
Wang Xiangyun takes a puff from the corner of his mouth and wants to turn around and leave directly. Let Xiaoyu and he Feng apply medicine to him. If there is no accident, they should have had a relationship with He Feng.

However, now that she really wants to go out directly, her status in the hearts of the women may also decline.

"Take off!"

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Wang Xiangyun almost gritted his teeth.

"Daughter in law, are you sure?" He Feng asked.

"Don't talk nonsense. After taking off, turn your back to me honestly. Don't always think about dirty things, and don't even want to take the opportunity to do bad things to me. Otherwise, I'm afraid that my impulse will make you die. "

Wang Xiangyun had to warn that she knew too much about He Feng's temperament, and that this guy would play a hooligan on himself without accident.

"Don't worry, I'm a gentleman. I think of pure things in my mind, and I'm not likely to bully my wife."

He Feng said seriously.

At the same time of speaking, he had already taken off his trousers.

And now he just talked, as if he had forgotten to turn around.

They stood face to face, Wang Xiangyun seems to have found something, a red face almost dripping water.

"You, you..."

Wang Xiangyun opened his mouth, but could not say a word.

"Well, don't get me wrong, daughter-in-law. I didn't mean to. I'll turn around." He Feng quickly turned around and turned his back to Wang Xiangyun.

Wang Xiangyun took a deep breath and calmed down her agitation, but a picture lingered in her mind.

Fortunately, when she saw the shocking wound on He Feng's back, she soon calmed down.

The most urgent thing is to help he Feng apply the effective medicine to the wound and let him recover as soon as possible. Otherwise, when Xu Yuanjie and he Feng come, he Feng will not recover.

So, Wang Xiangyun as nothing, went to He Feng behind, carefully help him daub up the elixir.

Not only is the back, even if it is to stand in front of He Feng, she appears quite calm.

But he Feng can clearly feel that Wang Xiangyun's face is not only very red, but also very hot.

Full ten minutes later, Wang Xiangyun was heavily relieved, "the elixir has been applied to you. Do you want me to get you a set of clean clothes to wear?"

"No, just wear this. When the wound recovers, just throw it away."

He Feng says, pulled pants up, put on jacket again, "daughter-in-law, thank you!"

Wang Xiangyun asked, "thank you for what?"


He Feng laughed, did not say much, "daughter-in-law, I'm going to recover my inner strength. Are you waiting for me here or going out to have breakfast with them? You haven't eaten in the morning

"I'll wait for you here." Wang Xiangyun said.

"All right!"

He Feng sits down with his knees crossed, takes Xuanyuan pill, and recovers.


Outside Jiangbin airport, Xu Tianyin and Zhou Han came here early to wait.

At about eight o'clock in the morning, a group headed by Xu Yuanjie came out of the airport.

"Yuanjie, you are here at last."

Seeing Xu Yuanjie, Zhou Han immediately went up and said, "how are you going to prepare this time? Are you sure to get rid of He Feng? But I heard that several of the Cao family's top dark powers were all planted in He Feng's hands. "

"Yuanjie, if you're not sure, you'd better give up. Your mother and I are left with a son like you. You can't have another accident. " Xu Tianyin followed.

"Mom and Dad, you don't know. The reason why the Cao family fell into He Feng's hands is not because he Feng is so powerful, but because Xi Zhenxing."

Xu Yuanjie said“ I went to see Xi Zhenxing this morning. I wanted to get rid of him, but he broke through and became the great master of Huajin. "

"What? Has Xi Zhenxing become the master of Huajin? "

"No wonder, no wonder the four strong men of the Cao family never come back."

Xu Tianyin and Zhou Han and others suddenly realized that they were worried at the same time, "Xi Zhenxing and he Feng are close. Since he has broken through to master Huajin, if he comes to Jiangbin city to help he Feng, then it's not easy for us to deal with He Feng?"

