"Xi Zhenxing, you're dying and you're still talking wildly. I think your consciousness is getting worse and worse now."

When Xi Zhenxing scolded "sick" in front of so many people, Hua Wenyuan's face was not very good-looking. "Later, when you kneel down and beg for mercy, I see how you can laugh."


Xi Zhenxing rolled his eyes and ignored Hua Wenyuan. He looked at Jiang Di, MI Donglong and other humanitarians: "do you mi family and Jiang family want to be enemies of me?"

For this question, midonglong and others dare not answer.

Once it's spread out, even if Xi Zhenxing really died here today, Guiyi medicine hall headquarters will deal with them.

With the energy of Guiyi medicine hall, it's not too easy to destroy these families which are at most inferior to the guwu family.

Besides, Xi Zhenxing is the best in the dark. Even if Xu Yuanjie wants to kill Xi Zhenxing, he will not be able to succeed. Anyway, it's someone else's territory.

Xu Yuanjie said impatiently, "Xi Zhenxing, our Qian family has never offended you. Why do you want to be the enemy of our Qian family?"

At the beginning, he was still thinking about what reason to find for Xi Zhenxing, but now when he saw Jiang Hongmei, Xu Yuanjie thought of the reason.

Xi Zhenxing's eyes slowly moved to Xu Yuanjie, looked at the latter for a moment, then slowly said: "what are you?"


"Xi Zhenxing, be polite to me."

"Don't think you are the leader of the South Golden branch of Guiyi medicine hall. I dare not kill you."

"Apologize to us quickly, or I'll break your mouth."

The four elders behind Xu Yuanjie strode out and said angrily.

At the same time, in their body, sent out a trace of strong internal force fluctuations.

This scene shocked midonglong, Jiangdi and others.

"This... This is the peak of dark energy? Four people are the peak of dark strength? "

"No wonder Xu Yuanjie dares to come directly to Guiyi medicine hall headquarters. He has such confidence."

"What's more, these four top dark powers should not be Xu Yuanjie's cards. Otherwise, how can he have the confidence to kill He Feng? "

"I'm afraid it's going to be over."

Hua Wenyuan also sneered, "Xi Zhenxing, I really don't understand how you can reach the peak of dark strength with your intelligence, and how you can become the leader of the South Golden branch of the unified medicine hall. Even the younger brother of Yuanjie, the close disciple of the elder Qian family, doesn't know him. He is now the key training object of the Qian family and is expected to enter Huajin before he is 50 years old. I advise you to make an apology to him as soon as possible, so you may have a chance to live. "

Although Xu Yuanjie didn't say anything, his face was full of killing intention.

"The close disciple of elder Qian?"

Xi Zhenxing glanced at Xu Yuanjie, "if you say the elder of Qian family, I really need to know him. What is a close disciple? Do I have to meet any dog and cat? "

"Be presumptuous, Xi Zhenxing, you are looking for death!"

An old man immediately went to Xu Yuanjie and asked, "Xu Shao, please order me to break his legs and let him kneel in front of Xu Shao to repent."

"Xi Zhenxing's strength is not weak. Let's work with Erhuang." Xu Yuanjie said coldly.

"Yes Another old man also came out, and the latter two rushed to Xi Zhenxing.

It's the top breath of dark energy. It's crazy.

In their hands, they were holding a long knife, which was extremely frightening.

These two long swords are both intermediate soldiers.

Relying on the power of intermediate soldiers, the two have been able to deal with the master of dark strength who has stepped into the micro realm.

"Rhubarb? "Erhuang?"

When Xi Zhenxing heard their names, he said with a smile, "it's really a group of cats and dogs!"


Rhubarb was so angry that he raised his big knife and cut it down at Xi Zhenxing. The gas of the knife rolled like a huge wave. Within a radius of 10 meters, there was a terrible sound of the sword.

This is the earth level martial arts of perfect realm!

"Too weak!"

Xi Zhenxing shook his head, then waved it casually. There was no strong momentum on him.

"Bang! Bang

At the next moment, rhubarb and Erhuang, who were originally fierce, suddenly retreated wildly, their arms trembling and their mouths numb.


When people saw this scene, they were shocked.

These are two dark strength peak masters holding intermediate soldiers. How could Xi Zhenxing beat them back with one move?

Isn't Xi Zhenxing's cultivation at the same level as them?

"How did Xi Zhenxing suddenly become so powerful? Isn't his cultivation the same as mine, at the top level of dark energy? "

Hua Wenyuan widened his eyes and said, "is it hard to succeed? Xi Zhenxing has understood the mystery of entering the micro world, stepped into the micro environment, and become a quasi master?"

"His mastery of power is really subtle, hidden deep enough." Xu Yuanjie has a lot of experience and a wide range of knowledge. At a glance, he can see that Xi Zhenxing is meticulous.

