"Congratulations to the leader of the learning hall. He has not only realized the micro realm, but also stepped into the Huajin realm. I'm afraid that he is expected to impact the real Qi realm in the future."

Jiang Hongmei walked to Xi Zhenxing and praised with a smile.

"Elder sister Jiang, if I guess correctly, I'm afraid your accomplishments are not worse than mine?"

Xi Zhenxing turned around and glanced around. Seeing that there was no one around, he said with a smile: "however, since elder sister Jiang has broken through to the master's realm, why is she still so low-key? Even if the Wang family is bullied, she doesn't start? Is there any difficulty in this? I'll ask casually. If it's not convenient for me to answer, I'll take it as if I didn't say anything. "

Xi Zhenxing also regards Jiang Hongmei as her own person, which is why she asks so directly. After all, Jiang Hongmei is He Feng's wife's grandmother. If she were someone else, he would not care.

Jiang Hongmei hesitated a little, and then said with a bitter smile: "in fact, if you had a special investigation on the master of Xi Tang, with your ability, you should be able to find out that there was a great master of Hua Jin in our Wang family."

"Has there ever been a master of Huajin in the Wang family?"

Xi Zhenxing widened his eyes and said in shock, "how can I not know?"

Master Huajin, no matter which country he is in, is a top expert. Any master Huajin, if he is in the army, is at least a general.

If master Huajin appeared in the guwu family, the family would become a higher family immediately. The four royal families would find them personally and cooperate with them in some aspects, so that the family could develop rapidly.

But what about the Wangs?

Over the past few decades, the Wang family has always been a low-level ancient Wu family, and even declined to Nanjin city. Several families can take the place of the Wang family.

But Jiang Hongmei said that there was once a master of Huajin in the Wang family, and Jiang Hongmei also had the cultivation of Huajin.

Can this not shock Xi Zhenxing?

"Twenty six years ago, my husband, Wang Tianwen, really stepped into the master's realm early, but his mind was not in the Wang family. Instead, he wandered all over the world and did not join any forces. Twenty six years ago, because of one thing, he lost his life. Many people have heard of his name, but few know that he is from the Wang family in Nanjin City, but there are still some, such as the Cao family. "

Jiang Hongmei said faintly: "the Cao family thinks that Tianwen has left some treasures to the Wang family, such as breaking through the secret of the master, so they let Cao Zhiyan marry into our Cao family, just to find out the secret that doesn't exist at all."

"Wang Tianwen? Why does this name sound familiar? "

Xi Zhenxing frowned slightly and thought.

However, maybe it's because Wang Tianwen is not very famous, so he hasn't thought about it for a long time.

"Elder sister Jiang, I understand that this secret of the Wang family is likely to bring disaster to the Wang family. When you tell me this, you trust me. You can rest assured that I will never tell anyone about it. " Xi Zhenxing kept the name of Wang Tianwen in mind, and said solemnly without thinking about it any more.

"It's because I believe in the character of the master that I speak out." Jiang Hongmei's way of singing and laughing.

Xi Zhenxing smiles and says nothing.

Although Jiang Hongmei has a lot of trust in him, he thinks that Jiang Hongmei is willing to tell him the secret not only for this reason.

Perhaps, she is very confident in her own strength, and thinks that ordinary people can't take away the secret of the Wang family.

"Xu Yuanjie, they should go directly to Jiangbin city to deal with He Feng. Now I have to call He Feng and tell him." Xi Zhenxing took out his mobile phone.

"Well, I really have to tell him that Xu Yuanjie is not simple." Jiang Hongmei nodded.

"Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off..."

Xi Zhenxing called He Feng, but he couldn't get through, "He Feng's mobile phone can't get through, can you contact your granddaughter Wang Xiangyun? See if she's with He Feng. "

"OK, I'll call yunyun."

Jiang Hongmei nodded and took out her mobile phone to call Wang Xiangyun.

"Hello, grandma!" Wang Xiangyun's respectful voice came from the phone and said, "you got up so early today?"

Jiang Hongmei said directly: "yunyun, is He Feng by your side now? The weather has changed in Nanjin city. I need to talk to him. "

"Nanjin city is changing?"

When Wang Xiangyun heard this, he guessed something and said, "grandma, he Feng was seriously injured yesterday. The doctor said that it's a miracle that he can survive. Now he is still in intensive care unit. His mood can't be stimulated, otherwise the injury may recur."

Jiang Hongmei can't help frowning. She didn't expect that he Feng's injury was so serious. "You'd better let him answer the phone. Someone from Nanjin city has already gone to Jiangbin city. They are all dealing with him. If he can't cope with it, he should contact the he family. "

Originally, Jiang Hongmei wanted to contact the he family directly, but she was afraid of something wrong, so she still wanted to let he Feng make a decision.

"All right, I'll go in and tell him in a minute."

