Jiang Di and others soon rushed into the Wang family. The two brothers, MI Donglong and Mi Dongyu, also followed closely with several masters of the MI family.

"Third brother, since the Jiang family is in such a hurry to show off, let's leave it to them to deal with the Wang family and Ling family. Let's just watch."

Mi Dongyu sees that MI Donglong seems to be dissatisfied with Jiang Di's performance, so he immediately advises him. He is afraid that MI Donglong will wave a knife at the Wang family and the Ling family because he is not happy.

"Brother, are you really afraid of He Feng?"

Midonglong frowned and became more and more displeased. "Look at that Xu Yuanjie, who has made extraordinary achievements and aggressive side leakage since he was young. I think you should learn from him and do things with a high profile. After all, in the major families of Nanjin City, your strength can be called the first, enough to unify the ancient martial world of Nanjin city. But you are so low-key and devoted to martial arts that we miss many opportunities.

Next, I hope you don't have any reservation. Let the people in the guwu community of Nanjin understand that no matter whether there are Wangs and lings in Nanjin, our Mi family is still the largest guwu family in Nanjin. "

When Mi Dongyu heard this, he stepped forward.

In his eyes, there was a look of disappointment.

"Third brother, I've already told you what to say. It's your business whether you listen or not. As for me, as long as you don't encounter death crisis, I won't do it. "

Mi Dongyu said lightly.


When mi Donglong stopped, he didn't expect that MI Dongyu would suddenly become so direct.

"Good! That being the case, I can only use the cultivation resources in my family to cultivate the next top strength of dark energy. "

With that, midonglong ignored midongyu and went straight ahead, searching for the Wang family.

Unfortunately, after searching for ten minutes, they failed to find a half figure in the Wang family's house.

"Oh, no, go and report a few. All the people in the Wang family have fled."

Jiang Di did not continue to search, directly stepped out of the Wang's house, came to Xu Yuanjie, "Xu Shao, there is no one in the Wang's house, I checked, they should have left ten minutes ago, some valuables did not have time to take."


Xu Yuanjie looks a little ugly.

Hua Wenyuan said: "my people have been staring at the Wangs' house, and no one came out. It seems that there is a secret road to the outside world in their royal family. "

"In that case, go to Ling's house."

Xu Yuanjie waved to the car behind him.

A line of cars, the mighty left the Wangs house.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

Not long after the car left Wang's house, Hua Wenyuan's mobile phone vibrated. It was one of his men who called.

"Hello Hua Wenyuan answers the phone.

"Hall leader, all the people of Ling family have left. Just now, more than ten cars have driven out from Ling family's house. The speed is very fast."

"The Ling family are also at large? Keep up with them and report your position to me at any time. "

After hanging up the phone, Hua Wenyuan looks at Xu Yuanjie, "brother Yuanjie, I'm afraid the Wangs and Lings have got the wind. They know we have to deal with them, so they will leave at the first time. I think they may leave Nanjin for a while. "

"In that case, let's go directly to Guiyi medicine hall."

Xu Yuanjie finished, then closed his eyes and began to nourish his spirit. His mood didn't fluctuate too much.

The destruction of the Wangs and the Lings was just a passing matter, not the main purpose of his trip.

There are only two main things he will do today.

First, kill and revitalize.

Second, kill He Feng.


At the same time, in the training room of xizhenxing, the headquarters of Guiyi medicine hall.

"Master Xi, thank you very much today. Otherwise, our Wang family will suffer a lot."

An old woman with white hair and strong Qi and blood stood in front of Xi Zhenxing and said gratefully.

The old woman's name is Jiang Hongmei, the mother of Wang Qing, the head of the Wang family in Nanjin city.

"Elder sister Jiang, your grandson-in-law He Feng has great kindness to me. I help him take care of the Wang family. It's just a small matter. You don't have to thank me." Xi Zhenxing waved his hand.

"He Feng..."

Jiang Hongmei frowned, "I got the news last night that he Feng was seriously injured, and I don't know how he is now."

Hearing this, Xi Zhenxing looked solemn. "Yes, I've heard about it, but I don't know what the specific situation is. I was going to call Jiangbin in the morning, but I didn't expect that Hua Wenyuan would take action early this morning."

Wang Qing asked: "mother, master of Xi hall, now Baiyun medicine hall takes the lead and leads the MI family, Jiang family and other aristocratic families to deal with our Wang family. What should we do next? Do you want to hide in Guiyi medicine hall all the time? "

Cao Zhiyan said: "hiding in Guiyi medicine hall is better than hiding in the Cao family. As long as the Wang family is willing to become a subordinate family of the Cao family, the Cao family will surely protect the Wang family."

"Shut up

Cao Zhiyan just finished, Jiang Hongmei angrily scolded, "Cao Zhiyan, it's not up to you to tell us what to do with our Wang family. In addition, after the Wang family crisis is relieved, you can go back to the Cao family. You are no longer welcome to our Wang family. "

"What did you say?" Cao Zhiyan's face changed slightly.