"Sure enough!"

Hua Wenyuan looks ugly.

Is this talent really stronger than yourself?

He remembers that they almost reached the peak of dark energy one after the other. Xi Zhenxing usually had to teach a pair of children to practice, but he only needed to practice with one heart.

Therefore, he thought that he would step into the micro environment before Xi Zhenxing, but now he let Xi Zhenxing step into the micro environment first, but he didn't even have the feeling of understanding the micro environment.

A wisp of jealousy burned in his eyes.

"Brother Yuanjie, since Xi Zhenxing has entered the micro environment, let the other two of your men do it. After a while, I will be outside to help defend and wait for an opportunity to give Xi Zhenxing a fatal blow. "

Hua Wenyuan said in a low voice.

At the beginning, he didn't want to kill Xi Zhenxing on the spot. He just needs to drive Xi Zhenxing out of Nanjin city. At that time, he is sure to unify the pill Market in Nanjin city.

But Xi Zhenxing's breakthrough made him kill Xi Zhenxing.

"No, since he has humiliated the rhubarb brothers, let them solve him."

Xu Yuanjie waved his hand and said to the other two old men behind him: "three yellow and four yellow, you can also fight together, fight directly, fight quickly and kill Xi Zhenxing."


The other two elders immediately came forward with knives and stood beside rhubarb and Erhuang.

Four people's breath flow, there is a kind of faint echo feeling.

In a few seconds, their breath rose again, at least doubled, and reached the level comparable to the master.

"These are... Four masters? All four of them have entered the master level? "

"My God, these four people are so powerful?"

"How terrible! Xi Zhenxing is coming to an end, and he Feng is dead. "

As soon as this breath of master was exposed, all the people in the major families in the rear were full of horror.

But Hua Wenyuan soon saw a clue, "no, although these four people have strong breath, they are comparable to the master. But their mastery of power is not mellow enough, and they can't even control their own breath. "

"Lord Hua, do you think you need to do it now?" Xu Yuanjie light smile.

"Ha ha, I was really worried. The energy of the Qian family is really beyond the ordinary aristocratic family's ability. It has such a magical battle array that it can elevate the four strong men who have not even stepped into the micro realm to the master level at one stroke. " Hua Wenyuan exclaimed.

Xu Yuanjie didn't give much explanation, but said: "although they have never been in the micro, they have the power of a great master, and the ordinary dark power peak who is in the micro is not one of their rivals. Now, with the help of the four people, even the new master Hua Jin can be defeated, let alone Xi Zhenxing, who is at most a quasi master in the micro realm. "

"In this case, Xi Zhenxing is afraid to be crushed to death like an ant." Hua Wenyuan smiles on his face, and then looks at Xi Zhenxing not far away.

He would like to see with his own eyes whether Xi Zhenxing can be as arrogant as he is now under the crisis of life and death.

"Rhubarb, let's do it. We'll take a little time to deal with the affairs here. We'll go to Jiangbin city."

Xu Yuanjie ordered.

"Good! Brothers, we have solved this problem together. "

Rhubarb nodded, then rushed to Xi Zhenxing again.

This time, his speed is obviously at least twice as fast as just now. Even if he hasn't used his martial arts, his terrible momentum can't be compared with that of any top dark power.

Besides him, none of the other three was weaker than him.

The powerful Qi of the four great masters locked Xi Zhenxing to himself, which made Xi Zhenxing like a boat in a huge wave, as if it would capsize at any time.

"Master Xi, can I help you?"

Jiang Hongmei behind Xi Zhenxing asked.

Jiang Hongmei hasn't played for many years. Even her son Wang Qing doesn't know what level her cultivation has reached, and she doesn't want outsiders to know her strength. But if Xi Zhenxing is not as good as her opponent, she doesn't mind doing it once.

"No, it's just a few fake masters. I can't help it."

Xi Zhenxing smiles and shakes his head. Without waiting for Rhubarb to rush over, Xi Zhenxing takes the initiative to meet them.


In his hand, appeared a three foot green peak, a sword stabbed in rhubarb's sword.

The blade of the sword turned sharply and cut on the other three people's swords one after another. The speed was extremely fast and the light of the sword was flashing. A sense of crisis rose in the hearts of the three people.

Feeling the horror of Xi Zhenxing's body, rhubarb's face changed wildly and yelled: "master! Xi Zhenxing is the great master of Huajin. Be careful! "

There was no need for Rhubarb to remind them. Erhuang, Sanhuang and Sihuang also felt the power of master Xi Zhenxing, and their faces were dignified to the extreme.

When they form a battle, they can have the strength of a great master in a certain period of time. They know very well how strong a great master is.

But the real master standing in front of them now is much better than their fake master.

If they did not have an advantage in the number of people, I'm afraid they would be defeated if only a few interviews were needed.

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