"Well! The person who came from Nanjin city was a member of the Qian family of the high ancient Wu family. His name was Xu Yuanjie. He was a close disciple of an elder of the Qian family. This Xu Yuanjie's strength is average, only the appearance of the peak of dark strength. However, the four men at the top of the dark force around him can form a battle array, and their strength can be superposed, so that each of them can burst out the power of a great master, and their combat effectiveness is stronger than those who understand the subtlety of the dark force. "

Jiang Hongmei gave a general description of Xu Yuanjie's fighting power. "In addition to Xu Yuanjie, there are also experts from Hua Wenyuan, MI family, Jiang family of Baiyun medicine hall. As for whether there is hidden power in the dark, I can't confirm it now. "

"I remember. I'll tell he Feng everything." Wang Xiangyun said.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Hongmei was still frowning, obviously still a little uneasy, "master Xi, do you think he Feng has a way to deal with this crisis?"

"Of course, there are ways. Anyway, he is also a child of the he family. The he family can't watch him have an accident."

Xi Zhenxing said without thinking.

He had no doubt about He Feng.

Even, he felt that he Feng was seriously injured, which is questionable.

Because in the news he hears, although he Feng is seriously injured, Yang Qi beside him is undamaged.

You know, Yang Qi calls He Feng the "master". He thinks he Feng's strength is much stronger than Yang Qi's. If he really meets the crisis of life and death, how can he Feng be seriously injured and Yang Qi be undamaged?

This is so illogical!

Therefore, he felt that even if he Feng was injured, it was certainly not a serious injury, at least it would not affect his strength today.

In addition, he also got a message that some people from nanjinshi military region also went to Jiangbin city last night.

So much combat power, enough to deal with a group of people Xu Yuanjie.

"Yes, the energy of the he family is not comparable to that of the Qian family."

Thinking of the he family, Jiang Hongmei was relieved.

"Elder sister Jiang seems to know a lot about the strength of the he family?" Xi Zhenxing asked casually.

"Ha ha, I don't know much. But I know that the he family can destroy the Qian family by sending out a master. "

Jiang Hongmei smiles and doesn't say much.

With that, she turned and walked towards the Guiyi medicine hall building.

In the hall on the first floor, Wang Qingzheng came from upstairs, but his face was not very good-looking.

Jiang Hongmei glanced at him, then looked behind him and asked, "where's your daughter-in-law?"

"She... She just left the back door and said she had something to leave." Wang Qing's face is a little unnatural.

Jiang Hongmei's eyes narrowed slightly. "At this juncture, what's important? If I guess correctly, she wants to take the latest flight to Jiangbin to see he Feng's play, right

Wang Qing lowered his head and said, "I'm not very clear!"

Although the mouth said so, but his heart is very clear, Cao Zhiyan to He Feng extremely hate, ten have contact nine is want to see he Feng is how to be killed.

"Besides Cao Zhiyan, who else followed?" Jiang Hongmei asked faintly.

"They all went to the Cao family, and Wang Xuan joined in the fun." Wang Qingdao.

"Wang Xuan? Ah, it seems that he has been with the Cao family for a long time, even forgetting his surname. " Jiang Hongmei shook her head disappointedly, "well, anyway, your father didn't want to let the Wang family develop and grow. He didn't care whether you can inherit this pulse. In that case, I don't care about your business

With that, Jiang Hongmei went straight away.


Jiangbin military general hospital, outside the intensive care unit.

"Feather, moon, something happened in Nanjin city. Xu Yuanjie, the eldest son of Xu Tianyin, took a group of people to Jiangshu province. As soon as they arrived in Nanjin City, they were ready to kill the Wangs and Lings. Fortunately, they were protected by Guiyi medicine hall, and the Wangs and Lings survived. However, Xu Yuanjie's real goal is He Feng. What should we do now? Do you want to tell he Feng about it? "

Wang Xiangyun looks at Ling Weiyu and Chu Yue and asks.

Although she wants to tell he Feng the news directly, she also wants to take a breath with ER NV.

"Xu Yuanjie? What about their strength? " Chu Yue asked.

"Very strong!"

Wang Xiangyun said in a dignified tone, "my grandmother said that the four men brought by Xu Yuanjie can form a special battle array and make them double their strength. Together, they can defeat the ordinary early masters of Huajin. Moreover, Xu Yuanjie may have other cards. Now he Feng is seriously injured. I'm sure I can't do it any more. My idea is to tell him about it directly and let him ask the strength of he's family to deal with it. "


Chu month opened mouth, a little don't know how to say.

She is very clear about He Feng's strength, not to mention that she can defeat the ordinary early master of Huajin. Even if she can defeat the top master of Huajin, he Feng can deal with it easily.

But last night, she told Wang Xiangyun that he Feng was seriously injured and in danger. It's only one night since then. Let he Feng do it. It's very likely that he Feng will show up.

With Wang Xiangyun's intelligence, it's easy to find out that they lied last night.

"Feather, what do you think? Do you want to tell he Feng directly? " Chu Yue looks at Ling Weiyu and throws the problem to him.

Ling Weiyu sighed, "since it's so difficult, we can't cope with it with our ability. Let's tell brother Xiaofeng first and see how he decides and whether he needs the help of the he family."

"Let's go, the three of us."

Wang Xiangyun immediately stood up and went to the intensive care unit.

The woman nurse who was guarding outside was sitting there now, dozing off and falling asleep. She didn't notice the movements of Wang Xiangyun and others.

As soon as he opened the door and entered the intensive care unit, Wang Xiangyun was shocked, "He Feng, how did you sit up? Isn't your body seriously injured? "

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