"Damn it, Xi Zhenxing broke through to the master quietly. It's not entering the micro environment, it's the master! For what? Why is his talent better than mine? "

Looking at the rain, rhubarb and others entangled together, but not the slightest decline of Xi Zhenxing, Hua Wenyuan's face is more and more jealous.

He clenched his fist tightly, hoping to rush up and kill Xi Zhenxing.

"Lord Hua, your intelligence information is not very accurate. At the beginning, I thought it was just to deal with a peak of dark strength. Even if he understood the subtlety, I could continue to deal with him. But you asked me to deal with a great master Hua Jin. You are trying to harm me. "

Xu Yuanjie looked at Xi Zhenxing, who easily resisted the joint efforts of the four rhubarb, and his face was extremely gloomy. "Moreover, you can see that Xi Zhenxing's combat effectiveness now is stronger than that of the ordinary masters in the initial stage of Huajin. It is obvious that he has accumulated a lot. It is estimated that it will not be long before he can refine Qi into flesh and blood and step into the middle stage of Huajin."

"I, I didn't expect that Xi Zhenxing would step into the master's realm so soon." Hua Wenyuan road.

"It seems that Xi Zhenxing is only about fifty years old?" Xu Yuanjie light way.

"Well, fifty nodded a little."

"It's also very gifted. It must be highly valued by Guiyi medicine hall. If I kill him, even my master will not be able to bear it."

Xu Yuanjie shook his head and said, "Xi Zhenxing, I can't help you deal with him."

"Brother Yuanjie..."

"Rhubarb, stop it!"

Xu Yuanjie ignores Hua Wenyuan and shouts at Dahuang and others.

Smell speech, this fall into the downwind of rhubarb and others, one by one began to recruit, back, ready to end the battle.

"Come and go as you like? When I learn to bully? Die for me

Suddenly, a strong death crisis emerged in the hearts of rhubarb and others.

The next moment, they saw Xi Zhenxing's sword air surging, condensed into the long sword in his hand.

The three foot green peak, which seemed quite ordinary, was shining silver at the moment.

And in this light, the soaring sword Qi made the four people's scalp numb.

"Be careful, Xi Zhenxing is going to kill you!" Rhubarb yelled, one by one ready to defend, and at the same time filled with joy.

Fortunately, Xu Yuanjie asked them to end the battle before their battle forces were exhausted. Otherwise, they would not have the power of a great master, and they would not be able to resist Xi Zhenxing's inevitable attack.


Suddenly, Xi Zhenxing yelled angrily and stabbed out his sword in the air.


Senbai's sword Qi shot out and pierced into the void. There was a piercing roar in the air.

A white sword Qi, which could not be caught by naked eyes, suddenly broke through the void. In the blink of an eye, it bypassed the four rhubarb and shot behind them.

"No, the goal of Xi's rejuvenation is not the four of us at all."

"Damn it, we are so careless!"

"He doesn't want to kill Xu Shao. If something happens to Xu Shao, the elder can't spare us."

"No, the goal is not a little."

Rhubarb four quickly turned to see, for fear that the goal of Xi Zhenxing is Xu Yuanjie.

Fortunately, although the sword Qi is shooting in the direction of Xu Yuanjie, the real target is not Xu Yuanjie.


Hua Wenyuan beside Xu Yuanjie.

"Master Hua, be careful!"

Xu Yuanjie gave a big drink, but at the same time, his body retreated wildly to the side for fear of being affected by the sword Qi.

I'm kidding. It's a must hit for the strong master. Even if they are the same master, they have to stay away from the edge. The strong master with ordinary dark strength is no different from cutting vegetables and melons.

"Xi Zhenxing, you bastard!"

Hua Wenyuan's hair all over his body stands abruptly, and his pupils stare at him.

In Xi Zhenxing's sword, he felt a strong sense of killing. It can be seen that Xi Zhenxing is determined to kill him.

However, although Hua Wenyuan was angry, he was not desperate.

When the sword Qi was about to assassinate him, he turned his hand, and a blood red pill appeared in his hand, then he put it directly into his mouth and swallowed it.

As soon as the pill enters the abdomen, Hua Wenyuan's Qi and blood suddenly soars, which is not much weaker than Xi Zhenxing.


Then, a long sword appeared in Hua Wenyuan's hand. When the sky was unfolded, it collided with the sword Qi. The clear sound sounded, and the fierce and terrible sword Qi suddenly broke up.

"Pooh! Poof! "Pooh..."