Xu Yuanjie shook his head and said, "no, Xi Zhenxing is staying in Nanjin city to protect the Wangs and Lings. He won't come to Jiangbin city. Moreover, as long as I find he Feng, even if Ling Zhenxing comes, you don't have to worry. I have a way to deal with him. "

Hearing Xu Yuanjie say that even the master has a way to deal with it, Xu Tianyin and Zhou Han are shocked and gratified.

The achievement of their eldest son is beyond their imagination.

"Mom and Dad, have you found out where he Feng is now?" Xu Yuanjie asked.

"Well, I've found out.

Xu Tianyin frowned.

In his opinion, if there are official forces to protect He Feng, it will be a little difficult for Xu Yuanjie to move him again.

"What is the official power? I, Xu Yuanjie, represent not only me, but also my family. As long as I'm Xu Yuanjie, they don't dare to attack me. "

Xu Yuanjie didn't care about him at all. He said directly: "since he Feng is in Liuyue club, let's go to Liuyue Club directly. Today, I want him to have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth. If you dare to kill my brother Xu Yuanjie, he will be ready to die. "

"Good! Yuanjie, you are really growing up. My father is very happy. "

"Yuanjie, you must personally kill He Feng today to avenge your brother huangjie."

Xu Tianyin and Zhou Han said excitedly.

"Well, I'll kill him myself."

Xu Yuanjie nodded, "has the car been arranged?"

"It's arranged. A total of ten cars are in the underground garage." Xu Tianyin said.

"Let's go!"

Immediately, a group of people rushed to the underground garage.

In addition to Xu Yuanjie and his four subordinates, the rice family, the Jiang family and other families, there are about 30 people.


After Xu Yuanjie rushed to the underground garage, several people came out of the airport.

It is Cao Zhiyan and Cao Rui and others.

"Mom, do you know where he Feng is now?" Cao Zhiyan next to Wang Xuan asked.

"I just called someone to confirm. He Feng is in Liuyue club now. No accident, they should also rush to Liuyue club. " Cao Zhiyan said.

"It's the moon club. I've found it."

At this time, Cao Rui, sitting in a wheelchair and tapping on his laptop, raised his head and said, "now there are many policemen and people from the military region around the Liuyue club. It seems that he Feng also feels the death crisis, so he found these people to protect him."

"The people of the country?"

Cao Xin, holding a long sword, sneered: "as long as it's not dragon teeth, they can deal with ordinary people. They don't dare to do anything about it. "

"We don't need to pay attention to these. Since they are in Liuyue club, let's go directly to Liuyue club."

Cao Zhiyan said: "after he Feng is killed, we'll go back to Cao's home together. Don't you mind?"

"I don't mind!"

"Mom, we should have gone back to the Cao family long ago. We are wasting our time in the declining Wang family."

"Wang family..."

Cao Zhiyan murmured, shaking her head in her heart, "if the master of the Wang family doesn't leave anything, then my years in the Wang family are really wasted."


The distance from Jiangbin airport to Liuyue club is not close, and it's the peak time for work now. It took Xu Yuanjie and others an hour to get to Liuyue club.

After getting off the bus, Xu Yuanjie looked around and suddenly said, "eagle eye, what's going on around here?"

"The residents of Liuyue club within a radius of two kilometers have been dispersed and evacuated. Now there is no ambush within a radius of two kilometers."

A middle-aged man's voice rang out in Xu Yuanjie's ears.

This is a miniature earphone he put in his ear. He is the only one who can hear it. The people beside him can't hear a word clearly.

"Do you have an ambush?" Xu Yuanjie asked again.

"As long as you don't enter the building of Liuyue club and stay outside, your position is just in my best range. Even if Xi Zhenxing comes, there is only one way out. " Said eagle eye.

"Good! Then you wait for my news, I let you shoot when you shoot, I want to play with that he Feng, and then personally cut off his head Xu Yuanjie said.

"Well, be careful, don't turn over the boat in the sewer, or I can't explain to your master." The eagle's eye gave a warning.

"Ha ha, I'm not a boat, but a super aircraft carrier. Who can let me capsize?"

Xu Yuanjie didn't want to laugh, and immediately went forward, shouting at the closed door of Liuyue Club: "He Feng, get out and die!"


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