Wang Qing is also anxious, "Niang, you... What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? I just want to ask you, "did she like you in all the years you spent with her?"

Jiang Hongmei looked at Wang Qing disappointedly, "Wang Qing, it's just that you failed Taiyin. I can turn a blind eye. But this Cao Zhiyan, don't you find that she entered our Wang family from the beginning with a purpose? "

Cao Zhiyan was surprised to hear that Jiang Hongmei didn't say anything at ordinary times, but she was very clear in her heart. She even knew that she entered the Wang family with a purpose.

"Niang, have you misunderstood Zhiyan? Her father is the head of the Cao family. She's married to our Wang family. What's her purpose? "

Wang Qing doesn't look very good.

Obviously, he didn't believe Jiang Hongmei at all.

Fortunately, Jiang Hongmei was the one who said this. If other people were to do it, he would definitely swear now even if he didn't do it.

"Well, since you don't believe me, think I didn't say anything."

Jiang Hongmei shook her head and said to Xi Zhenxing, "master Xi, I'm making you laugh."

"No, every family has its own difficult classics."

Xi Zhenxing smiles and doesn't talk about this topic any more. "Just now I've got the news that Hua Wenyuan and his family are heading for the Ling family, but I've let the Ling family leave. Now the Ling family is hiding in a place I don't even know."

"Huawenyuan and midonglong, do they really want to unify the guwujie and danyao market in Nanjin city? Where does he come from? " Jiang Hongmei frowned.

"I've just seen the video. They have the support of Qian family in Beihang province behind them. Naturally, they have the strength." Xi Zhenxing said.

"It's the Qian family..."

Jiang Hongmei suddenly said, "however, although the Qian family is not an ordinary high ancient martial family, is their behavior too overbearing and arrogant? Are they not afraid of revenge from the headquarters of Guiyi medicine hall? "

"Revenge?" Xi Zhenxing was silent for a moment and sighed: "this family is not simple!"

"Well? Is there any secret

"I'm just guessing!"

Xi Zhenxing looked out of the window and said, "they're coming. I'll go down to meet them. Elder sister Jiang, are you going down with me or watching upstairs?"

"The master of the learning hall fights with others because he protects my Wang family. Of course, I can't watch the play in the back."

Jiang Hongmei said, "besides, I also want to see what kind of sacred people the Qian family came to this time."

"Well, let's go, lest we keep them waiting."

Xi Zhenxing immediately walked out of the training room.

Jiang Hongmei swept Wang Qing and Cao Zhiyan, "you go and stare at the rest of the Wang family. You can only stay on this floor. Who dares to go downstairs without permission? I'll break his leg."

With that, he quickly followed Xi Zhenxing's steps.

After Jiang Hongmei left, Wang Qingcai said, "Zhiyan, what my mother said just now, don't take it seriously."

Cao Zhiyan sneered, "of course not! After all, I knew she didn't like me. Otherwise, my sons will be disabled by He Feng, and she won't care? "

Wang Qing way: "Zhi wild goose, he Feng's strength over there is very strong, I advise you had better give up the idea of revenge."

"Even my father and they gave up revenge. What else can I do? It's just recognition. "

Cao Zhiyan shrugged, "but there's one thing I hope you can tell me truthfully, what level has Niang's strength reached? Why have I never seen her do it? "

"Mother's strength?" Wang Qing frowned, shook his head and said, "I don't know what level her strength has reached!"


Outside the first floor of Guiyi medicine hall building.

More than 30 people, including Xu Yuanjie and Hua Wenyuan, stood outside quietly, watching Xi Zhenxing and Jiang Hongmei coming out of the hall on the first floor.

"Well, the people of the Wang family fled to Guiyi medicine hall. However, how can Xi Zhenxing and Jiang Hongmei come out? Xi Zhenxing didn't bring all the experts of Guiyi medicine hall? "

Hua Wenyuan was surprised to see the visitor.

Although Hua Wenyuan didn't bring anyone here, the Jiang family of the MI family brought many experts, and Xu Yuanjie also brought four top dark strength.

Is he capable of dealing with so many people by himself?

"Xu Shao, master Hua, will Xi Zhenxing and Jiang Hongmei play any tricks?" Jiang Di, standing behind them, can't help asking.


Xu Yuanjie disdained: "in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a local chicken and a dog, vulnerable."

"What Xu Shao said is reasonable!" Jiang Di nodded and flattered.

"Hua Wenyuan, are you suffering from leisure recently? Why do you bring so many people to my Guiyi medicine hall to block the door in the morning? Is there something wrong? "

Xi Zhenxing stops five meters in front of Hua Wenyuan and others, and says unhappily.

As for Xu Yuanjie and others behind Hua Wenyuan, they were directly ignored by him as air.

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