At the same time, the suburbs of Jiangbin city.

A villa covering more than two square kilometers is full of various buildings.

The scenery in the villa is pleasant, but it is not open to the public. Even now, in the middle of the night, the villa is still heavily guarded. From time to time, several men with guns will pass by.

On the top floor of the building, there are more powerful snipers.

Even if the master is strong, he can't sneak into the villa quietly.

At this time, in the hall on the first floor of one of the buildings, ah Xing sat on the sofa indifferently, looking at the 12 men standing in front of him.

The twelve men look like ordinary people, but if you look at them carefully, you will find that many parts of their bodies are very strange.

For example, some people's eyes seem to become triangular eyes, with deep cold light, which makes people feel very dangerous. The teeth in some people's mouths actually grow two sharp and long tusks. Some people's hands and feet are of different thickness, just like disability, but full of explosive power.

However, there was a similar smell in these twelve people.


If we don't look at their appearance and just smell their breath, no one will think that they are human beings, but... Beasts.

"The survival rate of ordinary people who swallow the beast changing pill is much lower than that of the horizontal practitioners. There is only three chances of survival. However, as long as they survive, their constitution will become just as strong. "

Ah Xing's eyes fell on a young man and nodded with satisfaction, "Song Yan's willpower is really extraordinary. He can't bear the pain that triple ancient martial arts practitioners can't bear. Of the ten ordinary people, he and two others survived

Ah Xing looked back and said, "ladies and gentlemen, first of all, I congratulate you on your survival and your strength has been greatly improved. Now, you should be able to feel how much your strength has improved? "

"Master, just after absorbing the energy in the pill, the strength in my body has really increased a lot. I feel that I should have reached the level of horizontal training master, that is, more than four levels of physical training. But why do I feel like I want to bite? " Said a man with tusks.

Other people also looked at ah Xing suspiciously, especially song Yan. Like the speaker, he had two tusks in his mouth, long and sharp. At this time, he was itching badly and wanted to bite.

"Don't worry. I'll teach you martial arts later, so that you can control this power."

Ah Xing said faintly: "but now I want to ask you again, do you want to let the strength be improved again?"

"Can you still improve?"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

The reason why they risked their lives to take the beast changing pill is to gain more powerful power.

"Of course, it can be improved, and there is still a lot of room for improvement."

Ah Xing turned his hand and took out a jade bottle. "The animal changing pill you just took is just an ordinary animal changing pill, which can greatly improve your physique and strength. Once you take it, both horizontal practitioners and ordinary people can gain the strength to refine your body.

And this beast changing pill is an upgraded version. The energy contained in it is beyond your imagination.

Once you take it and absorb it successfully, your body will really sublimate.

At that time, you will gain strength comparable to that of seven or more

"What? How to refine your body

"How can I hope to be a master of horizontal training?"

"Master, I want to take the upgraded version of beast changing pill."

As soon as ah Xing's words came to an end, all the people on the field said excitedly, and their eyes were shining.

Ah Xing continued: "opportunity, I can give you, even if all of you want to take it, I can also provide enough upgraded version of beast changing pill. But one thing I have to tell you is that the energy of this upgraded version of beast changing pill is very violent. Even if you have taken it once and your body has certain resistance to the energy of beast changing pill, you still have a huge probability of death after taking this upgraded version of beast changing pill. According to my preliminary estimate, your mortality rate is about 95%. That is to say, if all of you take it, only one or two of you may survive, or even all of you will die. "


On hearing this, everyone took a breath of cold air one after another, and some people even cheered up and withdrew.

The death rate is too high.

"I'm willing to give it a try."

When people hesitated, song Yan stood up directly, "please give me a chance!"

People can't help looking at Song Yan in surprise. Song Yan is just an ordinary person, and he has a noble atmosphere. At first sight, he has a good identity. Such a person can't bear any hardships, but song Yan is alive today.

Now he is the first one to say that he wants to take the upgraded version of beast changing pill. He has no fear on his face, but only the desire for power in his eyes.

"I want to try it, too!"

"Me too. I don't believe I can't be a great master."

"Please help me!"

All the figures stood up and spoke one after another.

"Well, I can give you a chance, but don't blame me if you die."

Ah Xing nodded with satisfaction.


At 6 a.m. the next day, the waiting room of Nanjin airport.

"Yuanjie, this way."

Hua Wenyuan walked quickly towards a young man.

Behind him came a group of people, including mi Donglong, Jiang Di, Huang Tianlei, Wei Jinhuan and Han song.

In addition, there is Xiao Tianyan, the leader of the dark Xu hall.

