"Brother Xiaofeng, he... He's sitting up, so he's not afraid to show up?"

Ling Weiyu and Chu Yue are speechless when they see he Feng.

He Feng is not only sitting on the bed with his knees crossed, but his face is not as weak and pale as it was yesterday. On the contrary, he Feng is a little ruddy and obviously energetic.

"Daughter in law, Xiaoyu, Yueyue, are you here?"

He Feng opened his eyes and said with a smile: "although I was injured, after a night's recuperation, my strength has recovered a lot. I will use some effective medicine to cure these skin injuries, and I will soon be able to recover."

"Your strength began to recover?"

Wang Xiangyun was surprised and said, "is master Huajin's recovery so fast?"

He Feng touched nose, this Ni son unexpectedly still thinks oneself is to turn strong master all the time.

Forget it, Huajin is Huajin. Now if you tell her that I am not Huajin, but a myth, she will surely think that I was acting yesterday.

"That's necessary. Master Hua Jin's control over strength is not comparable to that of Ming Jin and dark Jin. Even if he takes care of himself, he can recover quickly."

He Feng casually explained that he didn't think that he was a liar, because he didn't say that he was the master of Huajin.

Later, he pretended to be confused and asked, "I see you are in such a hurry. Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Well, something happened in Nanjin city." Wang Xiangyun nodded and said about the arrival of Xu Yuanjie, "this Xu Yuanjie is fierce. We don't know what cards he has. I don't want you to take any more risks, so I hope you can directly invite the strength of he family to deal with it. After all, you are seriously injured."

"Daughter in law, you have no confidence in me. I just said that my injury is almost better. If I use some more healing medicine, it will get better faster. As for my strength, I just need to use some Xuanyuan pills, and I can recover to the peak soon. "

He Feng does not think of the way: "in fact, even if Xu Yuanjie they do not come, I am ready to directly leave the hospital today."

"However, even if you recover from the injury, Xu Yuanjie's strength is not weak. The ordinary masters at the beginning of Huajin are not their opponents. Besides, Xu Yuanjie probably has other cards. " Wang Xiangyun frowned.

"At the beginning of Huajin?"

He Feng said with a light smile: "daughter-in-law, who told you that my cultivation was at the beginning of Huajin?"

"Aren't you at the beginning of Huajin?" Wang Xiangyun a Leng, "difficult not, you have reached the strength of the medium-term?"

He Feng shook his head and did not answer.

"Isn't Huajin? Is it the later stage of Huajin? "

He Feng still shook his head.

"Huajin peak?" Wang Xiangyun exclaimed.

"Hehe, what is the peak of Huajin?" He Feng said confidently: "in the level of Hua Jin, he Feng is invincible."

"Huajin is invincible?" Wang Xiangyun took a breath of cool air, only felt that his heart was shocked. He Feng's eyes were full of shock.

A few days ago, when Wang Xiangyun guessed that he Feng was the master of Huajin, she was shocked.

She has lived in the Wang family for more than ten years, and has been influenced by ancient martial arts for more than ten years. In addition, her grandmother has told her a lot about Hua Jin. She knows very well what it means to be a 26 year old master of Hua Jin.

Even in the ancient martial arts world of the whole kingdom of China, the 26 year old master Huajin can be regarded as a top genius. In the future, nine out of ten people will be able to set foot in the true atmosphere and become a generation of myths and legends.

To this end, Wang Xiangyun next more efforts to cultivate, is not willing to be left too far by this man, after all, she is now on the road of cultivation, for this reason, she even used her own experimental results, at a certain risk.

Because she felt that if she was strong enough, refining pills would improve her strength much faster. When she used the broken border pill, she would soon reach the peak of dark strength.

Once stepping into the peak of dark strength, plus her strength beyond the best, I'm afraid she can defeat he Feng.

But now he Feng tells her that he is not at the beginning of Huajin, nor at the middle or late stage of Huajin, or even at the peak of Huajin, but

The power is invincible!

At the age of 26, he is invincible.

This kind of talent is rare in the ancient martial arts world of the whole kingdom of China, even in the whole world?

"You're only twenty-six years old, and you're invincible?"

Wang Xiangyun thought about it a little and asked with some doubts.

Wang Xiangyun is not surprised if he is a genius with outstanding cultivation talent, who has been taught by myths and legends since he was a child, and reaches the age of 26 with invincible power.

But she listened to Ling Weiyu's story of He Feng's growing up last night. She had to doubt it.

He Feng spent all his life in a welfare home before he was 12 years old. He had never been in touch with Gu Wu. Although he founded a mercenary regiment behind him, he was a grassroots. There was no myth to tell him how to be invincible at the age of 26?

"It's strange to be 26 years old and invincible?"

He Feng blinked, see Wang Xiangyun questioned himself, he did not explain too much, just to the ward outside called out, "Yang Qi, you come in."


The door of the intensive care unit was pushed open. Yang Qi came in and said respectfully, "master, master mother!"

"Who is he?" Wang Xiangyun looks at Yang Qi in doubt, and doesn't understand why Yang Qi shouts master he Feng and their mother.

