More than half an hour later, the car stopped at the gate of Liuyue club.

"Mr. He, are you all right?"

As soon as he got out of the car, Mahong, who was waiting outside, came quickly.

In addition to Ma Hong, there are Ji Xinyu, Ji Gang, Xi Xueqing, zhankuang and others.

When he just left the hospital, he Feng called Mahong with Chu Yue's mobile phone and asked Mahong to bring people to Liuyue club.

"Don't worry, my body has recovered a lot. Have you arranged all around?"

"There are not many residents around the Liuyue club. Now the police and the military have all temporarily evacuated the residents within a radius of 500 meters. Now they are evacuating the residents within a radius of 500 meters. They are trying to evacuate all the residents within a radius of two kilometers before Xu Yuanjie arrives in Jiangbin City." Ma Hong said.

"That's good!"

He Feng nodded, and then he looked at Ji Xinyu.

Ji Xinyu naturally stares at him, but after he Feng takes a close look, his scalp suddenly feels numb.

The reason is very simple. Although Ji Xinyu is staring at him, he is not looking at him, but at Wang Xiangyun beside him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I've made tea for you. Let's all sit inside."

It seems that he Feng's eyes are sensed. Ji Xinyu takes back his eyes and says with a smile, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

He Feng was relieved and said to Wang Xiangyun, "daughter in law, let's have tea first."


Wang Xiangyun nodded, did not say anything, directly followed everyone into the club.

"Brother-in-law, this is the Xuanyuan pill of the earth level, and there is a healing elixir. Hurry to recover."

Not long after entering the hall, Ji Gang ran to He Feng with a box and yelled.

The sound of "brother-in-law" made Mahong and others look at each other and immediately smile bitterly. As if they had not heard anything, they bowed their heads to taste tea.

He Feng's face is a little black. He thinks that after today's problem is solved, he must give a good "guidance" to Ji Gang's martial arts.

At this time, Wang Xiangyun came over, took the box on Ji Gang's hand, and then hugged He Feng's arm, with a gentle tone that made people feel crisp, "husband, let's find a vacant room now, I'll help you with the medicine."

He Feng blinked, subconsciously looked at Ji Xinyu.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a soft arm, like something touching up.

Read female countless He Feng where don't know this is what thing, just feel inside the body as if there is a fire to be lit.

"Husband, you are familiar with this place. Take me to find a vacant room." Wang Xiangyun gathered to He Feng's ear and said that she breathed out like orchid, and the fragrant breath penetrated into He Feng's nostrils, which made his heart itch.


At this time, he Feng where will refuse, without hesitation with Wang Xiangyun to find a vacant room.

"Sister Xinyu, won't you be angry?"

Watching the two leave, Chu Yue comes to Ji Xinyu's ear and whispers, "sister Yun, she doesn't mean to make a fuss. She may have just been stimulated, so that's why."

Ling Weiyu came over and said, "Yueyue, can't you see that sister Xinyu intentionally let Ji Gang stimulate her sister-in-law?"

"On purpose?"

Chu Yue looks at Ji Xinyu in surprise, "sister Xinyu, you..."

"Shh! Don't mention it. As long as they have a good relationship, it's more important than anything. " Ji Xinyu shook his head without too much explanation.

But Ling Weiyu understood in an instant!

At the beginning, he Feng married Wang Xiangyun because of the conditions of the he family. Only when he Feng had a child left with Wang Xiangyun, the he family would tell him about his parents.

Therefore, Ji Xinyu helps He Feng and wants them to get together as soon as possible.

On the side, war crazy see three female so familiar and intimate sit together, secretly frown.

Ji Xinyu is very skillful. If it wasn't for her grandson Xiangyun who had already obtained the certificate from He Feng, maybe Ji Xinyu would become a big house.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I sent someone to make some breakfast. It may be busy later. Let's have something to eat first."

At this time, a few maids came up with cakes. Ji Xinyu said with a smile, entertaining everyone, like a hostess.


In the training room, after Wang Xiangyun came in with He Feng in his arms, he breathed out a long breath, and then drew his hand back. His pretty face was a little hot, and he didn't dare to see he Feng.

Although she had been taken advantage of by He Feng before, and even had been seen by He Feng when she was sleeping, it was unintentional. Now she took the initiative to send him to take advantage of her, and during that time, she obviously felt a little strange in her body, which seemed to be quite comfortable. She was so ashamed that she wanted to find a hole to drill down.

"Daughter in law, what's the matter with you?"

He Feng didn't notice Wang Xiangyun's strange mood, and asked: "you just said to apply medicine to me, is it true or false?"

Wang Xiangyun recovered. Since he Feng didn't mention what happened just now, she took it as if nothing had happened. She opened the box and said, "of course, it's true. Otherwise, how can you apply it yourself with so many wounds on your body?"

"But... There are many wounds on my body. When the bomb exploded, I deliberately protected my neck, but I hurt many places below it." Hefeng road.

"Isn't that place hurt?" Wang Xiangyun asked with a red face.

"Where?" He Feng doesn't know why.

"What do you say?"

Wang Xiangyun has no good spirit of stare He Feng one eye, then the vision slowly moves down, "is there!"

"Well, how can this place be hurt? Even if I die, I will protect this part. Don't worry, daughter-in-law. As long as I don't die, you won't be empty and lonely. " He Feng grinned.

"Screw you. If I give you some color, I'll open a dyeing workshop, right? How can you even play a hooligan on me? " Wang Xiangyun scolded, "since there is no injury on the line, quickly take off the clothes, I seize the time to give you medicine."

"Oh, yes!"

He Feng nodded and slowly took off his clothes.

Now the clothes he is wearing are still those worn by patients from hospitals. They are loose and easy to take off.

After taking off his upper body clothes, he could see that many parts of his body were wrapped with medical tape. Wang Xiangyun stepped forward and carefully removed the tape, revealing the terrible wound.

Especially on his back, the blood holes made by more than a dozen sniper guns shocked Wang Xiangyun, and his pretty face turned white.

"Daughter in law, why don't you call a servant to help me apply the medicine?" He Feng said.

"My servants are not so careful. I'll do it."

Wang Xiangyun said subconsciously.

Smell speech, he Feng on the corner of the mouth raised a smile.

"Are there many wounds in the legs?" Wang Xiangyun asked after observing He Feng's upper body injury.

"It's a little too much. It's on the fart bone, too." He Feng said directly.

"Fart bone..."

Wang Xiangyun's face flushed, but pretended to be nothing happened, "well, then you take off your pants."

"Well, isn't that good?" He Feng hesitated.

"What's wrong? I'm going to help you apply the medicine, but I'm not going to do anything Wang Xiangyun said.

"But... The hospital may be worried that it will touch the wound on my fart bone, so after the operation, it didn't give me the inner library." Hefeng road.

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