"He Feng, get out and die!"

Xu Yuanjie's roar, mixed with great inner strength, penetrated the void. Even people one kilometer away could hear it clearly.

"This Xu Yuanjie has a solid foundation, and his use of strength is also perfect. He seems to have just broken through to the peak of dark strength, but I'm afraid that the ordinary ancient martial arts at the peak of dark strength are not his opponents."

Mi Donglong, who is also the peak of dark energy, feels the momentum of Xu Yuanjie, and his pupils shrink slightly. "If there is no accident, Xu Yuanjie will be able to break through to Huajin in ten years. No wonder the Qian family attaches so much importance to him. If he is really a genius, I don't know if he Feng can survive today. "

"He Feng, you're dead!" On one side, MI Jiaqi looks at Xu Yuanjie with colorful eyes, revealing the meaning of silk worship.

In the whole Nanjin City, there is not a man who can let her see. Before he Feng was one, now Xu Yuanjie is one.

But he Feng is too ignorant, not only does not make friends with the rice family, but also humiliates her.

She will he Feng and Xu Yuanjie slightly compared, she found in front of Xu Yuanjie, he Feng is just a mole ant.

And Xu Yuanjie is the dragon, the king of nine days.

"Everyone should be in good spirits. Don't let he Feng escape for a while. Everyone in the club can't let go of one person. "

Jiang Di said to the people of the Jiang family.

The Huang family, the Wei family and the Han family all tried to show themselves well in front of Xu Yuanjie and win his favor.

After all, behind Xu Yuanjie is the Qian family of the high ancient Wu family. If they can get the attention of the Qian family, even if they become a subsidiary family of the Qian family, it will be of great benefit to their family development.


As Xu Yuanjie's voice fell, under the gaze of dozens of people, the gate of Liuyue Club slowly opened and a group of people came out.

The leader is He Feng.

He Feng is wearing a sick suit, holding two mung bean cakes in his hand.

He chewed the cake in his mouth, glanced at Xu Yuanjie and said, "in the early morning, what are you shouting about outside? We are all adults. Can we have some quality? "

"Are you He Feng?"

Xu Yuanjie looked at He Feng, "I thought you were seriously injured. It doesn't look like you are seriously injured. You can walk on the ground, and your spirit looks good."

He Feng light way: "who are you?"

Xu Yuanjie said coldly, "my brother Xu huangjie was killed by you. Today I come to revenge you for your blood debt. Who do you think I am?"

"Xu huangjie?"

He Feng made a look of thinking, suddenly staring at Xu Yuanjie, said: "I think, Xu huangjie and you are too similar, Xu Hongjie is more like you, you and Xu Hongjie should be brothers?"

He Feng's words sound a little puzzling. Some people who don't understand their relationship are all in the clouds.

"Yuanjie, don't talk to him, just kill him."

Zhou Han saw that he Feng made fun of her late little son Xu huangjie. A strong sense of killing appeared on his face and cried out.

"Ma, he can't escape."

Xu Yuanjie nodded, "but don't you think it's too cheap to kill him like this?"

"What do you mean?"

Xu Yuanjie glanced at the crowd behind he Feng and said, "everyone, he Feng killed my brother. I came here to find him for revenge. Please leave immediately. Ten seconds later, if there is anyone standing next to him, it is the enemy of Xu Yuanjie. Once you start, you will not be able to leave alive. "

As Xu Yuanjie's voice fell, the four brothers of rhubarb came forward one after another, exuding the air of the peak of dark strength, forming a powerful force and pressure, and went towards the group of people in Liuyue club.

Seeing this, Jiang Di and others hurriedly stood behind Xu Yuanjie, and a stream of dark force came out from them.

Xu Yuanjie's purpose is very simple. He wants to defeat he Feng's confidence before he starts, and let he Feng fall into panic.

At this time, Mahong came out and said unhappily, "Xu Yuanjie, if you want to do something, do it as soon as possible. Don't give up. In order to give you a suitable place to fight, our military has arranged hundreds of soldiers and more police and armed police to disperse the two kilometer residential area, which has seriously disturbed the people. So, can you hurry up and don't waste your time? "

"That's to say, if you want to do something, you can do it. You're still playing outside our monthly club. Do you really think we'll be afraid?"

Ji Gang also jumped out and said.

"Oh, since you are in such a hurry to die, I will help you." Xu Yuanjie waved his hand directly, pointed to Ji Gang and said, "rhubarb, go and kill that smelly boy for me."


Rhubarb nodded, holding a knife to Jigang, the body is surging.

"The peak of dark energy? I want to see how far away I am from the peak of dark strength. "

Ji Gang rolled up her sleeve and began to work hard.

However, as he was about to rush forward, Ji Xinyu grabbed him back, "the peak of dark strength, you can't fight now. Stay honest behind me."

With these words, Ji Xinyu also ignores Ji Gang's depressed face. She moves her lotus steps lightly and floats to rhubarb.