"Daughter in law, his name is Yang Qi. A few days ago, Xu Tianyin's wife Zhou Han came to him and asked him to kill me. However, he failed because he was too weak. And he recognized me as Lord and became my servant He Feng smiles to introduce a way.

"What do you want to say?" Wang Xiangyun is still confused.

He Feng looked at Yang Qi, "Yang Qi, show your accomplishments a little."


Yang Qi nodded respectfully, then a great master's power came out of him.

"This... This is the breath of a master! He, he is a master of Huajin? "

Wang Xiangyun shocked said.

She and her grandmother once met the strong master and felt the breath of the strong master. As soon as she noticed Yang Qi's breath, she decided that the latter was also a master.

"Yes, master mother!" Yang Qi took back his breath. "A few days ago, my cultivation was the peak of dark strength, because I had ordinary talent. It took me at least ten years to break through to master Hua Jin. But under the guidance of my master, it took me only a few days to step into Huajin. "

"What? Did you break through to Huajin under his guidance? What's more, after you become Hua Jin, are you willing to be his servant? Do you recognize him as the master

Wang Xiangyun really can't believe that he Feng's servant is a great master.

You know, any Huajin master can be regarded as a real strong man in China. Even if he enters the four royal families, he can become a guest of honor and be worshipped.

If you go to some small countries and join their nationality, you may even become the commander in chief of the three armed forces of that country.

If he didn't see Yang Qi with his own eyes, Wang Xiangyun would even think that Yang Qi was out of his mind and would choose to be He Feng's servant.

"Mother, although I have stepped into Huajin, I feel that it is the greatest honor and pride in my life for me to be the servant of the master." Yang Qi said sincerely, looking at He Feng's eyes, full of fanatical color.

Wang Xiangyun only thinks that he Feng is the 26 year old Huajin invincible, but he knows very well that this is the 26 year old tianbang strong.

Would such a genius be short of a great master?

He can become He Feng's servant, he thinks this is his luck, he feels lucky and proud for this.


Wang Xiangyun really didn't know what to say. She just felt that her three outlooks had been overturned.

"Daughter in law, now you should believe it?" He Feng said with a smile.

"What else can I say?" Wang Xiangyun shrugged and said with a bitter smile.

Even master Huajin is willing to be your servant. Even if you say you are a mythical realm, I won't doubt it any more.

"Well... We're leaving now. While I'm taking care of my injury, I'm waiting for Xu Yuanjie to come?" Hefeng road.

"Well, yes."

Wang Xiangyun nodded, "but where are you going to recuperate?"

"Well, why don't you go to the Liuyue club? It's a remote place, but it's quite suitable for fighting. " He Feng thought about it.

"Moon club?"

Wang Xiangyun recited the name, thought for two seconds, and suddenly said: "is it the residence of Ji Xinyu, the boss of scorpion Gang? It seems that your relationship with her has developed very well. "

"Well, daughter-in-law, I just think it's a remote place. There are no houses around. I'll let the police or the Dragon guards keep an eye on it. No matter what kind of fighting there is, it won't let the ordinary people outside know and save trouble."

He Feng a face embarrassed way.

"Well, let's go to the Liuyue club. But I'm going, too. " Wang Xiangyun squinted.

"Er... Well, daughter-in-law, you sat out all night last night and didn't sleep. Don't you go home and have a rest? Besides, isn't the company very busy recently? "

He Feng doesn't dare to let Ji Xinyu and Wang Xiangyun meet each other. If these two women meet, they may come up with something wrong. If it's too big, it won't be a good ending.

"I'm an ancient warrior now. A night without sleep has no effect on my body. As for the company's affairs, Weiwei and sister yuan are dealing with them. They don't need me at all. "

Wang Xiangyun shrugged, "hold on to the speed, although you say you are invincible, but you are so seriously injured that you don't know how much strength you can play. Besides, Xu Yuanjie has many other cards in his hand. You have to be careful. "

"Daughter in law, do you really have to go to the moon club?" He Feng asked tentatively: "can we not go?"

"Can you stop writing too much? I didn't mind what you did outside. Why do you suddenly get so nervous now? "

Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng and asks, "is it difficult, Ji Xinyu still wants me to divorce you, and then take my place?"

He Feng quickly explained: "of course it won't, Xinyu is still very easy to get along with, she wants us to have a better relationship."

"What else do you have to worry about?"

Wang Xiangyun rolled his eyes, "let's go, solve the problem earlier, and then help Xiaoyu move to the company. It's a long time. The employees of her company will have ideas."

"All right!"

He Feng touched his forehead and prayed for a while that nothing would happen.

Although Ji Xinyu doesn't want him to be separated from Wang Xiangyun, Wang Xiangyun's usual attitude towards him makes Ji Xinyu quite dissatisfied. He's really a little worried. After a while, Ji Xinyu will directly show this dissatisfaction, which is not so good.

Immediately, they didn't do anything to clean up, even didn't say hello to the hospital, so they drove a police car from Chu Yue to leave.


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