However, those scattered sword Qi still shot into Hua Wenyuan's body, and the bloodstains suddenly appeared, and the blood dripping.

"Wheeze! "Wheezing..." Hua Wenyuan gasped violently, and the terrible power of the master fell down in an instant. His face became very pale, but he was staring at Xi Zhenxing, "Xi Zhenxing, how dare you kill me? Are you not afraid that we Baiyun medicine hall will ask you for a crime? "

"It's Xuedan. I didn't expect that you still have Xuedan in your hand. It's a waste."

Xi Zhenxing shakes his head with regret. Originally he wanted to kill Hua Wenyuan with one sword, but now he seems to have missed the chance.

"Baiyun medicine hall asked me for a crime? Hua Wenyuan, are you an idiot? If you don't see where this place is, it's the stronghold of Nanjin branch of Guiyi medicine hall, but you bring so many people to trouble me and even want to kill me. What's the problem with me killing you? Although you are lucky to save your life today, I will also ask you Baiyun medicine hall to be accountable and ask them to give me an account. If they don't give me an explanation, as long as I see you again in Nanjin City, I will kill you! "

Xi Zhenxing said faintly, and then looked at Xu Yuanjie, "Xu Yuanjie, right? I can tell you clearly, Wang family and Ling family, I'm Xi Zhenxing Bao. You can go on if you have the ability. I may not be able to protect all the Wang family and Ling family, but what I can guarantee is that I will kill you before you kill them all. "

"Kill me?"

Xu Yuanjie's eyes narrowed and he wanted to order him to continue.

His cards are not just the top four players he brings.

However, thinking of the real target of his trip, Xu Yuanjie took a deep breath and suppressed his inner impulse.

"Since master Xi is determined to protect the Wangs and lings, I'll give you face. However, you can live in the Wangs and Lings. Can you live in Hefeng in Jiangbin? "

Xu Yuanjie gave a cold smile, and then turned to leave without stopping for a moment. Hua Wenyuan also kept up with him for fear that Xi Zhenxing would attack him again.

Xuedan, he still has one in his hand, but he has just swallowed one. If he continues to swallow it, his body can't bear it at all.

"I really didn't expect that Xi Zhenxing broke through to Huajin. It's no wonder that they will be annihilated."

"Yes, now I finally understand why he Feng dares to go back to Jiangbin city. It turns out that he is relying on Youxi Zhenxing to protect him. In front of the master, the Cao family's four strong men at the top of the dark power are not enough. "

"Now that Xi Zhenxing is back in Nanjin City, no one is going to protect He Feng. Even if Xu Yuanjie doesn't do it, we can kill He Feng?"

"If Xi Zhenxing wants to keep the Wangs and lings, he can't leave Nanjin in a short time. Without the protection of Xi Zhenxing, he Feng will be killed by any one or two strong people in the later period of dark strength. "

On the faces of Jiang Di, MI Donglong and others, there is a trace of shock and a sudden.

"Let's go, get in the car and go straight to Jiangbin city." Jiang Di said coldly.

The strongest member of their Jiang family died because of He Feng. Now he wants to kill He Feng himself.

Although there are no decent strong men in the Jiang family, they still have a few master gunners, enough to deal with He Feng.

Seeing this, midonglong is also preparing to get on the bus.


At this time, a woman ran to midonglong, "are you going to Jiangbin city to deal with He Feng? I want to go, too! "

"Jiaqi? What are you doing with me? It's a fight between the dark forces, and you can't step in. " Midonglong yelled.

"Dad, I just went to have a look, but I didn't do it. Besides, I already know that Xi Zhenxing protected He Feng before? Now Xi Zhenxing is in Nanjin city. He Feng has no experts around him, but I have you and uncle to protect me. What's the danger? "

Mi Jiaqi firmly said: "Dad, let me go. He Feng humiliated me outside the Junlin hotel in front of all the warriors in Nanjin city. If I didn't see him killed with my own eyes, I would be unwilling. It even forms a magic barrier and affects the cultivation in the future. "

Smell speech, rice east dragon not from frown.

But think of this trip many experts, even he midonglong may not have the opportunity to move, MI Jiaqi to see the bustling, should not be dangerous.

"Well, then follow me closely. You are not allowed to walk around without my orders, let alone start." Midong long road.

"Thank you, Dad!"

Mi Jiaqi excited way, want to arrive at Jiangbin city now, and then see he Feng was killed.

As if in her eyes, he Feng was killed is a matter of certainty.

Soon, a group of people got on the car and drove away from Guiyi medicine hall.


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