"He Feng, how can you let Ji Xinyu do it? Are you not afraid of her being hurt? " Wang Xiangyun saw Ji Xinyu for the first time. He didn't know her strength, so he was worried when he saw Ji Xinyu rushing up.

He Feng swallowed the mung bean cake in his mouth and said, "don't worry, daughter-in-law. Xinyu's cultivation is not weaker than the other party. She can handle it."

Just now after his healing, Ji Xinyu came to him and said that if the other side didn't have a master, she would solve the problem. She also wanted to take the opportunity to sharpen her fighting skills.

And if the other side has a master, it's up to Yang Qi to deal with it.

"Ji Xinyu's cultivation is not weaker than the other side?"

However, Wang Xiangyun was shocked.

This is Xu Yuanjie's subordinate, but the cultivation of the peak of dark strength. Ji Xinyu has also reached the peak of dark strength?

"No wonder to come to Liuyue club!"

Wang Xiangyun's beautiful eyes, a touch of resentment emerged.


"Women? Since your man asked you to come here to die, don't blame me for killing flowers. "

Seeing Ji Xinyu rush to himself, and the speed is very fast, rhubarb snorts. His killing intention surges in his eyes. He raises his sword and cuts it down.

He didn't use his martial arts, but he didn't keep his hand.


Dagao sends out violent wind breaking sound in the air, and quickly cuts at Ji Xinyu, who seems weak.

Many people who don't know about Ji Xinyu turn their heads and can't bear to see the cruel scene of the best beauty being cut and killed.

"To kill, it's better to kill all the people around He Feng first, and then kill He Feng at last." But Zhou Han's eyes are excited.

"He Feng was afraid of death and didn't dare to fight. He let his own woman take the lead. It was obviously a death sentence. It was hateful, a scum man." Mi Jiaqi looks at Ji Xinyu pitifully. Even if she looks back at He Feng who is still eating mung bean cake, "this kind of scum man, I really don't know why so many beautiful women follow him. Thanks to the fact that he wanted me to be his bed warming servant girl before, did he think I was just as crazy as the women around him? "

"Without Xi Zhenxing to protect him, he Feng really couldn't do it. He let his own woman die." Midonglong also shook his head.

Mi Dongyu looked at him and said, "let's talk after seeing it."


Midong long frowned. Didn't he Feng arrange the master to rescue him secretly?

"No, this breath..." midonglong suddenly exclaimed, "that woman, unexpectedly, is also a top strength of dark strength?"

Not only mi Donglong, but also Xu Yuanjie and others were shocked.


In the field, Ji Xinyu is facing rhubarb's long sword without any evasive action. Instead, he reaches for it with one hand, turns his palm and slaps it on its body.

A dull crash sounded like a bell, echoing in everyone's ears.

"Step on, step on, step on..."

At the same time, rhubarb, who has the highest cultivation of dark strength, retreats continuously. Because of the disorder of strength, every step he retreats will leave a clear footprint on the ground.

"Brother, are you ok?" Erhuang appeared behind Dahuang, helped him, and asked in surprise.

Rhubarb has been immersed in the peak of dark power for many years, and he can basically deal with those who can't understand the subtlety of the same level of martial arts.

But now in the face of a woman who is the peak of dark strength like him, she was beaten back by someone else.

This is incredible!

"Enter the micro realm! This woman, she understands the mystery of entering the micro realm. " Rhubarb shocked looking at Ji Xinyu not far ahead said.

"What? She has stepped into the micro realm? "

Erhuang and others are shocked. Ji Xinyu is young. They didn't pay attention to her at first. They think she is just a cannon fodder to die.

But now, this is actually a person who understands the subtlety of the dark power.

All around the crowd also have silly eyes, never thought that looks very beautiful woman, actually has such a terrible combat effectiveness.

For a time, people look at He Feng's eyes, jealous to eat people.

It's just that your lover is so beautiful. Is he still a martial arts genius? Isn't that lucky?

"Better than the peak of dark strength..."

Wang Xiangyun pursed his lips, did not speak, but his eyes gradually firmed up, "I Wang Xiangyun has never lost to anyone, this time, I will not lose. Isn't it cultivation? Hum, what's the big deal? I'll soon reach the peak of dark energy! At that time, with my strength level, it will be easier than you to defeat the dark strength peak. "

For Ji Xinyu to show the strength, he Feng did not feel surprised, a calm face.

He is not ready to let Ji Xinyu break through to Huajin, so he tries to make Ji Xinyu more effective in the dark force, and it is necessary to understand the subtlety.

In addition to her strength, Ji Xinyu also practiced some powerful martial arts, and her fighting power was as strong as that of the early masters of Huajin.

"The woman beside he Feng, actually understood the subtle mystery? No, this woman must die. Otherwise, with her talent, she will soon be able to step into Huajin. Once she's in Huajin, it's likely to bring trouble to me or even my family. "

Xu Yuanjie's ugly face stared at Ji Xinyu and said with a wave of his hand: "you four go up together and kill her."


With his command, the four rhubarb brothers wave their swords together and fight against Ji Xinyu.

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