"Nice to meet you, master Hua!"

The young man is Xu Yuanjie. He goes to Hua Wenyuan and bows his hand to Hua Wenyuan. "Before coming, my master has already said hello to Li Zongshi of Baiyun medicine hall. I will take people to destroy Xi Zhenxing. At that time, the leader of Hua hall will be waiting to drive out the unified medicine hall and unify the market here."

"Ha ha, brother Yuanjie himself led people out. Xi Zhenxing will die today."

Hua Wenyuan glanced at the four people behind Xu Yuanjie and said with a smile: "after Xi Zhenxing is destroyed, he Feng has only one way to die."


When Hua Wenyuan mentions He Feng, Xu Yuanjie nods and looks at Xiao Tianyan, the leader of the dark Xu hall. "Do you know what's going on over there?"

Xiao Tianyan quickly and respectfully said: "I'm Xu Shao. We've got the news that yesterday it seems that someone was going to deal with He Feng. He was seriously injured. Now he's lying in the General Hospital of Jiangbin military region for treatment."

Xu Yuanjie knew about it last night. He continued to ask, "did you find out who did it to him?"

"Jiangbin city is very strict with the information, so we can't find anything. However, in order to protect He Feng, Jiangshu provincial military region also spent a lot of efforts, even the Dragon guards went to Jiangbin city. " Xiao Tianyan said.

"It's just the Dragon guard team, not the Dragon teeth. It's not enough to be afraid."

Xu Yuanjie snorted with disdain, "let's go to the Wang family first. He Feng killed my two younger brothers, and I'll go to the Wang family to kill some relatives of his wife Wang Xiangyun."

"Xu Shao, the car is ready. Let's go straight there."

Xiao Tianyan made a gesture of "please".

"Lord Hua, let's go together." Xu Yuanjie said.

"All right!"

Immediately, Xu Yuanjie and Hua Wenyuan walked forward.

As for MI Donglong and others, Xu Yuanjie didn't take a look, let alone say hello.

Xu Yuanjie couldn't get into the eyes of a weak and low-level guwu family and several families that were inferior to the MI family.

"This is Xu Yuanjie. It's too late now."

"Yes, his breath has reached the peak of dark strength. Although he has just broken through, it can be seen that he has great talent. I'm afraid it won't be many years before we can step into Huajin. "

Being ignored by Xu Yuanjie, Jiang Di and others are a little frustrated, but they dare not show it.

Xu Yuanjie's energy is beyond their power.

"Xu Yuanjie's strength is really strong. I'm afraid none of the people he brings is weak. However, these people don't seem to have strong masters. " Wei Jin Huan asked: "no master, can they deal with He Feng? Even if those four people are the peak of dark strength, they may not be able to help him Feng. They may even be like the Cao family and others, and the sewer will capsize. "

Midonglong shook his head and said, "we don't even want to ask the leader of the flower hall about this. This Xu Yuanjie should not let us down. "

Mi Dongyu frowned and did not speak.


More than 20 minutes later, six or seven cars arrived in front of Wang's house.

"Brother Yuanjie, this is the royal residence. All the senior members of the Wang family live here. "

Hua Wenyuan stood beside Xu Yuanjie, looked at the gate of the Wang family residence, and said, "I have arranged several people to guard outside the gate of the Wang family. Today, no one is out of the Wang family, so I should not have escaped."

"In that case, go straight in and kill all the members of the Wang family."

Xu Yuanjie said, his eyes fell on MI Donglong and Mi Dongyu and others, "let them do this. With the help of the other families, it's no problem to destroy the Wang family, right

"Of course, no problem. Even our Jiang family is enough to destroy the Wang family."

Midonglong was about to open his mouth when Jiang Di stood up and said, "today, the experts of our Jiang family are coming out together. It's enough to destroy the Wang family."

Everyone looked at Jiang Di in surprise and understood immediately.

It seems that Jiang Di wanted to take the place of the guwu family of the Wang family, so he was eager to show himself. This is also to let other families recognize the Jiang family.

However, among the major families in Jiangbin City, only the Jiang family has the strength to replace the Wang family.

"OK, then take your Jiang family as the main one, and other families as the auxiliary."

Xu Yuanjie originally wanted to let the rice family take the lead. When he saw the Jiang family step in, he didn't want to waste his words. "Attack, make a quick decision. There's no need to waste too much time here."


Jiang Di answered, and then immediately rushed into the Wang family with the experts of the Jiang family and the masters of other families.

In these people, surging with undisguised intention to kill.

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