he forces Xiaofeng brother to do some killing and making money tasks. Every time he carries out the task, he will die, but he doesn't care. He just hopes Xiaofeng brother can make money.

Xiao Feng didn't want to go on like this all the time, so after he became strong enough, he killed the boss of the pirate gang and set up a mercenary regiment.

Then, the mercenary regiment he set up grew stronger and stronger, and brother Xiaofeng became more and more powerful. It is said that his mercenary regiment is very famous all over the world now. "

"Famous all over the world? Can his mercenary regiment fight against the ancient people? "

Wang Xiangyun heard here and asked subconsciously.

"Ancient people? What is an ancient race? " Ling Weiyu asked subconsciously.

"Ha ha, it's nothing. I asked casually."

After Wang Xiangyun asked, he Feng reflected that he Feng was only the master of Huajin, and his mercenary regiment was certainly not strong enough. How could he compare with the ancient clan?

I think too much!

"By the way, since he is doing so well abroad, why should he go back to China and marry me? What's more, you said he grew up in a welfare home. How was he discovered by the he family Wang Xiangyun continued.

She doesn't think he Feng is bored abroad, so she suddenly comes back to Jiangbin City, and then somehow gets the certificate with her.

She married he Feng, which is also her father Wang Qing's order.

But later she learned that this was what her grandmother meant.

Now that she has elders here, what about He Feng?

"Because brother Xiaofeng has gradually become famous, and the he family often pays attention to international affairs, so they find out. As for why he returned home to marry you... "

Ling Weiyu hesitated and didn't hide too much. He said, "I'm not very clear about the details, but I heard brother Xiaofeng say that it seems to have something to do with the he family and his missing parents."


Wang Xiangyun nodded. She also guessed that he Feng's marriage to her must have something to do with the he family.

But now she doesn't really want to know the details. She seems a little afraid that she will be disappointed.

"How is the welfare home where he lives now?" Wang Xiangyun asked.

"Originally, the welfare home was very good. After Xiaofeng's brother returned home, he saved a million dollars in China, and gave everything to the welfare home to improve the life of the welfare home..."

"Well? I remember that he didn't seem to have much money at that time, but he gave a million to the welfare home? "

Wang Xiangyun can't help interrupting Ling Weiyu.

But she really remembers that when she just got the certificate with He Feng, the man was extremely stingy and loved money as much as he could, just like a man who got into the eyes of money.

Hard to say, this kind of person for money, even integrity can not.

But he didn't want to give the welfare home one million yuan without any money.

"Well, brother Xiaofeng's property was all abroad. At that time, he had little money at home, but in order to improve the life of the welfare home, he took out all the one million he had." Ling Weiyu nodded.

"This guy, I thought he would be a miser who can't get in and out." Wang Xiangyun shakes his head and laughs, with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes. "The welfare home has a million yuan, and all aspects should be improved, right?"

Ling Weiyu shook his head. "Not long ago, someone wanted to deal with Xiaofeng brother. In order to lure him to appear as soon as possible, a fire burned down the welfare home. Now the welfare home is being rebuilt! "

"The welfare home was burned?"

Wang Xiangyun immediately became angry, and at the same time he was worried, "are the children in the welfare home not hurt?"

"The children are OK. There was no one in the welfare home at that time, so no one was injured."

"That's good. Where do the children live now?"

"Brother Xiaofeng bought three houses in a community, and now everyone lives in a new house."

"A new house?"

Wang Xiangyun subconsciously looked at the door of the ward, "that guy's arrangement is appropriate!"

This evening, Wang Xiangyun and Ling Weiyu chatted very late. They didn't stop until early in the morning.

Not because there is no topic to talk about, but because Chu Yue came back.

"Sister Yun and Yu Yu, let me tell you the good news. We in Jiangbin city have decided to crack down on Zhang Ziyan's yinlian group. If you have spare funds, you can take the opportunity to buy the shares of yinlian group. " Chu Yue opened her mouth and said, "in addition, Zhao bureau also told me that the municipal government has decided to focus on supporting the development of Yuncheng group and opening up a green channel, hoping that Yuncheng group can become a leading enterprise in Jiangbin city as soon as possible."

"Does the municipal government want to support Yuncheng group?"

Wang Xiangyun surprised way: "how suddenly involved in our Cloud City Group, because he Feng?"

"Well, it has something to do with what happened today. In addition to Yuncheng group, Fengyu Chinese network has also been mentioned, as well as poisonous scorpion gang. It seems that someone from Longwei team has gone to Xinyu sister to communicate with her. "

Chu Yue said with a smile: "I listen to my uncle say that there is action in the he family. The he family intends to make all the people around He Feng stronger. It seems that they are preparing to build Jiangbin city into his base camp and prevent things like today from happening again."

"He family..."

Wang Xiangyun finally understood, "the energy of the he family in the secular world is really strong. A word can affect a city. Unfortunately, in terms of ancient martial arts, the four royal families are a little worse than the royal families... "

This evening, the three girls chattered until early in the morning. In the second half of the night, they began to practice together, ignoring the female nurses who were sitting next to them and dozing while playing with their mobile phones.


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